200+ (Week 29) Let's Get Moving in May Begins!

akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Well, our "Shrinking into Summer" 6-week challenge has concluded. We're onto our next 6-week challenge, dubbed "Let's Get Moving in May"!

It ends June 18th.

Please, by the end of this weekend post your weights and any other stats you want to mention with the last challenge (i.e. measurements).

Please post your weigh-in for the challenge and your goals for the challenge. In the past, it's been focused mostly on weight loss, but this is up to you. Several of us discussed focusing this challenge more on physical activity goals instead, but be it as personal as you like!

Have at it!

Good luck with the weigh ins! :flowerforyou:


  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    May 5th check-in. 110 min ex (3 mile - 60 min walk with mom and dog, 10 min warm up/cool down walk, 3 mile - 40 min jog). 1947 cal consumed and under by 247.

    Good luck on the weigh in!!! I will post final chart on Sunday night sometime after 6. My goals for the next weigh in: loose 5 pounds 1/2 lb a week and exercise (be active) 60 min a day for 6 of 7 days each week. I really should have made my goal to not gain weight - I will be out of town 3 of the weekends this next challenge and we have the holiday weekend. Eeeekkkkk. Breathe - I can do this. I have the tools to eat healthy away from home. Lacey will be my role model - just let me know how you plan to do it. PS have fun and travel safely on your trip Lacey!!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    yesterdays check in...60 minutes of Core work for exercise
    1386 calories allowed/1343 calories eaten/43 left

    I plan on measuring, weighing in and getting goals around and I'll be back to post...it's going to be a busy weekend, we have 2 ball games and I work concessions tonight....I WILL stay away from the Breadsticks, I WILL stay away from the Breadsticks, I also have to get busy with some alterations for my daughters Prom dress and make a wristlet...that is sneaking up on me, it's next weekend.....I'll being thinking of you Victoria and Kristina at your race....I would of loved to of joined you...but that day is going to be crazy....my son's second round of competition for Pitch Hit and RUn is that day too, as well as team photos....

    Have fun on your trip Lacey....I know it's work related, but I still hope you enjoy the time!!

    Good Luck everyone...I'll check back in soon!!

    Carolyn....How are you doing?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    Just wanted to share..
  • chudgarsm
    chudgarsm Posts: 3
    Hello everyone! I am new to MFP and I saw this group and I am really looking forward to this 6 week challenge for me! I had made my own personal goal to lose 15 pounds by June 18th (it's my mom's birthday ) but the Let's Get Moving in May challenge will definitely help me reach that goal :)

    My goal is to eat 1200 calories/day and work out 5 times a week for 60 min so I can lose 2 lbs/week. I know that seems like a lot to lose per week, but I am trying to lose 80 lbs by the end of 2010. I am going back to school in January 2011 so I want to shock and awe my friends and classmates. Haha I have always been overweight and if I reach my goal weight, I will be the size I was as a junior in high school (whoa YAY!!!)

    I know it will be tough but that's what MFP is for... So thank you in advance for the support and encouragement! I've joined a local gym and will be working out twice a day for an hour. I am mixing up a combination of cardio (treadmill and elliptical) and strength training (alternating lower body and upper body workouts). I am up to about 45 min of cardio a day so I am still working towards reaching my 60 minute goal. Controlling my diet has always been my major weakness... I am a naturally athletic person, but I have little discipline and willpower when it comes to eating healthy. I am slowly making small changes to incorporate a healthy diet into my new lifestyle. Thanks everyone and good luck on the challenge!!!


    SW: 217 // GW: 135
    Shrinking into Summer GW: 197// CW: 212
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Shefali:flowerforyou: We look forward to getting to know you.

    Well ladies - I am happily checking in at 187 for the end of the challenge!!! That is down 5 pounds. But look at my measurement chart. I really did shrink into summer!!!! Unfortunately the "girls" shrank too:sad: :sad: :sad: I have the day off from seeing clients but it is filled with paperwork. I need to go get my day started with some step aerobics!!!! Catch you later.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh yeah -if you want motivation, hold the tape measure over your body part at a prior measurement. Holy crap - 4 inches from L thigh, 8 inches from hips, 5 inches from chest, and 2.25 inches from each arm since starting MFP. I feel so happy and so beautiful right now!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just checking in quickly with weigh in and measurements. I'll swing by the thread later to read comments and reply.

