200+ (Week 29) Let's Get Moving in May Begins!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I just have a few min before I head to mom's for a food fest. I've already made chocolate cupcakes and rhubarb pie. Everything else is prepped and ready. Just have to put the chicken on the grill for 90 min and pick up my aunt.

    Check-in for the weekend: Friday 60 min activity (45 min step aerobics and 15 min shopping), 3202 calories consumed and over by 1069. Sat 60 min ex (10 min stretches, 30 min treadmill walking and 20 min outside walking) and consumed 2343 cal which is over by 485. Hopefully I do better today on the calories... Some of my calories guesses way off since eating food out is hard to estimate.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    rhubarb pie is my most favorite dessert ever Victoria. Uber jealous. I'm salivating even thinking about it. Enjoy your food fest!

    By the way, forget to say this earlier... Happy Mother's Day to all my superhero mommies today! :flowerforyou:
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey everyone, I just added some of you as friends don't worry I'll get the rest of you as well but apparently it doesn't let you add more than 5 friend requests every 10 mins.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Hey ladies! Finally had a chance to check in. Our computer is connected....then it disconnects.....I think it is time to call in the "geek squad".
    Looks like you ladies have a new system of daily check ins?? and there is a calorie defecit thing going on? new to me, but then again I have been more MIA lately. hope it is working for you all. i may check out the later posts to see if i can gather what is going on. that is if my computer lasts that long.

    weigh in check is 200 pounds. not what i wanted for the end of the challenge, but it is an official 30 pounds since i've been doing this.
    my fitness goal for the week is to run every morning 5/7 days. i average about 2.9 miles each morning, but some morning i just haven't made it out.
    love to all!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Ok, went back and researched and i think I get what ya all are doing. to maintain, it says that I need to eat 2493 per day. obviously, i don't want to stay fat, so to lose 2 pounds per week that is a deficit of 700 calories per week. so by the exercise calculator i used it says that I burn about 600 calories running (times 5 days a week i'll commit to is -3000), and then if I drop my eating calories by 500 each day (eating 1993) then I should lose two pounds a week......but still be eating a good amount as to not starve myself.
    we'll see.....

    And for the new challenge I'd like to make my goal weight 194. that would be one pound a week.....still a six week challenge right??
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Carolyn- glad you were able to check in! We miss you around the thread! Congrats on reaching the 30 pound mark :flowerforyou: As for checking in, a goal of some of us this challenge is to check in with calories eaten/burned each day. I'm trying to think of a new way of calculating how many calories I really need to be eating/burning each week, so I'm doing the more elaborate subtracting from the amount needed to maintain. I want to see if it affects my weight loss at all. I might have been undereating my calories, which might have contributed to my wonky weight loss. We'll see. Glad to hear from you though. *HUGS*

    As for me, the day went well overall. Roomie and I ran 4.2 miles, so that was nice. Finally a nice weather day on the weekend, which I really appreciated. Hopefully the weather will hold out for another long run this week before the 5K race this weekend. Ate okay, though had some pizza for dinner and have been craving yellow cake with chocolate frosting for about 3 weeks now (yes, that long) and I finally caved in and made, as I'm not able to find it by the slice. Luckily the roomies are digging in as well, and will probably take a nice hunk of it to work. Delicious!

    Here is my check in for the day:
    2426 needed to maintain
    2124 in /486 burned/-788 (day)/-2312(week)
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Check in for 5-9

    Light on the exercise, played outdoors with the grandkids and then went for a walk with my oldest daughter, but it was for a couple of hours...

    1506 calories allowed/1259 eaten/247 left over

    Good to see you post Carolyn!!

    You ladies are all turning into running machines...you are going to have to get on me...I started with the biking thing, and then with all the rain and crazy weather I haven't been out to run in...gosh let me look... GASP, it looks like the last time I ran was the 5 1/2 miles with hubby on 4-18.... we even have the new shoes...I need to get out there and log some miles!!

    Going to be a crazy schedule this week, we have 5 baseball games and 3 of them we are traveling to other towns, Hubby fixed the tiller for me so I'll have to battle to garden this week....I'm a little behind on that and also need to hook up all the filters on the pool this week, it dipped to 34* this morning though....so I''m glad I didn't get things planted early.
    Have a great week everyone!!
    Rhubarb Pie...on my....one of my favorites too! I made cookie bars this week, they were called chewy toffee/almond bars...OMG, I thought I died and went to heaven...I cut sugar and fat...but goodness I could not just eat 1...everyone really liked them so they were gone pretty quick...Thank goodness.... I have been meaning to check the calorie counts, they had healthy stuff in them, coconut, almonds, and the bottom layer was just flour (I used wheat) and a little sugar/butter...the toffee was probably the worst ingre..you cooked the toffee down with a little corn syrup and it made a carmel like topping for the middle layer...YUM! TOM is about to visit and I am having a sweet tooth attack I guess!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I forgot to take mom's gift with me but she loved the food and card. She said "we'll just make it a double mother's day and I'll celebrate again tomorrow."

    Well, I over cooked and didn't do much better on the calories yesterday. I did manage 78 min of exercise between walking and jogging. I consumed 3069 cal and over by 975. This week, I will have to be on my best behavior as I am out of town next weekend.

