Beautiful Blues 5/4/10 Newbies always welcome!



  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    The last two days have been brutal. After the funeral today I got my hands on WAY TOO MUCH good southern food and I endulged and last night we went to Cracker bareel after the viewing. I have not done my P90x in for the last couple days. I felt like crap when I got home today but just got back from a 45 minute walk swo I am proud I atleast got something done today.

    I am enjoying my evening walks again so I know I will look forward to those if nothing else. I aM going to get back on track I just need to get over the hurdle of today.

    Welcome to all the new comers you have joined a great group
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Went to the gym today and managed to burn over 1,000 calories. I worked my butt off and boy did i feel it. I really felt great after like I had accomplished something. :drinker: Now it will be two days out of the gym but I plan on using our netflix on demand thing and doing some exercising that way. I will run up and down the stairs to get my heart rate up there also. I can't wait to start watching the biggest loser tonight.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    P90X Plyometrics for 60 minutes is completed! I love the feeling of working out and eating healthy!!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers, welcome back jg, glad to hear from you Leigh, and glad to see Chrissy. Smadag and Deb, howdy as usual!

    Just got home from my big trip. Had a good time with mother and sisters, lovely dinner theater, and a blast at Stars On Ice (our seats were actually on the ice!) This morning, when loading the car with all my mother's, mine, and 2 sister's (both disabled) stuff, I managed to fall down my daughter's apartment stairs. Hit the back of my head really hard on the wall, and my feet (always a painful subject for me), ankles, knee, and tailbone feel very sore and bruised. Of course, I am the only one in the group capable of driving, so I smiled, told them I was fine, finished loading the car, and headed home. Eleven hours later, here I am, glad to be able to relax and admit that maybe I hurt a little, but still fine.

    I didn't kill either sister, mostly just changed the subject and made them laugh, and only had to lecture my mother once on the fact that we can't control others, and if my son in law did something years ago that made her mad, I was sorry, could not change it for her, and that life is too short to hang onto resentment. Oh, well, I suppose she will get over me telling her what I think one time during the trip! :wink:

    Anyway, the "peacemaker pack mule" daughter is home, glad to be here, but glad I went! Have a great evening all!
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    Went to the gym today and managed to burn over 1,000 calories. I worked my butt off and boy did i feel it. I really felt great after like I had accomplished something. :drinker: Now it will be two days out of the gym but I plan on using our netflix on demand thing and doing some exercising that way. I will run up and down the stairs to get my heart rate up there also. I can't wait to start watching the biggest loser tonight.

    1,000!!!! WOW! Great Job!!
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Gesh 1000 calories! How much time are you in there for?

    Yesterday I went to the gym for 40 minutes (I go on my lunch hour while at work) and I burned 429. I'm pretty darn proud of myself, it's the most I've burned to date! I'm slowly trying to work up my endurance and my knee strength to start the eliptical.

    Right now I'm doing 40 minutes on the treadmill doing hill intervals. I manage to walk between 3.0 and 3.3 mph and I get almost 9 1/2 laps in. My intervals are as follows (though I try to make them more intense and I mix it up daily) 0% warm up, 4%, 2%, 6%, 4%, 8%, 10/9%, 8%, 1% cool down. I think today I'm going to take out the 2% and jump right to the 6%.

    I'm also doing a 1200 calorie eating plan.

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Also my goals this week is to work up to 500 calories by Friday (in 40 minutes). I don't have a weekly weight loss goal set, I just want to loos something!

    Also wanted to give you all a short background. I'm 25 and I just had a baby in January. My prepregnancy weight was 253 (yikes!) and on delivery day I was up to 278 (double yikes!!!). Most of my weight gain was water though. Soon after deliver I dropped all the weight I gained, plus 10 addtional pounds. I've been bouncing around the 240s for about 4 months now. I'm using 253 as my starting weight because it's a very "real" number to me and it's one I NEVER want to see again! That is the highest weight I've ever been (other than pregnancy) in my entire life. I hate it!

    My ultimate goal is to be able to get into a size 12 (no size 2s for me!). If I can do that I would be very happy with myself. I'm also looking to loose some weight before we try again for baby #2. I dont' want to be so miserable through out my pregnancy again.

    I'm doing a 1200 calorie diet with my husband. At his highest he was 283 and lost 83 pounds doing calorie control and exercise. He is my inspiration (though he sucks at motivating me!, which is why I'm here). I know that if he can do it, then I can. He was once able to pack away an entire extra large hungry howies pizza in one sitting. He would even make me order my own! But now, and for almost 2 years, we are leading much healthier lives. He's lost the weight and now it's my turn. With a baby I don't have much time to exercise when I get home from work, so I have to do it while I'm here. Which is okay by me (it's a nice break in the day). I only wish I could put in more time.

    Sorry to ramble!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Just finished cardio X and am now off to take my CDL permit test wish me luck. I will be woggingi tonight when It gets a little cooler out.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Fawkes, it is good to meet you! We can do this!

    Smadag best of luck on the test I am sure you will do fine!

    I did chest shoulders and triceps this morning. I was dreading it but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I am sore though.

    I promise I will get the new chart up today. I keep having computer issues. I am afraid one of these days it just won't start up. My husband is working on getting me a laptop--hopefully sooner than later!

    Happy Healthy eating today...I did really good until last night so I am going to try and be better today!
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Just got back from the gym! I did 40 minutes of hill intervals on the tredmill. Burned 497 Calories!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member