How many dates should a guy pay for?



  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    For as long as it takes to gain access to the delicate flower, spread the petals, and taste the sweet nectar it produces....
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    All of them.

    This ^^^^^^
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
    none if he's not banging her
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    I believe that men should always pay. Once in a while, a girl can pay as a treat, but that's it. of course I am always considerate and order inexpensive things.
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    I would appreciate a gentlemen to always pay the bill, open the door and treat me like lady. For special occasions, I do pay for dinner, gifts for my dearest hubby. This is my traditional values...;0)

  • CantStopWontStop92
    CantStopWontStop92 Posts: 165 Member
    Man I've really lucked out. I've always offered, but come to think of it every date I've been on the guy has been kind enough to pay. Even after dating for awhile, my boyfriends have always insisted. In hanging out with ex-boyfriends as well, they've always paid. I don't see it as owing them later or being super old school, but I think it's hugely attractive if he's that considerate.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm so glad I'm married (19 years as of yesterday). Dating sounds exhausting--so many things to consider. I'm from the south & think the man should always pay. I remember my husband paying. Actually, pretty soon after we got together, he just closed his bank account & started turning over his paychecks. That's the way to do it ladies :laugh:.
  • JasonT1973
    JasonT1973 Posts: 229 Member
    This has never been an issue - I've never asked out a woman without the date money to back it up. I've never been asked out, I always do the asking. Somewhere along the way I think my dad told me it was expected that I pay... :::shrug::: If she's cute and I have a job... who cares? HAHA
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    All of them... I'm worth it. :blushing:
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    It is interesting how some women are old-fashioned when it comes to perks, but nothing else. They believe in chivalry, but not the flip side of that antiquated equation. (There are also men who continue to treat women like chattel -- neither sex has a monopoly on sexist behavior)

    NOTE: I said "some women," not "all women," nor "most women" or even "a lot of women." It is a minority of women who espouse this lopsided view. However a few of that minority have voiced opinions on this thread.

    I see women as equals, to be treated as such, and whom I expect to treat me in the same way in return.

    Unfortunately, from my point of view, there are too many of both genders who are stuck playing outdated games.
  • Rosegardenia
    Rosegardenia Posts: 53 Member
    My dad once gave me very good advice. He said, "When you think you really like someone, take them out somewhere you consider expensive but that you are sure they will will really like. Encourage them to order the most costly items and if, for one moment, you feel resentful about it then they probably aren't the one for you".

    If you are paying because you're expecting something back, or paying but resenting it - go find someone you really like, just for their company, money no object.

    Though for this to work properly, you should already be past the "access to the sweet nectar" stage. Otherwise that screws with your priorities (pun intended) :wink:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Man I've really lucked out. I've always offered, but come to think of it every date I've been on the guy has been kind enough to pay. Even after dating for awhile, my boyfriends have always insisted. In hanging out with ex-boyfriends as well, they've always paid. I don't see it as owing them later or being super old school, but I think it's hugely attractive if he's that considerate.

    Lucky for you being attractive in life pays off. They pay cause they like your company and how it reflects on them and make them feel.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    I like the fella to pay and drive and generally treat me like a queen, however I did offer to pay (all those years ag)
  • Hunnergomeow
    Hunnergomeow Posts: 231 Member
    I really don't think it matters who pays. I try to split things half-and-half because I figure we're equal.

    When my current boyfriend and I started dating he refused to let me pay or to split the bill on the first date because it's "tradition". But since we've been dating we split things up. We have date-night once a week, and one week it's my turn to pay and the next week it's his turn, and so on. He always tries to take my turn, however, and not let me pay, but I ain't having none of that!
  • nicole_andan
    nicole_andan Posts: 127
    Initially the first 4-6, then 50-50 then once married he should pay for all of them because I do all of the cooking, cleaning, washing etc and it should be a treat to thank me and give me the night off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    My initial response because it sounds so great an yet argumentative. Is Zero: My time is just as valuable as her's.

    However in reality....there is a difference between a gentlemen and a sugar daddy. I assume she has a job? I would say three dates. Lets be honest it is not 1950. This whole guys should pay for the dates thing is out dated. Much like a woman's father should pay for the wedding.
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    All of them... I'm worth it. :blushing:

  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    depends on the couple.

    I go on "dates" with my best guy friend every 2 weeks. It is a standing date, so there isn't any asking other deciding a time and a place. He always pays. He wouldn't even consider letting me pay. That's just the way he is. He can easily afford it, so it is all good.

    The guy I am dating, we split our first date, because he was short on cash but wanted to go out. That worked for us.
  • Justme030
    Justme030 Posts: 255 Member
    All of them... I'm worth it. :blushing:

  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm a little old-fashioned I guess. I consider it gentlemanly if the guy pays for at least the first date.

    I find that whole just "split the check" conversation a little awkward-- so when I'm dating someone I don't usually do the whole 50/50 thing. I would expect the guy to pick up the entire check one time and I will happily pick up the entire check the next... and so on and so forth.