Diet sodas are not bad after all!!!



  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Just because it doesn't relate to "spikes in hunger" doesn't necessarily mean it's not bad for you.

    I agree. And it's full of disgusting, toxic artificial sweeteners.... gag. Don't believe everything you read on the internet bb

  • makenasmama
    makenasmama Posts: 3 Member
    My opinion is this: Everything in moderation! Is Diet Coke gonna kill you? Probably not! Is it "good" for you? Probably not! Is it ok to have every now and again? Definitely! Should I be drinking 2-3 a day probably not! Is it better for you than drinking a real coke? That is the question? I say most likely...a coke is probably not much healthier!
  • iBreatheMusic88
    I quit soda, never liked diet, tasted weird... But Im not going back... I just cant
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Why is diet soda being discussed on a food and nutrition forum? It is neither and shouldn't belong here.

    I'm glad you found an article to justify your addiction to diet soda. Enjoy.

    Couldn't be more wrong.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Clearly you don't understand that Aspartame has nothing to do with Monsanto.

    Why even say that?

    Monsanto first started manufacturing it. Then they sold under Nutrisweet. Now it's distributed by more companies than I can keep up with. Bottom line, yes there is something to do with it.

    Wikipedia: Aspartame was discovered in 1965 by James M. Schlatter, a chemist working for G.D. Searle & Company.

    Granted, G.D. Searle & Company was acquired by Monsanto in 1985, however the patent ran out in 1992 so now they aren't the only ones to profit from it. Why not list those other companies that manufacture it?

    And since I disagree with you, I MUST work for the 'enemy', huh? I truly hate it when people try to debunk another's dissenting opinion with that stupid crap.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Why is diet soda being discussed on a food and nutrition forum? It is neither and shouldn't belong here.

    I'm glad you found an article to justify your addiction to diet soda. Enjoy.

    I have only read 3 of your posts. I am curious,,,, are you always so negative?
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    this implies that you feel that you have done enough research. enlighten me, please.

    Enough to know that I'd rather stay away from it. What do you want to know? You can message me. I'm open to discussion. I don't want to keep checking this thread though. Too time consuming.
  • DaBigChief
    DaBigChief Posts: 146
    Why is diet soda being discussed on a food and nutrition forum? It is neither and shouldn't belong here.

    ^^^ so true ^^^^
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    For those of you who love and drink diet, look at the ingredients....ASPARTAME!!!! Do you know what is in it..Formaldehyde!!!!!!! Who wants to drink that???? Just something for you to think about. I would rather drink regular, take the extra calories and work a little harder then drink that stuff and put it in my body.

    Can we please get our facts straight? Aspartame breaks down COMPLETELY into 3 things in the body. Aspartic acid, phenylalanine (both naturally occurring amino acids), and methanol. The body converts methanol into formaldehyde which then converts to formic acid. This is a normal bodily process in response to methanol. Guess what has WAY more methanol than aspartame? Strawberries and tomatoes, just to name two.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    Just because it doesn't relate to "spikes in hunger" doesn't necessarily mean it's not bad for you.

    ^^ THIS ^^

    History: Prone to migraines since childhood. Frequent (almost daily) headaches (not always migraines) for the last few years.

    I was fully against the whole diet cokes are bad for you spill and refused to stop drinking them until I hit a stand-still with my weight loss so I thought I would stop for a few weeks and see what happened. I didn't see a lot of change in my weight loss, but as weeks went on I noticed something awesome..... I had not had a headache in about 2 or 3 weeks!!! :happy: I stayed diet coke (and headache!!) free for a few months and last summer hit and so did travel and all the other excuses and I fell back into the diet coke habit again and BAM....headaches were back. So you guessed it... I quit again. And once again was mostly headache free. Many say it's the aspartame and that's probably part of it, but I can get aspartame through other things and don't seem to have a problem. Something in the diet soft drinks is no joke......

    Something to think about!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    this implies that you feel that you have done enough research. enlighten me, please.
    Enough to know that I'd rather stay away from it. What do you want to know? You can message me. I'm open to discussion. I don't want to keep checking this thread though. Too time consuming.

    Likewise. I truly don't care that you don't want to consume aspartame. That's completely your business and it makes no difference to me what you do. But not everything one company makes is inherently bad, and it gets tiresome (not to mention childish) to see Monsanto thrown around like that name is some kind of proof that your position is right.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    this implies that you feel that you have done enough research. enlighten me, please.

    Enough to know that I'd rather stay away from it. What do you want to know? You can message me. I'm open to discussion. I don't want to keep checking this thread though. Too time consuming.

    I want you to provide links to the studies that definitively prove (note: i said prove...not speculate, guess, take a stab at, etc.) that aspartame is bad.

    and lol @ checking this thread being too time consuming. If you think that's too time consuming I can only imagine the "quality" of the studies you are referring to and the "research" you have done.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Just because it doesn't relate to "spikes in hunger" doesn't necessarily mean it's not bad for you.

