Stop treating food like the boogie monster...



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    wow... look at those chickens... i forgot that that's what chickens are supposed to look like.

    ?? What did you think they looked like? Feathers, beaks and feet?
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I have followed the serving sizes and measured everything I have eaten for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6 lbs. I am having to incorporate more high caloric processed foods to try and reach my RDI. I love to eat. I refuse to stop. The difference is now I eat with self control and to satisfaction not uncomfortable, sickening fullness. I could probably exercise more but I am lazy...working on that though :laugh:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    wow... look at those chickens... i forgot that that's what chickens are supposed to look like.

    ?? What did you think they looked like? Feathers, beaks and feet?

    compare this to the above. what do you see?


    just interesting.

    however, I do agree with the essential sentiment of the OP. but you can be conscientious about the things you put in your body without being scared of them. it's a balance, as with all things.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    wow... look at those chickens... i forgot that that's what chickens are supposed to look like.

    ?? What did you think they looked like? Feathers, beaks and feet?

    compare this to the above. what do you see?


    just interesting.

    however, I do agree with the essential sentiment of the OP. but you can be conscientious about the things you put in your body without being scared of them. it's a balance, as with all things.

    One is tied with string and the others on a pole? Honestly, I'm not seeing a difference.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I think a lot of people are missing the point and/or don't understand the meaning of moderation. I think it's really sad that so many go on a "diet" and think that all they can eat is celery sticks and carrots. I think it's sad that people have such an unhealthy relationship with the extent that things like eggs get eliminated from their diet because eggs have fat, and fat is the debil. I think it's sad that nutritionally dense whole foods like eggs (and many others) get cut from people's diets in favor of some "diet food" that is labeled "healthy" on the package. I also think it's really sad that people can't just enjoy a piece of cake now and then without guilt...I'm not talking cake every day...I'm talking about a slice of cake on aint gonna kill ya.

    I think it is the primary reason that so many people yoyo diet...they really don't have a sustainable or realistic diet when they're cutting.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    One is tied with string and the others on a pole? Honestly, I'm not seeing a difference.

    Julia Child's chickens are much skinnier/smaller. the difference in breast size is crazy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have followed the serving sizes and measured everything I have eaten for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6 lbs. I am having to incorporate more high caloric processed foods to try and reach my RDI. I love to eat. I refuse to stop. The difference is now I eat with self control and to satisfaction not uncomfortable, sickening fullness. I could probably exercise more but I am lazy...working on that though :laugh:

    Why do you have to eat processed foods to reach your RDI? I'm not one that believes all processed foods are bad, but there are plenty of high calorie foods that are not processed.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    One is tied with string and the others on a pole? Honestly, I'm not seeing a difference.

    Julia Child's chickens are much skinnier/smaller. the difference in breast size is crazy.

    Hmm. I wonder how crazy different it would be if they were all displayed the same.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,006 Member

    One is tied with string and the others on a pole? Honestly, I'm not seeing a difference.

    Julia Child's chickens are much skinnier/smaller. the difference in breast size is crazy.
    It's about breed, hybrids and breading mostly and some just don't have large breasts or large to begin with while others are huge. I'm a chef and have used many different breeds with different meat distributions. One hybrid breed I forget the name maybe leghorn or ross their breasts are absolutely enormous comparatively speaking. Used a different breed that has big thighs for other dishes like coq au vin. I still use organic, always have.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Yay! to glorious food. Balance, variety, moderation the joy of being an omnivore now lets go eat!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member


    She's just so beautiful!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I have followed the serving sizes and measured everything I have eaten for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6 lbs. I am having to incorporate more high caloric processed foods to try and reach my RDI. I love to eat. I refuse to stop. The difference is now I eat with self control and to satisfaction not uncomfortable, sickening fullness. I could probably exercise more but I am lazy...working on that though :laugh:

    Why do you have to eat processed foods to reach your RDI? I'm not one that believes all processed foods are bad, but there are plenty of high calorie foods that are not processed.

    Look at my diary....I dont want to drink olive oil and avocados are yummy but getting old. I was sick yesterday because I ate too much. Maybe I need more high calorie ideas. IDK I am still new. I am switching to full fat products though as soon as whats left runs out. Maybe less fiber? IDK if you have any ideas I am very ready to accept them

    EDIT : Oh yeah I am not exercising as much as I could so I think that will help I am always hungry after I exercise
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    High fructose corn syrup and food loaded with sugar is as addictive as any drug. Your body will literally go into withdrawals once you cut it out because it's addicted. Your body can't process artificial sweeteners and preservatives so while you may lose the weight, you're internal organs are still pumping away as though you weighed a lot more than you actually do. If you aren't eating real food and are going for the processed "delicious" food, you are literally starving yourself and making yourself fat at the same time. If you wanna indulge, go for real sugar and whole foods like whole milk. NEVER eat fat free, sugar free or "light" ANYTHING. It's either the real deal or nothing, and even that is probably not doing you any favors because it has a bunch of unnatural BS in it that your body literally has no use for and can't process.

