The conspiracy to make (and keep us) fat...



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    OP never said she doesn't have responsibility for what goes in her mouth. In fact, she said she should steer clear rather than making it harder on herself. I think she understood her own body's reaction better and is then better equipped to take care of herself.
    I agree. And some of the snotty replies to her topic are unnecessary, implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry... you bet it is a multimillion dollar industry, and they don't care if their food is unhealthy. Bullies everywhere, even on MFP.

    Yep. Internet bullying. It's a rough business. :laugh:

    you know that internet bullying is what causes kids to commit suicide right?

    really something you should be laughing about?

    (and we wonder where they learn it.... sigh...)

    You know kids aren't allowed on this site, right? And the internet bullying you are speaking of involves actual attacks, not disagreements?

    Yeah, I'm a little offended that Reddy thinks that disagreements will lead to suicide attempts. And that he seems to think I'm raising my child to be a bully.

    I'm offended, but not enough to report him - because I can understand that he has a disagreement about my opinion, not that he's bullying me.

    I found it interesting that the earlier poster claimed that "implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry" is bullying when she (the poster to which she refers) is clearly blaming the food industry and does so on MFP regularly. I do not see the point in blaming others for one's own problems. These individuals have replaced personal responsibility with "conspiracies" and "bullies" so they avoid responsibility in their own minds for failed weight loss attempts. It's actually quite tragic.

    those posts aren't bullying.

    tinfoil hat memes are bullying.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member

    The collected wealth of health information comes from both government financed studies, and independently financed studies. It comes from doctors, drug companies, health food companies, and junk food companies. It comes from a lot of places. Some of it is interconnected, and some of it isn't. Whose responsibility is it to keep big business in check? The government? We've already established how they work together. So who then does it fall back on? The consumer. The consumer either has to learn how to read a label, and use Google before deciding what to buy, or they need to stop electing certain government officials. Is there deception in the government, and in big business? Absolutely. Do advertisers lie to us? Of course. So how is the problem solved if not by us? Anyway....this merry-go-round has run its course.

    ETA: middle ground - I do not think this means what you think it means.

    the consumer has no power because the consumer is fed misinformation buy these companies and the government. this is where your argument of consumer as a check on big business falls apart. the whole system is horribly flawed.

    Go read the first four sentences of my post again. I'll bold them for you. Do you really think that every doctor, scientist, farmer, and food producer works for the government? Everyone who knows anything about food (except for you apparently) is in on the scam? We need to include book publishers in that, because obviously the government isn't going to let conflicting information be published, lest the consumer wise up. All this information comes from only one place? If that's the case, then yeah. We're all screwed.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    OP never said she doesn't have responsibility for what goes in her mouth. In fact, she said she should steer clear rather than making it harder on herself. I think she understood her own body's reaction better and is then better equipped to take care of herself.
    I agree. And some of the snotty replies to her topic are unnecessary, implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry... you bet it is a multimillion dollar industry, and they don't care if their food is unhealthy. Bullies everywhere, even on MFP.

    Yep. Internet bullying. It's a rough business. :laugh:

    you know that internet bullying is what causes kids to commit suicide right?

    really something you should be laughing about?

    (and we wonder where they learn it.... sigh...)

    You know kids aren't allowed on this site, right? And the internet bullying you are speaking of involves actual attacks, not disagreements?

    Yeah, I'm a little offended that Reddy thinks that disagreements will lead to suicide attempts. And that he seems to think I'm raising my child to be a bully.

    I'm offended, but not enough to report him - because I can understand that he has a disagreement about my opinion, not that he's bullying me.

    no, come on, don't extrapolate what I said to something entirely different. I get in disagreements on here daily. that's not bullying and not what I was referring to.

    i just think that it would behoove us to treat each other with a little more respect and not laugh about internet bullying like BeachIron did. making people feel like crap for posting something they found interesting is not really a great thing to be doing. But who knows... I could be wrong.

