May 2010 - no more snacking after dinner



  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Dew you're doing Great, Good work.:flowerforyou:

    Jason 8
    Snacks 2
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Rose 8 vs the Snacks 2.

    One of the girls had Pizza to offer and I had a bite. All in all things are better though I must say. This thread really helps me. It's becoming a way of thinking. :drinker:
  • AnLucia
    AnLucia Posts: 15
    Peppermint tea sometimes keeps me from snacking at night.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Snacks were making rallying around me last night, trying to get me, but I held my ground.

    Me 9/snacks 1

  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Dew you're doing Great, Good work.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks, pal! :wink: To sorta make it up for the past two nights, I had no food past 8 last night, yeay! :happy:
    Dew: 10 - Late snacks: 0 O-O :smile:

    Lulabelle, love your balloons! Awesome job, girl!
    Rosemary, I am absolutely sure this is progress. And along the way, you are helping us to stay motivated and grow stronger :hug: (I know there's no smiley here for it yet :smile:)
    AnLucia, tea is indeed a very good way to avoid snacking :flowerforyou:.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I started this challenge 2 days ago so last night was my first night without snacks. I feel better this morning :)
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    so i did it yesterday! i managed to eat around 6:30. workout. shower. drink water. then sleep. lol. however, i went to bed a lot earlier than usual, around 930. but that is ok!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Just checking in quickly to say that May has not gone well. I havent' been logging in or counting calories. I also havent' kept up w/this challenge. One little slip opened the floodgates. Ugh!!:explode:
    Hopefully, this will be my new Day 1. I may take a coulpe steps back, but at least I do try to take a step forward now and then. Will try to be better about loggin onto mfp and posting. Hope you are all doing better than me.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Welcome back, Zaza! :flowerforyou: I know what you're capable of, once you set your mind to it :wink:. So I'm looking forward to some fun competition that your presence here will bring :wink:. Watch out, everyone :smile:.

    slimkitty, yeah you! :flowerforyou:. Keep it up, don't take any defeat other than as a push forward :wink:. And stay vigilant every single night. :smile:

    mindalyn, impressive! :flowerforyou:

    OK, I admit, I like praising people :blushing: - especially when they SO deserve it! :happy:.
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    thanks dewdrop! i'm gonna try for night numnber 2. i found brushing my teeth right after my work out helps stop some cravings lol
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    I fooey I had an Apple Turnover & a huge bowl of Corn Flakes with three spoonfulls of white sugar & syrup added to it about three spoonfulls of it too.:huh: SERIOUSLY it taste delicious lol but yeah big screw up.:smile:

    Jason 8
    Snacks 3
  • jam3mom
    jam3mom Posts: 6
    :cry: I told myself this morning no more candy but its like when i get to work i need that sugar to keep me moving (a bag of skittels peanut m&m's 5 tootsi rolls and 5 sour patches) i've alrendy told the girl at the gift shop to not let me in :bigsmile:ohwell:
    :bigsmile: i am now ready to joing u in the battle of the night snackers
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    :cry: I told myself this morning no more candy but its like when i get to work i need that sugar to keep me moving (a bag of skittels peanut m&m's 5 tootsi rolls and 5 sour patches)

    Try an apple or a banana instead :wink:. They'll have the same effect on you (keep you moving), except for the guilt :wink:. And welcome to our team, jam3mom :flowerforyou:

    Another night down: Dew: 11 - Late snacks: 0 (I wasn't feeling well, so I only had a slice of toast around 8:30 and that was it). I've got to stay vigilant, though - last time I thought I had got the hang of this and almost felt like stepping out and doing things on my on, I slipped again. So, here's to keeping on :drinker:!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Thanks Dew for the encouragement :flowerforyou:

    jam3mom -I hear you with the snacks at work problem. I work nights and some one is always bringing in something yummy. Then there is the "Snack Box", a McDonalds downstairs, people ordering out and the vending machines. A good snack before I start helps and also my rule of eating my "good" food before eating any other food. Usually that helps a lot. And checking in here is a big plus. Everyone is so encouraging :wink:

    Rose 10 vs snacks 2
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Ah cr@p once again I had ice cream chocolate two glasses full & a party mix bag of candy about 20 candies.

    Jason 8
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Been sick the past couple of days, so sleep and eating is all off.
    9 me/3 snacks. Still ahead of the game :)

    Going away this weekend with my favorite gal to boardwalk with lots of yumminess so late night cut-off as it's going to be a long "slumber party" for my baby girl. Can't wait.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Me 3
    Snacks 0

    I mostly snack out of a habit, not because I am hungry, so I've been looking for other things to keep me busy.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Jason, there's always a next day, you know? :wink: So save the candies for the morning :smile:. Now I want ice cream! :sad: :laugh:

    slimkitty, well done, I am proud of ya! Looks like we have a real competitor among us! :flowerforyou:

    Lorna, kept waiting for you to post yday, so I figured something wasn't right. Hope you're feeling better today and will fully enjoy the weekend :flowerforyou:. Late cut-off sounds right - what I do at parties and such is fix a time past which I only sip on drinks and if possible don't refill (it's like with slimkitty, I'm drinking juice only for the sake of it, not cos I really need it). No need to stress either - just enjoy :flowerforyou:.

    Dew: 12 - Late snacks: 0
    (I had a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice past my cut-off but way before going to bed, so I'm good :glasses: )
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Yep once again! jeez I had a huge bowl of Cheerios & Corn Flakes with syrup although no white sugar only, because it required me opening the bag & ouring into the jar so I skipped Also I had a bag & a half of cookie crackers about 50 in total another serving of food & glass of hot chocolate. There is still Chocolate Ice Cream but I will not indulge or stuff my I will consider it non existent at this point, so I guess yeh for that.:wink: Tomorrow is a new day, Thank you Dew & I will certainly put my life on the line. but not really everyone but just to show my certainty I will not be doing that for quite a while again & certainly not day after day. Sorry about the Ice Cream crave now & don't worry there is no more candies One thing that is good I started u again exercising & will do more tonight, so far I have burned 702 cals will sure to burn another 300+ later today & am sure to continue to along with starting tomorrow to eat well. (hello) So here we go for the last time in a long while>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    By the way Dew you are Awesome!:flowerforyou:

    Jason 8
    Snacks 5
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Came back at 9 last night and decided I'll still have some food - was decent about it, though, and finished it all more than 2 hrs before I went to bed, so Dew: 13 - Late snacks: 0. (thanks, Jason :smile:)