    I agree. And it's full of disgusting, toxic artificial sweeteners.... gag. Don't believe everything you read on the internet bb


    Hopefully you avoid dairy, fish, chicken, and citrus fruit because those all contain the metabolites of aspartame is MUCH higher quantities.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I often wonder what drives the participants in a back-and-forth such as this. Is it because you truly feel that you can sway the other participant? Is it because you truly feel that you are "right" and you want the other person to know that they are "wrong"? Is it an ego thing? Is is a passion thing? I see it often and I don't understand what drives MFP members to do this. No one ever persuades the opposition.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    There are studies to suggest that aspartame in diet sodas are linked to neurological deficits (ex: blindness). For every study that says, "Just joking guys, it's okay!" You find another study that says the opposite. I'd rather have real sugar and count the calories than a chemical-laden beverage into my body...

    I refuse to use an artificial sweetener I have one teaspoon of sugar every morning in my coffee. When we stop using empty calories that quick fix our problems such as sweet cravings instead of addressing the real issues that are causing the sweet cravings then we will all be much more healthy. I just don't understand why anyone would put something so unsure as artificial sweeteners in their body on a daily basis it totally contradicts the whole point of living a healthy lifestyle. A crash dieter who cares only about looking skinny I get it..but for the long term healthy lifestyle change it makes no sense. I might as well start smoking again and use the excuse it prevents me from is BS and the only ones falling for it are the ones doing it.

    I'm pretty sure that aspartame is the single most studied substance. There are decades of research and the only ones that show any negative effects are the ones that test extraordinary amounts of the stuff on rats. As in, their body weight in aspartame fed to them daily. Occasionally some random study pops out of some less than reputable lab and the internet is on fire that aspartame is "bad." And then the study is discredited because of their methodology or data and everything goes back to normal.

    There is nothing "unsure" about aspartame except in the minds of people who take in their information from garbage sources.

    Name an actual way that aspartame negatively affects health and back it up with a peer reviewed study. There are thousands on aspartame so it shouldn't be hard. Otherwise, as a very low calorie beverage, it fits into a healthy lifestyle whether there are chemicals in it or not. There are chemicals in everything that's how the world works.

    If it is so great how come Dannon took it out of their light and fit yogurt? It is genetically modified bacteria for the most part. It still comes down to the plain and simple facts....stop trying to replace everything with empty calories that you cant be certain won't biologically affect you in the long term when there are clearly safe, proven, natural methods at hand. Too each their own I have always been the type of person who can't wait to yell..."TOLD YA SO!" if all you fake sweeterner drinkers want to continue to be globally walking lab rats be my guest. Good luck in 2 yrs it will mark 50 yrs since aspartame has been consumed massively by ppl so we will see how much longer until they figure out if it is safe or not lol BTW just because they say it is safe to consume....everything in a grocery store food wise is safe to consume as well. Just because ti is government tested and labeled safe doesnt mean it is good for you. If I went by that logic I would be able to eat anything I want and be skinny lol it just doesnt work that way
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I often wonder what drives the participants in a back-and-forth such as this. Is it because you truly feel that you can sway the other participant? Is it because you truly feel that you are "right" and you want the other person to know that they are "wrong"? Is it an ego thing? Is is a passion thing? I see it often and I don't understand what drives MFP members to do this. No one ever persuades the opposition.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I just take exception when someone tries to pigeonhole the opposition personally solely because of disagreement, not because of facts.
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Funny thing is that people asking for proof, are basically trying to justify their position by saying that no studies saying the opposite must mean their side is correct.(Like chocolate ice cream in the smoking movie)

    Here is the thing. They can't actually preform the studies that would be required to PROVE one or the other on people. It breaks all the ethics rules.

    Best that can be done right now is correlation studies and as we have seen those can change drastically based on set up, duration, and objectives of the researcher.

    So right now we have no PROOF one way or the other and arguing either is a waste of time.

    It boils down to this: If you think it is bad: Is it better than the other things you were planning on drinking, or would be drinking otherwise? If you think it is perfectly fine, are you willing to risk that diet soda might be bad in the long term for you(in other areas that sodas have problems, like with acidity and tooth decay)

    There is no right or wrong in this case, it is simply the choice you want to make and the risks you want to take.
  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
    I do not personally drink sodas. I like seltzer with four slices of lime. However, I think diet sodas need to be considered in context of what people might be drinking if they weren't drinking diet soda. For many, many people diet soda is a huge improvement.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    I often wonder what drives the participants in a back-and-forth such as this. Is it because you truly feel that you can sway the other participant? Is it because you truly feel that you are "right" and you want the other person to know that they are "wrong"? Is it an ego thing? Is is a passion thing? I see it often and I don't understand what drives MFP members to do this. No one ever persuades the opposition.

    For me personally, it's about trying to combat opinion with fact. The internet is rife with opinion that all too often is interpreted as fact. I'm not "pro" or "con" anything, except pro truth. Rampant hysteria is why this aspartame issue exists in the first place. Aspartame has been studied to death and yet we still argue about it when we consume and are in contact with thousands of other things per day that have way less long term data associated with them. That's scary to me.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    You can find a study to support almost any view, good or bad.

    Just because one study says someting is ok doesn't mean it is.... and for the record, I am not against diet pop at all.