    I was laughing because there is no bullying in this thread. The last resort of someone on MFP with no rational argument is often to claim "bullying" and it's akin to any other red herring in argumentation. There is little one can do when confronted with a logically flawed argument by someone who does not understand logic, than to laugh it off.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    OP never said she doesn't have responsibility for what goes in her mouth. In fact, she said she should steer clear rather than making it harder on herself. I think she understood her own body's reaction better and is then better equipped to take care of herself.
    I agree. And some of the snotty replies to her topic are unnecessary, implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry... you bet it is a multimillion dollar industry, and they don't care if their food is unhealthy. Bullies everywhere, even on MFP.

    Yep. Internet bullying. It's a rough business. :laugh:

    you know that internet bullying is what causes kids to commit suicide right?

    really something you should be laughing about?

    (and we wonder where they learn it.... sigh...)

    You know kids aren't allowed on this site, right? And the internet bullying you are speaking of involves actual attacks, not disagreements?

    Yeah, I'm a little offended that Reddy thinks that disagreements will lead to suicide attempts. And that he seems to think I'm raising my child to be a bully.

    I'm offended, but not enough to report him - because I can understand that he has a disagreement about my opinion, not that he's bullying me.

    no, come on, don't extrapolate what I said to something entirely different. I get in disagreements on here daily. that's not bullying and not what I was referring to.

    i just think that it would behoove us to treat each other with a little more respect and not laugh about internet bullying like BeachIron did. making people feel like crap for posting something they found interesting is not really a great thing to be doing. But who knows... I could be wrong.

    Pretty sure BeachIron was laughing at the incorrect statement that there was bullying in this thread.

    Real bullying is a serious matter. I am in no way debating that. A bully will relentlessly torment a victim, making them repeatedly feel ashamed of themselves and worthless. Often, physical abuse will accompany the mental anguish.

    Stating that someone has a stupid opinion on a controversial topic is not bullying. Even if they say the opinion is stupid. Just because I disagree with you about your views on food and think some of what you have to say is total BS, doesn't mean that I want to hurt you or want harm to come to you.

    People need to stop crying "bully" over disagreements.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    damn my ancestors trying to survive and pass on their genetic material for making me fat and for food manufacturers trying to get me to eat food!

    Why cant I just be an autotroph this would make it so easier.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    The collected wealth of health information comes from both government financed studies, and independently financed studies. It comes from doctors, drug companies, health food companies, and junk food companies. It comes from a lot of places. Some of it is interconnected, and some of it isn't. Whose responsibility is it to keep big business in check? The government? We've already established how they work together. So who then does it fall back on? The consumer. The consumer either has to learn how to read a label, and use Google before deciding what to buy, or they need to stop electing certain government officials. Is there deception in the government, and in big business? Absolutely. Do advertisers lie to us? Of course. So how is the problem solved if not by us? Anyway....this merry-go-round has run its course.

    ETA: middle ground - I do not think this means what you think it means.

    the consumer has no power because the consumer is fed misinformation buy these companies and the government. this is where your argument of consumer as a check on big business falls apart. the whole system is horribly flawed.

    Go read the first four sentences of my post again. I'll bold them for you. Do you really think that every doctor, scientist, farmer, and food producer works for the government? Everyone who knows anything about food (except for you apparently) is in on the scam? We need to include book publishers in that, because obviously the government isn't going to let conflicting information be published, lest the consumer wise up. All this information comes from only one place? If that's the case, then yeah. We're all screwed.


    where did doctors learn THEIR information from? textbooks? med schools? how are those med schools funded? who writes the textbooks?

    I'll tell you, I'm studying nutrition right now, and my textbook that is copyright 2013 has information in it that makes me cringe. it STILL promotes low fat diets. It STILL says saturated fats are the devil. It promotes the government's MyPlate plan every other page, even though that plan is terrible. It suggests that fortified foods are BETTER than getting vitamins from biological sources. In other words, my nutrition textbook is a wealth of misinformation, yet this is the information that doctors get fed.

    why all this government info in my textbook if they're not connected?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    OP never said she doesn't have responsibility for what goes in her mouth. In fact, she said she should steer clear rather than making it harder on herself. I think she understood her own body's reaction better and is then better equipped to take care of herself.
    I agree. And some of the snotty replies to her topic are unnecessary, implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry... you bet it is a multimillion dollar industry, and they don't care if their food is unhealthy. Bullies everywhere, even on MFP.

