Bigger Woman wanting to becoming a Zumba instructor



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If I took a fitness class and the instructor was overweight, I would think the class doesn't work. Yep, I said it.

    Perhaps you would need to ask the intructor where they started from? as oppose to judging before you even participated in the class.

    also, like some people have said, you be amazed on how some people who are heavier than yourself can move better and give you a better workout than someone "skinny".

    Now imagine trying to have this argument with everyone who considered your class. There's a hard way and an easy way. Trying to be an overweight fitness instructor is the hard way.
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    If I took a fitness class and the instructor was overweight, I would think the class doesn't work. Yep, I said it.

    Perhaps you would need to ask the intructor where they started from? as oppose to judging before you even participated in the class.

    also, like some people have said, you be amazed on how some people who are heavier than yourself can move better and give you a better workout than someone "skinny".

    Now imagine trying to have this argument with everyone who considered your class. There's a hard way and an easy way. Trying to be an overweight fitness instructor is the hard way.

    And that would be peoples choice, if people are too full of themselves to see past someone's exterior that is their problem and I am sure they have a very unhappy life.

    Where as it will encourage people who are intimidated by "skinny" instructors to come out and get active, those are the people I care about more and would want to reach, but anyone would be welcome to come, why? because I am confident in who I am and what I am doing for myself and accomplishing.
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    Here is my two cents, not that my opinion has any weight though.

    I take Zumba. I take from a friend who is 6'1'' and weighs maybe 135. Yeah she has a rock hard body and all legs. But she is incredibly motivating. I get challenged to keep up, keep moving, and keep smiling every moment of class.

    I have met a person who teaches Zumba (met thru a friend) who is overweight and I did think, "She is a fitness instructor? She has flabby thighs and a tummy." I thought it. I shook it out of my head, but I did think it. I have seen this woman's class, it ok. It is not anything like the class I take however. She doesn't push her students, yell and scream during class, and she sure as hell doesn't go full out for 60 minutes.

    But each person needs something different from an instructor. So what I need isn't always going to be what someone else needs. If you want to get certified in Zumba and become an instructor, go for it. Just don't let the critics comments bother you too much.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    And that would be peoples choice, if people are too full of themselves to see past someone's exterior that is their problem and I am sure they have a very unhappy life.

    Either that or they're looking for a fitness instructor who leads by example. By being fit. It's a basic credibility issue in essentially a sales position.
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    Here is my two cents, not that my opinion has any weight though.

    I take Zumba. I take from a friend who is 6'1'' and weighs maybe 135. Yeah she has a rock hard body and all legs. But she is incredibly motivating. I get challenged to keep up, keep moving, and keep smiling every moment of class.

    I have met a person who teaches Zumba (met thru a friend) who is overweight and I did think, "She is a fitness instructor? She has flabby thighs and a tummy." I thought it. I shook it out of my head, but I did think it. I have seen this woman's class, it ok. It is not anything like the class I take however. She doesn't push her students, yell and scream during class, and she sure as hell doesn't go full out for 60 minutes.

    But each person needs something different from an instructor. So what I need isn't always going to be what someone else needs. If you want to get certified in Zumba and become an instructor, go for it. Just don't let the critics comments bother you too much.

    I don't at all, I am working towards a goal myself and will continue to do so, my trainer is the Director of personal training at my gym and is totally all for it and think I will do awesome. He has got me to do a lot of things I was not comfortable with at first. I am excited to be doing it.
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    And that would be peoples choice, if people are too full of themselves to see past someone's exterior that is their problem and I am sure they have a very unhappy life.

    Either that or they're looking for a fitness instructor who leads by example. By being fit. It's a basic credibility issue in essentially a sales position.

    I am not going to be everyones choice, no one is. I have had instructors I like and ones I don't. All I can do is help motivate the people who come. I am more fit then I was months ago and I am going to be continually working on myself even after I take this zumba instructor class. I will never judge someone and their ability just by looking at someone tho, I will take it and if I don't like it then I will goto someone I like, quite simple. I feel sorry for people who judge just by looking at someone, you don't know what they are capable of.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I am not going to be everyones choice, no one is. I have had instructors I like and ones I don't. All I can do is help motivate the people who come. I am more fit then I was months ago and I am going to be continually working on myself even after I take this zumba instructor class.

