Clean vs. Junk - does it really matter?



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    This is a statement 100% unsupported by any evidence at all.

    That's the simple truth. I know you will never accept that, but other people need to realize that.

    yeah... there's support. plenty of it.

    Unless.......... unless all the doctors in the world, the FDA, the USDA, Weston Price, Dr. Mercola and Andrew Weil are actually all in cahoots? Say it ain't so!

    All the doctors in the world?

    Careful there. I know a lot of doctors. Not that doctors are really that knowledgeable about nutrition anyway. Most of them know much less than people like Sara and Taso. But, that said, none of the doctors I know advocate anything like what you suggest. Their ideas are much more in line with mine.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.

    Well it's easier when you don't lie to them and tell them they "will" look and feel better by eating "clean" foods as opposed to whatever the alternative is.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.

    Well it's easier when you don't lie to them and tell them they "will" look and feel better by eating "clean" foods as opposed to whatever the alternative is.

    you are the alternative.

    tell me, have you ever gone a significant period of time eating "clean"?
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I eat clean because it affords me more food to shovel in my face lol And in the right combos is very filling and ends all cravings from the junk I used to live on daily.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.

    Well it's easier when you don't lie to them and tell them they "will" look and feel better by eating "clean" foods as opposed to whatever the alternative is.

    you are the alternative.

    tell me, have you ever gone a significant period of time eating "clean"?

    If I'm the alternative, then.. well, that's probably pretty good. In the past month I've lost about 4 lbs of body fat and not a single ounce of lean mass, if I can believe the scale and calipers. I am in excellent health, and during my tough singles tennis match on Saturday my (very in-shape) opponent, towards the end of the match, asked me "you're a runner, right? Marathons maybe? You're in incredible shape, you hardly look like you're breaking a sweat." My blood test levels are all excellent, my blood pressure is excellent, etc.

    So if my way is the alternative, then I think most people would be pretty happy with that.

    Oh, and after the match I went to Red Lobster and ate 1400 calories.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    i just want to put this out there
    chik fil a and chipotle are not in the category of fast food
    they are between awesome and super awesome
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.

    Well it's easier when you don't lie to them and tell them they "will" look and feel better by eating "clean" foods as opposed to whatever the alternative is.

    you are the alternative.

    tell me, have you ever gone a significant period of time eating "clean"?

    If I'm the alternative, then.. well, that's probably pretty good. In the past month I've lost about 4 lbs of body fat and not a single ounce of lean mass, if I can believe the scale and calipers. I am in excellent health, and during my tough singles tennis match on Saturday my (very in-shape) opponent, towards the end of the match, asked me "you're a runner, right? Marathons maybe? You're in incredible shape, you hardly look like you're breaking a sweat." My blood test levels are all excellent, my blood pressure is excellent, etc.

    So if my way is the alternative, then I think most people would be pretty happy with that.

    Oh, and after the match I went to Red Lobster and ate 1400 calories.

    answer my question plz
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.

    Well it's easier when you don't lie to them and tell them they "will" look and feel better by eating "clean" foods as opposed to whatever the alternative is.

    you are the alternative.

    tell me, have you ever gone a significant period of time eating "clean"?

    If I'm the alternative, then.. well, that's probably pretty good. In the past month I've lost about 4 lbs of body fat and not a single ounce of lean mass, if I can believe the scale and calipers. I am in excellent health, and during my tough singles tennis match on Saturday my (very in-shape) opponent, towards the end of the match, asked me "you're a runner, right? Marathons maybe? You're in incredible shape, you hardly look like you're breaking a sweat." My blood test levels are all excellent, my blood pressure is excellent, etc.

    So if my way is the alternative, then I think most people would be pretty happy with that.

    Oh, and after the match I went to Red Lobster and ate 1400 calories.

    answer my question plz

    Not by your definition of clean, no.

    I wonder how much time you've spent eating fast food four times a week while hitting your macros ;)
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.

    Well it's easier when you don't lie to them and tell them they "will" look and feel better by eating "clean" foods as opposed to whatever the alternative is.

    you are the alternative.

    tell me, have you ever gone a significant period of time eating "clean"?

