What made you want to lose weight?



  • I didn't like the way I looked and tried getting back in shape while still being able to eat what I want and not do anything. It wasn't working - surprisingly!
    But then I came across a recent picture on FB of my 1st DD's father. He left me when I was pregnant with our daughter and has had nothing to do with us in 30 years. The last thing I remembered him saying to me before he left was "Don't get fat. I hate Fat People." Well you should see the size of him now.....looks like he's about to give birth to 3 babies and a set of jowls. I laughed sooooo hard...but then thought, What am I laughing at? I am not nearly as big as him but I could stand to shed some weight as well.
    My ex BF doesn't know it (probably doesn't even remember who I am) but he motivated me to lose weight and get in shape finally.