    This is a good attitude.
    I will never judge someone and their ability just by looking at someone tho, I will take it and if I don't like it then I will goto someone I like, quite simple.

    That's entirely your choice.
    I feel sorry for people who judge just by looking at someone, you don't know what they are capable of.

    You're just unhappy that people do this. But the fitness instructor sells fitness. The overweight fitness instructor provides visible doubt as to the efficacy of their program. Decent marketing (e.g. progress pictures perhaps) might be able to counter that.

    There may well be a large market of beginners and overweight people who are looking for the potentially safer / less judgmental environment provided by an overweight instructor. These people would be applying a similar image-based approach to instructor, but in your favor.
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    I am not going to be everyones choice, no one is. I have had instructors I like and ones I don't. All I can do is help motivate the people who come. I am more fit then I was months ago and I am going to be continually working on myself even after I take this zumba instructor class.

    This is a good attitude.
    I will never judge someone and their ability just by looking at someone tho, I will take it and if I don't like it then I will goto someone I like, quite simple.

    That's entirely your choice.
    I feel sorry for people who judge just by looking at someone, you don't know what they are capable of.

    You're just unhappy that people do this. But the fitness instructor sells fitness. The overweight fitness instructor provides visible doubt as to the efficacy of their program. Decent marketing (e.g. progress pictures perhaps) might be able to counter that.

    There may well be a large market of beginners and overweight people who are looking for the potentially safer / less judgmental environment provided by an overweight instructor. These people would be applying a similar image-based approach to instructor, but in your favor.

    Everyone has to start somewhere, yes I find it sad people judge the way they do, I will not always be how I am as i am working on me, but other ppl need to feel they can do it as well and I will have before picture and progress pictures available. I am also writing in a blog on my trainers site during the process. There is a large amount of people who would start fitness activities if they felt more comfortable with someone who knows where they come from, those are always one of the main targets to hit, trying to get people active and getting fit to live healthy. Can you tell I totally support what Jordan is trying to do with reaching out to people!
    Anyways Zumba time!
  • ForABetterMe89
    One of my two instructors that I continue to go to is somewhat bigger. She not huge, but not youre typical instructor. I would say she looks very simular to my shape when I started losing weight, I was 173. I'd say go for it. Who cares how big or small you are?
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    The teacher for the class I go to has to be 100 pounds dripping wet.... This woman can't have an ounce of fat on her....
    Yesterday, we had a sub the first half of the class. She must have been 160 to 200 pounds ( Give her credid she has to be almost 6ft tall) .... She is what the other students called hardcore..... Faster music, faster moves.. it was a harder workout than the other teacher.

    As someone who worked hard to lose what i have, I find it refreshing because it shows anyone can do it.
  • tam_a_ram_a
    tam_a_ram_a Posts: 52 Member
    oops..ignore this part.
  • tam_a_ram_a
    tam_a_ram_a Posts: 52 Member
    ignore this one too...i wish MFP would allow you to delete posts when you screwed it up.
  • tam_a_ram_a
    tam_a_ram_a Posts: 52 Member
    I would love to attend a Zumba class or any other class that the instructor was not a size 4. Yes I'm overweight but I to would still be nice to attend a class and not be so intimidated. I can't twist my overweight body into all those positions and it would be nice to be in a class that was being taught by a heavier set individual. Also if classes could be offered by weight classification, I think more people would be out there enjoying different exercise classes. Maybe that can be your draw to encourage overweight people to come out and try Zumba. I think you would do very well!

