Top 5 Foods BANNED from my home ...



  • anelsliger
    anelsliger Posts: 6 Member
    Nutella. It starts with a loaf of bread and a jar of Nutella. This equals heartburn for the next week cause I ate the whole loaf of bread and jar of Nutella. LOL
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I wish I could keep the too tempting foods out of my reach. But what's at home is the least of my worries. Unfortunately, I am a chef and work with all the tastiest, high calorie foods you could imagine, all day long, every day. And what's even worse, having to throw out the leftovers of those foods. Today was High Tea and trying throw out instead of eat the macarons, chocolate tartlets, passionfruit cupcakes, fresh scones with cream, pastries, etc etc, total torture. Not to mention, total fail. I often wonder if I could ever reach my goal without quitting my job :brokenheart:

    Ermagod, I know exactly how you feel. I work at Max Brenner and am constantly surrounded by chocolate! And marshmallows! And chocolate fondue! And banana bread! It was hard at first but not so much now cause I don't find the foods as interesting haha. And I only work part time so I've got the rest of the week to make up for eating a whole cacophony of treats at work.
  • mrs_n_mommy
    mrs_n_mommy Posts: 20 Member
    all deep fried snacks...I like them way too much and at this time Im not at a place to hav them in moderation..
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I don't have anything banned specifically but I would have difficulty moderating:

    * Nutella
    * Peanut Butter

    Basically anything that the serving size is 1TBSP and delicious lol
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    1. Ruffles All Dressed potato chips
    2. Cadbury Mini Eggs
    3. Cadbury Fruit and Nut bar
    4. Drumsticks (the ice cream)
    5. Twizzlers

    These are my Kryptonite :sad:
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    I don't ban anything.

    Potato chips were my greatest junk food love. I have a large bag of my favourite flavour in the pantry that I opened 6 weeks ago. I ate a 30 gram serving when I opened them and haven't been back to it since. I want to rule my food, not have my food rule me.

    But, we did pack away the deep fryer. :wink:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    But just because I hate them.
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    Since I'm not the only one living here, it's 50/50

    1. Kraft's Mac n' Cheese
    2. Raviolis
    3. Ramen
    4. Sweets [Everything; especially pop tarts]
    5. Mountain Dew

    Out of sight, out of mind:
    1. Bread [Stupid people here make toast after I wake up!]
    2. White Rice [I want homemade chicken casserole so bad!]
    3. Cereal [Lucky it is rare when I want some honey combs!]
    4. Potatoes [Darn things, I love to be creative with them!]
    5. Milk [Straight up water for me! No milk, juices, nada!]
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The only food that I absolutely have to keep out of the house is Lay's french onion dip. No. Control. omnomnomnom
  • Diggedydog
    Potato Chips
    Chicken wings
    Sausage rolls
    Oven fries
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Hmmmm.... let's see....

    1. Oreo's for me too. If I eat one, I'm cashing out the entire bag. It's inevitable, so I just don't even bring them into the house. No, I can't eat them "in moderation". I admit it.... I'm a total loser when it comes to "everything in moderation.... blah,blah, blah".
    2. Soda. I love Coke and Mountain Dew so I just have to stay away
    3. Chips. I'm not big on chips, but my husband likes them and when he starts snacking, I start snacking and then I'm eating half the bag. So we both choose to say it's a no-no.
    4. Cakes, cookies, baked goods, etc. Same as the chips.....
    5. Ice Cream. I've started buying frozen berries and pretending it's ice cream because I think i just like cold things sometimes. I love eating frozen berries!!! i think i'll go have some right now!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Cookies/Brownies (I will eat the whole damn pan)
    Cake/cupcakes (same thing)
    Mt. Dew (i♥u)
    Pastries (of any kind)
    Chocolate/Popcorn combo (YUM)

    :tongue: My self control goes right out the window with these things.:sad: Best left on the shelf at the store!
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Anything I "plan to" eat over more than 2 days, I don't buy. A "week" of groceries is always gone in 1-2 days so I only buy 1-2 days at a time now. It helps that I live in a school-furnished apartment and my fridge comes up to my knees and doesn't have a freezer.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I don't buy sweets. That's it.

    The only sweet around is the beau's ice cream for when he's here, but I'm lactose intolerant so I don't touch it.

    Everything else I can eat in moderation.

    It helps that I log in every day too.
  • WhatTheFunction
    Dairy products
    Red Meat
    Gluten-based products/grains
    Foods with more than 10g of sugar
    Drinks that aren't water/green tea
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    1-5 any loaf of bread from white to specialty because when have bread it's sandwiches all day til im out
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Dairy products
    Red Meat
    Gluten-based products/grains
    Foods with more than 10g of sugar
    Drinks that aren't water/green tea

  • wyogal79
    wyogal79 Posts: 69 Member
    Pepsi is my biggest weakness(I actually still have a 24 pack in my house and I have drank maybe 5 in the last month or so. So I'm doing really good on that)
    sweets(Any kind)
    fried anything
    But I don't ban this stuff from my house. I have learned moderation since I have been on mfp and now I can have whatever my heart desires in small quantities and I'm more active.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I don't ban foods. Currently taking donations of anyone else's banned foods! ????
  • DannPM31
    DannPM31 Posts: 32
    1. Junk food
    2. Vegetable oils
    3. GMOs
    4. Meat (not seafood)
    5. Highly processed foods (Convenience foods)

    And I'll add a 6. Diet soda

    Ok and a 7. Dairy