Eating healthy turned me into a food snob



  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    I am in the same boat as the thread starter. I feel bad but I am very judgemental now. I just hate when people that are eating a bad meal and complaining about not being able to lose weight. I want to shake em' and give them
    a mirror. They say they are trying but one minute later ordering dessert????
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Definitely, although I try really hard not to show it. My Mum has always been a health freak and I was with her in Costco one day when she told some poor woman that her Hershey's topping was 'poison' and I am determined never to do that to anyone!

    Mostly I find that my snobbery affects what I eat myself. There's a lot of things I used to eat that just taste like chemicals to me now - because that's pretty much what they are! Although when I see someone scarfing down a big mac and giant fries while they drive down the street my judgementalism tends to rear its ugly head. I just try to remember that those people need our sympathy and support. When people struggle with food issues there's usually an emotional undercurrent that needs to be addressed.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm coming at this from the other direction - I kind of hope people in the grocery store are judging what's in my cart. When I'm tempted to buy junk food I imagine running into one of a handful of people who I know will look in my cart and judge. It makes me happy to get to the checkout counter knowing it would all pass inspection.
  • TeaSVG
    TeaSVG Posts: 2 Member
    I feel like this is slowly starting to happen to me, too. I'm consciously trying to lose weight for the first time ever. My boyfriend was overweight a few years ago and lost a lot (before we got together), and since we've been together, he's put on a few pounds. I'm very overweight, so it's kind of sad and funny when I start judging him (internally) about his bad diet... who do I think I am!? But, his weight loss has helped to inspire me, and I don't want to see him fall off the horse. I would love him no matter what the scale says, but I've been relying on his success to help me find mine.

    Also, I'm curious about the grocery basket spying thing. I wonder if I could go to the store, spot someone peeking at my basket and ask them to help me shop. Would they feel fulfilled that they finally get to play out their thoughts? I mean this sincerely, I'm not above asking for help. It was a lack of knowledge and self-control that got me here, so I'll take all the help I can get!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    The more you understand about flexible dieting, the less judgemental you will be.
  • supermuslimgirl
    supermuslimgirl Posts: 96 Member
    I love "junk food" but the healthy kind like chocolate chip cookie dough dip but it is made with chick peas.

    or a frosting shot witch is sinfully delicious I loved the site chocolate covered Katie.

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  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    ahh yes, in the sense that i don't like a lot of foods i used to eat. I never ever crave 2 min noodles or hot dogs these days. can't remember the last time i ate either of those tbh.

    but in the way OP used it as a way of judging others? noap. people can eat what they want, it doesnt affect what i think of them.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Just wondering if anybody has experienced this/noticed this in themselves since changing the way they eat. I used to eat some of the worst stuff, sweets whenever I wanted them, yknow. but now that I don't since I realized how bad my eating habits were affecting me, I tend to judge other people's. I think that unfortunately I just tend to be judgemental, which is one of my worst qualities, but when I see someone eating something that I wouldn't, sometimes I almost feel superior to them and I kind of hate it. I would never say anything, I know it's none of my business, but I definitely pay attention to what other people eat more than I used to. Like the other day I saw someone eat a bagel and 2 donuts from dunkin donuts in 10 minutes and just kind of stared. I definitely don't like this change (because I don't want to be a health snob, I want to be accepting of whatever people want to do) but I'm just wondering if you guys have done the same? Maybe I'm just jealous because I subconsciously want to eat a box of donuts. I dont know lol.

    No, not a food snob here. I eat mostly healthy food (lentils with a little brown rice and vegetables), but joked with an overweight friend today about what I was eating... and she joked back and called me a Lentil Head. I would LOVE to eat some donuts and bagels, but stay away because I can't control myself and would plow through the whole tray (plus the calories are too many to easily work off).

    Life is too short to be a snob about anything.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    Instead of feeling "superior" consider it a step toward your health and a better understanding of what it take to be healty.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I know what OP means and try my hardest not to.

    I have 2 family members who want to lose weight and always compliment me on my loss yet say they don't have willpower to lose themselves. They've tried WW and slimming world and failed more than once. That annoys me as they continuously insist they CAN'T lose weight.

    Oh well I've explained to them how I've done it its up to them isn't it.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Although when I see someone scarfing down a big mac and giant fries while they drive down the street my judgementalism tends to rear its ugly head. I just try to remember that those people need our sympathy and support. When people struggle with food issues there's usually an emotional undercurrent that needs to be addressed.

    This is true... a lot of people overeat or eat junk food because they're depressed and just want five minutes of happiness. Compassion is a better attitude than snobbery. Believe me, I've been there, buying a pint of caramel ice cream to cheer me up.
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    I don't care what other people eat. I stopped eating huge portions of junk food because it made me unhealthy and look and feel like crap.

    However I completely understand why people eat like this because it tastes fantastic. Live and let live - if they're happy let them be.