200+ (Week 30) Let's Get Moving in May!

Hello everyone! It's that time of the week again! Please post your weekly weigh-ins by the end of the weekend, so pinbot can update our group progress chart.

Good luck everyone with their weigh-ins!


  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in for Thursday:

    2426 calories needed to maintain
    1381 eaten /0 burned /-1045 (under for day) /-7045 (under for week)

    No cardio today, although I was walking around and on my feet for close to 12 hours today at work, so I'm sure that's worth something!

    So per theory, I'm just at enough net calories under the amount needed to maintain that I should lose 2 pounds this week. We all know that won't happen- thank you TOM. Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow.

    On a much more positive note, I did well otherwise this week, but I'll speak more to that in my weigh-in thread in the morning. Good luck my superheroes!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang - I made it to ypsi safely. Only 1 brewpub stop on the way. Food here is great - tempeh tacos and deep fried pickles - YUMMY!!!!

    My check-in for tommorow will have to be today's weight of 187 (same as last week)... I will take it since I was 1000 over on multiple days. I may have to skip ex tomorrow - my conferance is all day, I'm meeting my BF and her 4 kids at Cabellas then have to rescue DH, the bro and my hostess from the brewpubs late in the evening.

    Good luck on the weigh in!!!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    bumping for tomorrow.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for the week.

    As I mentioned previously, by my calorie intake/exercise, I should be right at -2 pounds for the week, but I'm notorious for fluctuating a few pounds during my oh so special TOM.

    So, no surprise at my number today: 194.8 (+2.2 from last week)

    That's actually a bit less than I was weighing yesterday and the day before, so that might be a sign that it's coming off. That's sort of the pattern I have. Let's hope for a loss of those 2.4 pounds and some extra next week to make up for this, cause this is truly frustrating, though I know it's pretty much out of my hands, and all I can do is be as diligent as possible with what I eat and work out hard and hopefully reap the benefits with a good week down the line!

    I did hit my exercise goals for the week, so YAY! 5/7 days of cardio (CHECK!), 2 days of 3+ miles runs (CHECK- 4.2, 3.1 mile runs!). So a success on that end.

    Well, need to finish getting ready- late for leaving for work! Good luck everyone!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Bump...for when I get a sane moment to get back here...I totally forgot about weighing this morning and I have already eaten and had 2 cups of coffee and TOM arrived, so I will just hold with my weight from last week because I'll be gone bright and early tomorrow morning too....I might try for Sunday....I'l be sure and let you know if I do.

    Kristina and Victoria....Run like the wind tomorrow, so jealous that I wasn't able to join you two...how fun and exciting for you...I'll be thinking of the both of you tomorrow......Kendal did you have a walk or run this weekend too? If so....same awesome good time wishes to you too!!

    I have one more prom related thing to do this morning in the sewing room, then I have to pick up flowers...my last tanning session and I can relax a bit this afternoon....Game tonight and tomorrow, prom tomorrow, baseball photos and the second round of Pitch Hit and Run for my son, his team has been doing great this season...5-0 now and just this week my son has hit 4 homeruns, he turned 12 yesterday...man everything in life is so much fun and everything in life flies by so quickly! I took a picture of my son and me last night when we got home out back...if I can get it posted I'll add it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    229.4 (up .2 from last week)

    considering my lack of exercise, TOM and what I ate last night, I am ok with this

    speaking of TOM, Here's your TMI alert

    TOM is kicking my *kitten* this month! I normally have mild cramping right before it hits, then a day of heavy flow and then its fairly light and just an inconveince. This is my 3rd day of cramping and 2nd of heavy flow. UUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey everyone....I can't for the life figure out how to post photos in replies here in each of my groups...but I just wanted to share...I am about halfway through my journey, still a ways to go....but I have to give myself a little pat on the back...I am getting there, if you click on my profile and look at my photos....you will see me when I was at my biggest, in 2007, topping the scale at 274 plus pounds....it was really probably close to 280's ( I stopped weighing, I was so ashamed):embarassed: , there is also a photo of my son and I that Christmas 2007, then I changed my profile pic to that of a picture I took of my son and I last night....and there is a body shot of me taken earlier this month after working out. I get frustrated with how slow my process has been, but dang...at least I am living the process and when I look at these photos....I can see a change....I will keep working at it, I am succeeding. Thanks for all your support....best of all I am a much happier Debra than I once was....I think you can see how unhappy I was in that one photo.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - ((((((big hug)))))) TOM SUCKS!!!!!

    Debra - can't wait to get to a real computer and check your pics out the iPhone doesn't do it justice.

    Yes my life has changed!! I just took a 10 min power walk during the first break.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey girls. I am checking in for this week. SW: 261.5 LW: 243 CW: 239!!! <
    Loss of 4 lbs!!!! Yay!

    I had a really good week despite my one 2000! calorie meal a couple days ago. I started walking this week and though I didn't get in walking everyday like I wanted due to all my kids being really sick, I did manage 4 days and two with some jogging. Which I am very proud of.

