Is there a "healthier" cheese than the Kraft Singles?



  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    here's a link on what to look for in a "healthier" cheese.

    that article hates on cottage cheese, wtf?

    I mean 4% cottage cheese is insanely creamy and you get 14g of protein for 120 total calories - that's probably double the protein content for the same calories as hard cheeses. I don't get it.
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    Personally I love Applewood Smoked Cheddar from the UK.

    Our household is divided on that one - my husband adores the stuff and everyone else hates it. I think he buys it so he can have it all to himself! I find it tastes really artificial and like my cheese to taste like cheese. I love Dolcelatte but with around 50% fat content it's firmly in the indulgence groups of cheeses! :smile:
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    here's a link on what to look for in a "healthier" cheese.

    that article hates on cottage cheese, wtf?

    I mean 4% cottage cheese is insanely creamy and you get 14g of protein for 120 total calories - that's probably double the protein content for the same calories as hard cheeses. I don't get it.

    Yeah, it's hard to do better than cottage cheese. Cottage cheese has the highest protein content for the calories, and along with ricotta cheese, the highest protein content per serving, I believe. This person clearly does not know what they're talking about.