You Should Study Nutrition - The Other Perspective



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Here's what I've observed:

    Some who CAN'T eat processed or "unnatural" foods are usually suffering from a malady that affects their health, some can't control how much they eat and thereby eat high calories excessively, and some are offended that others can can eat it and "get away" with doing it and not suffer from health issues or get fat.

    So could there be some envy here? I know that there might be some denial on this, but in reality if one could just eat whatever they felt and not have it disrupt their health, fitness, or physical abilities, would one still just stick to just natural foods only?

    I can already prove that elite athletes can eat crap and perform at peak. There's so much more to it than just food.

    But that's not saying that being nutritionally deficient is the way to go either.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    Actual mental health professionals (read: NOT YOU) understand this and know how to differentiate between somebody just being human and somebody developing a dangerous obsession.

    How dare you insult the work of internet psychologists! How very dare you...


    Cr@p! I didn't know he had such creds. And he diagnosed me as a moron, too. That' my file now, isn't it?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OP why are you all butt hurt about people calling you orthorexic.

    I see two options

    A. You are orthorexic and you refuse tyo admit it


    B. You think the world revolves around you and your self esteem is low and you take these remarks as personal attacks..

    Please tell me option C

    You either are or you arent

    If I call you gay are you going to argue that Homosexuals dont exist?

    this post, sir, was a mistake.

    no.. it was a valid question..... espescially my analogy at the end

    Why do you care if people call you something you're not?

    Most people's called human nature.

    And you missed an option:

    C: you are not [insert descriptor] and get annoyed when someone calls you it

    And I am in no way White Knighting here - me and Coach really do not get along and I am not saying whether he is or he isn't..but the logic of your multiple choice escapes me, especially as the comments are made in context (and therefore do not meet your exception).

    Well, your option C is something most people call insecurity.... I left option C open.. I dint say there wasnt other options.... There could be a D, e, f, and g too.....

    The point remains the same.. orthorexia still exists....

    Just cuz I call you something you're not does not mean nobody is.....

    Get it?

    I get *your* interpretation of the underlying psychology of what *you* think it means - thank you for clarifying your opinion, but I am not sure where you are in a position to state what *most* people call something - unless you have done a survey on this - would love to see it. And where exactly did I say it did not exist?
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Do you paste this at the bottom of all your posts?
    Annoying isn't it?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Nope. I'm just impressed with your consistency...

    (I'm kidding... I'm not really impressed,)

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    So. To recap.

    The world is round. Whether or not astronomicals believes it - it really really is.

    Alan Aragon has some thoughts about orthorexia which (wait for it) sometimes gets misunderstood because it isn't even a real thing in the not-even-a-real-Book DSM.

    If you don't eat bacon or if you mop your floor more than twice a week you have a disorder - or maybe you don't.

    If you make a thread and then someone disagrees with it in another thread you should attack and call that person names obsessively.

    cmriverside says:

    The majority of stuff called mental disorders are just part of the Human Condition that are exploited by companies looking to make a buck.

    See your psychiatrist for suitable pharmaceuticals.

    Or you could treat yourself with clean eating.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    So. To recap.

    The world is round. Whether or not astronomicals believes it - it really really is.

    Alan Aragon has some thoughts about orthorexia which (wait for it) sometimes gets misunderstood because it isn't even a real thing in the not-even-a-real-Book DSM.

    If you don't eat bacon or if you mop your floor more than twice a week you have a disorder - or maybe you don't.

    If you make a thread and then someone disagrees with it in another thread you should attack and call that person names obsessively.

    cmriverside says:

    The majority of stuff called mental disorders are just part of the Human Condition that are exploited by companies looking to make a buck.

    See your psychiatrist for suitable pharmaceuticals.

    Or you could treat yourself with clean eating.

  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    See your psychiatrist for suitable pharmaceuticals.

    I believe we also established that degrees are irrelevant.

    Your local dealer should also work just fine.

  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member

    truth is I didn't read it because I got past the first sentence and realized who was posting.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    here enlies the problem with those individuals.... the second you say you eat "clean" you insinuate taht there is a dirty counterpart... if you just said you always eat healthily you wouldnt have the word "orthorexic" flying around so much.... its not such a negative connotation to use the word unhealthy in contrast with the word dirty....

    if you're a normal health person, who is scared of bacon, there is something wrong with you... same with just about any food so long as you dont have some medical condition..... this is mild orthorexia.. it may not be enough to be damaging, but its not sound reasoning

    Correct me if I am wrong but most people who eat "clean" and/or "paleo" nosh on bacon frequently. It is cured pork belly. Minimally processed it offers a potent bang for your buck as far as flavor, dietary fats and protein. Sure, bacon naturally contains nitrates but that doesn't necessarily make it "dirty."

    As far as the discussion on terminology... who cares really? If I were to say that those that don't eat "clean", eat unhealthy then I would have a **** ton of people posting links to articles about how IIFYM is all that matters.

    The down and dirty of it all is that there are people who believe that "clean eating" is the road to take for health and fitness. There are those who disagree. Those who disagree automatically think that those who eat "clean" are pretentious about their "clean" eating and look down at others who don't. (Conversely, those who believe in a IIFYM way of eating project a belief that you have to indulge to be "happy" with your food choices. UNTRUE. Believe it or not, some people are quite happy eating "clean.")

    Both sides of the fence assume a certain behaviors from this dichotomy that are not necessarily present.

