

  • reallymary
    Lucy in DE - I don't know what the water pitcher is called, and it was a gift, but I do know it came from Bed Bath & Beyond. It is plastic and holds about 8 cups of water. It has a plastic 'core' that the top screws onto. The core is hollow with slits in it. You fill it with fruit, or whatever, it sits inside the pitcher with the water. I'm telling you - this water is delicious! I'm loving it!! I just fill the core with whatever I have - I used lemons the first time, and that was great. And like I said, today it's cucumbers, limes and basil. I set that up last night and could not believe how refreshing it tasted this morning!

    mary - infusing water like a crazy lady!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening ladies,
    well was on my feet alot at work today and the heel really hurts,thank goodness I dont have to go in until noon tomorrow. but will drag my butt to the gym. wish I had more motivation,but wont give up.. I keep pluggin along...
    I did go over by 100 cal today with 4
    3 musketeer mini's frozen.. my my they tasted good but wont beat myself up...
    I am peruzzing the bathing suits just for ha ha's wont buy anything yet...
  • luvbuttons
    It's raining again in Michigan. I'm almost positive I saw a fish swim by...
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good evening all! I have been very busy with work for quite a while now but have been reading posts daily. I am doing well with food- exercise is getting better. I am using it as a stress release- which I really need right now.:frown: All the stress is work related- nothing bad, just a very busy time of year. I am also a little stressed about big changes in what I will be teaching next year. My choice and very exciting, but it will be challenging. I am very fortunate in that I have a good friend and colleague who wants to work together to plan for next year. We are each teaching some of what the other has taught in the past. It will all be good. Just need to plan ahead!

    Sorry I can't write individual responses tonight, but I still have work to do. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I so appreciate all of your posts. You make me laugh and sometimes cry. I love that I have found a group of women with such positive attitudes and that are going through many of the same experiences I am. Thank you for all of the motivation to stay strong in this journey to get healthier!!

    One of these days soon, I will be able to sit down with a cup of coffee and chat!!

    Deb A in CNY where today was a beautiful spring day.:happy:
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Hello to all you lovely Vit F girls!
    It has been a long while since I have had time to post, and I see many new friends, Welcome to all.
    I have faithfully logged in, charted my food and skimmed the posts and I have barely had time to do that and I just have not had enough time to post. Work, work, work never ending work! Oh hum, I guess I should be grateful to have a job. I don’t know when things will slow down but I am wishing all the best to each and every one of you, keep up the great work and know you all are in my thoughts.
    Peace~N~ Hugs
    Carol in WNY
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I just realized when I printed out my food log that today is **** 100 ****** DAYS for me with MFP! OK--100 days and (as of this am) the grand total is 18lbs. down. I didn't do measurements to start so I tried to come up with some other differences.........of course clothes fit better and some I haven't been able to wear fit now, my inner legs don't rub when I walk, I can hold a plank longer, I'm biking at harder tension, and I did measure my waist--30". So, all in all, heading in the right direction.

    As a child, I grew up what can only be called "painfully thin"........I remember thinking about 100lbs. as a sort of "Holy Grail". I graduated h.s. at 92lbs., eating everything in sight and it continued like that for many years. When I got pg. at 40 (yes,40), I was 112 and gained normally until month 7 when they diagnosed gestational diabetes (127lb.) With the diet, I actually lost 4lbs. by delivery.......I was 123 and my daughter was 7lb 2oz. A week after delivery I was 111lb.; breastfed, and it's been uphill and a battle with weight ever since. I'm not tall (5'3")....... and I'd really like to weigh less than I did at 9 mo. pregnant....not too much to ask, is it? Onward.