    I'm just going to say this, because this post kind of irks me a little. When I started taking Zumba classes, I was a size 18. After less than a year of doing Zumba, I shrunk down to a size 4 and will be getting my license to instruct Zumba in a couple of weeks. It bothers me that you use the excuse of being intimidated as a reason to not go. There were women of all shapes and sizes in the classes I took, and nobody is going to be looking at you because they're so focused on what the instructor is doing. If you don't want to go out in public and do Zumba, then get the video game or buy the videos, but don't use someone else's fitness success as an excuse as to why you won't do it. And BTW, I have seen a few "overweight" instructors up in my area who started out as students in a class; and they are nowhere near a size 4, even after becoming instructors. I was really overweight when I started, but if I had decided to compare my body shape and size to that of the instructor's as an excuse to not do anything, then I would still be a size 18 and feel like crap all the time.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I :heart: :heart: :heart: zumba and have been taking the classes for three years. In the past, I have taken classes with both bigger women and with smaller women instructing. Both lead motivating classes ~ if you really enjoy it and know that you will be able to competently lead other women and men (some of whom will be smaller than you) then I say go for it! Good luck!
  • tam_a_ram_a
    tam_a_ram_a Posts: 52 Member

    The instructors are the biggest women in this entire class, and look at how much fun everyone is having. The instructors are getting everyone pumped. It's all about fun, and if you love what you're doing and you remain confident, it won't matter. Notice I said instructorS!!!
  • Alikittycat
    Alikittycat Posts: 43 Member
    I myself have lost a total of 154lbs to date... I became a zumba instructor and I am still in the process of getting to where I want to be. I am not embarrassed or ashamed and yes I still have a little loose skin, i teach class give it my 100% and have fun doing it. My classes are attended by all shapes and sizes and no matter what everyone is treated with respect. I still need about 40lbs to get to my weight and I am not ashamed. I like everyone else struggle with weight issues but I love teaching zumba and try to teach those around me. If I could do it so can they....
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    See to you size don't matter but to some it does as you can see in the comments of this post.
    I have the video games for Zumba and did start with that the. Started attending many classes.
    I was larger than a size 18. I had not seen a larger instructor myself so was curious as to what people thought.
    I am now an instructor for Zumba and got my toning as well now. I have done a few songs but I am still nervous getting up in front of people. It's not easy getting up there because you want to make sure you perform your moves so people can follow. If people can't follow me well then why would I instruct? I guarantee you I would not have been able to perform the moves as well when I was a size 24-22 ish. My post was genuine and I wanted to see everyone's opinions. Sorry that it irked you so bad.
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    My above response is to this sorry, on my cell
    I would love to attend a Zumba class or any other class that the instructor was not a size 4. Yes I'm overweight but I to would still be nice to attend a class and not be so intimidated. I can't twist my overweight body into all those positions and it would be nice to be in a class that was being taught by a heavier set individual. Also if classes could be offered by weight classification, I think more people would be out there enjoying different exercise classes. Maybe that can be your draw to encourage overweight people to come out and try Zumba. I think you would do very well!

    I'm just going to say this, because this post kind of irks me a little. When I started taking Zumba classes, I was a size 18. After less than a year of doing Zumba, I shrunk down to a size 4 and will be getting my license to instruct Zumba in a couple of weeks. It bothers me that you use the excuse of being intimidated as a reason to not go. There were women of all shapes and sizes in the classes I took, and nobody is going to be looking at you because they're so focused on what the instructor is doing. If you don't want to go out in public and do Zumba, then get the video game or buy the videos, but don't use someone else's fitness success as an excuse as to why you won't do it. And BTW, I have seen a few "overweight" instructors up in my area who started out as students in a class; and they are nowhere near a size 4, even after becoming instructors. I was really overweight when I started, but if I had decided to compare my body shape and size to that of the instructor's as an excuse to not do anything, then I would still be a size 18 and feel like crap all the time.
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    I just want to let everyone know I am a size 16 now and still dropping.
    I became a Zumba instructor and took my toning training recently as well :-)
    I am planing on starting a class after the new year.
    I am nervous because I still feel like I am a big girl at times and being in front of ppl can be scary cuz you think you might forget moves haha!
    But I have done a few songs with the ladies at my gym and am grateful for all the help they have helped me with.
    I love Zumba and have found several people online even help...
    It's a great adventure :-)
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Go For It! If i took a class and couldnt keep up with someone bigger than me, id be motivated to come back til i could!