Ladies-How do you stay safe while jogging alone?



  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I worry about this two, I live in South East London, England and it can be dodgy at night. Also pepperspray and any other weapon is completely illegal here in the UK.

    If I were to carry pepper spray/mace and spray it at an attacker it would be a premeditated attack on my behalf for carrying an illegal weapon or firearm.

    Really!! Thats so odd! So what do you do

    It's not that strange, to be honest I'm finding all the comments about packing a knife or a gun to be completely insane as it is so against our culture in the UK.

    What if the attacker turns the weapon around on you?

    I haven't had a lot of trouble, I don't make eye contact and just keep running with my headphones in. So whether someone has shouted me or not I wouldn't know.

    I wouldn't know what to do if there was someone who directly approached me but I really, really don't think guns and knives are the answer. It's a massive problem and it's scary that you all have such easy access to guns.

    Yeah, terrifying that we all have the right to defend ourselves and loved ones from attackers and intruders. How awful for us. :noway: Wild horses couldn't drag me to live in a country that refuses me the right to pack heat.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    There are lots of things to be cautious about when running aside from just protecting yourself from crazed attackers/rapists. People drive like idiots, you're hard to see in the dark (even with headlight/reflective gear), you be injured, depending on where you live you may encounter animals (getting sprayed by a skunk is not my idea of a good time), you may get lost, any number of things may happen that don't involve crazed attackers. Safety encompasses many things.
  • Th1st1me4sure
    Guns r a good idea, sadly here in the UK they're not legal so no one owns guns (except the bad guys of course! X[ ) so we don't get that option. Lucky for me I'm a Tae Kwon Do black belt even so you never know what you may face. ...

    Here's is some good advice my Tae Kwon Do teacher is always drilling into us, especially us girls...

    1) The best form of self not to be there in the first place! Tae kwon do is a fantastic martial art and learning it WILL help keep you safe and give you the skills you need to protect yourself and others. However it does not mean you are invincible and you must keep yourself away from dangerous circumstances when possible.

    2) If you are attacked and someone is attempting to rape you or drag you away...DO NOT yell "rape" or even "help". People wont bother coming to your aid because they will be scared or think someone is out in the street pissing about. You've got to yell "FIRE". Sounds odd but people WILL be more likely to check out the situation if they think they're property may be in danger.
  • MzIrish
    MzIrish Posts: 11,917 Member
    Compression shorts with a holster built in.


    I need a pair.. would like to carry when I run. I just have not bought anything yet.
    Winter I can wear my shoulder holster if I had to since I have a coat over. but to hard to run in.
  • marthajo1
    marthajo1 Posts: 68 Member
    I run with pepper mace.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Yep I'm struggling with this too. I train at 4.45/5am and now being Autumn in Australia its pitch black dark then. I used to run around a lake but I don't feel safe there in the dark.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    cell phone, pepper spray, knife and sometimes my pistol
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Ladies, please. TAKE THE STUPID MUSIC EAR PIECES OUT OF YOUR EARS ! You gotta be aware of your surroundings. You gotta be able to hear !
    And, stay in the populated areas when you are alone (and unarmed).
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    I hate that we even have to ask this question. I swear, this is one of those things that men will never really understand- what it means to constantly have to be aware of the potential to be victimized by men simply because we are women. I think a lot of women underestimate the cost of this also, because it's just so ingrained in us.
  • T1G3
    T1G3 Posts: 2
    When you are out running, run on the side of the road, where the cars are driving towards you and not on the side of the road that cars are heading in the same direction you are jogging.
  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member
    I only run during daylight hours in a busy park with no secluded paths, and I never listen to music so I can hear and be aware of my surroundings.
  • zooles
    zooles Posts: 93 Member
    Compression shorts with a holster built in.