    Brooke.........loved the quote, the book, and the movie

    Mwheat.............gotta try to get in the garden this weekend if possible myself......wisteria is blooming away gloriously right now here

    wessecg..........my daughter started when we were home for my mom's funeral; very emotional bittersweet time........major, major congrats to your senior on her college success

    Time for hot chocolate and bed soon; welcome new people,
    and g'nite,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just realized when I printed out my food log that today is **** 100 ****** DAYS for me with MFP! OK--100 days and (as of this am) the grand total is 18lbs. down. I didn't do measurements to start so I tried to come up with some other differences.........of course clothes fit better and some I haven't been able to wear fit now, my inner legs don't rub when I walk, I can hold a plank longer, I'm biking at harder tension, and I did measure my waist--30". So, all in all, heading in the right direction.


    Congratulations on 100 days and your fine progress!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think DH test went OK. When I was working as an RN sometimes it took several hours for the radioactive stuff to get through the arteries of the heart. They only did one scan and sent him home. He tolerated the stress part of it really well. They said they could tell he was a walker.. Now we wait. I have got to find something better at hacienda to eat. It is my husbands favorite place to eat and asking him no to eat there every Tuesday night is out of the question. Because I ahd eaten at the hospital cafeteria today for lunch I had a bowl of soup for supper knowing that I would eat some veggies and apple when I got home. I logged it all in and I am WAY over. My bowl of soup had 2500 mg of sodium in it!:noway: So no telling what I will weigh tomorrow or what my blood sugar will be. My cat is mesmerized right now, husband is to. He has been rubbing her belly for about 1/2 hour. I can't find either my pedometer or cell phone. They were both in my jeans pocket which is now in the washing machine.

    Welcome to the new ones here. Jump right in, the water is fine.

    Joyce, swimming in sodium in southern Indiana
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I feel guilty even posting tonight as I've not been able to get this ship back on course since the cruise. Worked really hard this weekend at DS's ranch weeding and hauling limbs. Haven't had the courage to weigh this week but may tomorrow. Had a golf tournament today and the weather was lousy. Started at 65 and ended with a stiff 30 mph wind and 50 degrees. I'm still cold!
    Had to go back to eye doctor today because my new glasses aren't right. He checked and said who ever ordered them thought his #2 was a #7. No wonder they are weird!
    Welcome to all the new friends. I've skimmed the posts but too tired to take notes tonight. Hope to get to know all of you soon.
    Hope tomorrow is the start of my new beginning.
    Sue in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have never ending admiration for those of you who respond so thoughtfully to so many.:heart::heart: you are the heart of this thread.

    :flowerforyou: I don't have a job to go to and still the hours race away from me and suddenly it's almost bedtime and the list of things to do has many items left undone.

    :flowerforyou: I'm still battling a head cold so I'm happy with what did get done
    walking the dogs (of course) pulling weeds for an hour (finally dry enough and warm enough), long phone conversations with three special friends (walking back and forth in the house while talking), watching the recording of last night's DWTS while riding the recumbent bike, attending a birthday gathering for a friend, and completing several household chores.

    :flowerforyou: welcome to all the new members of our community.....you've come to the right place. Here are my simple suggestions:

    *eat good food
    don't eat crap
    *be on the lookout for any opportunity to be active
    *drink a lot of water (not pop, wine, or coffee)

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Rozann - welcome. Renny puts up a fruit and veggie challenge (you ARE still doing that, aren't you?)

    Linda - avocado, tomatoes, strawberries...oh my! I only like organic strawberries, to me they taste more "strawberryish". Also, they're one of the dirty dozen.

    Did an hour of the bosu DVD then had the Newcomer board meeting. I'm optimistic about this board. There were some people (at least in my estimation) that held a grudge, this board to me seems to be the kind who will say "ok, here's the problem, let's figure it out and move on", no deep down hidden agendas.

    Then we came home and worked on cleaning the pool. We turned the heater up on the spa and I got in and started cleaning. Honestly, I think it looks pretty good. The pool looks much better than it did a week ago, but it still has a ways to go.

    Tomorrow I'll take the yoga and then the deep water.