    Here's my check in for yesterday:
    2426 calories needed to maintain
    1675 eaten/0 burned (rec center didn't happen)/-751(day)/-6051(week)

    So pretty happy with the net deficit of calories for the week. It wasn't quite the goal of 7000, but I'll take it. Didn't reach my exercise goals though, which I'm none too pleased about.
    Exercise: 4/7 (goal of at least 5)
    3+ mile run: 1/7 (goal of at least 2, though it's a small consolation to me that I did my longest run yet this week)

    Today's weigh in: 192.6lbs. (- 2.2 for the week (remember I gained last week though), - 5.4lbs for the Shrinking Into Summer Challenge)
    Measurement updates: nothing especially of note, an inch here, a half an inch there, but nothing dramatic, which sort of surprises me as my clothes are continuing to fit so much better. Victoria, if it makes you feel any better, my girls are shrinking as well.

    I'll take it. Of course it's never as much as I like

    Goals for "Let's Get Moving into May":
    Weight Goal: 186lbs (that's 7 pounds for the 6 week challenge. I think it's realistic, but I'm really not focusing as much on this one)
    Exercise Goals: the same as the end of this challenge. Working out at least 5 out of the 7 days of the week, with a focus on at least two days a week of running 3+ miles (this can be a bit weather contingent I've found out)

    Good luck everyone!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm skimming the posts..sorry..I don't have a lot of time.

    Goals for this challenge, which will be five weeks for me as I am not doing anything next week for it:
    Overall goal: Have a deficit of 3500+ calories per week.
    Gym: minimum three times per week (although it will need to be more but I feel like I'm going to have to work back into things again...sigh....)
    Food: When I come back there will be no more sweets. No icecream at night, which is my weakness, no chocolate, no nothing. Plan a week ahead as usual so I can get all my groceries, etc.

    I think my goal for next week will be to get on here and post what I've eaten (in this blog) as I can. That will keep my accountable a little bit anyways.

    My boss decided to book us a dinner Sunday night with the VP of our parent company, lol. So we fly from 6:55am to 6:43pm (going forward 3hrs) and then have dinner and wine...so yeah. Late night. Long day. And I don't know whats going on with my internet but I am having a hell of a time trying to download a movie ontop my ipad so I can keep busy on the flight. LAME!

    Today I have Muffins with Mom at my daughters school and then we are going to check out another school for her. We need to find her a summer program and I am excited that they will supply food for her that is prepared by a dietician and will be gluten and diary free for only $10 more a month! woohoo!
    Then I have a massage at 1pm which is sorely needed. My body is tense and sore and knotty so here's to hoping that helps.

    So I caught my 12 year old Jack Russell peeing on the carpet and couch this morning right in front of me!!! Normally my italian greyhound does it every once in a while but lately I've been smelling urine in the house and couldn't figure out what from. Well I made him get down from the couch and he lifted his leg and pissed right in front of me!! WTH? I don't know if he is super unhappy or just losing control of is bladder or getting lazy and doesn't want to go outside or what...but man I was highly unhappy when I saw that. I'm at a total loss as to what to do to get him to not do that again.

    Good luck to you all on the weigh in! Victoria congrats on teh 50 lbs! That is amazing. I'm bloated from pre-TOM and bloated from not eating enough veggies this week. I am NOT stepping on the scale.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome Shefali! It's a great time to join up as it's the beginning of a new challenge!

    Victoria- congrats on the loss the challenge. I know it's been a stressful and tough few weeks for you, so that's still pretty amazing. And you hit the 50 pound mark which is freakin' amazing! Your chart is so interesting to look at and see where you've dropped the weight from. I need to do something similar as well. I know I've lost inches, but when I update my measurements at the end of every challenge, not much seems to be off. *shrugs*

    Lacey- wtf is up with your dog? My family's dog would sometimes do that when you could tell he was pissed at us. I hope nothing is the matter with him. :/ I think your goals for this challenge are very acheivable and am looking forward to your daily check ins!