    love, love, LOVE
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    I have a small (keychain) pepper spray that I carry with my house key.. Plus a 1 year old pit bull.. Lol.. But the pepper spray makes me feel secure because I don't need to be that close to someone for it to be effective
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    I don't listen to music at all when I run (unless it is on the dreadmill at the gym). It takes some getting used to but you can do it. Be aware of your surrounding at all times, too. Make eye contact with people that you pass. Be aware of traffic and make sure you are on the proper side of the road.
  • axelorate
    axelorate Posts: 75 Member
    I recommend a large monkey wrench or pipe.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Unfortunately, I am overly cautious. Yes, it is probably a good thing, but can drive myself crazy at times! I have a Jogger's belt, and I carry my phone, keys and a small swiss army knife in there. I don't care if I get caught with it. I'd rather be safe than sorry. My fiance and I also have the gps runners app. I turn it on when I go jogging, and when he logs into the app, he can see where I am.

    Aside from that, I try and jog on busy streets, and if I take a path, I try take one that backs onto peoples backyards, and is not too secluded.

    And low to no music. If I do listen to it, it is very low.
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    I worry about this two, I live in South East London, England and it can be dodgy at night. Also pepperspray and any other weapon is completely illegal here in the UK.

    If I were to carry pepper spray/mace and spray it at an attacker it would be a premeditated attack on my behalf for carrying an illegal weapon or firearm.

    Really!! Thats so odd! So what do you do

    It's not that strange, to be honest I'm finding all the comments about packing a knife or a gun to be completely insane as it is so against our culture in the UK.

    What if the attacker turns the weapon around on you?

    I haven't had a lot of trouble, I don't make eye contact and just keep running with my headphones in. So whether someone has shouted me or not I wouldn't know.

    I wouldn't know what to do if there was someone who directly approached me but I really, really don't think guns and knives are the answer. It's a massive problem and it's scary that you all have such easy access to guns.

    Yeah, terrifying that we all have the right to defend ourselves and loved ones from attackers and intruders. How awful for us. :noway: Wild horses couldn't drag me to live in a country that refuses me the right to pack heat.

    Amen to that ^^
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    I worry about this two, I live in South East London, England and it can be dodgy at night. Also pepperspray and any other weapon is completely illegal here in the UK.

    If I were to carry pepper spray/mace and spray it at an attacker it would be a premeditated attack on my behalf for carrying an illegal weapon or firearm.

    Really!! Thats so odd! So what do you do

    It's not that strange, to be honest I'm finding all the comments about packing a knife or a gun to be completely insane as it is so against our culture in the UK.

    What if the attacker turns the weapon around on you?

    I haven't had a lot of trouble, I don't make eye contact and just keep running with my headphones in. So whether someone has shouted me or not I wouldn't know.

    I wouldn't know what to do if there was someone who directly approached me but I really, really don't think guns and knives are the answer. It's a massive problem and it's scary that you all have such easy access to guns.

    I'm just outside london as well, and it's terrifying to see all these comments about carrying knives and guns...remind me not to go running when I visit my sister in the states!

    I live in a really quiet village, but we've had really high profile kidnappings and murders from here, I tend to just run during the day past busy places - lots of nursery/primary schools and churches, and if I can't, then I'll do cardio inside. I live nowhere near any of my friends, and if they knew that I was running, they'd probably just sit me down and feed me cake!

    As long as you are not going to attack anyone on your runs visiting your sister in the states you should be fine.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    you know, wedging your keys through your fingers make for an excellent defense weapon to claw at an attacker's face. you could also invest in a couple strap-on weights (i've seen sets that belt over the top of your hand so you grip the weight.) maybe not as effective as brass knuckles, but at the very least it will give you a substatial punch or even some power if you club your arm down.
  • dqgirl1
    dqgirl1 Posts: 39 Member
    I fear dogs more then people. I live back in the sticks and usually run past amish farms...they ALWAYS have dogs....most of which arent overly friendly:/ Pepper spray is my plan for them...I have been stopping and chatting to the familys when they are out so I can kind of get an idea about the nature of the