    Oh, at the board meeting they decided to change the day of the board meeting from a tues to a Wed. I usually take the deep water on Wed but now I can't on that day. So 2 Wednesdays out of the month I can't take it, I'll have to take it another day. Oh well.....

    slimjoycenow and sonja - jump right on in, we're glad to have ya!

    Cheryl - glad to know that I wasn't the only one who couldn't understand at first why Sonja was joining in august and had to reread her post!!! lol After rereading it, I got it.

    Meg - congrats on avoiding McD's

    jb - Rosalie is ever so cute, adorable (like you didn't already know it!)

    M - I saw this spray stuff at Sam's today, how good is it? Its supposedly this "glue" for mulch so that the mulch doesn't go everywhere. How good is that?

    DeeDee - waking up to swollen eyes? That would scare the bejesus out of me!

    Oh, before the Newcomer board meeting we had to go to the bank. Which is right near the Dunkin Donuts. And since I had a coupon for $1 off a dozen, Vince said "why not get a dozen?" You now something, I have no desire whatsoever for them.

    A lady brought this chocolate vinegar to my house a few weeks ago when we were playing Rummykub and left it here. I bought some brussel sprouts today at Sams. The problem with Sams is that they only sell such large quantities. Anyway, I steamed the bs and will freeze some. Oh, thank you DeeDee for the suggestion to cut the bs in half before steaming.

    pamelajeanne - welcome, the only suggestion I have is to give it time, keep logging your food, be sure of your measurements, and have patience (which isn't my strong point)

    slywheat - welcome, I'd be scared, too, about the surgery. Will keep you in my thoughts

    Kathy - good for you rejoining the gym!

    btrflyrider - welcome! This is THE place to be

    Mary - 20lbs off, that's wonderful! Cucumber water to me is so good, especially in summertime. Never had it with lime and basil, but that sounds good

    Sue in SD - glad the biopsies came back OK

    Tammy in VA Beach - when I'm on vacation, I just try to eat right and get as much exercise in as I can. Have a great trip!

    yanniejannie - congrats on the 100 days AND the weight down. Great NSV's, too.

    Joyce - so glad that hubby's test seemed to go OK.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    It's late so no time to respond individually.
    I was very good sticking to my new plateau busting plan. So hard today though - I was so hungry, but determined to leave that 320 calories on the table. I worked out hard this morning. It took a lot out of me. I'm just so tired . Everything felt hard - I had no motivation. Definitely effected my attitude - more negative than usual. I think I'll just head off to bed. Tomorrow I'll give myself a bit of a break in the morning and do a yoga practice. I'm subbing for another yoga teacher tomorrow night so I'll burn a few more calories then. I've already planned for a lighter day calorie-wise (salmon, brussel sprouts and Kale for dinner - yum and low cal). Anyway feel like I'm rambling so will sign off. Everyone have a great rest of the day. Jodios
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just checking to see if my new pic comes out!
    Sue inTX
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I snuck on here yesterday with my new phone by using the MFP app. Not sure how to use my phone just yet, but I did make a comment from my profile page, but it was a pretty depressing message.

    Anyway, I just got on today (with my computer) to start the process of getting back in the swing of things here. I am no way near ready to start logging in on my food diary but I did check our page here and thought I'd let you know I'm still around even if it is just in the background.

    I still have lots to do in getting my life back together again. So much paperwork, phone calls, lawyers, etc. But I will be back soon. Someday.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.:wink:
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everyone, First time posting. I guess I was just so down. Seems every time I try to lose (50lbs total), I hurt my back and can't do anything for a week usually. Today I almost had a daiquiri to ease the pain but decided to take a pain pill instead because I didn't want to add the 3000 calories to my list. Haha. I just have to be careful not to bored eat.

    Funny how time gets away from you. I wanted to lose the weight for my daughters graduation and didn't. That was 2 years ago. I decided to lose at least 15lbs it for my son's graduation in a Month and now I can't hardly do anything.

    Sorry, I'm just venting. I'll get better and start again, and again. Not going to stop this time.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :glasses: bump :glasses:

    We are back from a fabulous trip to Ireland where spring had arrived. Came back to snow! Feel like I have hit a wall, so, so tired!!