    Last night however really sucked. I wanted to get my last walk in and so since all situations were right kids weren't vomiting everywhere and my husband was home I invited him to come along. He happily complied and off we went....well....you would think, what could possibly happen??? How could an injury happen? You are only walking right? Well my husband, bless his heart, was pulling my kids in the radio flyer wagon. I had told him about my running the day before and I guess he thought he would encourage and have some fun with me. Well he kept running ahead of me to get me to run and catch up. Harmless enough right....not really. Let me add that he is pretty clumsy and NOT athletic at all. He is your basic nerdy computer programmer. Well he takes off running really fast...he is 6' 3" so his strides are huge, well the radio flyer catches up to him, did i mention we were on the paved road, kind of a rocky pavement. Well it caught his foot and he went sliding about 5 feet forward like superman, or not so much. I think he may have been trying to prevent the kids from flying out of the wagon so he used his hands as breaks. I'm sure you can guess what happened to them. He scraped all of the skin off of both hands from just below his wrist to about the middle of his hand. Raw meat showing no skin at all left (sorry for the graphics). And I don't get how this happened but one of his knee caps suffered the same fate even though his jeans didn't rip. I felt really really bad cuz I asked him to come for the walk and he was really only trying to encourage me to run a little. :cry: He is going to be really really sore for a long time, I don't think that will heal fast. I cleaned it up and put those huge rectangular bandage pads on each hand and one of his knees. I just hope his hands feel ok by the time we go on our vacation to CA in two weeks.

    So anyways that was my story, To those of you who TOM is visiting ugh, I feel for ya. I hate that time of the month. I hope you all had a good week and have a great weekend.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    kimmrdodge- way to go with the 4 pounds! Fab!! Your poor hubby- I hope he heals quickly!!

    Just got back from the rec center. 47 min on the elliptical... i usually keep it at one resistance level and slowly increase- this time i did cross country. it wasn't too hard overall, but i was certainly sweating up a storm. i'll have to try it again and do the full hour another time to compare calories/miles run compared to how i normally do it.

    Relaxing for the rest of the night. Need to get a good night's sleep cause tomorrow's Victoria's and my 5K race! Yay! Super excited. Not so super excited about having to get up on a Saturday and do it. Not a morning person, and especially not a morning runner, but it should be a good time!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well TOM is visiting me as well. im kinda glad cause it means im not pregnant butt it hurts like hell. but im not going to let it stop me from going rto the gym tonight after work. im so tired. but i just i got a few hours left. talk to later i gotta go back to work
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kristina and Victoria....Go Go Go!!!! I will so be thinking of you today!!!

    Dixie, My TOM showed up too....he's been hanging all over me for weeks now...I'm darn right sick of him!!!:sad: :sad: :sad: He needs to GO!
    Kim, so sorry about your hubby....ouch!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in from yesterday really quickly before I'm off to the race..

    2426 needed to maintain
    1843 eaten /576 burned /-1159 day/-1159 week
    Exercise: 48 minutes of elliptical (cross country setting)

    I was happy to see that now that TOM is leaving, my weight is starting to come off again for the week- i'm already a pound less than I was yesterday, so it's nice to know that that weight gain wasn't my doing other than my lovely TOM issues.

    I'll check in after Victoria's and my race! Have a nice weekend!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I am wearing my favorite pair of shorts. I was too big to fit in them last summer. They are a bit snug but hopefully they'll fit better in a few weeks. Man I love these shorts.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Checking in ladies! Still at 200 this week, so no loss for me, but i did have a couple moments of weakness...so no surprise to me.
    I did however, run every morning this week and was really proud of myself for that. It was weird, I focused on using my thighs more when I ran, and boom! my strides became longer and it kicked my butt.....lol
    Hubby says when we get jobs I can look into getting a running coach! Yea!!

    Kristina...way to go on the 5K!!!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    victoria!!! GREAT JOB on the 50 lbs mark!!!!!!!!!

    im weighing in at :noway: 199.8 :love: omg under 200lbs
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for the day, because I"m exhausted and will be going to bed shortly.

    2426 needed to maintain
    1979 in/362 burned/-809 day/-1968 week

    Today was a big day, as you all know. First official 5K race. What made it so many times better? Victoria ran it with me! First superheroes meet up! We must have more!

    Now, I wasn't at my best, as getting up at that time, is never good for Kristina. Was frustrating as they said you had to check in pretty early, but then we had to end up standing around for a good while. Took a stroll around the hospital campus to pass the time and warm up a bit, as it was rather chilly at first.

    The race went really well I think. Was a little slow at the start, mostly because there was a decent pack of folks and they started the walkers and runners at the same time, so we had to wade through a bunch of people until the pack spaced out. I thought it was a pretty solid race though, and we both picked up considerable speed at the end, crossing the finish line together at 39:20! When's the next race eh?

    Had a great time at the race, and then later meeting Victoria's friend, hubby, and brother. All in all, a gorgeous day in Michigan! I'm off to bed, as I need to get up at a decent time in the morning to view a condo. Cross your fingers for me that it's in good condition and I get it over anyone else. It's my ideal location, and will take a lot of agonization over decisions out of the way.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I'm planning on getting some form of exercise tomorrow, just don't know what yet. Depends how the body is moving along. I feel good though after today's race. Not sore, but just tired, but I think that's a combination of a lot of things.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    MrsMarvelous- EEE for being under 200! Big accomplishment! Keep up the good work!

    Carolyn- so glad to see you check in! So you didn't lose any weight- it sounds like you pumped up the exercise and running all that much is fabulous! Wish you weren't across the country so we could run a race together as well!

    Kendal- LOVE the feeling when you can slip into something that you really love, but haven't been able to wear for a while. Score!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well i am going to weigh in the morning. i expect to have gained as i am having TOM this week. oh joy. im not feeling very well today so no exercise today. but tomorrow i hit the gym. i did pretty good on my cals today i am allowed 1900 i ate 1870 and i was under 30. so a good day.

    kristina im glad you had fun with victoria at the race today. i wish i didnt live in the south i would go with yall.

    well good night all see ya tomorrow