Ladies-How do you stay safe while jogging alone?



  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I worry about this two, I live in South East London, England and it can be dodgy at night. Also pepperspray and any other weapon is completely illegal here in the UK.

    If I were to carry pepper spray/mace and spray it at an attacker it would be a premeditated attack on my behalf for carrying an illegal weapon or firearm.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Running with a weapon is stupid unless you know how to use it. Even with pepper spray you should test fire it once before blindly trusting it. I won't run with a gun or knife because I don't know how to fight with one, which means it would probably be taken away and used against me.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    I am not a lady but the ones I know, either run at an indoor gym, carry a Ruger LCP (gun), or run with someone.

    Ruger LCP is a nice, VERY compact gun, but unless you shoot it often enough to be used to the VERY LONG trigger pull, its a bit awkward to get used to and be accurate. I traded up to a SR9C.

    But of course, just the muzzle alone pointed into someone's face should be enough to cause them to think twice about doing anything more than back away from you :happy:
  • OneEyeUp
    OneEyeUp Posts: 373 Member
    Mace is a wonderful deterant >:)

    Many people can resist mace. Don't know anyone who can resist bullets.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    I don't take any special precautions.

    Attackers don't go after women who appear to be confident, alert, and aware, because they know that these women are generally hard to target.

    After promptly turning around, approaching the man who shouted the obscenities, and telling him to kindly eff off, he apologized and never once said another word to me, even though he sees me at least once a week.

    But honestly, a guy approaching you while you run is honestly nothing to get worked up over. My advice? If he, or anyone else does it again, tell him to eff' off, and go about your business.

    But those who carry knives are stupid. Good gracious. If someone's determined to attack you, mug you or rape you, there's a pretty good chance that walking up to them and telling them to screw off isn't going to deter them. At least a knife will take a chunk out of them.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I worry about this two, I live in South East London, England and it can be dodgy at night. Also pepperspray and any other weapon is completely illegal here in the UK.

    If I were to carry pepper spray/mace and spray it at an attacker it would be a premeditated attack on my behalf for carrying an illegal weapon or firearm.

    Really!! Thats so odd! So what do you do
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Compression shorts with a holster built in.


    Huh, that's awesome.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member

    as for the "attitude" comments- im a b**ch. period. i give off an air of b**chfit. Im unfriendly and borderline arrogant. People would be stupid to think i want to chat. HOWEVER. i am 4'8" and 122lbs. the reality is-a 6', 300lb man or woman attacks me-im screwed. attitude or not. even the best self defence classes only work in a reasonably even match. so ladies-do a test: get your husband or a family member to grab you like someone would iy wanted to hurt, rape, or rob you. if you cant access his groin, knees or eyes pretty quickly-youre going to wish you had a weapon. and for those of you with weapons-can you get to yours if you have already been grabbee, or did you just arm your attacker?

    ***** or not, I think I may love you ;) haha
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I've NEVER had anyone yell anything at me or whistle or anything like that so I guess i'm lucky. I do run on busier roads for my own piece of mind in case someone tried to pull anything. For the most part though I do my exercise in my gym because I usually end up exercising after work and my neighborhood is kinda sketchy at night.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Mace is a wonderful deterant >:)

    Many people can resist mace. Don't know anyone who can resist bullets.

    Hmm but wouldnt running with a gun be very unsafe!! I dont know anything about guns
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member

    as for the "attitude" comments- im a b**ch. period. i give off an air of b**chfit. Im unfriendly and borderline arrogant. People would be stupid to think i want to chat. HOWEVER. i am 4'8" and 122lbs. the reality is-a 6', 300lb man or woman attacks me-im screwed. attitude or not. even the best self defence classes only work in a reasonably even match. so ladies-do a test: get your husband or a family member to grab you like someone would iy wanted to hurt, rape, or rob you. if you cant access his groin, knees or eyes pretty quickly-youre going to wish you had a weapon. and for those of you with weapons-can you get to yours if you have already been grabbee, or did you just arm your attacker?

