200+ (Week 29) Let's Get Moving in May Begins!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- congrats on the 4 pounds!!! *high fives*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Debra - I'm happy for you to be back down. Hormones suck!!! You started the last challenge at 206 - so you lost about 2 pounds plus inches!!!! You really are shrinking away:wink: I hope your family treats you like a queen for Mother's Day!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm so happy it's raining!! DH decided not to walk to local resteraunt. By chance I was grocery shopping near the Thai place - finally I'm getting Thai food. Have a great weekend!!!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    Hey Everyone
    sorry i havent been posting much i keep pretty busy around here...
    anyway weighing in at 203.6 boo.. up 2lbs.. plus its TOM soooo:grumble:
    anyway my goal for next 6wks is 192lb... im going to half to track down my measurments too.. i dont measure every couple wks or anything.. just when i think about it i guess... but im excited to say that more people have been asking me how much ive lost.. so thats great people are noticing.. one of my fitness instructors said my clothes were getting to big.. she noticed me pulling up my pants like every couple mins lol :blushing:

    i hope everyone has a wonderful mothers day wkend.. catch ya ll later
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for today:

    2426 calories needed to maintain

    2527 eaten / 778 burned / -677 loss (day) / -677 loss (week)

    Did 65 minutes of elliptical. Eaten sort of devolved a bit with a nacho fiasco + wine. Yummy, but detrimental to the diet. Can't do this again this weekend.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Massage was woooooooooonderful. It's been almost 4 hours and I'm still feeling it. The two mango margaritas have helped too of course.

    So good news of a sort... I refuse to get on the scale but I put on some pants that are a good indicator of immediate weight gain as they are not stretchy at all. Well they fit is morning and were a bit loose like the last time I wore them so yeah me! At least the eating so far hasn't been too hard on my body. So far anyways.
    Also vie been trying to think of an outfit that would be good to wear on a plane and still looking good for the dinner that night. Those jeans would be perfect. Now for shoes that are going to be comfy walking thru 4 different airports. ......ugh. Packing for a week is hard for me.

    Victoria when I travel for fun I eat worse. Lots of fried stuff. When I travel at work with my boss who is a metrosexual guy who watches his guyish figure we eat healthy. Except for the gin and wine. The alcohol Is what gets me.

    Wells I am off to paint my toenails. Yea! You all have a good night!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Holy crude - SNOW is covering the ground here and still coming down. Eeekkkk.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Checking in at 229.2 this morning!!!


    Finally hit 30 pounds lost. Finally out of the 230s.

    Can't stay any longer, must get ready cause I'm running LATE!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great job Kendal!!! I'm happy for you.

    We now have 3" of snow on the ground - in May!!! At least I spent 30 min on the treadmill before we lost power.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    1831 calories allowed/1548 eaten/283 left
    I did 80 minutes total, 60 minute total body The Firm workout with weights Vol 1 and a 20 minute warm up on the elliptical.

    Above was catch up from yesterday....Pinbot!....Oh My Goodness SNOW????? I was whining because it rained all day yesterday and knocked our internet service off...but snow...ah shudder the thought! We had a game last night and they did not postpone....everyone was soaking wet, I couldn' t believe they didn't postpone, we even had tornado watches out...

    Grandkids coming over, I'll check in when I can and catch up on posts! Have a great weekend!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria, it's pretty cold and windy here today with rain, but SNOW?? Eeep! Not cool! Stay warm sweetie! Sugar free cocoa?

    Kendal, SO happy for you for getting out of the 230s! What an accomplishment! I know you've been teetering there for a while, so this is so fabulous! *high fives*

    Debra, nice job with the exercise! Impressive!

    Well, I have no major plans for the day. Haven't decided if I'm going to work out or not, as I did actually go to it yesterday. Should be a pretty relaxing day. May go and see Iron Man 2 with the roomies later tonight or tomorrow. We rewatched the first one last night. Highly entertaining, and I"m usually not much of an action movie gal.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It's still snowing and stll no power. Sighs. Guess were not going to make it to Iron Man 2 - can't shower. This sucks!!!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey everyone, I am unsure of when your weigh ins are so I'll just give you my data from this weeks weigh in. I only lost a pound this week due to a couple of days of bad choices for dinner but I was happy that I lost anything at all. I was 244 last week and this week am 243 I am going to give it my all this week and see what I can do with some extra effort. I have been back at this for a month now and have not really exercised more than 2 or 3 times so my goal is to do a little something everyday, even if it's just a walk. I don't have a gym membership yet as I'm saving for a trip to CA I'm taking in 3 weeks, but when I get back I plan to get one. Yesterday I walked 1.5 miles and felt pretty good while doing it, it wasn't hard at all. I weighed this morning just to see if sticking completely to my calories and taking that walk yesterday helped and I am weighing in at 241 this morning, so I REALLY hope that sticks and then some for this week. I wouldn't really be surprised if that is all I get for this week but we will see next friday.

