Body image self-assessment quiz



  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    20 baby! room for improvement. I just can't get over my almost constant hotness.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member

    It's probably pretty accurate. Generally I feel great about how I look, but there are some times, especially around others, when I'll focus on some of my less desirable features. The worst is looking at pictures/videos of myself, though, I'm hardly ever happy with what I see even though I've been known to spend time admiring my reflection in the mirror. Kind of weird, right?

    I don't think my score is affected by my weight at all. My body image has been consistent for most of my life.
  • lauried7
    lauried7 Posts: 1
    Umm...I got a 58 :-/ well, good thing things change
  • Jsnuggles
    Jsnuggles Posts: 33
    What I wish people would focus on with this quiz, yes it is just an internet quiz not a medical diagnosis, is that despite whether you are 300 pounds or 100 pounds you can still have the same issues with body image. Just because you are fat, and do not like the way you look, it does not make you impaired in everyday life. If your everyday life suffers from your body image then you have a serious issue.

    One of the 'classes' we had when I was at renowned Eating Disorder clinic, was Body Image. At one point we had to pick out one part of our body, it could have been our eyebrow for all they cared, and write a love letter to it. It sounds stupid, but there were girls who had panic attacks, broke down crying and literally could not do it. Their body image was so far gone. Most of these girls were anorexic and ranged from extremely thin to trim.

    This test was poorly worded, and a 40+ rating is not a catch all for BDD. If you received a 40+ rating and you feel you could benefit from therapy, then please do. If you are 40+ rating and your life is suffering because of the way you feel about your body, then you do need to see a therapist.

    The website is not telling you to stop working on your health, quite the opposite. Many people are ignoring that one of the things 40+ should do is exercise, but in a way that celebrates movement and you. Punishing yourself through working out, even if you get healthier in body, will not make you healthier in mind. The same with 'dieting'. Those are different than changing your life to be healthy. I rated a 66, but that was expected. I work with a therapist, and only through working with one have I finally been able to care enough about myself to let go of a bit of my self hatred in order to nurture myself with good foods and exercise.

    This issue is a lot more complex than the quiz, and a lot more complex than "I am a fattie!! I am supposed to feel bad! HAHAAH"
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    You have scored 78 points.

    SCORE 40+

    You are suffering from a condition called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) which is translated as body hatred. This is not a reflection of how you actually look or how other people see you, because there are very many people who have physical handicap, or, who look different from the norm. But they do not feel this badly about themselves. Similarly there are people who look very normal in reality but they experience this sense of deep hostility toward the way they look. BDD and a damaged sense of self-esteem go hand in hand.

    People with BDD are at high risk of developing a variety of serious emotional problems such as social phobias, depression and eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia for example, are examples of BDD, but BDD shows itself in many ways, some people develop an obsession with weighing themselves, seeking cosmetic surgery or engaging in punishing exercise regimes

    I don't always agree with these tests but I completely agree with this! Mine does stem from a history of being berated, sadly. I did suffer bulemia for quite a few years and no one would have imagined. In fact people who know me wouldn't realize how disgusted I feel inside. Many times it is easy to put on a smile. I LOVE people and I think that is what helps and I had no choice but to conquer the bulemia once I had open heart surgery. The doctor told me if I continued it, my heart could literally explode. It is a sad thing to have this and it is a process of healing emotionally.
  • Momabear4411
    Momabear4411 Posts: 16 Member
    I have scored 56 points.
  • bump for read later
  • jazzedorange
    jazzedorange Posts: 184 Member
    19. Not bad but not where I would like to be, according to a number.
  • lbdc05
    lbdc05 Posts: 32 Member
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
  • nicole_andan
    I'm sorry but this is a terrible quiz and poorly designed. It is slanted and worded in a way whereby you are likely to feel negative about yourself.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I scored a 15
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    41. Right on the cusp.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    I scored a 3!

    Yeah, so I'm a bit broken after an accident 21.5 years ago, but even so, at this point in my life I feel like I'm in the best shape that I've ever been in, even before the accident. I gotta' admit that for the first several months after recovering from the accident, going out in public in a wheelchair was a bit intimidating and yeah, somewhat uncomfortable. But it didn't take long for me to get over that and now, I never even give it a second thought. :glasses:
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I scored a 16 "you live comfortably in your body". Yay.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    How good is your body image?

    You have scored 4 points.

    SCORE 0-10

    I got 6.

    How is everyone getting scores higher than 10 if it's between 0-10???!
  • Mavrick7a
    Mavrick7a Posts: 1,353
    You have scored 0 points.

    SCORE 0-10

    Congratulations! You have a good body image and an excellent self-esteem. As a result of this, you are at peace with yourself.

    The way you feel about your body has little impact on how you go about your daily life. This is how it should be. Perhaps you are aware of the pressures on people to be a certain shape or size. You see it all around you. Pressures to go on diets, or pressures to go to the gym and achieve a toned-up body. Pressures to look younger than you really are.

    You probably feel, correctly, that other things are important in determining how you are to feel about yourself. Be aware however, that people around you may not share similar feelings of self-acceptance. If anything, you will need to guard against being insensitive about how other people feel about the way they think they look, because a healthy body concept has very little to do with the reality of personal appearance, it is more a reflection of how they feel about themselves inside.

    In today’s image-conscious society, many people, no matter how successful or attractive they are, have distorted feelings about their size, shape, and appearance which affect their ability to lead a normal life. Take care, therefore, not to tease or make unguarded comments that might hurt the people you care for. And continue to enjoy your life without letting body feelings get in the way.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i got a 9.

    i'm the bomb dot com regardless if i'm overweight, underweight, on the right weight.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm sorry but this is a terrible quiz and poorly designed. It is slanted and worded in a way whereby you are likely to feel negative about yourself.
    then why are there people scoring very low points?
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member

    You have scored 47 points.