  • OneEyeUp
    OneEyeUp Posts: 373 Member
    Mace is a wonderful deterant >:)

    Many people can resist mace. Don't know anyone who can resist bullets.

    Hmm but wouldnt running with a gun be very unsafe!! I dont know anything about guns

    No. There are many holsters which hold it very securely with quick access. However, if you don't know anything about guns, definitely don't carry one. That said, please go to a range and learn. It is the best thing a woman can do to equalize herself to the brute strength of a man.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    If you don't want or can't get a real gun, get a good imitation. I'm serious, if you look online you can find cheap ones that look real (real enough to an attacker in the dark anyway). It won't actually protect you, but it's a great deterrent. It's really just the threat of being shot that will scare them off anyway. Plus, you won't have to learn how to shoot or worry about shooting off a boob while you're running.
  • babecon
    babecon Posts: 136 Member
    This thread scares me, I can guarantee I would trip over something and stab myself if I carried a knife while I was running..
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Mace is a wonderful deterant >:)

    Many people can resist mace. Don't know anyone who can resist bullets.

    Hmm but wouldnt running with a gun be very unsafe!! I dont know anything about guns

    For you, specifically, since you know nothing about them, yes. But, getting educated in firearms and how to safely use one is easier than one would think. If you're interested, find a local gun shop and just ask someone for a moment of their time and most would be more than happy to give you a rundown on the basic mechanics of firing. They would most likely be able to suggest where you can go in your area to learn from a professional how to safely handle one. :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Mace is a wonderful deterant >:)

    Many people can resist mace. Don't know anyone who can resist bullets.

    Hmm but wouldnt running with a gun be very unsafe!! I dont know anything about guns

    I posted on the first page the issues with pepper spray or mace. It isn't really a great deterrent.

    I also don't wish to run with a gun either and its nothing to do with knowledge, I am quite familiar with guns.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Mace is a wonderful deterant >:)

    Many people can resist mace. Don't know anyone who can resist bullets.

    Hmm but wouldnt running with a gun be very unsafe!! I dont know anything about guns

    No. There are many holsters which hold it very securely with quick access. However, if you don't know anything about guns, definitely don't carry one. That said, please go to a range and learn. It is the best thing a woman can do to equalize herself to the brute strength of a man.

    My husband wants to buy me one and set me up in classes makes since
  • canadian_bacon
    Revolvers are good for beginners with guns. My first was a .357 dual action with a 6 inch barrel... not small but a stub nosed .38 would be perfect for conceal/carry. Also not a lot of kick with a .38. Makes it easier to handle for people not used to guns.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    As someone who ended up on the wrong side of "don't be afraid, just be confident and aware" I am probably overly cautious. That's me though, I just have no desire to end up on the wrong side of that again.

    I don't run in the dark
    I run in high-traffic (people or cars) areas
    I don't run with music
    I don't run the same routes
    I tell my family where I'm planning to be and how long I plan to be gone
    I bring my cell phone

    Sadly, I have 2 big dogs and they both suck to run with, and I don't know anyone else that runs as slowly as me.

    I would rather be overly cautious than find out I wasn't cautious enough.
  • JenS2586
    JenS2586 Posts: 85
    I would love to jog outdoors, but I've had so many issues with guys honking, yelling, circling the block to get another look etc, and that's just walking [usually with my 6yr old and pushing a double stroller with my twins] and with a preggo belly. I can't iimagine running/jogging! So I stick to my treadmill.
    When I walk I try to avoid busy streets because of the guys, seriously guys what are you thinking?

    I used to walk my dog at night alone and always took back roads with no street lights, I made sure I had good grip of my dog and my cellphone in my hand, if someone went by I played with my phone as if I was talking to someone. Not that I had to worry cuz I had a saint bernard [over 200lbs and extremely protective of me, even my bf wasn't allowed to jokingly swat me with paper or he'd flip and get between us] so I felt well protected.

    I would suggest ditching the headphones if u use them and carrying a phone where its visible. Or buy a big dog ;)