    Yep. Internet bullying. It's a rough business. :laugh:

    you know that internet bullying is what causes kids to commit suicide right?

    really something you should be laughing about?

    (and we wonder where they learn it.... sigh...)

    You know kids aren't allowed on this site, right? And the internet bullying you are speaking of involves actual attacks, not disagreements?

    Yeah, I'm a little offended that Reddy thinks that disagreements will lead to suicide attempts. And that he seems to think I'm raising my child to be a bully.

    I'm offended, but not enough to report him - because I can understand that he has a disagreement about my opinion, not that he's bullying me.

    no, come on, don't extrapolate what I said to something entirely different. I get in disagreements on here daily. that's not bullying and not what I was referring to.

    i just think that it would behoove us to treat each other with a little more respect and not laugh about internet bullying like BeachIron did. making people feel like crap for posting something they found interesting is not really a great thing to be doing. But who knows... I could be wrong.

    Pretty sure BeachIron was laughing at the incorrect statement that there was bullying in this thread.

    Real bullying is a serious matter. I am in no way debating that. A bully will relentlessly torment a victim, making them repeatedly feel ashamed of themselves and worthless. Often, physical abuse will accompany the mental anguish.

    Stating that someone has a stupid opinion on a controversial topic is not bullying. Even if they say the opinion is stupid. Just because I disagree with you about your views on food and think some of what you have to say is total BS, doesn't mean that I want to hurt you or want harm to come to you.

    People need to stop crying "bully" over disagreements.

    i have received multiple personal messages over the last couple months stating something to the effect of "I never post because I'm afraid how people will jump on me" or "Thanks for sticking up for me - I can't believe how rude/mean/hurtful people on these threads can be" etc etc

    the words you use can affect people, even if you feel they're innocuous. making someone feel stupid for posting something they found interesting is bullying and disrespectful whether you want to believe it or not.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member

    The collected wealth of health information comes from both government financed studies, and independently financed studies. It comes from doctors, drug companies, health food companies, and junk food companies. It comes from a lot of places. Some of it is interconnected, and some of it isn't. Whose responsibility is it to keep big business in check? The government? We've already established how they work together. So who then does it fall back on? The consumer. The consumer either has to learn how to read a label, and use Google before deciding what to buy, or they need to stop electing certain government officials. Is there deception in the government, and in big business? Absolutely. Do advertisers lie to us? Of course. So how is the problem solved if not by us? Anyway....this merry-go-round has run its course.

    ETA: middle ground - I do not think this means what you think it means.

    the consumer has no power because the consumer is fed misinformation buy these companies and the government. this is where your argument of consumer as a check on big business falls apart. the whole system is horribly flawed.

    Go read the first four sentences of my post again. I'll bold them for you. Do you really think that every doctor, scientist, farmer, and food producer works for the government? Everyone who knows anything about food (except for you apparently) is in on the scam? We need to include book publishers in that, because obviously the government isn't going to let conflicting information be published, lest the consumer wise up. All this information comes from only one place? If that's the case, then yeah. We're all screwed.


    where did doctors learn THEIR information from? textbooks? med schools? how are those med schools funded? who writes the textbooks?

    I'll tell you, I'm studying nutrition right now, and my textbook that is copyright 2013 has information in it that makes me cringe. it STILL promotes low fat diets. It STILL says saturated fats are the devil. It promotes the government's MyPlate plan every other page, even though that plan is terrible. It suggests that fortified foods are BETTER than getting vitamins from biological sources. In other words, my nutrition textbook is a wealth of misinformation, yet this is the information that doctors get fed.

    why all this government info in my textbook if they're not connected?

    Can I ask how you arrived at the conclusion that the My Plate plan is terrible?
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    OP never said she doesn't have responsibility for what goes in her mouth. In fact, she said she should steer clear rather than making it harder on herself. I think she understood her own body's reaction better and is then better equipped to take care of herself.
    I agree. And some of the snotty replies to her topic are unnecessary, implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry... you bet it is a multimillion dollar industry, and they don't care if their food is unhealthy. Bullies everywhere, even on MFP.

