Bigger Woman wanting to becoming a Zumba instructor

I am so totally into Zumba and love it and have had much success in losing weight so far with eating right, gym workouts and Zumba...
I want to become a Zumba instructor in the future but not sure when I should consider doing it...
Is sooner better or should I wait longer?
I have never seen a bigger girl instructing so not sure...
Maybe just low self esteem and its all in my head?


  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    It's all in your head!! Do your research and go for it!!!
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I do bikram yoga and most of the instructors I see are overweight. I don't think size really matters when its paired with command and knowledge!
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    Yah I have actually lol, I am really impatient and like to do things as I want to...
    I just been unsure if I should wait till I slimmed down more...
    I have noticed how much energy I have doing it too, helps so much when your totally into doing it, never going to let myself go again!
    Thanks :-)
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I have a fabulous instructor that is a bigger lady. She's losing along with us and we love her!! She gives us all hope. I'm very intemidated by a skinny Zumba instructor. I say, go for it and gain some self esteem!!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Do what you think is right.. I think it would be inspiring for other people out there to see a fitness instructor that doesn't have washboard abs yet! :)
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm sure this won't be a popular response and guess what? I don't care! Being an overweight fitness instructor is not a good look.
  • chocolateluvr80
    chocolateluvr80 Posts: 64 Member
    You should definitely go for the training as soon as you find one in your area.

    "What the mind believes, the body achieves"
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm sure this won't be a popular response and guess what? I don't care! Being an overweight fitness instructor is not a good look.

    ^^^ This
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I'm sure this won't be a popular response and guess what? I don't care! Being an overweight fitness instructor is not a good look.

    No, it's a pretty pathetic response but yours to have.
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    I have a fabulous instructor that is a bigger lady. She's losing along with us and we love her!! She gives us all hope. I'm very intemidated by a skinny Zumba instructor. I say, go for it and gain some self esteem!!

    I figured it would be motivating someone doing it with you, and you noticing a difference in yourself and your instructor...
    My mother mentioned too once I am smaller can show people before pictures and a difference it has made in my life.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    My Zumba instructor is a 5'1 and very voluptuously curvy woman. She keeps all of us motivated and is very high energy. I think becoming an instructor has nothing to do with weight, but more with stamina and endurance. If you got what it takes go for it!!!!! =)
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm sure this won't be a popular response and guess what? I don't care! Being an overweight fitness instructor is not a good look.

    No, it's a pretty pathetic response but yours to have.

    Oh please! You know damn well if you walked into fitness class and you saw someone overweight,like myself, the first thing you would think is how the hell is she a fitness instructor. Quit the damn BS and keep it real.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I have a fabulous instructor that is a bigger lady. She's losing along with us and we love her!! She gives us all hope. I'm very intemidated by a skinny Zumba instructor. I say, go for it and gain some self esteem!!

    I figured it would be motivating someone doing it with you, and you noticing a difference in yourself and your instructor...
    My mother mentioned too once I am smaller can show people before pictures and a difference it has made in my life.

    I was going to add.. I think the neat part about having a "bigger" fitness instructor is that when you have regulars in your class, as they see your body change, it inspires them. Size does not matter, however, you should aim to atleast be able to keep up with your workouts. Naturally, if you decide to teach other classes, you may stop and walk around to monitor participant's form. Haven't taken zumba before, just know that it is a lot of dancing so I'm not sure if instructors stop to look at form of others. Anyway, aim for the stars.. keep exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, if and when you get smaller, that's great for you but don't let it stop you from your aspirations!
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    Thanks for the advice... The current class is when I am outta town but will look for the next ones...

    As for the negative feedback, it's fair, not everyone will have the same opinion... But probably some better choice of words to use?
    But for some people skinny instructors intimidate them and I would want to encourage more people to make a difference in their lives (big or small people).
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I'm sure this won't be a popular response and guess what? I don't care! Being an overweight fitness instructor is not a good look.

    No, it's a pretty pathetic response but yours to have.

    Oh please! You know damn well if you walked into fitness class and you saw someone overweight,like myself, the first thing you would think is how the hell is she a fitness instructor. Quit the damn BS and keep it real.