    To each person their own. Eat what you want and look how you want, but don't be shocked when you're within a normal BMI on paper and then have a heart attack you never saw coming from plaque buildup you could've avoided if you had gotten over your sugar addiction. You gotta be smart about it, at least.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    wow... look at those chickens... i forgot that that's what chickens are supposed to look like.

    Where do you buy your meat? My chickens usually look like that, except they're in color. :laugh:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have followed the serving sizes and measured everything I have eaten for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6 lbs. I am having to incorporate more high caloric processed foods to try and reach my RDI. I love to eat. I refuse to stop. The difference is now I eat with self control and to satisfaction not uncomfortable, sickening fullness. I could probably exercise more but I am lazy...working on that though :laugh:

    Why do you have to eat processed foods to reach your RDI? I'm not one that believes all processed foods are bad, but there are plenty of high calorie foods that are not processed.

    Look at my diary....I dont want to drink olive oil and avocados are yummy but getting old. I was sick yesterday because I ate too much. Maybe I need more high calorie ideas. IDK I am still new. I am switching to full fat products though as soon as whats left runs out. Maybe less fiber? IDK if you have any ideas I am very ready to accept them

    EDIT : Oh yeah I am not exercising as much as I could so I think that will help I am always hungry after I exercise

    Processed carbs, fat and protein have exactly the same calories as unprocessed. You are pretty low on protein and also not meeting your carb goal. Why not add some meat, beans and nuts (or nut butter)? If you aren't allergic and you like it, at over 100 calories per tablespoon peanut butter is a great way to add calories. Drop the processed fatty foods and cook your food in a healthy fat.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    the difference in breast size is crazy.

    I tend to get upset over breast size too.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I don't eat gluten for reasons that go beyond weight loss, so there's that. Secondly, there are a lot of folks on here (more female than male) who will tell you that there is no such thing as being able to to eat in moderation, the best way to diet is through weight loss pills, extreme calorie restriction, silly fad diets, etc, and expect you to pat them on their backs, etc.

    You can talk about moderation until you are blue in the face, but until those folks who still binge and purge, or have to learn the hard way that fad diets fail, weight loss pills don't work, and exercise is beneficial, learn a better, healthier approach to eating, NOTHING will change with them.

    Stick with like minded folks. It's much easier to deal that way.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I have followed the serving sizes and measured everything I have eaten for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6 lbs. I am having to incorporate more high caloric processed foods to try and reach my RDI. I love to eat. I refuse to stop. The difference is now I eat with self control and to satisfaction not uncomfortable, sickening fullness. I could probably exercise more but I am lazy...working on that though :laugh:

    Why do you have to eat processed foods to reach your RDI? I'm not one that believes all processed foods are bad, but there are plenty of high calorie foods that are not processed.

    Look at my diary....I dont want to drink olive oil and avocados are yummy but getting old. I was sick yesterday because I ate too much. Maybe I need more high calorie ideas. IDK I am still new. I am switching to full fat products though as soon as whats left runs out. Maybe less fiber? IDK if you have any ideas I am very ready to accept them

    EDIT : Oh yeah I am not exercising as much as I could so I think that will help I am always hungry after I exercise

    Processed carbs, fat and protein have exactly the same calories as unprocessed. You are pretty low on protein and also not meeting your carb goal. Why not add some meat, beans and nuts (or nut butter)? If you aren't allergic and you like it, at over 100 calories per tablespoon peanut butter is a great way to add calories. Drop the processed fatty foods and cook your food in a healthy fat.

    I eat everything you mentioned 1-3 times a day. I have Whey Protein in route to help with the protein aspect. Lately it has been almond butter not peanut butter. I dont use any fats to cook in at all. Maybe once a week I use a 1/4 of a tbsp of coconut oil. Mostly all my carbs are fruit and veggies. I eat meat every meal.Beans everyday. And nuts everyday as well, plus in different forms.I need some high calorie very small portioned items. All I keep thinking is a cheeseburger from McDonalds will boost me 300 calories and is very small to eat and not over filling. But I know thats not the healthiest, there has to be something else lol
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    High fructose corn syrup and food loaded with sugar is as addictive as any drug. Your body will literally go into withdrawals once you cut it out because it's addicted. Your body can't process artificial sweeteners and preservatives so while you may lose the weight, you're internal organs are still pumping away as though you weighed a lot more than you actually do. If you aren't eating real food and are going for the processed "delicious" food, you are literally starving yourself and making yourself fat at the same time. If you wanna indulge, go for real sugar and whole foods like whole milk. NEVER eat fat free, sugar free or "light" ANYTHING. It's either the real deal or nothing, and even that is probably not doing you any favors because it has a bunch of unnatural BS in it that your body literally has no use for and can't process.

    To each person their own. Eat what you want and look how you want, but don't be shocked when you're within a normal BMI on paper and then have a heart attack you never saw coming from plaque buildup you could've avoided if you had gotten over your sugar addiction. You gotta be smart about it, at least.

    so I guess you are just left grazin' in the grass, right?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    One is tied with string and the others on a pole? Honestly, I'm not seeing a difference.

    Julia Child's chickens are much skinnier/smaller. the difference in breast size is crazy.

    They're just skinny fat. If they had lifted weights they would have been fine...