I want to cry and scream and..



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    this thread is a train wreck.

  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    He is awesome when he isnt around this so caled 'friend'. But this 'friend' is an awful influence (i.e... The pills)

    if you are blaming the 'friend', you are making a HUGE mistake.

    don't blame the 'friend'.


  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I did finally go get some food. Wasnt easy but I did. I just ignored them. And i guess starved was a strog word. Was hungry but fine. It was just dinner time and my body knew it.
    Excellent. Get some sleep. There will be plenty of soul-searching, forum advice and childish bro threats to read in the morning.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    I'm sorry, but unless you're an orphan (and I mean a total orphan, no grandparents or anything), you have family. Go to them. I hate my family sometimes but it's better than hating myself for allowing myself to be trapped in a poopy situation. You have control, you're just not allowing yourself to use it- either because some part of you likes being treated like this (a lot of folks like to have a crutch to fall back on- "oh, I can't have friends because my boyfriend's controlling" saves you the trouble of trying to make friends and being rejected, etc etc, i know because I been there more times than I'd like to admit) or because you haven't woken up and realized that you have options. every single one of us has a brain, thumbs, and feet. use those things to go to your family. put up with them until you can get a job. make some friends at the job. find a place to live. live there. do things that make you happy. don't waste your times on things that make you feel like ****. i think you'll find that doing things that make you happy and being around people who have an iota of respect for you will, well, make you happy.

    In my other post I referred to a 3-year poopy relationship in which I felt trapped and helpless. I knew I was miserable for the last two years of it- knew it in every bone in my body. I dreaded coming home to him, I dreaded phone calls from him, we had sexytime only rarely, and I constantly fantasized about telling him off or kicking him out. I felt like I couldn't do it because nobody else would want me, and because he had made me stop talking to all my friends and all I had was his friends (and you know they always side with him), and because I had already spent so much time with him and I didn't want it to be for nothing. There's nothing worse than realizing you've wasted a bunch of years of your life for NOTHING. I had been paying his medical bills, his tuition, letting him live with me, doing his laundry, and putting up with him demonizing me for sleeping with other people before we'd started dating, for talking to ex-girlfriends, for not wanting to get up at 3am when he was suicidally depressed to talk to him about it (I had two jobs at the time). He would get mad at me for things I said in my sleep, he would go through my phone and get mad about my texts, he would cry and lay his head on my lap in public and completely mortify me. This guy was a WRECK, and he dragged me down into it with him. I felt like in being with him for so long, I had sunk so low as to be completely undateable to anyone else, and rather than spend a lifetime alone I had to stay with him. I also got nostalgic sometimes about the first year of our relationship, which had been idyllic, and fooled myself into thinking it could be like that again if I just did and said the right things.

    One of my friends finally kidnapped me and dragged me out to a rave (we used to go to those pretty often). I took some molly and ended up sitting outside with this guy who had brought a star chart and was showing me where all the constellations were. I thought the sky was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen at that point. We ended up talking most of the night, and it turned out we had much more in common than I did with my deadbeat loser boyfriend. Just as the sun was coming up he kissed me, and I gladly kissed him back. He asked if he could come home with me so we could spend the next day together. I almost cried when I told him I couldn't because I had a guy waiting for me at home. He took me by the shoulders, looked me straight in the eye, and said, "Do what makes you happy." In that moment everything became insanely clear to me. I hadn't done anything that made me happy in two years. I hadn't had someone give a **** about what made me happy in at least that long. I realized that what would make me happy would be to take this guy home and kick my stupid boyfriend out of the house and never speak to him again. I gave the rave guy my number and told him to call me in a week. (he never did, but I didn't care too much after the mdma wore off :p) I went home and shook my boyfriend awake and told him I wanted him gone by the time I came home from work that day. I told him he had been making me miserable for years and that although I loved him on some level I didn't LIKE him at ALL. I told him that I hoped his journey went well but that it wasn't my responsibility. I put his stuff out on the driveway and went to work, and when I came home my room was all mine again.

    A week later I found out that he had been cheating on me with a 14-year-old asian transgender boy. I would never have known if we hadn't broken up, because while we were together he didn't allow me to talk to the group of friends this kid belonged to. Now I know why. I was devastated for a while, but my new life without him was so much fun I couldn't stay sad for too long- I was too busy with all my new friends, parties, love interests, etc. I had forgotten how much I missed friends I'd had since elementary school, but they took me back with open arms. I had forgotten how it felt to come home happily instead of full of dread.

    I've been with my current boyfriend for 2 years now and he makes me happy every single day, and when he doesn't, I let him know right away and we figure it out. We never go to bed angry with each other. I only wish I hadn't wasted so much time with loserboy- I could have met my Max way sooner, and carried less baggage into our wonderful relationship! Loser**** has a new girlfriend now and I have no idea how they're doing, nor do I care. I assume he's still living with his mom, working at togo's, and failing community college.

