A doc told me something no one else has....



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Keep your deficit smallish and eat plenty of fats and protein. I was hungry my first couple of weeks, but that ended when I figured out my macros and the right calorie deficit.

  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I have yet to be hungry while losing weight. I eat easily 4x as much now as I did before, but I'm eating good, healthy, nutritious foods so I get to eat a lot more of them for a lot less calories (I'm losing 2lbs a week).
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    Hunger is mistaken for thirst a lot........Try drinking more!!!
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    Your totally correct and I thought the same thing

    Is what I am feeling TRUE hunger or is it boredom hunger or is it irritation hunger u know the hunger you feel because your irritated because you want to eat what you want to eat

    I have had to make sure my will power is strong and there was several times I almost fell for it but my will power stepped in and said hey you dont need that get a glass of sugar free lemonade and you will be fine

    Now the other day I was on the way to the gym and we did have to stop at 7-11 and I had to get some hard boiled eggs because I was getting headache from not eating (we were going at our normal dinner time) - I can see a change now instead of grabbing a bag of chips like I normally would have done not to mention my husband and my 2 kids would have also got junk food I got a sensible protein
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I eat on a schedule most days and i'm honestly never hungry
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Have you considered a low carb or ketogenic approach? Eat as much as you like within reason. The loss of refined carbs means you never feel hunger pains. I dont want to preach too much but I highly recommend looking into it as it completely changed my perspective on "diets".

    low carb diets are gimmicks. unless you plan to live that way for the rest of your life, they don't really help you learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. it's better to learn how to eat all foods in moderation, because that best equips you to maintain your loss 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years down the road.

    i suggest an "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM) approach. unless you have a medical condition that requires you to limit carbs, carbs and fiber are useful nutrients.

    I have to disagree. I agree that its not practical to eat low carb for life, at least in the strictest sense but to call it a gimmick ... in the nicest possible way ... shows ignorance.

    the ignorance is on your part, not mine. low carb is very much a gimmick diet. you will lose water weight as a result of cutting your carbs drastically, but this is not sustainable. professional bodybuilders do that in the days leading up to a competition in order to get their "leanest" look, but you can't sustain it. atkins is also a well recognized gimmick diet that cuts carbs down to minimal levels. again, this is not something you can sustain for long periods of time without facing possible health risks.

  • JenniferMary_9169
    I think there was a short time when that was true. Here are a few tips for not being hungry.

    - Eat foods that fill you up. A good combination of high-quality carbs and protein will help. IE: 0% Greek yogurt with a sliced apple etc. Junk doesn't fill you up, so get rid of it.
    - Spread out your calories. Make sure you eat smaller meals, and eat snacks.
    - People are different, some are hungrier in the morning and other at night. Have your larger meal at that time.
    - Dink water, sometimes that will take away the huger and help us to feel more full. I suggest drinking a large glass 15 minutes before you eat.
    - Exercise takes away the cravings.

    And yes, there will be some times when you are hungry, so?

    I was almost 100 pounds overweight laying in the ICU - I'll take life and hunger any day.

    I think this right about sums it up. There is no "one size fits all" approach to retraining your mind and body to act together when it comes to sustainable weight loss. There is no magic diet, magic pill or cleanse that will make the weight disappear. It takes dedication to exercise, and paying attention to the cues that our body gives us as to what real actual hunger is. Logging has been an eye opening experience as to my own personal eating patterns.
  • nicoleknapp754
    Some of us have to eat "low Carb" because of being diabetic...if we don't want to end up taking huge amounts of insulin and turning into obese people. I have found that I can eat low carb by eliminating processed foods and gluten , limiting fruit juices and fruit, and eating plenty of fresh vegetables. it takes a little more effort buying fresh vegetables and preparing them but I am not hungry and i wake up each day with blood sugars in the 80's without having to take huge doses of insulin . So far I have lost 56 lbs and have 22 more lbs to lose to get to my goal of 120 . I'm 5'6 and 62 years old
  • wigglingalltheway
    that is something non low carbers say yes.

    edit - ah forget it I cannot be bothered :o)
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I only eat about 1600 calories a day well below my bmr of about 1900 and I hardly ever feel hungry. I eat breakfast everyday. I space my meals evenly and never skip a meal. I also make sure I get some protein and fat with every meal. I think your selection of food makes a much bigger difference in whether or not you will feel hungry.

    For example, if I have 3 eggs for breakfast cooked in a little EVOO I will not be hungry at all. Breakfast is at 8am and lunch is at 1pm, so I go 5 hours without hunger. 3 eggs cooked in a tsp of EVOO is only 280 calories. But if I have a big bowl of cereal for breakfast with a cup of milk, I will be hungry a couple of hours later. The big bowl of cereal has closer to 400 calories.

    So, if I am concerned about getting the least hunger and the least amount of calories it makes more sense for me to have eggs for breakfast which is what I have most days.

    I definitely think your food choices will dictate your hunger more than anything else. We all joke about being hungry right after eating chineese food and there are a TON of calories in chineese food.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    This is soooooo true! Thank you for posting it!

    I am a snacker by pure habit. It has nothing to do with hunger. The last 2 days, I decided to say "I am committed" versus "I'll try". Day 1--I logged what I ate and it was hard!!! I definitely ate a few things and then didn't log them late at night.
    Day 2, I was going stir crazy watching an episode on tv with my son that we watch together with no snack!!! Not hungry, just habit. My portion at dinner was probably larger than the websites.