  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    I just realized when I printed out my food log that today is **** 100 ****** DAYS for me with MFP! OK--100 days and (as of this am) the grand total is 18lbs. down. I didn't do measurements to start so I tried to come up with some other differences.........of course clothes fit better and some I haven't been able to wear fit now, my inner legs don't rub when I walk, I can hold a plank longer, I'm biking at harder tension, and I did measure my waist--30". So, all in all, heading in the right direction.

    This may be a dumb question...but in looking over my pages (I use a laptop, not phone apps), I just can't find where it says how many days on MFP! Is that just you counting the days? or am I missing something.... :grumble:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jb :smile: Rosalie is a cutie:love: , how fun getting to play with your food:laugh: !!!

    M :smile: Nice the DH is on his best behavior! Your garden is sounding beautiful!

    Pamelajeanne6 :smile: Welcome to the group! Come in often and chat away with us!

    Slywheat :smile: Welcome! Surgery is scary, will be keeping you in my thoughts!!!

    Bj :smile: Taxes…yuck:angry: !

    Kathy :smile: Good for you rejoining the gym!!!

    Btrflyrider :smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat! Lots of us here think the scale is evil:devil: , be sure you take your measurements too! They will give you a better indication of how you`re doing!

    Eileen :smile: How nice of you to help your sister with the notes, I remember that being one of the hardest things to do!

    Jackie :smile: Like the new profile pic!

    Mary :smile: Congrats on 20 pounds gone!!! Lime, cucumber and basil water sounds delish! Enjoying the simple things in life..I love it!

    Sue inSD :smile: More snow…:noway: I hope spring will arrive soon for you:flowerforyou: ! Enjoy the horse expo!

    Cheryl :smile: Oh my, a turning point in your young daughters life, an emotional time for all:sad: . Congrats to your 17 yr. old daughter, great news!!!

    Meg :smile: Funny how some things aren`t very good anymore, I call that a NSV! Lol at your cucumbers:laugh: ! I had little slits for eyes driving, good thing my eye Dr. is just down the street from me!

    Lucy :smile: I had one of those hungry days not long ago:grumble: , it doesn`t make sense does it? We can go most days and be satisfied and then comes the day when we could eat the countertop and everything on it:huh: !

    Brooke :smile: I love the quote from “The Help”, and Bette Davis, how very true! Hope you get the 70 degree weather on Saturday:flowerforyou: !!!

    Katla :smile: You grumpy:huh: :noway: ...You told DH you wanted to use the power washer and then he decides to work on it, men….:angry:

    Tammy :smile: Yes, that darned scale can be evil:angry: , I think mine is possessed! Enjoy your time in San Diego and just be mindful of what your eating! Walk a lot for exercise!

    Grandmallie :smile: Hope your heel is feeling better! You can find all kinds of swimsuits online, they will more than likely be on sale:bigsmile: when you need to buy one for your cruise!

    Sharon :smile: I laughed at your post…hope the rain stops and the fishes go away:laugh: !

    Deb A :smile: Looking forward when you can relax and a bit and join us for a cup of coffe:drinker: and chat! Sounds like you`re doing great with your exercise and food!

    Carol :smile: Busy, busy…I know that feeling all too well! Pop in when you can!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Congrats on your 100 days and 18 pounds gone!!!

    Joyce :smile: Glad DH got through the test! Seems like sodium is in everything, here lately I`ve been swimming in sodium too!

    Sue in Tx :smile: They once mixed up my glasses too, when I first put them on I said" I can`t see with these", the girl told me I would get used to them:noway: and I said “no, I mean these are not my prescription” What an ordeal. I love your new profile pic!

    Barbie :smile: I hope you get to feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !!!

    Michele :smile: Glad the new board members seem to have things together! Hope we get our nice warm weather back soon! Going from 80 to the 60`s was a big drop! My eyelids swell from too much sodium and possibly from the pollen too. Chocolate vinegar…I`ve never heard of that, interesting.