    I have no idea if your situation is as bad as mine was, but judging by the fact you're trapped in your room asking strangers for sympathy, I'd say it is. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and take back your LIFE, woman! You are 19! You can have whatever you want and you choose this?!? stop it! *smack* get ahold of yourself! Your max is out there and if you keep wasting time with this goofball you might never meet him! your LIFE is out there and it's PASSING YOU BY!

    Holy Over-share.

    I'm going to go ahead and say "thank you." My post was not intended to help you, but I'm hoping that my experiences will help the author of the thread. Sometimes people feel like they're alone and that their situation is the crappiest thing ever and that nobody gets what they're going through. I want her to know that's not the case, and having been in what is probably an even crappier situation than hers, I'm in a unique place to help. If my crappy story will help another person, I really don't care if it's too much or not, or what anyone besides the person I'm trying to help thinks.

    But again, thank you.

    Next time, probably best to send her a direct message, or stop short at "I know what you're going through, I've had a pretty rough time myself. Here's what I did:" Which, is the only relevant information a person with healthy boundaries WOULD share. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to share your experiences, but throwing them out there on a public forum the way you just did is a major red flag in the healthy/unhealthy boundaries area. It just isn't necessary to share that much detail, and this is especially so considering the sensitivity of some of the things you talked about.
    MPJCRUZ Posts: 23 Member
    You are way way way too good to have to deal with your bf and his bf and the drugs. I say you drop him and go for a jog/walk. You will feel so much better.....Girl power!
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    To Pu_239,

    While you're right that noones making her starve and lock herself up, he definitely isn't all that concerned about it or her. Relationships take 2 to work and if 1 person is dragging the relationship by themself then its only healthy to get out of that situation, if all else can't be done to help it.

    Its true that one shouldn't leave just because people are telling her to, saying hes an *kitten* you deserve better blah blah, its just me myself I've been in her shoes and see girls go through this crap all the time and so I give my opinion and what worked for me.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Next time, probably best to send her a direct message, or stop short at "I know what you're going through, I've had a pretty rough time myself. Here's what I did:" Which, is the only relevant information a person with healthy boundaries WOULD share. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to share your experiences, but throwing them out there on a public forum the way you just did is a major red flag in the healthy/unhealthy boundaries area. It just isn't necessary to share that much detail, and this is especially so considering the sensitivity of some of the things you talked about.


    Really, 'boundaries' on an internet forum? She didn't divulge and contact information, so it would be best for you to scroll on like the rest of us when you come to a tl;dr post...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    This is sad. Great. Now I want to cry and scream
  • munkyblew
    munkyblew Posts: 14
    *not going to quote because it's too long*

    A healthy person decides what their own boundaries are. I don't know any of you in real life, and I don't consider the internet to be my social sphere. I also don't consider this to be "intimate" or "exquisitely personal." It's what happened, and I'm not ashamed. If I wanted to keep arguing about whether or not my sharing of my experiences is appropriate, I might question whether you have some intimacy issues, because you're uncomfortable with even someone else sharing their experiences, let alone yourself, but I'm pretty done with this. I have no issue with you, I don't even know you, and I'm a little confused as to why you've decided you have an issue with me, but again, it doesn't matter- this is not real life, this is a weight-loss forum. Calm down and try contributing something positive :) it's much more helpful! We have enough trolls already :)
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    To Pu_239,

    While you're right that noones making her starve and lock herself up, he definitely isn't all that concerned about it or her. Relationships take 2 to work and if 1 person is dragging the relationship by themself then its only healthy to get out of that situation, if all else can't be done to help it.
    Are you saying whatever decisions you have made in whatever relationships you have been in never upset your boyfriend?

    I know when i have been with a girl i have done things that upset her, she has also done things that upset me... It's how the cookie crumbles.

    Oh damn I piss my boyfriend off all the time lol. He pisses me off probably even more. But it's stupid little things. If my boyfriend was popping pills and letting his best friend make fun of me, making plans with me then canceling them to hang with the bestie, well that's a whole other picture. And my opinion just plain unhealthy to be around.
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    Well.. As sad as it is.. All this bickering is now cheering me up :)
    Thank you guys.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    *not going to quote because it's too long*

    A healthy person decides what their own boundaries are. I don't know any of you in real life, and I don't consider the internet to be my social sphere. I also don't consider this to be "intimate" or "exquisitely personal." It's what happened, and I'm not ashamed. If I wanted to keep arguing about whether or not my sharing of my experiences is appropriate, I might question whether you have some intimacy issues, because you're uncomfortable with even someone else sharing their experiences, let alone yourself, but I'm pretty done with this. I have no issue with you, I don't even know you, and I'm a little confused as to why you've decided you have an issue with me, but again, it doesn't matter- this is not real life, this is a weight-loss forum. Calm down and try contributing something positive :) it's much more helpful! We have enough trolls already :)

    Amen. You really shouldn't have to defend yourself for sharing a personal story, of all things, dear lord.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    You're welcome. :)
  • Paganrosemama
    Paganrosemama Posts: 86 Member
    You know what the problem is; the so-called boyfriend. Not the friend, not the pills, not even the landlord.