    Have a great Monday.

    Carolyn - it's great to hear from you!!!

    I will get the final chart posted tonight. We came home from mom's to slightly flooded basement (thank goodness for leak frog) and a kick to sump pump got it going. I also had to take the riding mower up for spring tune up and I couldn't get it started - had words with DH but he finally helped (ignition wire lose) so I drove it the 1/2 mile to repair guy and walked home. By then was pretty stressed and decided a beer and the couch was better than the computer.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Hey Ladies!!! I haven't had a chance to weigh in yet...but i will do that tonight and get back on and post it tonight. Sorry for the delay. With Mother's Day yesterday and bridesmaid dress fittings saturday it was hectic
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Erin, thanks for checking in. Looking forward to hearing more about how you've been doing.

    Today's been pleasantly busy and productive so far. Pub trivia again tonight, so I'll defintely have to do some cardio this evening (already planned to). The weather is pretty out and perfect for running, but as I just did a 4 mile run yesterday, not really sure if I should run this evening. May need to give the legs a rest with that high an impact of exercise. Will most likely do elliptical instead to max calorie burning. Tonight should be fun as always- food not good for me.

    So guess what monthly guest arrived this morning? Ugh. It was pretty much on time (due tomorrow), but as I had a mid-cycle mini-TOM, I wasn't super thrilled with having to deal with this. The plus side? Should be over with by the race this weekend. Negatives? The accompanying weight gain and bloated messness. So, my weigh in might not be great this week, so all I can do is work my tush off this week and hopefully it'll show up in a much bigger weight loss next week. :grumble: darn lady business. This means, this challenge i'm going to have 2 TOMs, which totally mess up my consistent weight loss goals. Argh.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Hey everyone. I still haven't gotten to weigh in yet, BUT I have a couple of minutes so I wanted to get on and post about what all's been going on in my life.

    We have officially begun the countdown to the wedding. We have 152 days to go!!! I am super excited and stressed all at the same time. My bridesmaids have all ordered dresses, and I ordered one to change into during the reception (which can be taken to Mexico with me too!) I also had to take my wedding dress in and exchange it for a smaller size. I went ahead and did it cause they said I could take the one in stock since we were less than 6 months out. They didn't wanna chance having to order a new one!

    I have the invitations at teh print shop and get to pick up a sample of it tonight!!! That's another huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Next step is to work on decorations and all my other little DIY projects. Wanna have them all done by end of September so I have a couple of rest weeks before the wedding!

    I'll post my weight tonight and my goals!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Joey overdrafted on our joint account last week by $.25. :explode: So far a fee hasn't been posted but even if there is, I'm going to make him pay for it. I haven't touched that account for anything other than to pay the Home Owners Association last month and I've been asking him for WEEEEEKS to stop using it for his personal purchases- he has his own separate account. He said he destroyed the card but after all his lies, I don't trust a word out of his mouth.

    This has prompted me to decide to get a realtor. The house payment comes out of the joint account so once we sell the house, we can get rid of the joint account and my stress level will drastically drop. The only thing left to deal with Joey will be filing divorce papers in December.

    In order to list it with a realtor (my aunt), Joey has to sign papers. The problem is he lives 3 hours away and has been a douche about finding a convient time to come up here. So in the middle of my texts to him trying to figure out when he'll come up, he sends me another "accidental" text that says "I don't wanna make good money until my divorce is final." What? He's scared I'm going to come after him for money?? Only if he wins the lottery. I can take care of myself. It just pisses me off that he whines to me that he has no money and then "accidentally" sends me that. I shouldn't let him bother me like this but sometimes you can't help it. Seriously at the beginning of our conversation about getting a realtor he was like "why are you in such a hurry to sell? you can't live any cheaper in an apartment." I just said "I will be fine." Its still a control issue for him. We spoke last week and the conversation went something like:
    Him- "Does it seriously not bother you that in a few months we'll never see each other again?"
    Me- "no"
    Him- "Are you just saying that to hurt me?"
    Me- "no"

    He just can't grasp the fact that I don't want to be with him. How can I not love him? How can our relationship not mean anything to me anymore? We used to have such good times....:sick:

    I got seriously sun- or wind-burned driving around with the top down on Saturday. My shoudlers are still giving off heat. I have to have my bra straps pulled off my shoulders it hurts so bad. I'm not sure I can wear a sports bra right now but I know I really need to get back in the gym. I haven't been since Thursday- haven't done c25k since TUESDAY! I might have to give it one more day. My aunt (the realtor) will be coming on Sunday and I should get a couple things done around the house to really make it ready to be sold. If you're the praying kind, send a couple up for me....the house, dealing with Joey and the possible job thing (major raise, more pto, possibly work from home after training is over, mandatory overtime which would mean I wouldn't need a second job...if it comes through)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- can we say douche? Seriously. wtf?

    Here's my check in for the day. Pub trivia sort of killed my intake today. Plus, tonight was not a good round for us. Bummer!