    I don't even know what you look like, don't care. Your attitude stinks, please don't spread it and bring others down...... and trust me, I am one of the "realest" folks on this forum. I think this girl can do it.. It's Zumba, a bloody dance program. Your size doesn't matter but your ability to lead others and dance throughout the entire program does.

    Btw, OP.. I have been asked to become a fitness instructor at my gym on numerous occasions.. I'm 166lbs, 23% BF. SIZE AND WEIGHT DOESN'T MATTER. Your participants will come back as long as they see that you can lead them and make it fun. They also will continue to come back as they see your body change too. Ignore this "person" for better lack of terms, OK? I believe in you.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Thanks for the advice... The current class is when I am outta town but will look for the next ones...

    As for the negative feedback, it's fair, not everyone will have the same opinion... But probably some better choice of words to use?
    But for some people skinny instructors intimidate them and I would want to encourage more people to make a difference in their lives (big or small people).

    You hit it dead on... you will be a gem to those who are intimidated by fit instructors or exercise in general. I think you can make good money teaching it because of your uniqueness. Anyway, time for me to move on from this thread. Let us know what you end up doing. :)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Zumba is not like your typical "fitness class." When I went for my instructor training, there were a few bigger girls in there, and guess what, they could totally dance circles around me, and I had been doing it for a year!!!! They looked great doing it. As a matter of fact, they even got brought on stage! I'm not all that skinny myself, and there are girls who appear to be more in shape than me, but I kick their booties every time!!!! Go for it girl!!! The best instructors are those who have lost weight doing zumba, 'cuz they know how great it is, and they have an awesome passion for it! A lot of bigger girls want to do zumba, and some try, but are intimidated by the skinny minnies in the class, so to see a bigger girl teaching the class would probably help them to feel more comfortable. I was 210lb's when I started zumba, and after a week or 2 I could have danced circles around some of the smaller girls. Good luck!!!! Just hope you don't plan on getting rich doing it. It has to be a labor of love. :happy:
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    I have a good friend who is a heavy Zumba instuctor. Or I should say was a heavy Zumba instructor. She became an instructor at over 300 lbs and has recently lost over 120 lbs! Never let your weight fears from stopping you from doing what you love. I started taking Zumba classes at 317 lbs. It wasn't easy at first, but I loved it enough not to quit. Now I take 5 different Zumba classes several times a week! Do what you love and love you do at any weight!
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    If you can go faster and do the moves bigger and stronger than the rest of the class, and not get out of breath, then I think you should be able to do it.

    I had a zumba instructor that was a bit older and bigger and she hardly did any of the moves properly. it was confusing when you're trying to copy her, and when she got too out of breath to talk to the class, it was irritating.

    i think it's a great goal and you should do anything you set your mind to, but be aware that holding extra weight could make it more difficult for you to go through the motions stronger than everyone, which could be off putting or frustrating to class members.

    my absolute honest opinion :flowerforyou:
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    I'm sure this won't be a popular response and guess what? I don't care! Being an overweight fitness instructor is not a good look.

    No, it's a pretty pathetic response but yours to have.

    Oh please! You know damn well if you walked into fitness class and you saw someone overweight,like myself, the first thing you would think is how the hell is she a fitness instructor. Quit the damn BS and keep it real.

    I don't even know what you look like, don't care. Your attitude stinks, please don't spread it and bring others down...... and trust me, I am one of the "realest" folks on this forum. I think this girl can do it.. It's Zumba, a bloody dance program. Your size doesn't matter but your ability to lead others and dance throughout the entire program does.

    Btw, OP.. I have been asked to become a fitness instructor at my gym on numerous occasions.. I'm 166lbs, 23% BF. SIZE AND WEIGHT DOESN'T MATTER. Your participants will come back as long as they see that you can lead them and make it fun. They also will continue to come back as they see your body change too. Ignore this "person" for better lack of terms, OK? I believe in you.

    Thank you, I will do the next one that works with my schedule...
    I just wanted to hear a few opinions :-)