200+ (Week 30) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Mrsmarvelous - YEAH!!!!! It's party time. Great job and congrats!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Kendal - That's awesome that you fit into your favorite shorts. Good luck on your walk next weekend.

    Carolyn - At least your not gaining. So, how do I "think" about my thighs? I'll try it on my next run. A running coach would be great. I noticed signs for free running clinics at the running store in Ann Arbor yesterday. You may want to check out a store near you. Maybe you could score some free hints.

    Amber - I'm proud of you for keeping up with this.

    Debra - I want to see prom pictures!!!!

    Kristina - We just rock!!!! Thanks for spending the day with me. It was nice to run with someone. I :love: the running store. I can't wait to try out the new water bottles. Next time we aim for the middle of the pack and not the back. I'm still shocked 800+ people were registered. Those shirts area interesting - I think I need to lose 20 more pounds before I'll be comfortable wearing mine in public!!! My boobs and the white, tight material are not a good mix!!! I think you should aim for the 10K in Boyne on July 4th. Unless you want me to look for one in the Saginaw area - and meet halfway. Good luck on the condo today!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - I have to retract my earlier statement on the shirt. I've been wearing all morning and getting used to the "snugness" - it's just not something I'm used to wearing (form fitting clothes). I've always felt too fat for that type of thing but DH likes it:blushing: It's a good around the house shirt but I'm still not ready to wear it in public. Thanks again for the coupon!!!! Would you like mine? I'd be happy to mail it. I'm sure I won't be down again before the end of the month.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - I did manage to look up some 10K races (hint, hint) that are not on the holiday weekend so that it won't interfere with your moving. On June 12 there is a run around Mackinaw Island - this one is an hour from my house. June 19th in Mt. Pleasant. June 26th in Saginaw. These are both about 1/2 between us. I'd love to do the Mackinaw Island race but that's another one to "get up early for"... I looked and didn't see any in Toledo or Ft. Wayne at near the end of June/early July.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- I would totally be down for a 10K at some point. I don't know if I'd be ready by late June- seems like not a lot of time. I would be absolutely willing to come up north for a race though- just needs to be a good time. The Mackinaw Island one sounds like a blast, I just think it's too early. Maybe if they had another run there later in the summer (even if we do another race in the meantime), that would be great, especially as I haven't been up there! Glad you're getting used to your shirt and bonus! that the hubby enjoys. I tried mine on last night. It's definitely form fitting, especially on the girls, but I think a few pounds more, I could see myself running in it. I don't think I need the coupon to the store- I imagine I won't be loading up on anything by the end of the month.

    So I looked at the condo this morning, filled out an application and dropped it off this afternoon. I think they might have a couple other people viewing it today, but when I came by later, they said so far, I was their top choice. YES! I think it helped that I was the first to see it this morning, and they liked that I worked for the VA apparently. I'll take it! So, I should find out tomorrow about whether I get it or not. Exciting! If I do, move in will probably be June 15th. That means, Memorial Day weekend I'll be heading to NC to see the family. Kendal, llyndon, if I have some time and you want to get together, let me know. I just am not sure yet how long I'll be there for.

    Was planning on getting in another run today, as it's GORGEOUS out, but with the going to and from the condo, grocery shopping, and such, I'm in a bit of disarray. Plus, the roomies are about to have peeps over for a bbq, so I'll probably forgo the exercise today, getting back on the wagon tomorrow.

    Hope everyone's weekend is going well!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! I'm back home and am unpacked relaxing on the couch. I am a bit jet lagged and alcohol-logged and TOM Is ending so I am pretty sure that the weight gain I saw will slide off.
    This week my goals are to get that 3500 deficit over 7 days. I am tight on money and can't pay to go to the gym this week so my goal is to go home and get my daughter and go for a walk each night to burn some cals. So I need to get a 500 cal deficit a day. I can do it. I have Jillian Michaels book and its got some workout stuff in it. I might just get that out for the week.

    Victoria and Kristina - awesome on your run! Congrats!

    Deb - pictures are key to seeing that loss sometimes that is for sure!

    Kendall - yeay for wearing clothes that fit better!

    Carolyn - no weight gain is good too! Especially when settling in a new place and new life.

    Amber - good job on keeping up with everything.

    Okay, watching BL from last week. Good motivation for the following week.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey girls. I am checking in for this week. SW: 261.5 LW: 243 CW: 239!!! <
    Loss of 4 lbs!!!! Yay!

    I had a really good week despite my one 2000! calorie meal a couple days ago. I started walking this week and though I didn't get in walking everyday like I wanted due to all my kids being really sick, I did manage 4 days and two with some jogging. Which I am very proud of.