    Anyways, like I said will be going on vacation on the 28th so this challenge might be hard for me since I will be gone the first two weeks of june. I was thinking of bringing my scale since it's a road trip just to keep myself in check and not get too carried away while im gone, hopefully I can continue to lose but I would be happy to just not gain anything.

    Let me know when real checkins are so I can adjust and what kinda info I should be posting. Thanks in advance.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I think I live in a snow belt. 10 miles from house no snow!!! Power came back on at 1:45. 3 adults showered and out the door by 2 to make 3:15 show. It's a 50 min ride gotta run - previews starting.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    Well I'm all packed. Took my big suitcase into work and set it on the freight scale to make sure I'm under the 50 lbs mark...48 lbs!! Yeesh. I am sure I overpacked but I'd rather have too much than not enough. I have to leave my house at the lovely time of 5:45 at the latest tomorrow morning so I will be getting up at like 4:30? YUCK~

    The good thing is that I managed to pack my workout clothes and I am pretty sure I should have time to work out a few times. Even if its walking on the tready just to do something, so I don't sweat and have stink clothes in my case, that is better than nothing. I also need to make sure that all the hotels have low dryers. I know they will but still...I'm not taking mine because of the weight.
    And get this - I have two pairs of shoes in my carry on bag, lol!! I might stick another pair in there just to get the weight down on the big one. LMAO!

    I checked the weather in Toronto and its supposed to be raining...the weather is pretty similar to Oregon. Sucks but what are you going to do ? I made sure that I packed clothes I can go both ways in, warm or cold weather.

    Victoria - that is crazy about the snow!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Let me know when real checkins are so I can adjust and what kinda info I should be posting. Thanks in advance.

    Most of us check-in on Friday but we have left the option open for people to check-in on Sat or Sunday...

    Great job on the 1 pound loss. Slow and steady wins the race and is the way to keep the weight off. I think you'll enjoy our group.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - Travel safely and have a wonderful trip. Keep us posted if you can. Have you been to Toronto before. If not, make sure to get up on the needle. It's a great view of the city.

    All the fuss to get to Iron Man 2 and it was only okay. We enjoyed the day getting out to eat and I got in a great walk.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just got back from Iron Man 2. I agree- wasn't worth all the fuss. Plus, since it was opening weekend, it was fanboy overload in the theater, which was annoying. Entertaining I suppose, but nothing spectacular. RDJ is pretty though.

    Checking in for the day
    2426 needed to maintain
    1579 eaten /0 burned /-847 day /-1524 week

    Didn't work out... but ate okay overall. Plan is to go grocery shopping tomorrow, though haven't decided on a recipe to make for the week. Roomie and I will probably go for a run tomorrow if the weather holds up. Don't know the distance yet- will be over 3 miles though, so should be able to check one of those runs off my list! Plus, gotta prep for my 5K with Victoria next weekend Woo!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    2015 calories allowed/1684 eaten/331 left over, 80 minutes total exercise

    Above is catch up for Saturday, the 8th, more storms came thru and I wasn't able to get back online yesterday...had to log in my head for the day, and wrote a couple things down...seemed I did ok when I finished things up this morning.

    Grandkids are still here, so I'll get back on later and catch up on everyones posts...hope your all having a wonderful weekend!! The sun is finally out today....THAT IS A HUGE BONUS!!

    As far as the next challenge...I do want to keep my goal at 10 pounds to lose...I am going to do it one of these times!!! :wink: I am hoping with the HRM...I can keep my calorie burns vs my calories in.... in check.....I want to keep my calories around 1800 a day, so I am going to keep the calorie burn at around 500 calories per day...with maybe 1 low day and one extra high day per week just to keep my body guessing.

    I'll be back later....have a good one everyone!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- I'll certainly be interested to know how it all goes now that you have your HRM to get an accurate calorie burn for the day.

    It's beautiful outside today, so the roomie and are going to go for a run in a bit, which'll check off both a day of cardio and one of my run days for the week. Success! It looks like the weather is going to be hit or miss this week, so it's good to get a run day in.

    No other plans for the day other than grocery shopping. Maybe catch up on some TV- new Doctor Who episode from yesterday, reading (working on Wuthering Heights). Try to enjoy the day before the week starts. I really could use a vacation, albeit a short one.
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