30 Day Shred - Starting April 15 2013



  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    L1D7 tonight. I've noticed that I'm able to get through more and more of it without breaks but it's taken me almost two weeks to get to this point. I get home and I'm so tired, have to cook everyone dinner, or go to the grocery store and by the time I have a few moments to workout, I'm just ready to go to bed. I gotta get my sh** together. I'm not a morning person but I may need to get that way to get my workout in. I

    I do mine in the mornings, and every morning I wake up, I say to myself, "If you're going to be serious about this, you've got to get serious about this!" The last thing I want to do is get up and exercise, it's a real struggle!! BUT don't get up so early that you deprive yourself of sleep....sounds like your family needs you strong and healthy and lack of sleep will do a lot worse than missing a day or two of 30d shred (IMO)!!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    Hi all, may I join you?

    I'm on Day 3 today as well, just finished the Shred. I've done it before but never got past Day 15. I had excellent results though. This time I am going to see it through!

    Sure!! The more the merrier, you'll probably catch and pass me anyway!!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    Did day 9 last night and day 10 this morning! Woohoo, Level 1 complete! I'm a little scared of level 2, but it starts tomorrow.

    The hardest part of Level 1 for me has been the jumping jacks, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump rope sequence. Last night I finally made it through without a break, and I did it again this morning. Feels so good!

    Did day 9 this morning, and even though I thought I was going to die, I did the jumping jacks/jump rope thing all the way through for the first time today!! Must be something magical about day 9!! I caught my breath just in time for the butt kicks!! Still can't do all the push ups and shoulder raises.

    My right knee is still bothering me a bit, so I think I'm going to do level 1 next week too for a total of 15 days (weekends are rest days for me)....
  • jessannprice
    jessannprice Posts: 183 Member
    I finished Day 4 of Level 1 last night... it wasn't as bad as day 1. :)
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    Anyone start level 2 today?? Just curious as to how it went!!
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    just finished L1D9! I went all the way through, no stopping!! Wooohoo! I am even starting to up the intensity on butt kicks and squats - I'm kicking higher and squatting lower. :laugh:

    The only thing I still can get through all the way are the jump ropes. I have to cheat and alternate legs. :blushing:

    One more day of L1 then I'm moving on!!! :bigsmile:
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    First Post Ever!!!! :) And thanks to all who have been posting along the way, it's been motivational!

    I started 30DS on April 15th, so today I have graduated to Level 2 (which I'll be doing later)!! I did Level 1 in 10 days straight, no rest. Days 2, 3, and 4, I could barely walk and moving of any kind took extra effort (Advil was my friend)! But, then, amazingly (and I still don't believe it), the pain basically went away! But, now, I'm fearing, with a whole new set of moves that I'll be back to misery tomorrow :)

    I gained .4 lbs the first week, but today I'm wearing clothes that I haven't fit in for about 2 years...so I know it's working! I took before pics and measurements on Day 1, so I'll be taking them again tonight!

    Good luck to everyone...just keep going, we're doing great!!
  • mrsrhone33112
    mrsrhone33112 Posts: 6 Member
    congrats!!! I finally started today and couldn't get through the whole workout so hopefully tomorrow will be better! Wish me luck!

    It might take a few days, but it WILL get better!

    I was able to get through the whole workout today... but i did stop a few times. I hoping that by next week I will be able to go through without stopping. For such basic moves, it's really tough, but I love it!
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Day 4 level 1 completed today.

    Woke up this morning with no twinges or aches... so must be working :)

    Still finding a few things a struggle... but.. Managed to do 5 (yeah i know!!) 5 MALE pushups!!! *giddy with excitment*

    Ok... i know its not a big thing... but to me it is... supper chuffed with myself :)

    Off for a shower and then some Lemon/garlic chicken and salad!

  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Iv just died a little..

    Iv watched level 2 an level 3.... looks like ill be on level one for a little longer than 10 days lol!
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    L2 D1 - DONE!

    Lots of good news, I think! First, my confidence and endurance was much better this "day 1" than "day 1" of L1! I felt that most of the moves were harder, but it makes me think of "better" results. I could physically do all of the movements, but, like L1 (i.e. push-ups), some of them I could do very few, but having made it through L1, I know I'll get better!! In L1 I increased my weights from 2 lbs to 5 lbs, today, I tried 2 lbs again...some movements I'll be able to go back up to 5 lbs, others I'll stick at 2 lbs, and the one move ("V" somethings, raises?) where after about 3, I had to put the weights down entirely! :) I lowered my calories-burned a little bit, only because I did have a few times where I was watching the TV going "do what, with my what?" :) But, I caught on! :)

    Now, I'll wait to see if I ache in the morning! :)

    Good Luck and keep shreddin'!
  • springbokkii
    springbokkii Posts: 28 Member
    Yay day 8 done really struggling with my motivation at the moment.
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    L2 D1 - DONE!

