Over 200 New Year New Me Part 18



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess, when you run the REPORT on the actual website, it should show your net calories (based on your calorie intake minus your exercise calorie burn).

    The other is just telling you how much more you should eat to reach your actual "net calorie goal" which on MFP is your base calories + your exercise calories.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yeah I get what he is saying about how that is calculated. Just wished they would of named it something different. Oh well! At least we know!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    So I posted a thread and this is what some guy responded

    You get 870 by taking 1586-716 but MFP is showing 1200+716-1586 = 330

    This is very confusing in my mind. That's not true net calories is it?

    That is very confusing! I mean I see how they do the calculation but MFP shouldn't be taking the goal and doing the adding and subtracting they should take the amount eaten minus your exercise to get your net.

    No, that's the net on your homepage. Meaning you have that many calories left to eat to make your daily net calorie intake 1200 or whatever your base calorie goals is. Mine is now 1290 because I changed my goals to lose 1.5#/week. So my home page tells me the "net calories" I have left to eat before my total net calories for the day is 1290. Too bad they didn't call that something different than "net calories" on the homepage.
    It's not the same net MFP includes in your "net calorie" report (or at least not in the report you can run through the website). But at least it makes sense now.

    So pretty much that "Net" should equal "0", in theory...your cals + exercise = goal calories...

    But i think your right, the reports "net" calories aren't the same. Like Monday I ate 1091 cals , and burned 496 and it shows under the 700 mark but the calc of goal + exercise - cals would been around 900....

    Like when you are on the food page it just says "remaining" that is a better description i think.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yeah the app's net calories is different the web pages. I never knew that report was there. Thanks LittleSpy!! Looks like I have barley been over 800 net for awhile and that is probably way too low for my body. Definitely going to start eating my exercise calories and see where that gets me. Explains why I haven't lost much in May. Guess I'll have to eat more. DARN!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess and LilDebbie - when it comes to eating low calorie, no one knows exactly how long your body will go before deciding to shift down your metabolism and slow weight loss. Long term studies have shown that if you restrict calories your rate of loss will slow but in the end you'll still lose weight as your body is forced to burn tissue (fat and other) for fuel. (think Ethiopia circa 1982 - no way to avoid losing it in the long run even if the rates slows some). HOWEVER - for HEALTHY weight loss with good nutrition yeah, you will slow your metabolism down if you go too low too long.

    Most (scientific) studies show that your metabolism won't cut over very fast- you have at least 2 days and maybe as many as a few weeks depending on how your body is wired. This is why the zig zag approach can work - and why the biggest loser techniques work on the show (usually). I am quiet happy going super low for a few days to a week after a bad string of eating days or just before the final weigh in, but I wouldn't recommend doing it for more than a week.

    LilDebbie - I think you will really start losing if you eat at LEAST a net of 1400 -1500 calories a day for a few weeks. You are bigger and you do NEED more calories to run your body's systems! Your heart has to work harder, as do your other organs - providing good fuel is crucial to being healthy. ENJOY IT FOR THE REST OF US! Remember that BlueNote is losing better now that she's been eating up to her MFP level!

    I've read theories that your body can't take a one day surplus and pack it all away in fat, but that your body CAN take a one day deficit and burn fat. Looking at my caloric intakes over my weight loss I'd say that I'm blessed with a system that does both. My diet for teh past two months has had an average daily net calories of 1275 (March) and 1379 (April) with a high of 2650 and a low of 244. I lost about 4 (FOUR) pounds over that eight week period. SOB :sad: :brokenheart: :sad: CLEARLY my body isn't losing by averages.

    My going forward plan is to be far more consistent - steady workouts for strength and health and low calories (made up of GOOD food) for weight loss. I can do this!:flowerforyou:

    And I'm going to try to get at least 600 work out calories four days a week! YES I am!:drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - thanks for your insight...I need to find foods that are good for me to increase my cals..i can eat the cals oh belive me i can :smile: but don't want to just add cals that are bad for me (or not nutritionally good). I am thinking drinking milk would be a good way. We only have skim milk so no fat., so it is like 80 cals serving..Milk is nutrious right?? I try to push it on my kids ..
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-Thank you for all the information! So I think my goal is to have AT LEAST a net of 1000 to start with if not more. I think I'm going to try that over the coarse of a few weeks and see what happens.