    Last night however really sucked. I wanted to get my last walk in and so since all situations were right kids weren't vomiting everywhere and my husband was home I invited him to come along. He happily complied and off we went....well....you would think, what could possibly happen??? How could an injury happen? You are only walking right? Well my husband, bless his heart, was pulling my kids in the radio flyer wagon. I had told him about my running the day before and I guess he thought he would encourage and have some fun with me. Well he kept running ahead of me to get me to run and catch up. Harmless enough right....not really. Let me add that he is pretty clumsy and NOT athletic at all. He is your basic nerdy computer programmer. Well he takes off running really fast...he is 6' 3" so his strides are huge, well the radio flyer catches up to him, did i mention we were on the paved road, kind of a rocky pavement. Well it caught his foot and he went sliding about 5 feet forward like superman, or not so much. I think he may have been trying to prevent the kids from flying out of the wagon so he used his hands as breaks. I'm sure you can guess what happened to them. He scraped all of the skin off of both hands from just below his wrist to about the middle of his hand. Raw meat showing no skin at all left (sorry for the graphics). And I don't get how this happened but one of his knee caps suffered the same fate even though his jeans didn't rip. I felt really really bad cuz I asked him to come for the walk and he was really only trying to encourage me to run a little. :cry: He is going to be really really sore for a long time, I don't think that will heal fast. I cleaned it up and put those huge rectangular bandage pads on each hand and one of his knees. I just hope his hands feel ok by the time we go on our vacation to CA in two weeks.

    So anyways that was my story, To those of you who TOM is visiting ugh, I feel for ya. I hate that time of the month. I hope you all had a good week and have a great weekend.

    Kimm - I hope your husband is okay!! That sucks!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: Oh my - give me 100 lashes with a wet noodle :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: Kim - I'm so sorry that I somehow missed your post!!! Great job on the 4 pounds - that's wonderful:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: I hope your hubby is okay. It sounds painful and I can tell you young guys and pain don't mix.

    Welcome home Lacey... I hope your trip was successful. Good luck on the workouts from home this week.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checkin in for today:

    2426 needed to maintain
    I had the best of intentions to exercise today, especially considering it was sunny and cool- perfect running temperature, but the time just got away from me. Will get my tush into hear again tomorrow. How it is the end of the weekend already? I do not approve!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    good evening. i am checking in for the day. my weigh in this weekend is 234. but i expected that so maybe it will come off next week. on my cals i am allowed 1900 but i worked out and earned 231 and i took in 2000 which left me with 131 for the day. i didnt get to do the eliptical today but i did walk and use my personal thigh stepper machine. it was great.

    thank you all for being proud of me. it has given me motivation for the coming week. i have been getting really discouraged because i have not been losing. but it was stress probably. well its been a long day. good night all see ya tomorrow.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Note to self - DO NOT CLEAN FRIDGE on days you are home all day. By cleaning fridge, I mean eating all the left over crap. Yesterday was not good 3685 consumed and over by 2074 OMG that's a half pound!!!! Part of my problem was the lack of exercise. I was catching up on work stuff and didn't do much for exercise - only 20 min mowing the lawn. I have to get back on track today. I will run tonight - I may punish myself and aim for 5 miles.

    I hope everyone had a better weekend than me (food wise at least). Here's to a great Monday:drinker:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Just stopping by to say hello. We've been doing a Snack Shop thing here at work. We bought snacks at Sams Club and are selling it to the department to make money for the American Heart Assoc. How come the candy has to sit on MY desk?? They are just little mini candy bars, but still, I gave in quite a bit last week. We have a new bag of candy now and we've lowered the price. UGH. MUST FIGHT TEMPTATION!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just wanted so say Hello everyone.....It was one crazy week last week...lasted all weekend! I did get all my workouts in...but I didn't do well with logging.....I will do better. Sounds like a few of us had to deal with hectic schedules and tempting treats.... Thank goodness for new weeks!!
    Mine got started a littel rough this morning as I slept in...hubby said he woke me up....but I remembered nothing...took me several minutes to figure out what day it was...how sad is that?:laugh: :laugh:

    I should probably get moving....my hour was up an hour ago.....:laugh: :laugh:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So, I'm down in weight this morning to where I was pre-TOM. Whew! Let's hope I'll continue to drop a bit this week to compensate. Even though the number is where I imagined it to be, I'm having a hella fat day. I feel gynormous this morning and pretty much like a blob. I don't know why, but yeah... not feeling the best.

