Your most humiliating "fat" experience.



  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I remember the first time I realized I was overweight. I have a cleft lip and palate, and some local bullies were making fun of me at the city pool. They were calling me a name to make fun of my birth defect, but that name could also be construed as making fun of my weight. I really don't want to go into what the name was. Anyway, this older kid saw me being teased, so he came up to me and said, "don't listen to them. Look at that guy over there. You're a toothpick compared to that guy!"

    Then it dawned on me that not only was I the kid with the facial deformity, I was also a fat kid. Great. Of course, this guy totally meant well. But, damn, I could've used a couple more years without body image issues!

    By the way, I've had 13 surgeries, and this birth defect is now virtually invisible, so YAY! Now to deal with my body image issues...
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    I wouldn't say it was humiliating, but I've compared pics over the years, recently, I'm like, "I need to lose weight." It been a bit embarrassing for my sex life, going to the pool with my friends, and such. I'm just easily self conscious lol
  • lilimini
    lilimini Posts: 56
    I am an English teacher in China. Most ladies are small. About a week ago, I saw a beautiful dress in a size 8. I was walking to the change room with it when the lady working there told me not to bother trying it on because it wouldn't fit. That was a week ago and I only have about 5lbs till my goal weight of 125lbs. Seriously thinking about dropping my goal weight another 5lbs.
  • Red620Ti
    Red620Ti Posts: 4
    I was getting my 2 year old son dressed on the bed without my shirt on. He reached over, patted my belly and said "Look daddy, ball!"

    Was a bit of a kick in the *kitten*, now I'm trying to do something about it.
  • NoelleS85
    NoelleS85 Posts: 89
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    I often ask myself the same question. Too often in fact.

    Time to take some steps.

    It is terrible to read all the experiences you guys have had :( Even though I was morbidly obese, I never had anything like this happen to me. The only thing that I hate being overweight is the sweat between my back fat in the summertime! It is so embarrassing.
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    I am an English teacher in China. Most ladies are small. About a week ago, I saw a beautiful dress in a size 8. I was walking to the change room with it when the lady working there told me not to bother trying it on because it wouldn't fit. That was a week ago and I only have about 5lbs till my goal weight of 125lbs. Seriously thinking about dropping my goal weight another 5lbs.

    As you probably know, sizes in Asia run MUCH smaller than the Western world. I am no geneticist, but some of Asians' size probably is due to just who they are and the environmental factors. AKA get a size 10 dress and laugh about it when you get a size 6 back in the States :tongue:
  • kdsp2911
    kdsp2911 Posts: 170 Member
    First of all, he should have never talked to you like that. It's just cruel and completely disrespectful.

    My most recent humiliating moment was my first plane on the plane...sat down nervous as I could be....and the seatbelt wouldn't latch!! I wasn't about to tell anybody! We had a layover and from there got on a jet plane (the first was a propeller plane) and I was able to suck in and tug and pull until the seatbelt latched on the jet plane. Same thing happened on the way back. Jet plane seatbelt was fine, propeller plane it wouldn't latch again. So...I'm anxious to see how much weight I've lost when I have to fly to Utah in October...the seatbelt will tell the truth :smile:
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    First of all, he should have never talked to you like that. It's just cruel and completely disrespectful.

    My most recent humiliating moment was my first plane on the plane...sat down nervous as I could be....and the seatbelt wouldn't latch!! I wasn't about to tell anybody! We had a layover and from there got on a jet plane (the first was a propeller plane) and I was able to suck in and tug and pull until the seatbelt latched on the jet plane. Same thing happened on the way back. Jet plane seatbelt was fine, propeller plane it wouldn't latch again. So...I'm anxious to see how much weight I've lost when I have to fly to Utah in October...the seatbelt will tell the truth :smile:

    I cannot wait to see how I fit on the plane's seat in July.
  • ButYouGotMySoul
    ButYouGotMySoul Posts: 44 Member
    I was at Six Flags with my best friends, and we stood in line for the "Superman" ride. I'd ridden it before, and I was super excited, but...when I got into the seat, I couldn't get the belt over my lap. I tried and tried and my friend tried to help, but it was no use. I had to get up and walk away after having waited for over two hours in the sun. It was horrifying.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    So, this isn't really the worst thing that has ever happened to me, but I have recently been going to a great healthy restaurant in town called Greens and Proteins. It's super healthy--whole foods, fresh produce, etc. And they list the calories of everything right on the menu. It's awesome.

    The problem is that it's located right next to a gym (GENIUS), and everyone in there is FIT. Oh, except for me. Every single time I go in there, I get dirty looks from people. LIKE, every time. It makes me feel like crap. Healthy, fit people are mean. Okay, not all of them, but the people at this place are rude, man. Makes me feel like a huge monster in the midst of all these tight little bodies.

