your too skinny



  • CurvaciousBeautyToBe
    CurvaciousBeautyToBe Posts: 100 Member
    That doesn't sound all that "skinny" to me. My boyfriend would prefer that I GAINED some weight back but I keep telling him it's all about how I feel about my body, not him. :) Forget the people hating on you on FB...they are probably just jealous! ;)
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    so after posting my last scale picture of FB I got several people saying I am to skinny... I can still easily see squishy parts in my gut that I can loose... once I hit 180 I plan to try maintenance for a couple of months over summer while keeping my workouts going and try to work my gut more...

    I'm 189 now with a 34 waist... I started off at 280 with a 42 waist... I figure my body fat percentage is around 17% give or take a little... I'm 6 feet tall... My BMI comes out to just slightly overweight...

    Fitness wise I start off not being able to run 100 yards without being winded... I just did my first 7 minute mile yesterday and can go five miles at a 8 and a half minute pace...

    currently I eat around 1800-2000 calories a day and my workouts tend to be around 600-800 calories a day... so I net around 1200 calories... I has taken me about 8 months to drop 90 pounds...

    Anyone else get the your too skinny thing after dropping a lot? when I was around 220ish I had a doctor visit and she said 190 would be good but I figure if I'm still dropping weight why stop now... at 180 I will have dropped 100 pounds...

    Your profile says you are male...1200net is low for most women and you are a 6 foot tall man! You should probably net 1500 minimum and more if you work out and lift.
  • CrystalRenee2013
    CrystalRenee2013 Posts: 25 Member
    so after posting my last scale picture of FB I got several people saying I am to skinny... I can still easily see squishy parts in my gut that I can loose... once I hit 180 I plan to try maintenance for a couple of months over summer while keeping my workouts going and try to work my gut more...

    I'm 189 now with a 34 waist... I started off at 280 with a 42 waist... I figure my body fat percentage is around 17% give or take a little... I'm 6 feet tall... My BMI comes out to just slightly overweight...

    Fitness wise I start off not being able to run 100 yards without being winded... I just did my first 7 minute mile yesterday and can go five miles at a 8 and a half minute pace...

    currently I eat around 1800-2000 calories a day and my workouts tend to be around 600-800 calories a day... so I net around 1200 calories... I has taken me about 8 months to drop 90 pounds...

    Anyone else get the your too skinny thing after dropping a lot? when I was around 220ish I had a doctor visit and she said 190 would be good but I figure if I'm still dropping weight why stop now... at 180 I will have dropped 100 pounds...

    As long as your happy & not looseing it the wrong way then keep up the good work!! Everyone will have an opinion whether positive or negative..Congrats on how far you've gotten :smile:
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I hear that a lot too. I honestly feel it's simply because we live in a fat culture. I try not to take it personally. I simply remind myself that I am healthy and fit and most people aren't which is the root of these responses to our figures.
  • conorpatmanCHANGED
    conorpatmanCHANGED Posts: 253 Member
    When people tell me I'm too skinny I say "No, you're just too fat." and then the conversation usually ends :laugh:

    hahahha i should do this
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    "but I figure if I'm still dropping weight why stop now..."

    You are dropping... because you are eating at a really high deficit. I would up your calories to about TDEE-10% if you still want to lose some, and then go to maintenance after another month or so.
    ^^^This^^^ Find your real TDEE and try some maintenance and slowly creep the weight downward if its truly necessary. Especially if the doctor had suggested 190... Focus on muscle tone and fitness and resort to an occasional weigh-in as you edge yourself toward goal focusing on fitness level rather than the simple number on a scale.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Didn't see the picture, but how do you feel? Personally, it would appear that you are grealy undereating which could be causing some muscle loss. But if you are happy then that is what matters as it does not appear that you are close to a dangerous weight at this point.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    When people tell me I'm too skinny I say "No, you're just too fat." and then the conversation usually ends :laugh:

    I love this.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    Do you know your body fat percentage?
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    1200 calories??