    So I have realized, it will take "training" for me. I will feel hungry, but it is learning how to eat within my goal range and not snack secretly at night!!!

    one post i read recently "If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, you aren't hungry".

    Anyway, thanks for the post and the responses!
  • CatMcCheesey
    I agree that different approaches work well for different people. What has worked well for me is upping my protein intake, keeping my sugar intake low, and eating a small meal every few hours. I've lost 22 pound in 9 weeks and I haven't been hungry at all.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    This is soooooo true! Thank you for posting it!

    I am a snacker by pure habit. It has nothing to do with hunger. The last 2 days, I decided to say "I am committed" versus "I'll try". Day 1--I logged what I ate and it was hard!!! I definitely ate a few things and then didn't log them late at night.
    Day 2, I was going stir crazy watching an episode on tv with my son that we watch together with no snack!!! Not hungry, just habit. My portion at dinner was probably larger than the websites.

    So I have realized, it will take "training" for me. I will feel hungry, but it is learning how to eat within my goal range and not snack secretly at night!!!

    one post i read recently "If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, you aren't hungry".

    Anyway, thanks for the post and the responses!

    I saw something similar recently about if you are hungry eat some broccoli. If you don't want the broccoli then you aren't that hungry. Same analogy as the apple except apples are delicious and I would definitely eat an apple even if I wasn't hungry. Broccoli is good too, but it doesn't curb my sweet tooth.
  • biscuitwelsh
    biscuitwelsh Posts: 86 Member
    Food choices have a huge impact on cravings, hunger and the like. I've found that eating 5 low Glycemic Load 300-400 calorie meals throughout the day really reduces discomfort and cravings. I've lost 75lbs in just under a year without a lot of discomfort-- I can remember 3 days in the past year where I was hungry, and they all followed days when I ate a of lot high GL foods.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    I would MUCH rather feel hungry than be a heffer for the rest of my life.

    My advice to you is what I've actually been following myself. Somebody told me when I started NOT to freak out about being hungry. Be hungry. You're body is just looking for something to burn... So let it. SET snack and meal times. This is a bit easier for me since I work in an office and have the same lunch time every day, wake up and have breakfast the same time each day, etc. If you feel hungry in between, drink water. Often our body mistakes thirst for hunger. Chew on some ice chips.

    It sounds odd, but it works for me. I've lost 13 pounds by keeping my meal and snack times set. I have breakfast at 7, morning snack at 10, lunch at 12, afternoon snack at 2:15, and dinner around 5:30. This is slightly more flexible.
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    I'm hardly ever hungry! I eat loads more than in my fatty fat fat days, but it is better food and of course I move about a lot more too. Keep going, you're doing really well.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    For me it is not a question of hunger.....I am almost never huiingry and when I am....I just eat more.

    Weight loss mean that you can't be childish and get what you want when you want it.
  • wigglingalltheway
    Have you considered a low carb or ketogenic approach? Eat as much as you like within reason. The loss of refined carbs means you never feel hunger pains. I dont want to preach too much but I highly recommend looking into it as it completely changed my perspective on "diets".

    low carb diets are gimmicks. unless you plan to live that way for the rest of your life, they don't really help you learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. it's better to learn how to eat all foods in moderation, because that best equips you to maintain your loss 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years down the road.

    i suggest an "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM) approach. unless you have a medical condition that requires you to limit carbs, carbs and fiber are useful nutrients.

    I have to disagree. I agree that its not practical to eat low carb for life, at least in the strictest sense but to call it a gimmick ... in the nicest possible way ... shows ignorance.

    the ignorance is on your part, not mine. low carb is very much a gimmick diet. you will lose water weight as a result of cutting your carbs drastically, but this is not sustainable. professional bodybuilders do that in the days leading up to a competition in order to get their "leanest" look, but you can't sustain it. atkins is also a well recognized gimmick diet that cuts carbs down to minimal levels. again, this is not something you can sustain for long periods of time without facing possible health risks.


    This is way too complex a subject to argue about here I suggest we just withdraw with grace.

    We can both through studies and pages at each other that will make the other look wrong but ultimatly its down to individual choice and needs.
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    I have yet to be hungry while losing weight. I eat easily 4x as much now as I did before, but I'm eating good, healthy, nutritious foods so I get to eat a lot more of them for a lot less calories (I'm losing 2lbs a week).

    Ditto. Though, I have slowed down to about 1-1.5 lbs per week. I'm eating a 1250 calorie diet, working out at least 20-30 minutes a day alternating cardio and strength and eating back most of my exercise calories. If I feel hungry, it's usually because I didn't fuel myself properly before a workout or because I didn't make a smart snack choice. I'm a huge advocate of protein. And I don't eat "starchy carbs" for dinner- I have them for breakfast or lunch so that I have time to burn them before bed.
  • anorrisdyer
    anorrisdyer Posts: 52 Member
    Have you considered a low carb or ketogenic approach? Eat as much as you like within reason. The loss of refined carbs means you never feel hunger pains. I dont want to preach too much but I highly recommend looking into it as it completely changed my perspective on "diets".

    I second taking a look into a low-carb or ketogenic diet. I started "Atkins" about 5 weeks ago and I am down 30lbs and only really get hungry when I have been stuck at school all day so my lunch is later than normal... but the hunger is so much milder than the hunger I would get when I was eating too many carbs.