    You need a different gym. Places like that need to go out of business. :explode:
  • StaticNomad
    I got stuck in a pair of spanx that should have fit me. I ripped them trying to get OUT of them and honestly thought I was going to have to tell my daughter to call 911 to get me out of the spanx. My arms were trapped around my head and I was in the dressing room of a Lane Bryants. While no one was there *with* me to see, I was still mortified at how big I'd gotten without realizing it. Though, I do laugh at the story... because it's funny. LOL
  • LyndaTay
    LyndaTay Posts: 48 Member
    Mine was trying to ride a ride at Sea World. Two workers were bouncing on the bar trying to get it locked. One of the guys asked me if I could hold up my belly so they could try and lock the bar. I said no thank you and walked away. It was embarrassing.
  • foot1647
    foot1647 Posts: 92
    When my friend said "You're boobs are bigger than my girlfriends." and started laughing.

    I took that as my main motivation and start here logging my food. I had thought wearing 2 shirts with a hoody was hiding my moobs but apparently not. I'm glad he said that though. I feel awesome now, 26 pounds lost since May 9th and just over an inch lost from measuring around my chest.

    I really want to go swimming this summer. I haven't gone swimming in years because of my moobs and gut. I don't think its gonna happen though because I have lost 26 pounds but my waist measured at my hips and over my belly button are exactly, to the centimeter, the same size.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    I have one too.. I was pregnant with my 2nd baby at the time, only 3 months pregnant so it did not show yet! My 5yo niece asked my sister while in my presence “Why is she so fat?” My sister said she is expecting a baby… This was true but we both knew I was just fat!

    On a positive note, my colleagues did not know I was pregnant until over 5 months of pregnancy because my shape did not changed much and they probably thought I was just getting fatter.
    Thanks for reminding me how much it hurts. I need to put more effort.

    Remembered many more.

    When I was visiting a work abroad office, an inconsiderate male colleague asked if I was pregnant. My child was 2 years old at the time and I was wearing a dress that widens straight from under the boobs. Needless to say I never wear that dress in public again and even at home I try not to wear it.

    My husband’s relatives abroad asked me “why are you so big?” They are normally thin in their culture. I had to explain that I got bigger after I had my kids and planning on to losing this weight. I made a promise to myself that next time I go to visit them I will be much smaller.
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    When my friend said "You're boobs are bigger than my girlfriends." and started laughing.

    I took that as my main motivation and start here logging my food. I had thought wearing 2 shirts with a hoody was hiding my moobs but apparently not. I'm glad he said that though. I feel awesome now, 26 pounds lost since May 9th and just over an inch lost from measuring around my chest.

    I really want to go swimming this summer. I haven't gone swimming in years because of my moobs and gut. I don't think its gonna happen though because I have lost 26 pounds but my waist measured at my hips and over my belly button are exactly, to the centimeter, the same size.

    I am there with you. I am probably down to an A cup from a C:wink:

    However, you do you. If you want to go swimming - go swimming. What if you got horribly sick tomorrow and found out you could never swim again? You let what someone possibly would think of you stop you from doing what you enjoy. I know it sucks, I think of it every time I take my shirt off. Then I think, one day I will take it off and someone will say, "Brandon, what happened to your ample mosom?" That will be awesome. My point is, you are working hard, and maybe your reward should be going for a swim. Keep up the good work!
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    While at Walmart my daughter saw a SpongeBob book and said, "Daddy is like Squidward because he's tall and you're like Patrick Star Mommy, because you're pink and fat." I busted out laughing with her of course, but still it wasn't something I was happy to hear lol.

    Kids are so honest...My daughter says things like "Look mom that tractor is big like you!" and "Mommy has a big butt." Last night it was "Daddy is itty bitty but mommy is not." (My husband is 130, im 230).
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I've had so many.... people are cruel.

    I had one a few months ago...while out running I got yelled at by a passing car. "Keep Running Fat *kitten*" I still feel horrible inside when I think about this situation.

    Precisely why I don't run outside. In my warped mind, I think "They might not say it but they'll definitely think it" :embarassed:

    Same here...I dont really know if anyone has ever said anything when I'm walking, but in my mind I imagine they do. For years I didnt work out at all because I didnt want anyone, even my husband to see me. I still have when he sees me jumping and panting and flopping all over the living room, but I'll do it. It will be quite some time before I will do anything in public like a gym, class, go for a run, etc.
  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    I posted before. But i'll post a copy.

    I have always been big. Mortifying moments started as long back as I can remember.

    In 2nd grade- Since my name is Jacalenne- a boy nicknamed me jack-alantern- because I was big and round. :( it stuck. I left that

    In 6 & 7th grade- I would arrive to school late a lot, and would have to walk into the classroom in front of everyone while it was quiet. The teenage boys would make noises like i was shaking the earth, and whisper loudly "BOOM...... BOOOMMMM.....BOOM" everytime I took a step. It was all i could do to make it to my seat quickly.

    I thought that i had overcame my issues, but i dont think someone really gets over their issues. I think its still inside me. Just re-reading that old post made me go back to 8th grade and seeing all the guys tease me.
  • Alioops831
    Alioops831 Posts: 207 Member
    I hadn't seen my 5 year old niece in awhile. I was playing a game with her and out of the blue she said, "You used to be thin and now you're REALLY fat! LOL!" It was like she socked me in the stomach. :(