Why are you proud of yourself?



  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm proud of myself because I set a goal, and I stuck to it. 2 months ago I was 142 pounds and getting a little chubby (I'm calling it my 'bulking phase') and now I am 126. Late nights in the gym after a long day of work, then waking up and doing it all over again. Cooking my own foods while living at home certainly took some adjusting to for me and the rest of my family but it was something I set out to do every day. All in all these are very common sense things but very few actually stick to it. I am a huge procrastinator and have a very big lazy streak so it's nice to know that if there is something I put my mind to, I can accomplish it :)
  • greeneyes0809
    greeneyes0809 Posts: 422 Member
    So many things over the past year! Mainly that I avoided the dreaded "freshman 15" and actually was able to lose weight in college, showed me that my healthy habits are here to stay :)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am proud of myself because I can walk again.

    I am proud of myself because I have more energy now.

    I am proud of myself because I have been sticking to my goals since October and now that I found this place I am going to push a little harder.
  • AmandaMarie916
    AmandaMarie916 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm proud to finally be sticking to something and seeing results.
    For breaking out of my sweat pants and backing into my jeans and showing off my great behind again :)
    I'm proud not to be huffing and puffing up hills anymore and now walk up them like ha I did it.. with a huge smile
    And I'll be proud of myself when I go to my doctors in July and her mouth drops! Can't wait!
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    ive been working on doing a backflip for months and today for the first time i did it :)
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    I am proud to be at my goal wt
    I am proud I am exercising weekly
    I am proud to be off my meds and not in a wheelchair
    I no longer need a walker or use a cane
    I am proud I no longer wear oxygen at night
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I am proud because I have a closet full of clothes that are now too big!

    I am proud that I will be running in my first 5k this weekend.

    I am proud that I found my "advanced" workout too easy today.
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    My dieting has always been on and off but I’m proud that I have been sticking to it for the last 3 weeks. I’ve dropped the coffees, energy drinks and buying lunches at work. I’ve also said no to temptation so many times. I’ve lost 12lbs already and have started eating way more fruit and changed to skim milk.

    But I think I was most proudest today when I was at the gym and saw my reflection. I always wear big over sized shirts there but even in my huge shirt I saw myself and thought WOW. I can totally see the difference. My collar bones are more defined, my legs are slimmer. Everything on me looks smaller. Despite my scale telling me I lost the weight when I noticed it that was the motivation I needed. I’m so happy.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I am proud I have worked out for 3 or more days in a row
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    I love this post.
    Well here is my long list. :)
    I am proud of so many things.
    First, I am proud that I have learned to think about food differently.
    Second, I am proud that I know now that eating healthy doesn't mean I have to eat salads all the time and that food can be tasty you just have to try new recipes.
    Third, I am proud that I am being consistent with making sure to always eat breakfast and packing my
    lunch for work becuase if I fail to plan then I plan to fail.
    Fourth, I am proud that I am much stronger physically and can do more and more intense workouts as time goes by thanks to my determination of working out with no excuses and thanks to Dana Lee from Real Fit TV, Jillian Michaels, and Billy Blanks through free youtube videos.
    Fifth, I am proud that I feel I am in control of what I put in my body because I cook or try to cook I should say but it's all about trying and never giving up.
    Sixth, I am proud that I have more faith in myself now and I know I can do anything I set my mind to becuase I trust in the process and know that if I continue to eat well and exercise consistently my new life style will never fail me becuase only the same person becomes obese again.
    Seventh, I proud that I am having success with portion control thanks to my handy dandy measuring cups, which I never used to use.
    Last, I am proud that I am loving working out now and crave it like I used to crave junk food :)
    All in all I can say I feel more proud of my self thanks through this journey and I am in such a happy place mentally. :)
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I am proud of myself for staying with an exercise regime I love for almost two years.

    I am proud of myself for understanding the connection between eating right/exercising/good health.

    I am proud of myself for never falling victim to the many, many diet scams that are out there -- opting for hard work and determination instead.

    I am proud of OTHERS for their commitment, hard work and determination.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Great Post!!

    I am proud because, now that I have started here, I have also began a quest to eat healthy and cleaner which in turn has caused me to begin recycling and gardening. I now have a plastics bag, a bottle bag, a compost container, and a burn pile. My trash has gone down considerably, i no longer use foam plates or plastic cups, and I have some georgeous tomato plants started with some squash and others to follow this weekend. It is totally changing my life!!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'm proud because I'm over half-way to my goal weight and have lost 21lb in less than 4 months.

    I'm proud because I have stuck to - and increased - my exercise since January - longest time ever I have done this, and the most exercise I've ever done in a week, even when I was very young and doing dance classes 4 times a week.

    I'm proud because for the first time in my life I actually look for exercise rather than avoid it.

    I'm proud that clothes I bought before Christmas will be heading to the charity shops.

    And I'm slightly ashamed I doubted my PE teachers who used to say things like "If you do more you'll have more energy":blushing:
  • bnbestme
    bnbestme Posts: 9 Member
    I proud because I don't care what others think of me trying to do this. I will do it anyway.:mad:
    I am proud of myself because I lost 8 pounds.:smile:
    I am proud of myself I am stronger and have more energy.:tongue:
    I am proud of myself because I recognize that I can do this.:wink:
  • NHoughton13
    NHoughton13 Posts: 303
    I'm proud I made it to the 20 lb mark
    I'm proud I completed 30 Day Shred
    I'm proud that even though I've stalled recently, I'm not giving up
    I'm proud I exercise 5-6 days a week after years on the couch
    I'm proud I don't need energy drinks anymore

    I needed this list today, I was having one of those, "Why do I bother?" days. :tongue:
  • shelbymkoenig
    shelbymkoenig Posts: 59 Member
    I'm proud of myself because this was MY decision and unlike so many my age, I'm not turning to diet pills or dangerous crash diets. Heck, I even found out I like spinach so I can eat salads!
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    wow wow wow!!!
    good for you!
    what a great journey you have chosen for your self!
    it is good to be proud and acknowledge what you have chosen to do - not only for you but for the environment:smile::heart: :smile: :heart:
  • Turtle1794
    All of these posts make me feel good to read :], whenever I have those bad days it's always nice to remember what you did so far. ^^
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm proud I can say I've lost over half myself.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I'm proud because...

    Ive lost almost 30 pounds.
    Ive logged more then 100 days.
    I fit some of my skinnier clothes.
    My acne is gone because of my healthier eating.
    I had a really hard month, last month, and made it through it.
    I'm way stronger and healthier.
    I'm doing it "diet" free, pill free, surgery free, and gimmick free.
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