    Jodios :smile: Good for you sticking to your plan!!! I`ve been really tired the last several days, don`t know what is up with that, it effects my mood too, it was all I could do to take the dog out for a walk! Dinner sounds delish, I`m having salmon for dinner tonight too, at least I`m planning on it and hope the plan doesn`t change!

    Chiclet :smile: Nice to see you back, you were here when I joined in May of `12!

    Outwardlycalm :smile: Welcome to the group! Come in often and chat! This is an awesome place for support!

    Kate :smile: Yay, you`re back!!! Get some rest and then we want to hear about your trip!!!

    Moxie :smile: On your homepage every 5 days I think it updates how long you`ve been logging in, unless you miss a day and it starts all over again.

    I`ve had way too much sodium the past few days, even my teeth taste salty…ick. Not going to weigh for a few days, give myself a bit of time to get rid of some of it!
    Hope everyone has a fabulous Wedensday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny and getting warmer NC
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, wonderful ladies!

    Today I am NOT exercising, at least not until the sun comes out. Why? They delivered my mulch and pea gravel yesterday, and me being me I couldn’t WAIT to start pulling up the walkway stones between my garden beds and smoothing everything out with the gravel. Net result: 1/3 of the garden walkways done, one VERY sore lower back. I can see this is something that’s going to have to be taken in stages. I am planning on doing some more today, but it may be along the lines of sprinkling the Preen over the flower beds before putting the mulch down :laugh:. We’re supposed to have either a lovely day (high temp day for the week!) or a rainy one, depending on which weather forecast you follow.

    I just did a quick calculation of my BMR just for fun – it’s at around 1350 calories – to try to drop 500 from that is ridiculous but it also shows why I couldn’t lose weight before – I would have starved! What it really tells me is that I need to exercise back another 400 calories a day in order to keep the weight moving off. It’s simple math, really. If I didn’t do any exercise, this is the amount of calories my body burns (and I’ve confirmed that with the HRM as well – I burn about 100 calories/hour in general). If I want to work a 500 calorie deficit I need to actually burn MORE to reach that level and still consume at least 1200 calories/day.

    Kate, welcome back! I can’t wait to hear all about Ireland – and pictures!

    Outwardlycalm, it’s frustrating to deal with injuries when trying to get fit – but take it one baby step at a time. If you can’t exercise right now, at least eat healthy foods for now, then start walking or some other form of gentle exercise until your body’s ready for more. We’re in your corner!

    Sue in TX – great pic! From the cruise?

    Jodios, when I get a sec I’m going to check out your plateau busting plan. Your dinner sounds yummy – enjoy!

    Michele, I try not to do too much in the garden other than put down mulch and weed. I don’t really like using pesticides, etc., but I can tell you after pulling up all the spring weeds this year (partially my fault for not mulching last year) I’m about ready to go Round-up on the yard! My neighbor last night was telling me I have to put down Preen, and everyone else around here says the same thing, so I might try that. I do fertilize my lawn, but I try to avoid the nature-killers – ahem. Anyway, I don’t mind the mulch movement – it makes me happy to see the birds stealing the mulch shreds to line their nests. Every so often I just have to sweep it back in place. Now that we don’t have dogs I don’t have to worry about it being tracked in the house as much. Sorry, rambling. Thanks for the tip though.

    DH bought Dunkin Donuts for the kids this weekend. I admit, I looked, but bless him he bought the kind I don’t like :laugh:. Did you try the chocolate vinegar on the brussel sprouts? I bet they would have been tasty roasted with a glaze made of the vinegar.

    Barbie, that list will still be there tomorrow – you’ve not been feeling great and probably just need to rest and take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.

    Pamelajeanne – welcome! Sometimes when you don’t have massive amounts of weight to lose the weight tends to move more slowly – and your body needs time to adjust to its new “normal.” Having said that, see my paragraph at the start about BMR and exercise. With a bad back it might take some time for you to be able to get to where you can do a lot – but I highly recommend yoga for back injuries, and then go from there.

