Losing weight is easy !!



  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Please stop pretending like you know me and that just because you suffered from an ED and overcame it and that it was just so easy for you that everyone is just like you. It's a very narrow minded and ignorant point of view. I'm done talking to you because you're making everyone in our age range look as ignorant as you. User ignored.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Sigh... to be 18 again. Congrats to you!

    And, it's still "easy" at almost 40, following your advice; it just takes more time, patience and dedication (and maybe a little more resourcefulness).
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    LOL says the 17 year old male
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    The only problem I had with her was her blocking me for some unknown reason. I have been obese after recovering from anorexia. Too many people, myself included, make excuses as to why they can't get what they want. If people believe that I'm being rude for offering sound advice, I don't care. I type the way I type and I wish that my friends would have told me to stop whining about my problems.
  • gallingers06
    gallingers06 Posts: 43 Member
    It sounds like you took an intuitive eating course! You took the power away from food by still eating what you want, just being smart about how much. Listen to your body and you will achieve success, without the stigma of "good" or "bad." All food is fuel, just some are more efficient for your body than others. It took me until I was 36 to be taught this realization. Brilliant that you picked up on it at an age where it will be a lifestyle, and not just another diet! Congrats! :bigsmile:
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    Ditto Coug, but change 40 to 45.
    Sigh... to be 18 again. Congrats to you!

    And, it's still "easy" at almost 40, following your advice; it just takes more time, patience and dedication (and maybe a little more resourcefulness).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The only problem I had with her was her blocking me for some unknown reason. I have been obese after recovering from anorexia. Too many people, myself included, make excuses as to why they can't get what they want. If people believe that I'm being rude for offering sound advice, I don't care. I type the way I type and I wish that my friends would have told me to stop whining about my problems.

    What advice did you offer? "it was easy for me so obviously it's easy for you" isn't really advice. I'm guessing she blocked you because you were being rude and insulting.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    This just makes me cry for humanity. Or lack thereof.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    The only problem I had with her was her blocking me for some unknown reason. I have been obese after recovering from anorexia. Too many people, myself included, make excuses as to why they can't get what they want. If people believe that I'm being rude for offering sound advice, I don't care. I type the way I type and I wish that my friends would have told me to stop whining about my problems.

    What advice did you offer? "it was easy for me so obviously it's easy for you" isn't really advice. I'm guessing she blocked you because you were being rude and insulting.

    I told her to take charge of her life and not to wallow in her own pity. I said in the next post that recovering was NOT easy and that I'm not fully all together. All I am doing is reiterating what the OP said and getting addicted to the runner's high. I am sorry that write complete sentences????? I'm honestly not trying to insult anyone.
  • RhodRhod
    RhodRhod Posts: 109
    Yes I can remember how easy it was to lose weight at 17, them were the good old days! Big high five on your weight loss. I wish what you said was 100% true but there are so many factors and more so when you get older that I wouldn't say it's easy for everyone. Easy for some, not so easy for others. But really and truly it doesn't matter how easy or how hard it is, it just needs to be done. So jealous of the ones who have it easy and so sympathetic with the ones who have a bit harder time of it but but yay for everybody who is trying.
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    The only problem I had with her was her blocking me for some unknown reason. I have been obese after recovering from anorexia. Too many people, myself included, make excuses as to why they can't get what they want. If people believe that I'm being rude for offering sound advice, I don't care. I type the way I type and I wish that my friends would have told me to stop whining about my problems.

    What advice did you offer? "it was easy for me so obviously it's easy for you" isn't really advice. I'm guessing she blocked you because you were being rude and insulting.

    ^ My thoughts exactly.
    Magpie, I wish you the best of luck in your battle with your mental disorders I hope they are all as easily defeated as eating was.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The only problem I had with her was her blocking me for some unknown reason. I have been obese after recovering from anorexia. Too many people, myself included, make excuses as to why they can't get what they want. If people believe that I'm being rude for offering sound advice, I don't care. I type the way I type and I wish that my friends would have told me to stop whining about my problems.

    What advice did you offer? "it was easy for me so obviously it's easy for you" isn't really advice. I'm guessing she blocked you because you were being rude and insulting.

    I told her to take charge of her life and not to wallow in her own pity. I said in the next post that recovering was NOT easy and that I'm not fully all together. All I am doing is reiterating what the OP said and getting addicted to the runner's high. I am sorry that write complete sentences????? I'm honestly not trying to insult anyone.

    So, by admitting she found breaking her binge habits hard, you think that means she's wallowing? I would suggest re-reading the OP and then re-reading your posts and noting the differences in tone and manner.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    Maybe I've just spent too long in the wrong forums but to me, it sounded as if she were comparing the severity of our eating disorders. I have had to deal with not feeling "good enough" because I had EDNoS and not anorexia or bulimia. There is a sick comparison of EDs. That is what I took from her post and I apologize if I jumped to the wrong conclusion.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Physically it is real easy. Mentally it can be very hard for some people. If you're 17 it's a lot easier than when you are matured and you've had bad eating habits for a longer time.

    So you should pat yourself on the back for realizing this so early on! Will make it easier for you in the future! Good luck maintaining!


    I was going to say "easy" for some people isn't as "easy" for others. But this is a better explaination.

    Congrats on your weight loss!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Do u know why is it hard to keep off the weight ?? cuz people stop exercising and stop controlling calories !!

  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Talk to me when you become a 50 something menopausal woman
    Great job on theweightloss though You should be proud
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    Magpie, I owe you an apology. My words were quickly chosen and snippy. I don't like when people conduct themselves that way on the forums and I should show the same restraint. I don't feel personally that any of this is easy and I do wish you success.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Not when you love to eat like I do.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    Magpie, I owe you an apology. My words were quickly chosen and snippy. I don't like when people conduct themselves that way on the forums and I should show the same restraint. I don't feel personally that any of this is easy and I do wish you success.

    Thanks. I'm trying not to take any of this personally!
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    Do u know why is it hard to keep off the weight ?? cuz people stop exercising and stop controlling calories !!

    Yes. Because it can be difficult to maintain good habits when experiencing periods of stress. Hopefully you will have plans in place for when you get older and experience them yourself.

    By the way, you seem to be saying you're 17, when this site is 18 plus for a reason. And not just because us oldies get irritated having to read abbreviated text writings.

    Well done on losing the weight. Maybe we'll see you back here when you're officially a grown up, but if not, don't forget your own advice.

    Wow! Jealous much?! What a nasty thing to say! I'm 36 and I think he is on the right track and has done an awesome thing! And what is up with the "abbreviated writings" comment? I think someone peed in your Cheerios!