What is your dealbreaker when dating



  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    It would be him:

    Talking constantly about the ex.

    Talking constantly about what he and the ex got up to in the bedroom.

    Talking constantly about himself and how it wasn't his fault he and the ex broke up.
  • OneEyeUp
    OneEyeUp Posts: 373 Member
    It would be him:

    Talking constantly about the ex.

    Talking constantly about what he and the ex got up to in the bedroom.

    Talking constantly about himself and how it wasn't his fault he and the ex broke up.

    Nice. Very smart.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm extremely picky - I don't think I've been physically attracted to anyone, ever. Just the way I'm wired. So for me, it's all about brains and personality.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Smokers, drugs and horrid grammar.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    a penis
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    When I was single, avid religion and not reading were two ways to get me to quickly go from interested to "nice to know you."
  • wildcatnyc
    wildcatnyc Posts: 2,410 Member
    Drug use
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Drug use

    What all on the same date!!!!!
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Evangelical religion.

    Amen! No pun intended. I believe in God myself but if you have to mentioned Jesus every time you open your mouth, that's telling me that you might be a bit insecure about some things.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    my husband made me stop dating a while ago....
    Good for him, I guess? :tongue:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    my husband made me stop dating a while ago....
    My bf didn't make me stop but for goodness sake one is to many :p
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    When I was single I had a lot, minus the regular standards (job, transportation, not a felon lol)

    Religion ( I could not date a religious person)
    Politics (I could not date a republican or tea partier)
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    My dealbreakers are infidelity and massive insecurity.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Evangelical religion.

    Amen! No pun intended. I believe in God myself but if you have to mentioned Jesus every time you open your mouth, that's telling me that you might be a bit insecure about some things.

    I agree. There's nothing wrong with somebody having a belief system, but when you can't even go on a date without speaking incessantly about it, well, that's worrying. And rather boring.
  • k_saenz
    k_saenz Posts: 126
    stupid and cocky -_-
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    stupid and cocky -_-
    I would have to turn to the other side if I had those rules :p
  • Strokes_and_Lathers
    Strokes_and_Lathers Posts: 58 Member
    moaning the wrong name!
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    *Too loud
    * Braggarts...always boasting about themselves. Boring!
    *Mean or rude to others...I was once on a dinner date and the guy was so rude to the waitress. There was no more dating him.
    *No humor, no more dating. I want somebody who can make me laugh and who totally gets my sense of humor.
    No currently using alcohol or drug addicts...also no cigarette smokers. I am not interested in dating anybody who does not at all give a crap about improving their mental and physical health.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    When he turns up to a date with all his mates, I sort of think he's not really that interested in me!!!

    (Yeah, I know, I don't get out much!)
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    many been mentioned before here

    religious fanatic
    dont like dogs
    lacking personal hygiene
    and small stubby fingers/hands