    2426 needed to maintain
    2402 eaten/777 burned/-801 (day)/-3113 (week)

    65 minutes of elliptical (5.4 miles). Went up to resistance 10, a new high for me, so I was working pretty hard on it. Needed to after all I ate tonight. My tummy is full!

    Tomorrow morning I'm off to look at another apartment complex. It's a bit outside of town, which I don't know how I feel about with the commute and all, but it's a bit less expensive, and it's worth a look. Will keep y'all updated. This weekend is two more places to see. Even though I'm pretty much landed on the one apartment, I'm still trying to keep my options open as I haven't turned over any significant money yet.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey girlies!

    Michigan : OMG can you spell CLEAN AIR??? WOW. I was so happy just standing outside at Kalamazoo airport and sniffing. And FLAT. Wow. It is pretty there though...just disorienting a bit maybe? Because it looks like Oregon but there aren't any mountains in the background. And I am not sure we ever did get into the actual city of Kalamazoo or not. Everything just sprawls here.
    I live in a valley in Oregon that has one of the worst particulate counts in the US and I can't barely breathe there sometimes. I LOVE Michigan air. There isn't a haze here from the pollen and stuff.

    I am in Toronto tonight. The hotel we're at is a-mazing...and the place we just ate? OMG AMAZINGER. I wish I could find a website so you could look at the menu. We sat at the "open concept kitchen bar" meaning the kitchen was in the middle of the restaurant and cooked right before you. It was so much fun and the flavors were amazing. It was a tappas bar.

    Tomorrow we head to Sudbury. Nothing is pretty about that town, not even remotely. Its been malled by miners so much and there are smoke stacks everywhere.. but it will be good for customer visits.

    All I can say is I haven't eaten anything fried. But we had lobster tonight and all sorts of other stuff. All fresh food but maybe not so good for you. So I guess I take it back on the eating well. I guess I should have said I eat LESS food. Ha!

    Oh oh and to give you all a laugh....part of the veggies on the lobster plate had these red dried peppers in it. Well I ate one. OMFG OMFG. The waitress came by to ask me about my drink and I couldn't breath. The stupid flucking pepper went directly to the back of my throat and sat there. I about died. My throat closed up and I couldn't talk because it hurt so much. Wow. So here I sat trying to answer her and my boss said my face was beat red and I looked like I was dying! LMAO. At least it didn't last that long. Unfortunately I chugged my martini to stop the burning. My throat three hours later is still raw.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well with their goals. I got on the scale at the hotel tonight. It said 214. So I think I have to come to the terms with the scale at the gym and start believing that it is the ***** scale and lying. Cuz now two scales have said I weigh more. TOM is here so I am hoping that and th alcohol is most of it.

    I did read everyones posts I just need to get to sleep so I can get my flight tomorrow morning.. Cheers ladies!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just a catch up from yesterday...man the day flew right by me!

    I did 140 mintues of garden tilling and mowing....but was not to thrilled to see that I only burned 319 calories, so on the way to town I had Hubby and son drop me off about 3 miles out of town and I powerwalked for 2 miles and then ran the last mile to the ball park., that burned an additonal 509 calories:bigsmile:
    2019 calories allowed/1464 eaten/ 555 left over

    It is storming here again today....I need to get some sewing done today so I suppose it's a good thing that it's raining...but it is major storms...which I hate, I might lose our internet connection too...which it seems we always do when the wind picks up.
    I can't get woke up this morning....

    Shoot I just realized I have some bills to send out today...I better get moving, I'll catch up and back check in later.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for the last 2 days - Sunday 78 min ex with walking and running, calories eaten 3069 and over by 975... Monday 62 min ex with 57 min power walking and 5 min of stretches, calories eaten 2522 eaten and over by 659... I'm not sure what's gotten into me but the food sure is good. I am guessing this will be a week of maintenance vs losing for me. I have been over the last 4 days (*sighs*) At least I am getting my exercise in. The bad food is gone so I should do better the next few days.

    I've been busy the last few days. Where does the time go? Here is the chart with the latest updates that I could find. Congrats to MrsMarvelous :drinker: for being the biggest loser although akasullengal was a close second!!! I have started a chart for the Lets Get Moving. I don't think I have time to track everyone's daily results so I will just do weekly weights...

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - glad you liked our Michigan air and are having a great time on your trip. (((((((((((hug))))))))) for the scale trouble. I find when I drink more alcohol the scale goes up:grumble:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - Joey is a turd!!!! Good luck on the job front - I keep praying for you that it all works out.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Debra - you amaze me with your workouts!!! I'm so proud of you as a mom and your son sounds like he is doing great - 2 home runs - WOW (may have picked this up on the other thread). I bet you look great with the tan that you deserve. So how's the grill/patio set. Take a break and enjoy it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - good luck on the apart hunting front. Moving really sucks. This evening or tomorrow morning, I'll send you a private message about Saturday. Today I'm planning my first 5 mile run (it's scheduled for next Sun but with the race Sat, I changed my dates up)... Thursday, I'll do 2 miles then I'll so be ready to run on Sat. Thank goodness the forecast has changed to clear weather and highs in the 60s. By the way - if you itemize on taxes, fees paid for charity races can be deducted!!! How cool is that.
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