    Yes, I generally believe that eating whole foods better fuels my body. I'm sure that is not disputed.

    I also believe that an all or nothing mentality when it comes to food lacks longevity for most.

    Can't we all just get along????

    Would you rather "clean" eaters refer to their food as "an unprocessed diet"?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    See your psychiatrist for suitable pharmaceuticals.

    I believe we also established that degrees are irrelevant.

    Your local dealer should also work just fine.


    Yeah, well I thought my distaste for all labels on human quirks was clear.

    Obviously the stuff the guy on the corner has will do the job.

    I think a shrink is less expensive in the long-run.

    My treatment is food, exercise, sleep, water. Repeat.

    Oh, and a beer every afternoon. So send me to AA. I haz a prolllem.
  • natacha305
    natacha305 Posts: 117 Member
    I read the post I didnt understand it .

    This is still my fav web site
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I didnt read the Original Post I just scrolled down but I imagine it says what I have always wanted to say but too afraid to post.

    All i saw was and i knew.

    This is my way of life and im loosing weight and feel awesome. I really wish I knew more people who ate high fat diets. but.... I understand it takes some convincing.

    If there is anyone out there. Im a Primal Beast who eats High Fat and low carb. Id like to share food diaries. Please add me.

    If you are interested in filling your head with mostly nonsense. visit

  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    Orthorexic is defined by Alan Aragon as “an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.”

    This is a very dumbed down definition and doesn't represent what orthorexia truly is. Most of the time people who are orthorexic will continue to eliminate food groups they deem as unhealthy. This obsession can lead to malnutrition when critical nutrients may be eliminated from the diet.

    When you don't include the entire definition, then you make it sound as if he is hating on people who like nutritious foods. That's not the case. There is a line that can be crossed when stressing over "clean" foods becomes unhealthy.

    What is it called when people are obsessed with arguing or "being right?" It seems to be more of a problem around these parts.

    I think the term you're looking for is @sshat. Clinically it can be a symptom of narcissistic pd, but really, @sshat covers most npd's as well.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I didnt read the Original Post I just scrolled down but I imagine it says what I have always wanted to say but too afraid to post.

    All i saw was and i knew.

    This is my way of life and im loosing weight and feel awesome. I really wish I knew more people who ate high fat diets. but.... I understand it takes some convincing.

    If there is anyone out there. Im a Primal Beast who eats High Fat and low carb. Id like to share food diaries. Please add me.

    If you are interested in filling your head with mostly nonsense. visit


    Boy you're just the friendliest, most tolerant guy around aren't you?
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371

    If you are interested in filling your head with mostly nonsense. visit


    Boy you're just the friendliest, most tolerant guy around aren't you?

    I have to agree with Mark's Daily Apple being a load of *kitten*. Sorry Coach... you and I agree on a lot but I simply can't buy into the high-fat, no grain diet. It's not practical or physiologically sound. I complete agree that it is MOSTLY crap... the part that isn't crap is the promotion of whole food consumption.
  • natacha305
    natacha305 Posts: 117 Member
    I had no idea so many people did not like Marks Daily Apple.

    oh well at least I have the forum at MDA.

    maybe its not for everyone but i know ive tried a lot of crap to loose weight and this is the only thing that shows results and makes me feel good and I could actually eat real food.

    Good Luck all.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I didnt read the Original Post I just scrolled down but I imagine it says what I have always wanted to say but too afraid to post.

    All i saw was and i knew.

    This is my way of life and im loosing weight and feel awesome. I really wish I knew more people who ate high fat diets. but.... I understand it takes some convincing.

    If there is anyone out there. Im a Primal Beast who eats High Fat and low carb. Id like to share food diaries. Please add me.

    If you are interested in filling your head with mostly nonsense. visit


    Boy you're just the friendliest, most tolerant guy around aren't you?

    BTW: by his own standards Sisson is trying to poison his customers
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    I had no idea so many people did not like Marks Daily Apple.

    oh well at least I have the forum at MDA.

    maybe its not for everyone but i know ive tried a lot of crap to loose weight and this is the only thing that shows results and makes me feel good and I could actually eat real food.

    Good Luck all.

    Good that its works for you! I'm not saying that its unhealthy or anything.... just that its generally not sustainable for most people. And I don't like that it lacks balance because all-in-all long-term success is based on balance. The reason people get fat is because they overeat and under exercise. A generically healthy person really only needs to moderately eat and moderately exercise.

    Extremes are bad in almost all cases.... including diet and fitness.... and politics :-)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Do you paste this at the bottom of all your posts?
    Annoying isn't it?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Nope. I'm just impressed with your consistency...

    (I'm kidding... I'm not really impressed,)

    :laugh: Imagine the amount of times I posted it based on my post count.
    Yes, I'm consistent.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    If you are interested in filling your head with mostly nonsense. visit


    Boy you're just the friendliest, most tolerant guy around aren't you?

    I have to agree with Mark's Daily Apple being a load of *kitten*. Sorry Coach... you and I agree on a lot but I simply can't buy into the high-fat, no grain diet. It's not practical or physiologically sound. I complete agree that it is MOSTLY crap... the part that isn't crap is the promotion of whole food consumption.

    that's totally cool - you don't have to do it/buy it/think it's sustainable - that's your choice.

    but there's a big difference between saying you disagree with a philosophy and being an *kitten* to a poster who - by her own admission - was afraid to post her feelings for that very reason. just unnecessary.