    Lots of good news, I think! First, my confidence and endurance was much better this "day 1" than "day 1" of L1! I felt that most of the moves were harder, but it makes me think of "better" results. I could physically do all of the movements, but, like L1 (i.e. push-ups), some of them I could do very few, but having made it through L1, I know I'll get better!! In L1 I increased my weights from 2 lbs to 5 lbs, today, I tried 2 lbs again...some movements I'll be able to go back up to 5 lbs, others I'll stick at 2 lbs, and the one move ("V" somethings, raises?) where after about 3, I had to put the weights down entirely! :) I lowered my calories-burned a little bit, only because I did have a few times where I was watching the TV going "do what, with my what?" :) But, I caught on! :)

    Now, I'll wait to see if I ache in the morning! :)

    Good Luck and keep shreddin'!

    Thank you for this post....today is day 10 of level 1 for me....then the weekend off...sounds like I should take a look at level 2 just to see what's involved.

    So far, my knee feels much better this morning, I'll see how it feels after the workout. If it continues to feel better, I may advance to level 2 next week, but so far I'm still leaning toward another 5 days of level 1. I STILL can't do ONE real push up, though I am getting more of the girly ones in!!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    Yay day 8 done really struggling with my motivation at the moment.

    There have been a few days when I had to really dig deep to get going, but was glad I did once I finished the workout. I think taking weekends off has helped me a bit. I also think it helps that the hubby is out of town working (I visit him on weekends, that's why I take them off) and commented on how much "firmer" my buttocks felt when we were together last weekend. I think by not seeing me every day, he noticed things that I don't when looking in the mirror, and things that he wouldn't if he were here every day. Then again, it might just be that he hadn't seen me in a week, and the testosterone levels had elevated a little LOL!!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    Iv just died a little..

    I know what you mean!! I was so surprised the morning I woke up and it didn't hurt to get out of bed!!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    First Post Ever!!!! :) And thanks to all who have been posting along the way, it's been motivational!

    I gained .4 lbs the first week, but today I'm wearing clothes that I haven't fit in for about 2 years...so I know it's working! I took before pics and measurements on Day 1, so I'll be taking them again tonight!

    Good luck to everyone...just keep going, we're doing great!!

    That's great!! I'll be glad when I can get back into some of my "skinnier" jeans!! Been holding on to them for so long, they're gone out of style and come back in!!

    CONGRATS on your progress!!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    Okay ladies, I didn't mean to hog this thread...it's just that I work in an office by myself all day, hubby's out of town working and this is where I'm doing my "socializing"!!

    If I'm getting on you all's nerves, just let me know and I'll slow down on the comments a bit!!

    I'm just so glad I found MFP and some new friends!!

    Julie Lee
    Roxboro, NC
  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member
    I've just done Level 2 day 1! Those plank moves :-/!!

    But as travlinmel said, I do feel this Day 1 was much better than how I felt on Level 1 Day 1. I'm hoping I get to the point I did in Level 1, where around Day 7 I could really put a lot more into the squats/lunges etc and started using 3kg weights instead of the lighter ones. For Level 2, Day 1, I switched back to lighter weights but hope that as my body gets used to the new movements I can increase them again.

    I did find myself coming out of form for some of the plank moves, so tomorrow I am going to focus on keeping correct form even if it means doing fewer of the moves.

    Good luck everyone!
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Lee, no problem!

    and yes, travlinmel, thank you for sharing about Level 2! I'm moving on on Monday and am a little nervous!

    Just finished L1D10.....:drinker:

    I soooo didn't want to do it today! My motivation has definitely dipped at the end of this week too! I'm hoping changing it up by moving on to level 2 will help with that!

    I also was starting to see a difference in my body earlier this week but today I just feel bleh. I looked in the mirror BEFORE I did my work out and just got discouraged (I have 100 lbs to go, so my results aren't as fabulous at this point).

    Oh well...let's keep on keepin' on! :flowerforyou:

    20 days left!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    L1 D10 down, and my knee is feeling a bit bothered again!! It's not a sharp, in the joint pain, more of a you haven't gotten off your butt to do anything in over 5 years, and you expect me to what?? I really need to work on strengthening the muscles before I do some joint damage...

    Those of you who've done L2, is it any harder on the knees?? Still haven't decided whether to do 5 more days level 1 before moving on..