    Yep. Internet bullying. It's a rough business. :laugh:

    you know that internet bullying is what causes kids to commit suicide right?

    really something you should be laughing about?

    (and we wonder where they learn it.... sigh...)

    You know kids aren't allowed on this site, right? And the internet bullying you are speaking of involves actual attacks, not disagreements?

    Yeah, I'm a little offended that Reddy thinks that disagreements will lead to suicide attempts. And that he seems to think I'm raising my child to be a bully.

    I'm offended, but not enough to report him - because I can understand that he has a disagreement about my opinion, not that he's bullying me.

    no, come on, don't extrapolate what I said to something entirely different. I get in disagreements on here daily. that's not bullying and not what I was referring to.

    i just think that it would behoove us to treat each other with a little more respect and not laugh about internet bullying like BeachIron did. making people feel like crap for posting something they found interesting is not really a great thing to be doing. But who knows... I could be wrong.

    Pretty sure BeachIron was laughing at the incorrect statement that there was bullying in this thread.

    Real bullying is a serious matter. I am in no way debating that. A bully will relentlessly torment a victim, making them repeatedly feel ashamed of themselves and worthless. Often, physical abuse will accompany the mental anguish.

    Stating that someone has a stupid opinion on a controversial topic is not bullying. Even if they say the opinion is stupid. Just because I disagree with you about your views on food and think some of what you have to say is total BS, doesn't mean that I want to hurt you or want harm to come to you.

    People need to stop crying "bully" over disagreements.

    i have received multiple personal messages over the last couple months stating something to the effect of "I never post because I'm afraid how people will jump on me" or "Thanks for sticking up for me - I can't believe how rude/mean/hurtful people on these threads can be" etc etc

    the words you use can affect people, even if you feel they're innocuous. making someone feel stupid for posting something they found interesting is bullying and disrespectful whether you want to believe it or not.

    Maybe disprespectful, but not bullying.

    And yes, I'm well aware of how words can affect people. Here's the thing - you know nothing about me (or any of the other people who post in disagreement with you). You don't have a clue about our lives, how we live, what we've been through. You're making assumptions about us just the same as we all make assumptions about everyone else. That's how life works. You make judgement calls about people based off the little information you have about them, without probing deep into everyone's history. We can't all take the time to figure out every sensitivity of every single person that we interact with on a daily basis.

    So, do I state things point blank? Sure. Will some people interpret that as rude? Absolutely. Do I get PMs from people saying that they love my advice and appreciate my support. You bet. You're not the only one percieved as helpful. Different strokes for different folks. Some of us appeal to certain crowds. Some of us appeal to others. Am I going to change my mannerisms to suit a few people who think I'm rude? Absolutely not. Life is too short to worry about stuff like that.

    Bullying is serious and real, and it's not a disagreement on the internet.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    OP never said she doesn't have responsibility for what goes in her mouth. In fact, she said she should steer clear rather than making it harder on herself. I think she understood her own body's reaction better and is then better equipped to take care of herself.
    I agree. And some of the snotty replies to her topic are unnecessary, implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry... you bet it is a multimillion dollar industry, and they don't care if their food is unhealthy. Bullies everywhere, even on MFP.

    Yep. Internet bullying. It's a rough business. :laugh:

    you know that internet bullying is what causes kids to commit suicide right?

    really something you should be laughing about?

    (and we wonder where they learn it.... sigh...)

    You know kids aren't allowed on this site, right? And the internet bullying you are speaking of involves actual attacks, not disagreements?

    Yeah, I'm a little offended that Reddy thinks that disagreements will lead to suicide attempts. And that he seems to think I'm raising my child to be a bully.

    I'm offended, but not enough to report him - because I can understand that he has a disagreement about my opinion, not that he's bullying me.

    no, come on, don't extrapolate what I said to something entirely different. I get in disagreements on here daily. that's not bullying and not what I was referring to.

    i just think that it would behoove us to treat each other with a little more respect and not laugh about internet bullying like BeachIron did. making people feel like crap for posting something they found interesting is not really a great thing to be doing. But who knows... I could be wrong.