    If I'm the alternative, then.. well, that's probably pretty good. In the past month I've lost about 4 lbs of body fat and not a single ounce of lean mass, if I can believe the scale and calipers. I am in excellent health, and during my tough singles tennis match on Saturday my (very in-shape) opponent, towards the end of the match, asked me "you're a runner, right? Marathons maybe? You're in incredible shape, you hardly look like you're breaking a sweat." My blood test levels are all excellent, my blood pressure is excellent, etc.

    So if my way is the alternative, then I think most people would be pretty happy with that.

    Oh, and after the match I went to Red Lobster and ate 1400 calories.

    answer my question plz

    Not by your definition of clean, no.

    I wonder how much time you've spent eating fast food four times a week while hitting your macros ;)

    um... plenty? before I started eating well I ate fast food all the time.

    but point being, if you've never eaten "clean" for any period of time, then how do you know you wouldn't feel/perform better?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.

    Well it's easier when you don't lie to them and tell them they "will" look and feel better by eating "clean" foods as opposed to whatever the alternative is.

    you are the alternative.

    tell me, have you ever gone a significant period of time eating "clean"?

    If I'm the alternative, then.. well, that's probably pretty good. In the past month I've lost about 4 lbs of body fat and not a single ounce of lean mass, if I can believe the scale and calipers. I am in excellent health, and during my tough singles tennis match on Saturday my (very in-shape) opponent, towards the end of the match, asked me "you're a runner, right? Marathons maybe? You're in incredible shape, you hardly look like you're breaking a sweat." My blood test levels are all excellent, my blood pressure is excellent, etc.

    So if my way is the alternative, then I think most people would be pretty happy with that.

    Oh, and after the match I went to Red Lobster and ate 1400 calories.

    answer my question plz

    Not by your definition of clean, no.

    I wonder how much time you've spent eating fast food four times a week while hitting your macros ;)

    um... plenty? before I started eating well I ate fast food all the time.

    but point being, if you've never eaten "clean" for any period of time, then how do you know you wouldn't feel/perform better?

    Yeah? I don't see those days in your food log.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Again, the point is that none of this stuff will kill you, none of it is making your skin or hair look worse, none of it is sapping your energy levels, and none of it is making your body hold onto fat or mass or anything like that.

    but we also don't KNOW it doesn't have negative effects when ingested daily for 50 years.

    however we do know that large quantities of the chemicals found in fast food can do horrible things to your body, so why risk it?

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You're saying "well we just DON't KNOW."

    That's very different from the claims you and others normally make when these discussions start, which amount to "you will look better, feel better, and have better results if you avoid these things."

    NO - you will look better, feel better and have better results if you eat "clean" whole foods.

    If you skip the taco bell for a lean cuisine, you're doing yourself zero favors.

    And here's the real kicker: the vast majority of people who are overweight from poor food decisions, who try to get healthy by eating better and exercising, are better served by my advice than yours.

    Why? Because when people think they need to switch to 100% "clean" eating or whatever because people like you convince them that McDonald's and Taco Bell and Subway and whatever are so incredibly unhealthy, they cannot sustain that. They may do it for a while, but in most cases they just give up.

    When people like you convince these others that they need to give up stuff they love in order to get healthy, they rarely do for any length of time. They end up going back to McDonald's one day and then the whole enterprise falls apart.

    It's important that people understand how to make good, healthy choices instead of automatically demonizing entire brands for no good reason at all. The vast, vast majority of people will be much better equipped for sustained progress if they understand that, yes, they can eat ice cream and pop tarts and tacos sometimes. Your vitriol scares the bejesus out of them.

    Don't belittle their intelligence. people just starting out have the choice to listen to me or you if they want, along with any of the other self-proclaimed experts on this site. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own mind. They don't need your help to show them the way. They're not idiots.

    Whatever method WORKS is the one they should do. And that's different for every single person. There's no one-size-fits all. I advocate for more self control and taking a more meticulous interest in your own health and longevity. You're more concerned with convenience. Two different methods to achieve a similar - though hardly identical - goal.

