your too skinny

so after posting my last scale picture of FB I got several people saying I am to skinny... I can still easily see squishy parts in my gut that I can loose... once I hit 180 I plan to try maintenance for a couple of months over summer while keeping my workouts going and try to work my gut more...

I'm 189 now with a 34 waist... I started off at 280 with a 42 waist... I figure my body fat percentage is around 17% give or take a little... I'm 6 feet tall... My BMI comes out to just slightly overweight...

Fitness wise I start off not being able to run 100 yards without being winded... I just did my first 7 minute mile yesterday and can go five miles at a 8 and a half minute pace...

currently I eat around 1800-2000 calories a day and my workouts tend to be around 600-800 calories a day... so I net around 1200 calories... I has taken me about 8 months to drop 90 pounds...

Anyone else get the your too skinny thing after dropping a lot? when I was around 220ish I had a doctor visit and she said 190 would be good but I figure if I'm still dropping weight why stop now... at 180 I will have dropped 100 pounds...


  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    180 what, pounds? How tall are you?
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    180 what, pounds? How tall are you?

    6 feet tall...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i dont think you're too skinny, but i think you eat too little.

    netting 1200 cals when you're 6ft and 180lbs means you are kissing goodbye to any lean muscle you have....
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    i dont think you're too skinny, but i think you eat too little.

    netting 1200 cals when you're 6ft and 180lbs means you are kissing goodbye to any lean muscle you have....

    Seriously. That food diary makes me sad. And hungry! :ohwell:
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    When people tell me I'm too skinny I say "No, you're just too fat." and then the conversation usually ends :laugh:
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    i dont think you're too skinny, but i think you eat too little.

    netting 1200 cals when you're 6ft and 180lbs means you are kissing goodbye to any lean muscle you have....

    Seriously. That food diary makes me sad. And hungry! :ohwell:

    you get used to it... I splurge in places... and have snacks... I don't feel deprived...

    as to loosing muscle... I don't know... I seem to have better muscle definition they I ever had... especially in my legs and arms... under my soft fat layer on my gut it feels pretty hard... I lift 5 days a week and do some cardo just about every day... 100 sit-ups is part of my 5 day a week workout... I have not lost the ability to lift any weights... basically lift the same... I alternate between heavy lifting days and lower higher rep days on my weekly workout (this week is off as my gym is closed for the break)... I might have lost some muscle but what I have seems to be working better for me...
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    When people tell me I'm too skinny I say "No, you're just too fat." and then the conversation usually ends :laugh:

    I'm too polite... I just tell them I have a goal in mind... but I have had several now say I'm too thin and then argue when I say I'm not...
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    There can be such a thing as too skinny.

    However, when your BMI still puts you in the overweight category, there is not need to worry about that at all.

    BMI is an objective measure of sorts. When you get to the lower range of "normal" close to the "underweight" BMI, than the possibility that one is too skinny should be considered.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    Oh, and I blame the government. :)

    When someone says that I don't need to loose any more weight, I say that I am still overweight.

    According to whom? The CDC.

    My BMI is still slightly over 25. So if the person who told me that I am too skinny is fatter than me, than by implication I just called them really overweight. But I really didn't. It was the CDC.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Back twenty tears ago when I was truly skinny, I never could see that I was no matter how many people would make the comment. Looking back in pictures, I see how skinny I was. I never could enjoy being thin because I was blind to it. I focused on things like my slight pooch on my belly. Please don't analyze these tiny things. They will make you feel like you can't reach your goal.
  • RhodRhod
    RhodRhod Posts: 109
    I get this from my mom alot along with you don't want to start looking sickly do you. I think they're just use to seeing you at a bigger size so then they will also get use to seeing you at a smaller size. I just smile and tell my mom I love you too! LOL
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i dont think you're too skinny, but i think you eat too little.

    netting 1200 cals when you're 6ft and 180lbs means you are kissing goodbye to any lean muscle you have....

    Seriously. That food diary makes me sad. And hungry! :ohwell:

    you get used to it... I splurge in places... and have snacks... I don't feel deprived...

    as to loosing muscle... I don't know... I seem to have better muscle definition they I ever had... especially in my legs and arms... under my soft fat layer on my gut it feels pretty hard... I lift 5 days a week and do some cardo just about every day... 100 sit-ups is part of my 5 day a week workout... I have not lost the ability to lift any weights... basically lift the same... I alternate between heavy lifting days and lower higher rep days on my weekly workout (this week is off as my gym is closed for the break)... I might have lost some muscle but what I have seems to be working better for me...

    I appreciate what you're saying, but as a comparison, I am 5ft5, 130ish lbs and I NET 1800 cals to lose a little bodyfat.

    Plus if you are nearing maintenance you should be looking to reduce your deficit anyway.
  • Schmidty102
    Schmidty102 Posts: 168 Member
    "but I figure if I'm still dropping weight why stop now..."

    You are dropping... because you are eating at a really high deficit. I would up your calories to about TDEE-10% if you still want to lose some, and then go to maintenance after another month or so.
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    so after posting my last scale picture of FB I got several people saying I am to skinny... I can still easily see squishy parts in my gut that I can loose... once I hit 180 I plan to try maintenance for a couple of months over summer while keeping my workouts going and try to work my gut more...

    I'm 189 now with a 34 waist... I started off at 280 with a 42 waist... I figure my body fat percentage is around 17% give or take a little... I'm 6 feet tall... My BMI comes out to just slightly overweight...

    Fitness wise I start off not being able to run 100 yards without being winded... I just did my first 7 minute mile yesterday and can go five miles at a 8 and a half minute pace...

    currently I eat around 1800-2000 calories a day and my workouts tend to be around 600-800 calories a day... so I net around 1200 calories... I has taken me about 8 months to drop 90 pounds...

    Anyone else get the your too skinny thing after dropping a lot? when I was around 220ish I had a doctor visit and she said 190 would be good but I figure if I'm still dropping weight why stop now... at 180 I will have dropped 100 pounds...

    How do you feel? Have you been checked by a Dr lately? Don't worry about na-sayers. You've taken control and taken care of yourself all this time why give them the control now? Be proud of yourself and continue to do what you need to do to take care of yourself.

    I say - CONGRATS!! WAY TO GO!!!
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    When people tell me I'm too skinny I say "No, you're just too fat." and then the conversation usually ends :laugh:

    Hahahaha harsh but fair! ppl are dcks
  • vavavavoom62
    I am 6 feet too and there is no way that you are too skinny. People just are used to the way you looked before. Don't let others "comments" affect your progress. A healthy weight for someone who is 6 feet is 155! I have no idea how you dream to look but I want to look as fit as possible! Good luck!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    so after posting my last scale picture of FB I got several people saying I am to skinny...

    I would have told you that, too. But that's because the picture - provided that's the same one you have in your avatar - looks like it says 89.8 lbs. Not until reading further and looking closer did I realize that it was 189.8.

    Maybe that was the issue?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Are you lifting weights? As a 6' male, you should be eating more, and I bet you're right about where you should be for weight ... I can't imagine my 6' husband ever getting much smaller than 190....
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I am 6 feet too and there is no way that you are too skinny. People just are used to the way you looked before. Don't let others "comments" affect your progress. A healthy weight for someone who is 6 feet is 155! I have no idea how you dream to look but I want to look as fit as possible! Good luck!

    One, HE is a male...
    TWO - 155 lbs for 6 feet is SKINNY....or works if you are 18....