    You may find that you'll continue losing weight even eating more food. You should try it. I never got that low in calories, well net calories I was probably way under that at some points, but I ramped up my calories about where you are BMI wise. Low point of calories, not net calories, was 1600, and I moved it up most every month while still loosing weight. (I'm 6'4" 180ish.) I'm up to 2650-2700 calories and still not gaining weight. Eat more, you could easily add 1000 calories over a few months, continue to lose some weight and allow your metabolism to rebound. BTW all those calories sure do taste good. At your caloric level you are loosing LBM as long as fat.
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    1200 calories??

    You may find that you'll continue losing weight even eating more food. You should try it. I never got that low in calories, well net calories I was probably way under that at some points, but I ramped up my calories about where you are BMI wise. Low point of calories, not net calories, was 1600, and I moved it up most every month while still loosing weight. (I'm 6'4" 180ish.) I'm up to 2650-2700 calories and still not gaining weight. Eat more, you could easily add 1000 calories over a few months, continue to lose some weight and allow your metabolism to rebound. BTW all those calories sure do taste good. At your caloric level you are loosing LBM as long as fat.

    I figured I might continue to lose a little after I started leveling off and ramping up the calories... 180 is my goal... but I might go below it a bit while I am figuring things out...

    and I feel fine... I'm not tired and more athletic then anytime in my life... it seems like what I have been doing is working... I have less then 10 pounds left to hit the magic number.. and I know it is just a number... but I want to hit it... so I will...
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I get that a lot too. I just tell people that I am in the middle of my range for healthy body weight and BMI and that I am not too skinny.
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    BuffCleb......YOU'RE too skinny at 180 pounds, really i doubt that. How tall are you.. Am not sure where you are but i can't imagine why you need to weigh more than 180....also as a new firefighter.....You have to carry a lot of extra weight with your equipment, so for now just get and stay strong.

    Physically strong for your job and mentally strong so you can ignore ppl who say, "you're too skinny".
  • SeahorseDolphin
    When people tell me I'm too skinny I say "No, you're just too fat." and then the conversation usually ends :laugh:

    I love that when someone says you're too skinny it's not considered rude but as soon as you say someones too fat *kitten* hits the fan. Good for you for having the courage to throw their double standards in their face :wink:
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    When my husband went from 210lbs to 160 lbs (he's 5'8'') he got this from pretty much everyone in his family, especially his mother.

    It boggles the mind, but the truth is on your side. I know it doesn't stop it from hurting, though. :/ It goes to show that some people are just insensitive and blind to reason no matter what weight you are.
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    When people tell me I'm too skinny I say "No, you're just too fat." and then the conversation usually ends :laugh:
    I love it!!

    I don't think your to skinny, people always feel the need to tell people they are to skinny even thou they don't have a medical back ground. I get it a lot when people see me at the gym make comments, even had a lady ask if I needed medical advice - thought I had an eating disorder. They don't understand that there's more to health than what society see - I'm skinny fat, that's not healthy. Lose what you need to, you will know when u feel good about where you are at and just maintain.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    People are just used to seeing obese people I think as I get told I'm too skinny too even though my weight is within normal range (BMI 19.8)
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    Do you know your body fat percentage?

    only based on my waist measurements and weight using the online calculators... they put it around 17%
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    People are just used to seeing obese people I think as I get told I'm too skinny too even though my weight is within normal range (BMI 19.8)

    I think this is it... when everyone has a bmi over 30, 25 looks skinny and 20 looks sickly to them...
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    When my husband went from 210lbs to 160 lbs (he's 5'8'') he got this from pretty much everyone in his family, especially his mother.

    It boggles the mind, but the truth is on your side. I know it doesn't stop it from hurting, though. :/ It goes to show that some people are just insensitive and blind to reason no matter what weight you are.

    my mom lives across the country from me and when I posted a picture of me when I hit 200 she asked who it was :)