    Point is, people can make up their own damn minds without you or me telling them what's "right" or what's "easy" or what they "should" do.

    Well it's easier when you don't lie to them and tell them they "will" look and feel better by eating "clean" foods as opposed to whatever the alternative is.

    you are the alternative.

    tell me, have you ever gone a significant period of time eating "clean"?

    If I'm the alternative, then.. well, that's probably pretty good. In the past month I've lost about 4 lbs of body fat and not a single ounce of lean mass, if I can believe the scale and calipers. I am in excellent health, and during my tough singles tennis match on Saturday my (very in-shape) opponent, towards the end of the match, asked me "you're a runner, right? Marathons maybe? You're in incredible shape, you hardly look like you're breaking a sweat." My blood test levels are all excellent, my blood pressure is excellent, etc.

    So if my way is the alternative, then I think most people would be pretty happy with that.

    Oh, and after the match I went to Red Lobster and ate 1400 calories.

    answer my question plz

    Not by your definition of clean, no.

    I wonder how much time you've spent eating fast food four times a week while hitting your macros ;)

    um... plenty? before I started eating well I ate fast food all the time.

    but point being, if you've never eaten "clean" for any period of time, then how do you know you wouldn't feel/perform better?

    Yeah? I don't see those days in your food log.

    what point are you trying to make? and answer my question again. you like dodging.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    "Clean eaters" have a superiority complex and it is repulsive. Almost as bad as liberals.

    see now here I am finding this post repulsive.

    isn't it cool how we all have opinions?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    "Clean eaters" have a superiority complex and it is repulsive. Almost as bad as liberals.
    clean eaters, vegas, and raw vegas
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.

    there is plenty of evidence. mountains of it. so much that i'm not going to waste my time finding it for you.

    as for people who don't eat "clean" in outstanding health... what like professional athletes? how many professional athletes make it past 80? I don't personally consider athletes to be a paragon of health. Fitness? Yeah... some... but health? Nah, not so much. It's really not healthy to train as hard as elite athletes do over a long period of time.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    "Clean eaters" have a superiority complex and it is repulsive. Almost as bad as liberals.

    I have had so much taco bell in the past 6-7 years I should own stock in it lol But now I am going back to how I used to eat pre fat *kitten* and a week in I feel better than I have since I cant remember lol I totally agree to each their own though just because you eat clean doesnt mean you are better than anyone else or should judge them or shun them I always stress do what works but make sure to add my little dig my way is healthier. The proof is in the diaries. I see alot of ppl eating foods that could be healthier cleaner options and skimping on other meals or barely eating at all because that one bad choice takes up too much of their RDI. I happen to love to eat alot so not eating clean means fat *kitten* lol I accomplished that very easily too lol I do from time to time eat out I believe there is a personal pan pepp pizza on my diary within past week and I had an orange for dinner lol I was so not happy that day lol No one way is right but could be considered healthier if you actually factor in the nutrients, and amounts of food you could consume compared between the 2. Take out food is always higher in sodium as is processed pre packaged foods for the most part. So if you are willing to skimp and chance being hungry through out your weight loss thats a personal choice. I will never understand why anyone would want to put things in their body though when there are better options. Call it a complex or whatever you want but if I am sitting by you and we are eating lunch and I have the yummy homemade chicken salad with oranges pecans cheese etc and I look over and you are eating a cardboard container of taco bell rice (that will be gone in 3 bites lol) and maybe a burrito.....I am so raising my chest higher and smiling through my meal because I know it is the better choice...for me anyways lol
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.

    there is plenty of evidence. mountains of it. so much that i'm not going to waste my time finding it for you.

    as for people who don't eat "clean" in outstanding health... what like professional athletes? how many professional athletes make it past 80? I don't personally consider athletes to be a paragon of health. Fitness? Yeah... some... but health? Nah, not so much. It's really not healthy to train as hard as elite athletes do over a long period of time.

    ... Who brought up pro athletes?? I cannot understand how your brain works.