What's the deal with whole eggs?

nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
So eggs are healthy, lean & good for us supposedly. Yet, I follow tons of fitness competitors on IG & they eat eggs whites but no whole eggs. Anyone have any idea why this is? I know it's for protein, but why leave the yolk out? I'm also trying to lean & shred my body, perhaps I shouldn't eat whole eggs either? I wonder if it hurts progress?


  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    they say there is something in the yolk that may cause high cholesterol or something like that.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Cholesterol, fat and calories. If I'm having scrambled eggs I use one whole egg and 2 egg whites. Tastes just the same with a lot fewer calories and cholesterol.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    IIFIYM. Basically the yolks contain more of the calories (but much more flavour).

    I generally eat whole eggs because I am using them for a meal and not an additional protein source or snack. Not sure I could eat egg whites on their own.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Although there is a lot of protein in the yolk there is also a lot of fat. The egg whites are lighter. When I eat only egg whites I find I have to eat at least 3 eggs worth to be even remotely satisfied. I doctor them up with tomatoes, green onions and a little reduced fat cheese which tends to help with the bland flavor. You could also do half and half or two egg whites and one whole egg to reduce the fat intake. But, if its part of a balanced diet and you're seeing results then there really is no reason to change it. Moderation is key.
  • bocacats
    bocacats Posts: 3
    I was also wondering about that. On my 2 days of my 5:2 diet I put 6 boiled egg whites in the fridge with vinagar,s&p and use them as snacks.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I just eat the whole egg, personally.
    Never had any cholesterol issues and I eat a minimum of 4 eggs per day.

    It's wasteful and time consuming to separate the egg whites and only use them.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Eat the whole thing. It won't kill you or hurt your progress. Just avoid eating dozens at a time.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    Well I normally have oatmeal in the morning & I just started adding 1 whole scrambled egg as well. This is what I would be eating every single day for breakfast. But, if it's going to hurt my weight loss I don't want to chance it.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I just eat the whole egg because I don't like to waste... but the whites do taste better to me.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    I just eat the whole egg, personally.
    Never had any cholesterol issues and I eat a minimum of 4 eggs per day.

    It's wasteful and time consuming to separate the egg whites and only use them.

    I agree! I was doing that for a while. I would make a bunch of hard boiled eggs, throw out the yolks & have 4 every morning with my oatmeal & it's such a waste, not to mention going through all those eggs is expensive after a while.
  • Jlopez201
    Jlopez201 Posts: 61
    To be honest not every diet works for everyone. I do too have 2 whole boiled eggs at least once a week. Yes the yolk is high in cholesterol but at the same time have all the nutrients. I personally never had any issues with cholesterol either.

    SO, I would say it depends on the person, their fitness goals and what their diet is like in general.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    I always eat the yolks. Dietary cholesterol has been found to have little effect on blood cholesterol.

    "Recent research has been showing that the cholesterol in eggs is handled by most people’s bodies in a way that doesn’t cause heart disease and that dietary cholesterol does not necessarily translate to increased blood cholesterol or an unfavorable ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol." From the Journal of Nutrition.

    The egg yolk contains choline, lutein, and other wonderful nutrients.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I eat the whole thing because the cholesterol ratio is better than other stuff, and it's a good fat that keeps me full, and there's a ton of vitamins in it. Egg whites? Might as well just eat boiled chicken with no skin. :/
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    I just eat the whole egg, personally.
    Never had any cholesterol issues and I eat a minimum of 4 eggs per day.

    It's wasteful and time consuming to separate the egg whites and only use them.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So eggs are healthy, lean & good for us supposedly. Yet, I follow tons of fitness competitors on IG & they eat eggs whites but no whole eggs. Anyone have any idea why this is? I know it's for protein, but why leave the yolk out? I'm also trying to lean & shred my body, perhaps I shouldn't eat whole eggs either? I wonder if it hurts progress?

    It's a calorie thing, less cals in just whites
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    As we speak I am eating a half and half omelet. I take one whole egg and 9 tablespoons of eggwhites from the carton. (as not to waste my whole eggs) I added baby spinach and cream havarti cheese. It is so good, and provides me with over 30 grams of protein for breakfast alone!
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Cholesterol, fat and calories. If I'm having scrambled eggs I use one whole egg and 2 egg whites. Tastes just the same with a lot fewer calories and cholesterol.

    Eggs don't contain bad cholesterol.
    Eggs don't contain bad fats.
    Eggs do have "slightly" extra calories that egg whites
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Its the fat in the egg yolk which is why a lot of websites from good sources recommend not eating more than 5 whole eggs in a week. You don't have to give up whole egg but eat in moderation. If you anyway eat eggs once or twice a week - then go ahead and eat the whole eggs but if you are trying to incorporate eggs as a protein source for your daily diet - i would recommend 1 whole egg and 3 to 4 egg whites per day (max of 5 whole eggs in a week).

    For some people - it doesn't really affect eating whole eggs all the time but its a fact that egg yolk has a lot of fat so its your deal to have them in moderation and judge how your body fits to its needs.
  • tinabatinaflc
    what they said.

    i don't LOVE eggs that much, so i find i can get a bunch of protein by eating 3 or 4 egg whites every morning or for a snack and save myself the fat
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    So eggs are healthy, lean & good for us supposedly. Yet, I follow tons of fitness competitors on IG & they eat eggs whites but no whole eggs. Anyone have any idea why this is? I know it's for protein, but why leave the yolk out? I'm also trying to lean & shred my body, perhaps I shouldn't eat whole eggs either? I wonder if it hurts progress?

    It's a calorie thing, less cals in just whites
    Yes, it's just this!