my body isnt what it used to be! and i'm only 24!!!!



  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    You think it's bad now... wait til you have kids... belly sag, and the boobs... stretch marks.

    That said...
    I am 36 and am in the best shape of my ENTIRE life, after having had 2 kids.

    And while my boobs won't ever be the same (thank god for bras), I wouldn't trade my kids for the world.

    Fact is, we all age. Trying to fight wrinkles and frown lines is futile. Embrace each year, each change and do what you can to stay healthy.

    Family, Exercise, sleep, good food, and happy times <~~~ in my opinion, THAT's what matters in life. Not whether you are getting loose eyelids.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I'll let you know when I get there. I'm 33 and still feel (and act) like a child. I'm in 10x better shape than I ever was even going back to high school.

    Only thing that I've really noticed is that I'm getting stray white hairs on my chest.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I am 24. I still feel like a kid.A women in the grocery store yesterday said to her little boy who was running around: "Let this nice lady pass."
    Anyways, I do notice the skin around my eyes changing a little so I pay more attention to moisturizing the area. But you know, change happens, it's only gonna get worse.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I noticed it at 23...when I bought my first real vacuum cleaner and got excited. I also got excited for a lawn mower, week eater, crock pot etc :P

    No but for real, I have the SAME EXACT ISSUES. I'm 24 and my boobs look like I've had kids, which I haven't and my body is resistant to dropping weight no matter how healthy I eat or how much I work out. I've had stretch marks since I was 19 after gaining 10 pounds. Also, I can make myself look pregnant. I always had a relatively flat, but not toned stomach...then it seemed overnight to sprout out. I feel gross, but at least the stretch marks are fading so if I can drop the weight it won't be too bad.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I am 24. I still feel like a kid.A women in the grocery store yesterday said to her little boy who was running around: "Let this nice lady pass."
    Anyways, I do notice the skin around my eyes changing a little so I pay more attention to moisturizing the area. But you know, change happens, it's only gonna get worse.

    The worst is getting called 'Ma'am'
  • kaylamommyof2
    I have said this a MILLION times! I am 24, but I have two kids and I say to myself this is not what a 24 year old body looks like...I guess that's the problem though, thinking there is a way things are "supposed" to look or be...gonna just keep moving forward and hope I can reach my goals (:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I went to the Clinique counter to buy foundation and the woman gave me a free sample of eye cream! To be fair that was when my daughter was a baby, a few months ago, and I am 35! I'd say I notice ageing around my eyes more than anywhere else, although when I've had a decent night's sleep I look so much better.

    Also, my stomach isn't as good as it was, but I've had 2 children quite close together.

    At 25 I looked really good and young! People still mistake me for late 20s now.
  • CheekyRunner
    CheekyRunner Posts: 105 Member
    I just turned 40 and I feel great! The only difference I have noticed in the last couple of years is my skin is drier. So I use creams to keep the wrinkles away.... Please don't let me get wrinkles until my 60's or grey hair!!!!
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I'm the same. I was at my worst at 23 - 24. I'm now at my best, because I've worked hard. You just gotta work at it ya know?

    And as for the saggy eye lids.. this JUST started happening to me 3 weeks ago. The solution is...

    Every morning apply this for anti puff (or sag)...

    Let it dry, then apply this (generously). Make sure you buy a shade lighten than your usual cover up..

    PS.. I'm turning 26 next month.

    Ice works just as well. I've had puffy eyes for a long time and I'm only 24. Mine stems from many many years of allergy and sinus issues. It got worse with weight gain. Drink plenty of water and you'll notice a difference. I've used both of those products and although they worked, ice is free.
  • Icedrgn
    Icedrgn Posts: 17
    When I stopped getting carded by the kids that need a manager to run my alcohol purchases over the scanner at the grocer.
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I'm 23 and I don't feel old at all. Not physically anyways. Mentally, though, I'm like 35...My brain is so tired...
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    screw that, just put some generic hemmoroid cream under your eyelids... much cheaper

    It's only around $16 a bottle, sometimes more. You just gotta get it on sale. I tried the hemorrhoid cream, it worked alright but it's harsh on your skin. These are gentle and they work better.
  • I'm the same. I was at my worst at 23 - 24. I'm now at my best, because I've worked hard. You just gotta work at it ya know?

    And as for the saggy eye lids.. this JUST started happening to me 3 weeks ago. The solution is...

    Every morning apply this for anti puff (or sag)...
    Let it dry, then apply this (generously). Make sure you buy a shade lighten than your usual cover up..

    PS.. I'm turning 26 next month.

    awesome! thank you! i am doing a lot to take care of myself now so it' sno as bad in the future. i'll have to try these for sure!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Isn't it 24 too young to even have those? We start to lose muscle by the time we hit the 30's which makes us more prone to be fatter if we don't do something about it & changing your body shape from hourglass to apple only happens if we're menopause & in the 50's coz of estrogen loss so in your case I don't think age has to do with it, most probably its due to other factors such as lifestyle, genetics. I just turned 34 today but modesty aside I still don't experience those things you mentioned.
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    When sportsmen suddenly were younger than me. Most perturbing. Though my bf (14 years older) was perhaps right to be wholly unsympathetic when I had a mild realisation crisis moment when watching rugby...
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Ice works just as well. I've had puffy eyes for a long time and I'm only 24. Mine stems from many many years of allergy and sinus issues. It got worse with weight gain. Drink plenty of water and you'll notice a difference. I've used both of those products and although they worked, ice is free.

    I barely have enough time to take a poop in the morning, let alone ice my eyelids.
  • I noticed I was getting older when the same amount of alcohol started giving me a 2-day hangover instead of just the next morning.

    Also with this little short person started following me around and calling me "mama." WTF is that all about? :huh:

    bahahahaha to that little person! :laugh:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't even know what to say to this. :huh:

    I'm 35 and have two kids and sometimes I still feel like a teenager.
  • ashleisobol
    I'm 27 and have had three kids I noticed prolly around a year ago that i was starting to feel much older lol I just had my third baby about 9 months ago and just started to eat healtier and exercise helathier cuz i miss my flat belly lol ahh the joys of children