No idea how you runners do it.



  • scottdeeby
    scottdeeby Posts: 95 Member
    Here's my take on it (lots of details are left out but you'll get my drift):
    * High-intensity activity trains muscular endurance. The muscles improve at storing and burning the quickly-available energy (glycogen), clearing out the lactic acid so you can maintain the intensity for longer, and generally getting ready for the next blast.
    * Your heart benefits too.
    * For this reason, the amount of cross-over benefit of HIT of one activity to another activity that uses a different muscle group is low. The heart is a constant factor, so there is carry over there.


    Sandbags are way more fun anyway. ;)

  • amjelot
    amjelot Posts: 8 Member
    Not all running stores use strictly treadmills for assessment. I had a test at a running store where I wet my feet and walked across a piece of paper so they could see my foot shape, and the clerk had me walk, back and forth, plié, jump, etc to see how my stride was and how my feet landed. Call around, you might be surprised- it never hurts to ask!

    Or you could get fitted for orthotics at a podiatrist, that shouldn't use a treadmill either. My husband was fitted for his by standing on and walking across an electronic pad hooked to a computer. Then you just put the orthotics in any kind of sneaker.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Running, and talking about it, seems to make you miserable. I would skip it. Do what you enjoy.

    Yeah this one.

    I run & LOVE talking about it. I've only been running since about August last year & I'm obsessed with it. I love running, have to do it or I actually get all nasty & fidgety. Even my husband asks when I'm going for my run.

    If you don't even like talking about it..... don't do it. It's not for you. Go do some yoga or something.
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    I was going to suggest you try cycling if you have the balance but someone else beat me to it. i love cycling and it is just as intense as running. I was thinking that if you can get the balance, the fact that your feet and hands are in a fixed place might help keep them more coordinated, but this would be even less of a problem if you were on a stationary bike, as that other person said. You can buy stands that turn your road bike into a stationary one, so if you can get outdoors you have the both options.

    For your other idea about HIT and cross over to other exercises, is there anyone else that you could use as a test subject/guinea pig? Given your condition, your results would probably not be applicable to the general population anyway!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I miss running. I hate my husband for taking it away from me. I used to run and run and run and run just getting high on running. It was my anti-depressant, my prozac, my mental peace my "me" time. sigh.......
  • RavenWolf1977
    RavenWolf1977 Posts: 39 Member
    Okay, I have to say I can't run straight on a treadmill...or any where for that matter. Walking is not very straight either. I also roll my ankles, and have issues with stability.

    I did get some shoes made for stability and that helped tremendously. I did not have to run on a treadmill in order to be fitted.

    I ran a complete 5K the other day for the first time. I ran my second 5K yesterday. It has taken me about 3 months to get here from starting out only being able to run 20 seconds at a time. I did the Zombies, Run 5K training program.

    If you and your doctor who specializes in your disorder do not have any courses of action for you to take to become a runner, you may just need to get out there and do what you can. I know a lady back home who became a long distance runner and she also had a disorder that caused severe form impairment and a tremendous limp. Yet she went out, day after day, and ran her heart out.

    I have to say the poster that suggested running with a metronome and going to music therapy may be on to something. I think those are excellent suggestions and metronomes are not expensive. They even have metronome apps for your phone.

    However, if you only "want" to run to test a theory, I suggest you choose a different activity. People ask me why I want to be a runner all the time.There are many reasons, but deep down it is because I WANT to. If you do not want to be a runner for any other reason that to prove or disprove a theory I think you will be miserable with it.

    No matter what, if you choose to run, don't quit, push through and keep going. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I miss running. I hate my husband for taking it away from me. I used to run and run and run and run just getting high on running. It was my anti-depressant, my prozac, my mental peace my "me" time. sigh.......

    How/why does one's husband take running away?
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    1. No, I have no control over my running form. I have poor motor control and balance in general.

    2. There are no corrective shoes for me because my feet don't impact the ground in the same way with each step. Sometimes I land on the heel, sometime I land on the toe, sometimes I just randomly fall over (more often to the left than to the right) and it's really something I seem to have no control over.

    EDIT: Had my "gait" assessed once in the past and they had absolutely no clue what to do for me because I did not have a consistent running "form." I was all over the place. Because they use treadmills I am not able to be consistent in staying on them at speed because I can't keep going in a straight line. I drift off to the sides very quickly and fall off.

    3. Treadmills are not an option because I cannot keep from falling off of them when moving at any pace faster than walking speed.

    Not trying to be negative, but you're getting great responses and shooting them all down. Sounds like a lot of excuses. If you put it in your head that you cant do something, Then you're right, you cant do it. Keep on jumping rope, as long as you're moving.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I miss running. I hate my husband for taking it away from me. I used to run and run and run and run just getting high on running. It was my anti-depressant, my prozac, my mental peace my "me" time. sigh.......

    How/why does one's husband take running away?

    Possibly the way my Daughter had taken away my OUTSIDE running. For a while I was waiting until my wife and daughter had both gone to sleep to hit the gym and then it was too dark to run outside in a town with very few street lights. Now I either get up on the weekend to start running as the sun rises or hit work early once or twice a week to leave early and get in a run before my wife gets my daughter home from daycare...