    Sylwheat – welcome and best wishes the surgery goes well. It looks like you’ve been doing great on losing weight so far – keep coming back for help and maybe some motivation.

    Kathy, congrats on a productive day! I agree on the kids – my youngest turns 26 this weekend and I called him late the other night to make sure he wasn’t one of the kids killed in the avalanche over the weekend. I’ll never stop worrying about them but him especially.

    Eileen – keeping you in my thoughts. You’ve been a great daughter and sister.

    Jackie, here’s hoping it’s warm enough to warm up those darned bats!

    Mary, congratus on hitting the 20lb gone mark! Your water pitcher idea sounds marvelous – I’m going to have to try that this summer.

    Sue in SD, so glad to hear the biopsies were clean! I’m sorry to hear the weather is still stuck in the past – I think we’re all ready for a change now.

    Meg, um, yeah, lesson learned :laugh:. I’m with you on the snack thing. I’m going to post a list of healthy snack ideas on the door to my chip cabinet. Not that there are any chips in it at the moment, but I somehow always go there to look – and later on I’m mad when I remember I could have had x, y, or z instead. I even keep a bag of almonds next to the computer, but it takes serious focus for me to remember they’re there. I’m laughing about the cucumbers – my hairdresser is making her first run at gardening this year, and she was so proud of herself as she was telling me about planting the ENTIRE PACKAGE of both zucchini and summer squash. I told her for my next appt she is to bring me two of each plant, keep two for herself and throw the rest out! She’ll thank me later. And lol at the mint – I had the same experience, and that was in AZ where you can’t grow anything!

    Lucy, did you by any chance overeat the day before? Sometimes when I eat too much I find I’m starving the next day – I have no idea why that happens. Otherwise yes, it might just be this fickle weather. Or something. Congratulations on the mulch deal – that’s awesome! My neighbor was trying to talk me into hiring her yard crew to do mine, but I’m still determined to do it myself. I would never be all Judgy McJudgy about anyone who gets help though – I’m sure I’ll be there soon enough.

    Brooke, I hope the weather-guessers are right. DS is supposed to be flying to FL today, but after the foot of snow they got the other day I’m not sure he’ll be able to get through the tunnel!

    Katla, yes, that’s men – ahem. Give them a project and they’ll happily work on it – as soon as you want it be over.

    Tammy, glad to hear you’re still logging and exercising. As to your question, for me I find I tend to skip a meal usually when we’re traveling – we might eat a late breakfast and early dinner or an early breakfast and late lunch and light dinner, so it all works out. We also tend to move a lot more while on vacation than at home with all the walking – have a grand time!

    Sharon, sending drying thoughts your way.

    Deb A, so glad to hear you’re using exercise as a stress release – that’s exactly what it’s good for! Your work sounds busy but good – so glad for that.

    Carol in WNY, thanks and same to you!

    Yanniejannie, congrats on hitting the 100 day mark! And also on all the positive “gains” you have made – that all sounds terrific. I can remember wanting to weigh what I did at 9mos preggers – whew. I passed that mark last November and now am 10lbs away from pre-preggers – what a glorious day that will be! Wisteria . . . jealous . . .

    Joyce in IN, glad to hear DH’s testing went well. Yes, soup is one of those hidden sodium things. You have to be so careful with it. You might also remember that unless the item is pulled directly from a label it’s just a guess as to the calorie content, but still, drink lots of water to flush it all out!

    OK, I woke up at 4am wide awake so was able to get all of my responses in before starting work, but now I have to scoot. I spoke to my manager yesterday – they have surgery scheduled in a couple of weeks, and the oncologist says it’s still only a 30 – 40% chance it’s cancer, so I’m really holding onto every shred of hope I can find. I so don’t want her to have to go through this.

    Have a wonderful day everyone –

