Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Everyone, I'm in again!!! last month I managed to lose 7 pounds with the help and motivation of you all :smile:

    Starting Weight with MFP on 1/12/10........164.5

    Weight on 5/1/10............................................138

    Goal Weight for end of May..........................133

    Final Goal Weight...........................................126

    Good Luck to you all for May
  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in..since I am a newbie here I would like to know how do we do this? :blushing:
  • marqwela
    marqwela Posts: 4
    I would like to become a part of the challenge and be held accountable .I thank you for the challenge I believe this will motivate me and others. :flowerforyou:
  • julster324
    julster324 Posts: 44
    I am in . Thanks for including everyone in your group. I don't check in daily to the posts since I am lucky to check in my food sometimes. But I am up for the challenege again. I did 3 lbs in April so I am going for 5lbs in May. Down 40 by Christmas sounds amazing!
    Check in 5/3/10 168
  • lorcine
    lorcine Posts: 26 Member
    Count me in.. CW: 203
    GW: 160
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    WOW! Welcome to all our new friends. You are going to love this group! We are here for support and advice but definitely non-judgemental. We have all been there with our ups and downs as we struggle to find the right balance in this new lifestyle. Because that is what this is learning a healthy lifestyle. This is a change in a our lives forever...not just till we reach our goal weight but forever! That is why you need to set realistic goals. Don't plan to give up chocolate forever if you love it, it just won't work. You need to figure out how to eat healthy about 80-90% of the time so you can give yourself those indulgences that you love and not fee guilty about it.

    When I first started this journey if I gave in and had a splurge meal (this is usually when we go out to eat since we do that less than once a month) I would feel really guilty. Now I still give myself the splurge meal when we go out but then either ramp up my exercise to burn it off or cut a few some calories from a few meals to get back on track. But do not feel guilty, because guess what most of us do when we feel guilty. We beat ourselves up mentally, make ourselves feel bad and start eating garbage to make ourselves feel better, then we feel guilty again. Its a cycle that needs to be broken. So my advice to you try to eat healthy but do not give into guilt when you mess up just let it go and start again!

    Have a healthy evening!

  • siobhannestor
    siobhannestor Posts: 177
    5/1/10 162.2

    goal 157 by 5//27 my big five oh birthday.

    So just a quick post. I just had a wonderful first anniversary dinner with my husband :love: and even with splurging for our anniversary I only came in 26 calories over for the day. We had a cocktail, wine, crab and artichoke dip , a salad, wonderful sour dough bread and seared ahi. we even had vanilla icecream on the house for our anniversary. It was wonderful :heart: and I didn't feel guilty :blushing: at all. It was a wonderful meal. I hope you all have a great evening.

    good luck everyone.

    RJ - What a wonderful Anniversary Dinner - Congratulations on your anniversary. And congratulations again on staying so close to your goal!

    BethinAgain - you are a continual inspiration.

    Terri - again, thanks for keeping us going on this thread/challenge.

    Congratulations to everyone who lost weight last month! Here's to another successful month.

    As I just posted in the April thread, I didn't meet the 5 pound goal for last month, but I am down 3 pounds. I am going to consider that a win - at least the scale is going down in the right direction. Since I've pretty much always exercised (except during periods of extreme duress/time requirements or when very ill and forbidden to exercise), exercise doesn't seem to help me lose too much.

    After finally reading the NYTimes article from the weekend before last where they discussed recent research findings that exercise doesn't help women lose weight (it does men) but helps us keep it off, I am going to greatly reduce my weekly calorie intake but relax the exercise a little - will still walk approximately 3 miles / 50 minutes per day and will do my daily morning vinyasa yoga routine + a fast (20 minute) strength routine 3x per week but am not going to push it beyond that.

    I won't be able to do that anyway. I will need the group's support this month - we have two major federal grants due + 2 new staff coming on board + have a new web client and one for whom I need to finish a site (waiting for her to get me the final content). And I have to go to AZ for my mother's 85th birthday (she still jogs!). Which means 14 - 15 hour workdays, 7 days a week for the next 3 weeks. My MO during such periods is to gain a couple of pounds, but I am determined to lose and to at least break the 190 pound mark.

    So wish me luck and thanks to all of you ahead of time for the support!