    So, I've already been to the 2 clinic sites this morning. The first to catch a client of mine who I haven't been able to get a hold of by phone or by mail. She no showed. Grr. So, I moved onto site #2, where I have my last group to run of this cohort. Should go okay, though I'm sort of burnt out this week. It'll be interesting to see how many people show up. The weather is pretty crappy today.

    I often take Fridays off from exercise, but as I didn't work out yesterday and can't rely on having the motivation on Thursdays after group, to have a better shot of reaching my 5/7 days of working out, I should go today, so that's on the agenda, even if I am a bit tired.

    Anyone have any big plans for the weekend? Apparently it's supposed to clear up a bit on Sunday, so the roomie and I might go for a run. Other than that, it's the normal grocery shopping, reading, sleeping, etc. I have such an eventful life.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Plans for the weekend. Going out to eat tonight and watching Iron Man 1 on Blu Ray. Tomorrow, going out to the movies to see Iron Man 2!!! Then off to our favorite bar with a long walk on hundreds of stairs on the beach (if the weather holds). Sunday, I'm cooking for mom and my aunt - dancing chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. Hopefully Rhubarb pie and ice cream. I may have to make chocolate cupcakes for my aunt. Sounds pretty busy me to me - compared to last weekend where I laid in bed and read 3 books.

    I've gotten the sweaty workout in - 45 min step aerobics. Now to shower, do some paperwork then off to the grocery store.

    Juice of the morning grape-strawberry.... 169 cal of goodness.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - good luck with the dog. I hope it get resolved soon. I hate the smell of pet urine (*plugs nose*)...
  • luvslife2
    luvslife2 Posts: 15
    Well, I'm new to posting. My goal will be 12lbs lost by the 18th which will take me to 240lb...looking forward to this. I walked to work this morning for the 1st time. It was 1.8 mi in 40 min. I really knew I walked it when I arrived. Lots of hills in this town. This is good for me. Seen a surgeon yesterday about carpal tunnel and gastric bypass came up in discussion. I don't want that. It is time for me to get down to business.
    You all are motivating. I would really like to run too, but after this morning, I think walking before running might be more realistic. Thanks for listening.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Bump.....I'll be back later to post.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Let's see if this chart worked... this was more work than I thought, as I'm not on my friendly home computer:


    After a first attempt, I think I resized this enough. The only measurement I'm really not sure about is body fat%, as it's just what my scale says. It might not be accurate. So, as with my weight, the inches are slowly coming off.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm doing a charity walk for the American Heart Association on May 22nd (two weeks!). If you would like to donate, here's the link. Thanks!

  • mrsmilk00
    mrsmilk00 Posts: 5
    New to MFP - did Atkins to lose the first 50 lbs. Now trying to use balanced diet and exercise to lose the balance. Goal for this challenge - 10lbs and exercise 5 days per week

    HW 287 2005/CW 220/mini GW 180

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome luvslife2, kimmrdodge, and mrsmilk00! If you'd like, you can check back on our previous weekly threads to have an idea of what's been going on with us. Great time to join up with our group.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to all the new faces:flowerforyou: We look forward to you joining our challenge!!!

    Kristina - your chart looks great and you have lost quite a bit since starting!!! GREAT JOB!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    OK...Dang...I messed up and couldn't get myself out from the covers this morning..so I am running late...

    I got my work out in and I weighed in....I dropped back down to 204.6....so I lost 4#'s this week...to bad I had gained all month.:wink: I'm happy about that....I've went up/dowm...I'm not really sure what I started this challenge at....I went back and looked at my measurments and for some reaon I took them on April 4, which was only 5 weeks ago....but I did lose inches....it has never occured to me to measure my neck...but I will for this next challenge...

    I have to run right now...but I'll check back in with my goals for next challenge and try to organize my measurements to share.

    Welcome everyone....
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