    Pretty sure BeachIron was laughing at the incorrect statement that there was bullying in this thread.

    Real bullying is a serious matter. I am in no way debating that. A bully will relentlessly torment a victim, making them repeatedly feel ashamed of themselves and worthless. Often, physical abuse will accompany the mental anguish.

    Stating that someone has a stupid opinion on a controversial topic is not bullying. Even if they say the opinion is stupid. Just because I disagree with you about your views on food and think some of what you have to say is total BS, doesn't mean that I want to hurt you or want harm to come to you.

    People need to stop crying "bully" over disagreements.

    i have received multiple personal messages over the last couple months stating something to the effect of "I never post because I'm afraid how people will jump on me" or "Thanks for sticking up for me - I can't believe how rude/mean/hurtful people on these threads can be" etc etc

    the words you use can affect people, even if you feel they're innocuous. making someone feel stupid for posting something they found interesting is bullying and disrespectful whether you want to believe it or not.

    Part of losing weight and getting healthy is finding PRACTICAL approaches to doing so, and that generally involves the emotional maturity to apply a good degree of self control. The fact that certain people lack this maturity, tend to blame others for their problems and feel ganged up on and attacked when others disagree with them, is not everyone else's problem. It is their problem, and something for which they should probably seek help.
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    thread full of first world problems.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    thread full of first world problems.

    haha truth

    though still nothing will ever compare to the "i don't like the taste of water" thread
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    OP never said she doesn't have responsibility for what goes in her mouth. In fact, she said she should steer clear rather than making it harder on herself. I think she understood her own body's reaction better and is then better equipped to take care of herself.
    I agree. And some of the snotty replies to her topic are unnecessary, implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry... you bet it is a multimillion dollar industry, and they don't care if their food is unhealthy. Bullies everywhere, even on MFP.

    Yep. Internet bullying. It's a rough business. :laugh:

    you know that internet bullying is what causes kids to commit suicide right?

    really something you should be laughing about?

    (and we wonder where they learn it.... sigh...)

    You know kids aren't allowed on this site, right? And the internet bullying you are speaking of involves actual attacks, not disagreements?

    Yeah, I'm a little offended that Reddy thinks that disagreements will lead to suicide attempts. And that he seems to think I'm raising my child to be a bully.

    I'm offended, but not enough to report him - because I can understand that he has a disagreement about my opinion, not that he's bullying me.

    no, come on, don't extrapolate what I said to something entirely different. I get in disagreements on here daily. that's not bullying and not what I was referring to.

    i just think that it would behoove us to treat each other with a little more respect and not laugh about internet bullying like BeachIron did. making people feel like crap for posting something they found interesting is not really a great thing to be doing. But who knows... I could be wrong.

    Pretty sure BeachIron was laughing at the incorrect statement that there was bullying in this thread.

    Real bullying is a serious matter. I am in no way debating that. A bully will relentlessly torment a victim, making them repeatedly feel ashamed of themselves and worthless. Often, physical abuse will accompany the mental anguish.

    Stating that someone has a stupid opinion on a controversial topic is not bullying. Even if they say the opinion is stupid. Just because I disagree with you about your views on food and think some of what you have to say is total BS, doesn't mean that I want to hurt you or want harm to come to you.

    People need to stop crying "bully" over disagreements.

    i have received multiple personal messages over the last couple months stating something to the effect of "I never post because I'm afraid how people will jump on me" or "Thanks for sticking up for me - I can't believe how rude/mean/hurtful people on these threads can be" etc etc

    the words you use can affect people, even if you feel they're innocuous. making someone feel stupid for posting something they found interesting is bullying and disrespectful whether you want to believe it or not.

    Part of losing weight and getting healthy is finding PRACTICAL approaches to doing so, and that generally involves the emotional maturity to apply a good degree of self control. The fact that certain people lack this maturity, tend to blame others for their problems and feel ganged up on and attacked when others disagree with them, is not everyone else's problem. It is their problem, and something for which they should probably seek help.

