Beautiful Blues 4/27/10



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I was busy all day working on a final project for school. Just managed to get in 15 minutes of P90X Core Synergistics, because I ran out of time today. It's just too late now, and I have no energy. Thank you all for the encouragement; I appreciate your advise and support. I'm going to start weighing myself weekly instead of daily because the daily weigh ins were really driving me nuts with all the fluctuations. Actually to add to this, my gym pants are really lose and falling off of me. I'm feeling pretty good and I'm in this for the long run.

    Great job everybody on pushing through today. The great thing is that tomorrow is a new day and we get to do this all over again. Take care!!!!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    So much for checking in on a daily basis ... :wink: haha, sorry guys.

    I went to bed extra early (seriously, like 6 p.m.) yesterday. Woke up around 7:30, drove to my mom's house to help her out. She was working a 16-hour shift and I went to take care of her animals so she wouldn't have to when she got home. I went back to sleep around 10, got up at midnight to give her a call on her way home so she wouldn't fall asleep, went back to sleep and kept waking up on and off between 6:30 and 7. I got up around 7, got ready, headed out at 7:30 and went to the fitness room at work. I got my strength training done this morning. Woohoo!! I feel better already. Haven't had breakfast yet, though... downing some water at the moment.

    I go through phases of eating well and not eating so well. I've posted on here about them before. Yesterday I didn't workout ... I thought I was going to be able to keep my calories around 1210, so I felt okay about not hitting the gym. I was tired. But, when I got to my mom's house, I completely blew it. I ate and don't even remember all the junk I ate! Ugh. I just know I didn't feel well when I went to bed. I've read all sorts of stuff about binge eating and that there has to be some hidden emotion behind it, but as hard as I've tried, I can't identify why I do it. I don't know. But ... I am hoping to make up for that splurge this week. I weigh-in on Saturdays, so hopefully I'll have taken off whatever I gained from last night and the weekend (I typically eat a bit more on the weekends).

    How's everyone doing today? :flowerforyou:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Leigh I totally understand where you are coming from. I have times where I eat everything in sight and I am apparently a bottomless pit. I have done that recently and am just getting to the point where I can get back on track again. I have found I do the best when I focus on what I can eat. Fruits and vegies...and I plan my day ahead. I am a lot less tempted when I know I can have a yogurt and fruit in an hour than if I don't know what is coming up next. I am a major stress eater. I may not even be feeling that stressed and I will eat. I think I channel my feelings into the food so I don't feel it. I just think about how Jillian says that it is ok to feel bad sometimes, it is just a feeling and it will go away as quick as it comes. I just need to find a way to allow myself to feel it instead of channelling it immediately.

    Have a great day everyone. I will be sure to get the new board up later today.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Debnu- I sent you my weigh in for this week, it's the same. I do want to continue to weigh in because seeing the numbers change is a motivation and also seeing everyone's weight loses pushes me further. I agree with what you said, it's okay to have an off day like Jillian says, as long as most of the week we are on point. Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and having a little of this and that won't hurt all the hard work we have put into it.

    Leigh- You are doing so great with the weight loss, I see your ticker moving every week. It's hard for me not to indulge at my mom's house because I love her cooking. I've also been thinking of things to do when I go visit her and one of the things I'm planning is to eat before I go so that I'm not hungry while there. Also, I'll bring healthy snacks that I can eat. If my mom cooks, because she tends to cook later in the day, and I can't wait with a hungry stomach for her food or else I'll binge, I plan on taking her cooked meal home with me so that I can have it the next day where I can plan my portions. It's all about planning really. Like if I know my mom is cooking early I can fit in her foods into my calories for the day. Planning is key like Deb says!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey all,
    I totally agree as well, planning ahead makes a big difference.
    Binge eating. People say, emotional eating, boredom eating.
    I know when I've ate more, or snacked more than I should,
    #1 it was boredom,
    #2, because it was there. :laugh:

    I'm a guy and visual is huge thing for us. Out of sight, out of mind. If I know there's sweets, chocolate/chips in the house. i'm eating them, I do have control, but out of sight, out of mind works best for me.

    Instead stalk up with healthy stuff, like deb said, you get to look forward to yogurt, fruit, healthy snacks.. almonds, mmmmmm
    My newest these past few weeks.
    Chocolate soy milk with choclate dymatize protein powder and 1/2 banana blend,
    Also Orange juice with orange dymatize elite protein powder.

    Well I'm glad the nice weather is finally here. I've done something amazing for myself.
    Yesterday, I jogged 2.5 miles in 30 mins and said that I could do more and did a smaller lap of 1.8. Total- 4.3 miles.

    Today, I knew I could do 2 laps of 2.5 miles. so I put my running shoes on, HRM, got my music, and went out, walked, jogged, repeat :laugh:
    My first lap 30 mins 50 secs.
    2nd lap 30 mins 10 secs
    Total 61 mins - 5 MILES.... wow.. :smile::smile::smile: for a 850 calorie burn.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Peter- Great food suggestions, and I like alot of those foods as well.
    Wow, what a workout you did today! Awesome job! I'm going to put my gym clothes now that you have motivated me, and am getting my butt up to work it like you. Have a great day!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Peter those were great ideas! I only have the chocolate protein powder. I may have to invest in a different flavor so I can have it in more things. I actually put half a scoop on top of oatmeal and milk the other day and it was very tasty!

    Here is our new board. Lets bring it this week!