running.... inside or outside?



  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Depends on the weather. If it's cold, I can really feel the frigid air irritating my trachea and then I wonder what it's doing to my lungs. There are also the occasional traffic lights, although the route I take doesn't have too many.

    Advantages to the gym: climate-controlled, no traffic lights, I can watch video news podcasts (or their TVs, with the audio on the radio of my iPod). I can also then switch to another machine for some variety. Last week, though, after a stressful day ending with a long, irritating teleconference that ended at 6:15 PM from home, it was great to just scramble into my running clothes and run out the door.
  • neurorat
    neurorat Posts: 73 Member
    I actually prefer the treadmill. It forces me to continue my pace even when I am tired and it provides me with hills that just aren't here in Ohio. I have trained for all of my races on the treadmill because my schedule wouldn't permit me running outside safely and I have not had any issues. I *do* run on an incline of 1% and incorporate a hill run and speed drills to my week.
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    Outside! I hate the dreadmill, it's just so boring.
  • Jedil
    Jedil Posts: 62
    I prefer outside because I get a longer work out. :smile: The thing about running or walking outside is that however far away from your starting part you go, you have to make it all the way back to your car or house! :cry: On a treadmill, you can just stop at the first sign of getting tired. :yawn: I also like seeing the scenery go by. Besides, running or walking outside gives me good landscaping ideas from the neighborhood I am working out in. :bigsmile:
  • SAHMomma2_4
    Definitely outside! The treadmil is boring and the miles just drag by so slowly. Outside seems much easier and isn't nearly as boring!
  • beadalicious
    beadalicious Posts: 34 Member
    I always run outside with the dogs. It is harder though, I can only run about a half mile before my back and chins start to hurt. I walk it off and do another half mile. Although I can run further without stopping, I feel awkward on a treadmill, like i'm making the whole gym shake under my thunder thighs! I'm to heavy footed, or maybe I'm just too self-conscious :) Anyone else feel like that?!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
  • coleeli
    coleeli Posts: 40 Member
    I recently switched from the treadmill to outside. It is a little harder, but I feel like it is 100% more rewarding. It's a lot less boring and I enjoy the fresh air. I definitely feel it more muscle-wise, but I do not want to go back to running on the treadmill now.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    i don't think it matters, as long as you are not holding scissors.
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    Right now I'm running inside partly because of weather and partly because I have issues pacing myself and a treadmill really helps me do that. I'm excited about running outside when the weather improves though.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I definitely prefer outside, but I do both based on weather and what my goals are. Outside is harder until you get used to it - push through the pain for a couple of weeks and you'll probably never want to get on a treadmill again!
  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    In the fall I went inside to the treadmill because I was afraid of the cold. After a few weeks I got SO bored and went back outside. To my surprise, I was 'babying' myself on the treadmill and could run at a faster pace naturally outside. I hate the treadmill because you are 'stuck' to a speed unless you push a button. Outside is SO much better!!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I prefer outside. Treadmills alter your biomechanics and affect your stride in strange ways - the movement doesn't use the same muscles in the same proportions. Running outside seems more natural to me. That being said, I live in the desert and running outside isn't an option for about half the year. So, I run outside when weather permits and run on a treadmill when it does not. Works for me.
  • murphey21
    murphey21 Posts: 126 Member
    I like running outside, but I am from St. Louis, so the weather here is so unpredictable. My family and I just joined the YMCA and it has an indoor track, so that makes it nice when I can't get outside.
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    Definitely outside, mostly because it actually feels like I'm going somewhere. I started jogging before I had a gym membership and would only do outside. I think the treadmill is an okay warm up or cool down but I just prefer it, it always seemed silly to drive to a gym and run on a treadmill, but I can understand it if you don't have someplace to run around where you live.
  • DavidKBrewer
    I agree outside! And on trails!

    Originally I only ran on sidewalks and bike paths and hated trails because of the unevenness of the ground, ankle rolling rocks/roots and daunting hills. Now I've grown to love them. I feel like I'm moving much faster on trails with the trees flying by and the hills are like mini accomplishments when I conquer them. Yes...I conquer them. Plus it's much better on on your joints than harder surfaces.
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Outside!! I spent most of the winter on the dreadmill and although it's easier to zone-out and sometimes that can be nice, it's also so boring and the miles seem to drag on. It's a struggle for me to go more than 3 miles on the treadmill, but outside it's so much more enjoyable and I almost always run farther.

    Just got back from a 4 mile run outside and I'm happy to say that SPRING HAS ARRIVED! WOOT!
  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member
    Outside! The psychological boost that I get from feeling the fresh air against my skin, watching the beautiful sky and scenery, and hearing birds around me can't be replicated inside a gym on a track or treadmill.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Outside! I can run for an hour outside. 10 minutes on a treadmill feels like forever to me -- the crummy thing is I live in the desert and come end of May, there will be no more running outside for me unless I do it at 5 AM when it's only 90 outside lol.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Outside...yes, running outside is harder...but that's also kind of the point...if exercise is easy, you're doing it wrong. You should always be trying to push your body beyond what you did last time, it's the only way you get better.