    Let's do it! :bigsmile:

    ~ Shivaun
  • siobhannestor
    siobhannestor Posts: 177
    HI PALS!
    Hello from the land of the pharoahs!! It is 5 to 10 PM and I am heading to bed very soon. I can't belive how many new folks we have in the group this month. MAY just be the month to shed!! LET'S DO IT LADIES and gentlemen ( if there are any joining us) :laugh:
    Happy anniversary to all your celebrators! and like many of you I have quite a few days that will be a challenge for me since there are occasions to join in on with the end of school. Good bye parties for departing faculty! plus my sons birthday, Mothers's day and end of year parties with my school kiddies. But what the heck! Who needs cake,,, who needs ice cream.... who needs those extra calories. NOT ME!! NOT YOU!!! Let those other folks have those goodies. The way I look at it is...I have already tasted enough of those things in the past... and what I want to taste now is a thin healthy body. That is the taste I am craving!!!:wink: HOW ABOUT YOU?
    Terri hope that you are feeling as good as you sound.
    THANKS for all the well wishers to the injured ole lady!!! I will hobble to bed now. But FYI... the knee support is helping to keep my knee stable but going down stairs still kills the heck out of me. OUCH!! Why do I live on the fourth floor and work on the third floor in buildings withOUT at lift!
    Good night my pals.. I'll be dreaming that you stay healthy while I am sleeping! PHYLJEN:smile:

    Phyllis, here is to good luck with all of the end-of-the-school-year events, and here's to a speedy recovery! :flowerforyou: Shivaun
  • siobhannestor
    siobhannestor Posts: 177

    May Goal: 139

    The Plan: Not over snacking at night. This is really my biggest issue as most of you know. I will eat my healthy meals and then when the late night snacking bug hits me I will fold laundry to keep my hands busy. If that isn't working well I will go to sleep early. On the 4 days that I have celebrations this month I will enjoy my normal healthy meals but also indulge in a slice of cake or whatever treat is around tempting me the most. I am typically really strong at the event but then break after the kids go to bed. Last night was a perfect example. I went to my guys mom's house for dinner, she made yummy Tri Tip and a cheesy noodle side dish. I brought some asparagus in my purse just in case and was so glad I did. I told her that I had so much at home that I brought some to share (true I do have a lot, but no really why I brought it :devil: ) so I made them quickly and filled half my plate with salad, loaded up on asparagus, and had only two small slices of meat, I am guessing about 6 oz. Passed on the yummy smelling cheesy gooy goodness and passed on the cake and ice cream for dessert (well I did have a small bite of my son's who had a special dairy free gluten free cake slice). But as we went to leave she gave us a box of cinnamon grahams she said she got for the kids to try. Well once I got home and got the kids to bed I had like 7 cinnamon grahams and then looked at the calories. :mad: 120 for two? REALLY? TWO? So I went over by 640 calories. I could have just had a slice of cake and been done with it! I have made this mistake before. Many times before. I am not going to say I wont do it again. I the plan it to TRY to just eat the darn thing I want so I don't do this again! And if I do it again, I'll try again next time.

    Sorry for the long post. Happy Monday!

    P.P.S., Jenn, here's to a great plan! :drinker: I love it!
  • Viylet
    Viylet Posts: 1
    I'm in also. I was 210 at the beginning of the month. If I can get to 170 by Christmas I would be thrilled. I have already lost 80 before joining this site.
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    I'm in guys!! I was doing really well after Christmas, but got sick, so lost all my fitness and gained some weight.. I'm going to log everything, but I'm going by Weight Watchers system as I'm finding it good at making me be exact about what I'm eating (I tend to guess when I use MFP). I'm still going to log MFP to make sure what I'm eating is balanced.

    My plan is to get back out exercising, and try to start couch to 5 K in the next week.

    CW is 162.4

    My goal is for 5lbs this month, and an decrease in % body fat, increase in muscle mass.

    My overall goal is about 15 lbs, and I hope to manage that by 6th July as I'm going on a sun holiday! :D

    Any tips welcomed- particularly on how you get enough iron, I don't really enjoy meat, eat plenty of vegetables but stuggle to get enough iron..
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Any tips welcomed- particularly on how you get enough iron, I don't really enjoy meat, eat plenty of vegetables but stuggle to get enough iron..