    Plan is tonight to hit up the rec center, unless the weather is good out- then I'll run. I'm trying to figure out the best way to train for a 10K- and a 7 week training (to have me ready by the beginning of July) has me doing my long run this week of 6 miles! I know it's to overtrain you, so the race won't seem that bad (I liked that feeling with the 5K, as I knew I could run farther), but I've only run 5 miles once. I don't think I'm ready for 6 miles. I'd like to do another 5 miler this week though, weather contingent. Maybe 6 miles next week if I'm really feeling it. I just would like to feel more comfortable with the 5 mile distance before jumping up another mile already.

    Pub trivia tonight probably, which means not so healthy food. I've sort of been carbing it up the past few days at lunch/dinner, so tonight won't help, but am trying to cut back a bit on the breads and pastas otherwise. didn't get a chance to make my spaghetti squash yesterday, which I was hoping to bring for lunch, so have a butternut squash ravioli lean cuisine, which is yummy, but more sodium than I want, and more pasta than I want with potential sandwich and fries tonight. Oh well.

    Keep your fingers crossed about the condo for me. I should hear today or tomorrow if I get it or not. *bites nails*
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- food goes in the trash- not your mouth! *cracks whip* get it together lady! At least your fridge is empty of all that nonsense. Hope the running goes well today. Try for the 5 miles!

    Amber- the motivation that the gals give me here absolutely keeps me going during those tough times. Stick with it!

    Kendal- omg that's candy torture!! I have some small pieces of chocolate by my desk, but they are in my drawer for chocolate emergencies, and limit myself. Can it not go on someone else's desk? Or not in your view? That's just too tempting! Try and resist this week!

    Debra- oversleeping ugh! That's always such a horrible feeling. Only thing that's good, is those mornings, I always fly through my morning routine cause I'm running late and think, well, damn it, if I actually got ready this fast every morning, I could sleep in longer! I hope your week goes better than last!

    Hang in there gals! I'm proud of all of you!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    ok..I'm back....still fussing on the computer...:ohwell: :embarassed: I put a few photos up of my daughter on her "night to shine" they are on my profile page if you want to take a peek...now to get busy....yeah right, this day is about half way thru and all I have accomplished is getting the kids to school and chores...oh bother!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Monday, busy Monday!

    Goals for week:
    2070 cals to maintain per day/goal per day is 1570 to lose 1 lb/1820 to eat/250 to burn exercising.

    I'm going to go for 1700 cals to eat today and min 250 burn exercise. I am trying to eat a bit less on the weekday so I don't feel that ouch on the weekends if I eat more.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Ladies- I got the phone call! The condo is mine! *dances* *twirls* I'm now eagerly awaiting the lease to be fedex-ed to me, so I can sign and send it back. Move in is June 15th- less than a month away. Very excited. Will feel especially so once everything is signed and I have those keys in my hand (always nervous until it's official official)! Looking forward to decorating as well, as I basically need to buy a new living and dining room, after giving most away to my little brother when he got his first place. And painting of course! So yay!

    That makes my day about a gazillion times better. I'm so happy the housing search appears to be done, and I pretty much got my ideal location and a cute charming place to live.

    My afternoon should be pretty busy with client contacts, but I'll check in later tonight with the damage after pub trivia. :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Ladies- I got the phone call! The condo is mine! *dances* *twirls* I'm now eagerly awaiting the lease to be fedex-ed to me, so I can sign and send it back. Move in is June 15th- less than a month away. Very excited. Will feel especially so once everything is signed and I have those keys in my hand (always nervous until it's official official)! Looking forward to decorating as well, as I basically need to buy a new living and dining room, after giving most away to my little brother when he got his first place. And painting of course! So yay!

    That makes my day about a gazillion times better. I'm so happy the housing search appears to be done, and I pretty much got my ideal location and a cute charming place to live.

    My afternoon should be pretty busy with client contacts, but I'll check in later tonight with the damage after pub trivia. :)

    YAY!!! Thats fan-tab-ulous!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yeah Kristina I'm very happy for you!!!! Thanks for the whip crack - I needed it.

    Kendal - I hope you got the candy moved. I realized that I still have to get my donation in for your walk. I had the wrong credit card - I promise to do it soon!!!

    Debra - I can't wait to see the pictures. When my legs recover, I go upstairs and check them out.

    I hope everyone else had a great Monday.

    Gotta run a movies starting.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    65 minutes total /45 minutes on elliptical (5 miles) 10 minutes abs, 10 minutes stretching.
    1946 calories allowed/1765 eaten/181 left

    Kristina...WOO HOO, for new Condos and decorating!! I'm happy for you and I hope moving is easy peasy...new stuff ROCKS!
    Is this the place with the fitness center on site? That would be awesome!

    I ended up with a migraine today...not sure if it is TOM related or allergy related because my throat is sore too and I am not feeling the best...think I'll hit the bed and tomorrow has to get better...I'm setting 3 clocks tomorrow...I hate over sleeping!