  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member

    The collected wealth of health information comes from both government financed studies, and independently financed studies. It comes from doctors, drug companies, health food companies, and junk food companies. It comes from a lot of places. Some of it is interconnected, and some of it isn't. Whose responsibility is it to keep big business in check? The government? We've already established how they work together. So who then does it fall back on? The consumer. The consumer either has to learn how to read a label, and use Google before deciding what to buy, or they need to stop electing certain government officials. Is there deception in the government, and in big business? Absolutely. Do advertisers lie to us? Of course. So how is the problem solved if not by us? Anyway....this merry-go-round has run its course.

    ETA: middle ground - I do not think this means what you think it means.

    the consumer has no power because the consumer is fed misinformation buy these companies and the government. this is where your argument of consumer as a check on big business falls apart. the whole system is horribly flawed.

    Go read the first four sentences of my post again. I'll bold them for you. Do you really think that every doctor, scientist, farmer, and food producer works for the government? Everyone who knows anything about food (except for you apparently) is in on the scam? We need to include book publishers in that, because obviously the government isn't going to let conflicting information be published, lest the consumer wise up. All this information comes from only one place? If that's the case, then yeah. We're all screwed.


    where did doctors learn THEIR information from? textbooks? med schools? how are those med schools funded? who writes the textbooks?

    I'll tell you, I'm studying nutrition right now, and my textbook that is copyright 2013 has information in it that makes me cringe. it STILL promotes low fat diets. It STILL says saturated fats are the devil. It promotes the government's MyPlate plan every other page, even though that plan is terrible. It suggests that fortified foods are BETTER than getting vitamins from biological sources. In other words, my nutrition textbook is a wealth of misinformation, yet this is the information that doctors get fed.

    why all this government info in my textbook if they're not connected?

    Can I ask how you arrived at the conclusion that the My Plate plan is terrible?

    You may or may not have abandoned the thread. I've got other stuff to do, so rather than wait, I'm going to go ahead and make my point. You say the consumer is powerless because they don't have access to information because the government controls all the info. Yet, you have arrived at a conclusion about something in your government influenced textbook. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you came to this conclusion as a result of some conflicting information. If that is the case, then how is it that you have access to non-government influenced information and subsequent power that no other consumer has? You don't. You are not special. If you didn't arrive at this conclusion through some other avenue of learning, then you made it up. Which is ridiculous.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    The collected wealth of health information comes from both government financed studies, and independently financed studies. It comes from doctors, drug companies, health food companies, and junk food companies. It comes from a lot of places. Some of it is interconnected, and some of it isn't. Whose responsibility is it to keep big business in check? The government? We've already established how they work together. So who then does it fall back on? The consumer. The consumer either has to learn how to read a label, and use Google before deciding what to buy, or they need to stop electing certain government officials. Is there deception in the government, and in big business? Absolutely. Do advertisers lie to us? Of course. So how is the problem solved if not by us? Anyway....this merry-go-round has run its course.

    ETA: middle ground - I do not think this means what you think it means.

    the consumer has no power because the consumer is fed misinformation buy these companies and the government. this is where your argument of consumer as a check on big business falls apart. the whole system is horribly flawed.

    Go read the first four sentences of my post again. I'll bold them for you. Do you really think that every doctor, scientist, farmer, and food producer works for the government? Everyone who knows anything about food (except for you apparently) is in on the scam? We need to include book publishers in that, because obviously the government isn't going to let conflicting information be published, lest the consumer wise up. All this information comes from only one place? If that's the case, then yeah. We're all screwed.


    where did doctors learn THEIR information from? textbooks? med schools? how are those med schools funded? who writes the textbooks?

    I'll tell you, I'm studying nutrition right now, and my textbook that is copyright 2013 has information in it that makes me cringe. it STILL promotes low fat diets. It STILL says saturated fats are the devil. It promotes the government's MyPlate plan every other page, even though that plan is terrible. It suggests that fortified foods are BETTER than getting vitamins from biological sources. In other words, my nutrition textbook is a wealth of misinformation, yet this is the information that doctors get fed.

    why all this government info in my textbook if they're not connected?