    I was vegetarian for awhile but added meat back into my diet when I started a heavy lifting program (needed 30% of my calories to come from protein.) I still do not eat much meat. The things vegetarians have to worry about are iron and b12. My multivitamin had iron, and I took a b12 supplement. I don't know how much/little meat you eat but you may need to take a b12 supplement as well.
  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    I am in!!!
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    Ok so since I am ALWAYS running late in the mornings and ALWAYS seem to be grabbing something at the store for breakfast I am trying something new. I mad a smoothie this morning. It took me ten minutes and was delicious. My stomach is so full and it was only 170 calories. Plus it tasted AWESOME!! Hope to keep this up and drop this 5 pounds this month!!
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Any tips welcomed- particularly on how you get enough iron, I don't really enjoy meat, eat plenty of vegetables but stuggle to get enough iron..

    I was vegetarian for awhile but added meat back into my diet when I started a heavy lifting program (needed 30% of my calories to come from protein.) I still do not eat much meat. The things vegetarians have to worry about are iron and b12. My multivitamin had iron, and I took a b12 supplement. I don't know how much/little meat you eat but you may need to take a b12 supplement as well.

    Cool, thanks, I take a multi-vitamin with Iron. But I only really eat chicken, minced beef, and fish,, I don't really enjoy anything else other than the really bad stuff like sausages and bacon (rashers), so I'm trying to stay away from them. I make sure I have a breakfast cereal in the morning, as my doctor recommended that, but without the supplement, I'm only getting about 30% of my RDA of iron if I'm lucky,, I know that's not good!!
  • jtenbensel
    jtenbensel Posts: 12 Member
    Hope it's not too late to join!! :) I, like others, have just started using this website--and am feeling comfortable enough with it that I want to participate in challenges too!! :) My current weight, OMGosh--I can't believe I'm saying it--is 171.8 so that means by the end of May I WILL get down to 166.8--that will be the lightest I've been in a long, long time!! :)
    Since January, I've lost 22 lbs--my brother's girlfriend got me started in running--I ran my first 5K on my 30th bday--that was a hoot!! Since then--I have registered for 2 more that will be in May--so hopefully that helps with getting my weight down for this month!! :)
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    I had one of those crazy days yesterday. I got a pedometer a few weeks ago and have been wearing it every day. Just to give you an idea of my day yesterday..usually I get about 23,000 steps per day yesterday it was almost 32,000.

    It is still windy here but at least the sun is shining. It is supposed to be almost 80 today but storms later in the day. We sure need the rain. I plan to get outside as soon as the baby wakes up!

    Goals for today drink my water, ignore the m&ms in my Sunday school teachers box, burn 1000 calories through exercise.stay within my calories.

    Have a healthy day!

  • jtenbensel
    jtenbensel Posts: 12 Member
    You set some really good goals for the day!! Good Luck! ! :)
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone. It's a beautiful morning here too. All my flowers are blooming and I need to get outside and do some yardwork. I've got peonies, irises and 4 different kinds of roses blooming. I love the scents!
    I ended up getting kinda sick yesterday (stomach) and almost had to come home from work but I made it through. Still feeling yucky this morning and haven't eaten anything yet. The scale says I'm down another pound today probably because of the bathroom issues yesterday. It'll be nice if it STAYS a pound down!

    I'm not going to eat much today. I just don't think I should force it. I'm not going to change my weigh in weight though. I do that on Mondays only. Maybe I'll feel like eating by supper time.

    Enjoy your day!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning all,

    the sun is shining this morning but its supposed to rain this afternoon. (go figure) I plan to get my 1000+ exercise cals in today and I lost another inch in my waist. Yay!!!

    Bodi ate two branches off my favorite blueberry bush while we were at the game on Sunday. we were mad but he is so cute its hard to stay mad.

    So far I am having a great week. I got back down to my Saturday woohoo weight by today (it usually takes me until thursday) So if I maintain or lose more I will have a great weigh in on Friday.

    Terri - wow chasing kids all day really adds those steps. I admire you. I couldn't do it.

    Weclome to all the newbies. There are so many.

    Have a great day everyone.