    You know how to fix this. Get rid of him or leave. But you don't want to do this for whatever reason you have. So it seems apparent that you somehow are being 'fulfilled' by this relationship.

    It's your choice. You locked yourself in the room, not your boyfriend. You're enabling his behavior by what you're doing. Get out of there; go for a drive or a walk, get some healthy food, meet other people.

    Tough love, girl. I'd give my sister the same advice I'm giving you. <3


    This guy, who you said, doesn't support your goals, breaks promises, chooses drugs, and shady friends over your relationship. It's obvious where his priorities are currently...

    You need to figure out what you want out of this relationship, and weather or not it can be worked out...

    Is locking yourself in a room and starving yourself really worth it? Be an Adult- get out of your room, get something to snack on, take a walk, gather your thoughts, and confront your boyfriend and have a conversation like an adult...
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    ^not to OP
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member

    Pathetic. Really pathetic.

    I have sympathy for most people.........There's help available when you're ready for it. Until then....... your choice.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    *not going to quote because it's too long*

    A healthy person decides what their own boundaries are. I don't know any of you in real life, and I don't consider the internet to be my social sphere. I also don't consider this to be "intimate" or "exquisitely personal." It's what happened, and I'm not ashamed. If I wanted to keep arguing about whether or not my sharing of my experiences is appropriate, I might question whether you have some intimacy issues, because you're uncomfortable with even someone else sharing their experiences, let alone yourself, but I'm pretty done with this. I have no issue with you, I don't even know you, and I'm a little confused as to why you've decided you have an issue with me, but again, it doesn't matter- this is not real life, this is a weight-loss forum. Calm down and try contributing something positive :) it's much more helpful! We have enough trolls already :)

    Amen. You really shouldn't have to defend yourself for sharing a personal story, of all things, dear lord.

    LOL. Okay. I really shouldn't have to tell you that sharing a story involving a man you were involved with committing a felony, sex-based offense with a 14 year old boy is wildly inappropriate, but I can see that this is falling on deaf ears. Good for you for finding happiness, and may you only find more in the future. I'm gonna check out other threads now. Tschau.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    To Pu_239,

    While you're right that noones making her starve and lock herself up, he definitely isn't all that concerned about it or her. Relationships take 2 to work and if 1 person is dragging the relationship by themself then its only healthy to get out of that situation, if all else can't be done to help it.
    Are you saying whatever decisions you have made in whatever relationships you have been in never upset your boyfriend?

    I know when i have been with a girl i have done things that upset her, she has also done things that upset me... It's how the cookie crumbles.

    When were you ever with a girl?
    In for answer.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    To Pu_239,

    While you're right that noones making her starve and lock herself up, he definitely isn't all that concerned about it or her. Relationships take 2 to work and if 1 person is dragging the relationship by themself then its only healthy to get out of that situation, if all else can't be done to help it.
    Are you saying whatever decisions you have made in whatever relationships you have been in never upset your boyfriend?

    I know when i have been with a girl i have done things that upset her, she has also done things that upset me... It's how the cookie crumbles.

    Oh damn I piss my boyfriend off all the time lol. He pisses me off probably even more. But it's stupid little things. If my boyfriend was popping pills and letting his best friend make fun of me, well that's a whole other picture.

    I didn't see any part where she said the friend was making fun of her. That's not cool. The pill popping, I don't agree with. My best friend uses. I wouldn't doubt you know some users too. In a relationship, I wouldn't be with someone who smoke weeds, pops pills, or does any other type of drugs. There are many people that allow it. For all we know the OP can be a pill popper herself.

    She does say that the friend makes fun of her.
    1 - just because your an adult, you are aloud to cry.
    2 - it sounds like you are a prisoner...why can you not leave your room?

    Because I dont want to deal with his friends wise cracks focused at me. Can be anything from my attitiude.. My weight (especially my weight) what im wearing. It dont matter. He picks anything. Worst part is.. My bf doesnt even care. He laughs along with james. No care. Not even when im crying from the hurtful things he says.

    Doesn't sound healthy to me. But hey some people can tolerate it better then others!