    Can I ask how you arrived at the conclusion that the My Plate plan is terrible?

    because it is.

    let me show you this gem:

  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    OP never said she doesn't have responsibility for what goes in her mouth. In fact, she said she should steer clear rather than making it harder on herself. I think she understood her own body's reaction better and is then better equipped to take care of herself.
    I agree. And some of the snotty replies to her topic are unnecessary, implying that she is stupid or blaming the food industry... you bet it is a multimillion dollar industry, and they don't care if their food is unhealthy. Bullies everywhere, even on MFP.

    Yep. Internet bullying. It's a rough business. :laugh:

    you know that internet bullying is what causes kids to commit suicide right?

    really something you should be laughing about?

    (and we wonder where they learn it.... sigh...)

    You know kids aren't allowed on this site, right? And the internet bullying you are speaking of involves actual attacks, not disagreements?

    Yeah, I'm a little offended that Reddy thinks that disagreements will lead to suicide attempts. And that he seems to think I'm raising my child to be a bully.

    I'm offended, but not enough to report him - because I can understand that he has a disagreement about my opinion, not that he's bullying me.

    no, come on, don't extrapolate what I said to something entirely different. I get in disagreements on here daily. that's not bullying and not what I was referring to.

    i just think that it would behoove us to treat each other with a little more respect and not laugh about internet bullying like BeachIron did. making people feel like crap for posting something they found interesting is not really a great thing to be doing. But who knows... I could be wrong.

    Pretty sure BeachIron was laughing at the incorrect statement that there was bullying in this thread.

    Real bullying is a serious matter. I am in no way debating that. A bully will relentlessly torment a victim, making them repeatedly feel ashamed of themselves and worthless. Often, physical abuse will accompany the mental anguish.

    Stating that someone has a stupid opinion on a controversial topic is not bullying. Even if they say the opinion is stupid. Just because I disagree with you about your views on food and think some of what you have to say is total BS, doesn't mean that I want to hurt you or want harm to come to you.

    People need to stop crying "bully" over disagreements.

    i have received multiple personal messages over the last couple months stating something to the effect of "I never post because I'm afraid how people will jump on me" or "Thanks for sticking up for me - I can't believe how rude/mean/hurtful people on these threads can be" etc etc

    the words you use can affect people, even if you feel they're innocuous. making someone feel stupid for posting something they found interesting is bullying and disrespectful whether you want to believe it or not.

    Part of losing weight and getting healthy is finding PRACTICAL approaches to doing so, and that generally involves the emotional maturity to apply a good degree of self control. The fact that certain people lack this maturity, tend to blame others for their problems and feel ganged up on and attacked when others disagree with them, is not everyone else's problem. It is their problem, and something for which they should probably seek help.

    So true!!! I never get messages saying ppl are afraid to post or ty for sticking up fo rme but then again I dont come into these forums and condone ppls actions. I have my eyes wide open and my mind clear to face reality. Most of the post on this whole site are unrealistic off topic and excuse filled with blame. BTW those comments that are counter acted because the TRUTH of accountability and CALL for it are the ones where you get the crying about being mean or rude and so forth. More excuse and babying of thinking that got most of us where we are today. I guess the TRUTH does hurt that must be why most ppl cant take it and for that matter see it for what it is (not mean not rude) ,,,,the TRUTH SMH
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    Typical MFP douche bags downing a thread by someone just putting something out there.


    Nailed it.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    What would happen if people stopped going to McDonald's?

    McDonald's would eventually file for bankruptcy protection, stiff it's creditors and lay off a massive number of people, and Burger King and Wendy's would enjoy higher revenue and profitability.

    That will never happen though because there are still enough ppl who have self control and are fit and healthy and dont abuse the food there. You never hear them complaining about what they do to the food and so on like dieters who have finally seen the light but cant get honest with theirselves and still want to blame the world for them geting fat.. YOu get to eat mcdonalds! Thats what happens when you start taking accountability and stop blaming. Wow self control is so rewarding!