    Sounds like we have quite the group for the 600 calorie burn challenge! :drinker:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey girls, when do we start the 600 calorie challenge?

    Today, tomorrow, or Starting Monday..lol
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lildeb- skim milk is good for you, but if you are giving it to your kids I know my pediatrician recommends whole milk or 2%.

    All this talk about net calories is making my head hurt...ouch all then umbers! lol I dont know how I ever go through math class. :embarassed:

    I'm kind of sick of trying to figure out what my body needs. I am well aware that if I am going to be burning 600 cals in my workouts that I need to eat more though. So I'm going to take my calories up to 1300 (was at 1250) and stay there. No zigzagging no shocking my metabolism...its 1300 and thats it! We'll see if I have to re-evaluate later :grumble:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    pos_me- I think we agreed that we are setting a goal of 600 calories burned 4 times per week. So as long as you do it 4 times during the week (Friday to Friday..I suppose is 'our week') then challenge met! I plan on just adding "calories burned" to my check in
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    We could start it today. I'm going for at least 700 for 2 more days..Now-Sunday. I may take today off and rest and do it on Saturday and Sunday.

    Cris-It is very hard figuring out what your body likes. Trial and error. It kinda sucks. Oh well!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Ok.. so I must be having a blond moment.. because I am totally confused. Basically I should be eating my calories until the net says "0"... right?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ok.. so I must be having a blond moment.. because I am totally confused. Basically I should be eating my calories until the net says "0"... right?

    The net under the "My Home" tab, sure. It's the same number as the "remaining" calories in your food diary.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. thanks lilspy.. still don't really grasp it.. but, as long as I know what to shoot for.. I won't worry as to the logistics of it. Numbers are NOT my friend.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie I cant get over how skinny your face looks in your pic
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie I cant get over how skinny your face looks in your pic

    Thanks. So much freaking better, right?! :laugh:
    Even though I'm not losing weight very quickly, I really do see changes in my face, my tummy, and around my collar & hip bones nearly daily. It's very bizarre.

    Edit: That reminded me yesterday I was looking in the mirror and realized my double (ahem.. triple) chin has like.. almost completely disappeared. I have to press my chin way into my neck for it to appear. I've never actually had a jawline before, I'm kind of excited. :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    littlspy - wtg on no more doubl chin !! YOur face does look very very thin :smile:

    Chris - The pd said for them it is okay....or at least lat time i asked. When they were 1 they said whole milk, 2 they said 2% after 2 they said they could have skim. They have 2% at school.

    Well different lunch today..no working out , but we are all going tonight...hoping that friday night is not croweded at gym since people with lives probably go out and stuff :laugh: :laugh:

    I had to go get the pool card for our HOA pool this summer , and then i had to go Kroger...So i am cutting it close on gettinb back iand i stopped at sonic. I know it is high in sodium..but i will live i guess..

    back to work oh yay...there is some nasty storm coming our way...hbpe it leaves soon.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Lildeb- I always go to the gym on Friday thinking its going to be empty cause "hello people its friday!" but nooooo its a mad house. I think people try to get in their workouts before relaxing for the weekend, I dunno but its always crowded at my gym on Fridays :grumble:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Lildeb- I always go to the gym on Friday thinking its going to be empty cause "hello people its friday!" but nooooo its a mad house. I think people try to get in their workouts before relaxing for the weekend, I dunno but its always crowded at my gym on Fridays :grumble:

    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Uggg....I would hope it would be dead...guess we will see. We will go after dinner ...Tonight i plan to do some cardio, weights and try out the pool. Will probably do some laps(or try to ) and then me and hubby soaking in the hot tub a little bit.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My gym is always packed on Friday's too. Shoot if I go anytime during the week between 5-6 you have to park 10 miles away and your lucky if you can snag a cardio machine. There's probably 50 there and it's always packed! Rush hour!!

    LittleSpy-Congrats on no double chin! That's awesome! I think I'm almost there...still don't like my side profile shot though.