200+ (Week 30) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for the congrats on getting the condo. I'll feel better once I have all the paperwork in, but I'm definitely excited about moving to my own place again and making it all my own with fun decorations. Deb, no, this doesn't have a fitness center, though the complex has tennis courts and a pool, but what's nice is that i could walk to the rec center where I have been working out from it- less than a mile away. Yes! No excuses, eh?

    Pub trivia went well. I ate well otherwise today and worked out pretty hard, so my intake on the calorie front wasn't as horrid as I thought it would be.

    Here's my check in for the day:

    2426 needed to maintain
    1731 eaten /820 burned/-1515 day/-4139 week (over a pound now down, calorie deficit-wise)

    Exercise: was hoping the weather would hold out and I could get a run in, but it started raining around 4ish, and still is going. Is supposed to tomorrow as well, but then be nicer later in the week. Need to get another good run in. Would like to do a 5-miler. Anywho, did 65 minutes on the elliptical in cross country setting and about died. I think because I pushed myself harder/faster on the higher resistances (because the didn't feel as high compared to the peak resistances), I was totally tuckered out by the end and didn't think I would make it several times. This definitely isn't something I can do every time I do elliptical. Kept me changing my speeds and how hard I was working though, and burned a wee bit more calories than on a normal elliptical for me- my heart rate was so high, I imagine it could be even more. As I just recently started cranking my resistance up to 10 towards the end of my workouts, and this one spiked at 16, which was hella tough. Went 5.4 miles on the elliptical. Heart rate was still pretty high, so did a 5 minute, quarter mile walk on the treadmill.

    Plan for tomorrow at this point is another gym day due to weather. Is it the weekend yet? I'm thinking about taking an Ikea trip to browse possible furniture goodies, and also just get some good ideas for staging of furniture.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well good evening ladies. in my world today i hung out with my man ALL day today and i was wonderful. even though i had laundry to do we still hung out at his place. he told me to bring my laundry over and i could do it there. he is so great. then we went to visit my dad who sadly is in the hospital again with his blood pressure and congestive heart failure. (*sigh* more stress right there, but yay! no stress eating this time! i am learning). then we ate dinner at olive garden and then came home to watch some tv. after i took him back to his house, i went to the gym and jumped on the elliptical an ***drum roll**** did 10 minutes!!! omg i didnt think i could do it and wanted to cry after minute 2 but i had my week 1 c25k music plying in my headphones and kept telling my self one more minute, then just a minute and a half now i would keep pace with the music and it got me through. plus i am now 1/3 of the way to on of my goals. that thrills me.

    for my check in today here are my numbers Totals 1,911 Daily Goal 2,056 Remaining 145

    well good night ladies i need to get some rest for tomorrow
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning superpals!!!!

    Check-in for yesterday 1724 consumed and under by 467. I ran 5 miles in 70 min plus 20 min walking a mile for warm up and cool down. I had to make up for part of the weekend's fiasco.

    Amber - sorry to hear about your dad. Glad you enjoyed the day. WTG on the 10 min...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I got back on the treadmill last night and did week 2 of c25k. I kept telling myself that I've accomplished this before so I knew I could do it again. Didn't have any problems with that machine sliding forward (got on a different one than last time). And I also was jogging at 5.6 again.

    I am so excited to finally be out of the 230s. :bigsmile: I have been able to stay between 228-229 for over a week. I had to tighten the string on my workout pants while I was jogging yesterday cause they kept falling down. I'm telling myself its cause I've lost inches recently (even though I haven't measured) and not cause the knot had gotten looser when I washed them lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- way to go with another 5 miler!! You're ahead of me now on that front! I really want to get one in this week when the weather improves, cause I can't imagine running 70 minutes on a treadmill. For some reason, it doesn't seem so bad on an elliptical, but a treadmill sounds like torture. You're just a little over 1 mile away from a 10K. You go girl! *high fives*

    Kendal- I totally had to get new gym pants when I started c25k because they kept migrating down as I ran and most of my lack of coordination on the treadmill came from attempting to run and hike up my pants at the same time. I was wearing pretty loose fitting pants, but had to bite the bullet and buy some former fitting pants in order to keep them up and not falling down. Plus, you're totes losing weight. So happy for you for finally being out of the 230s!

    My weight was horrendous this morning when I stepped on the scale. Only up a pound, and that I'm sure is due to eating late, and eating pub food. Hopefully it'll drop back down again by Friday morning. Plan is for me to go to the rec center at the end of the day. I'm pretty tired this morning and would like to go to bed early, but it's BL and Glee night, so a girl's got to have her priorities!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm pretty tired this morning and would like to go to bed early, but it's BL and Glee night, so a girl's got to have her priorities!

    I have a guy friend coming over tonight. :wink: A girl's got to have her priorities!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    oh crap! Isn't the Biggest Loser finale on tonight?? I can't record three shows at once!

    Glee is posted online too though, isn't it? I can cancel that on the dvr and record BL and Deadliest Catch and watch Glee online later this week....now if only I can remember to change all that when I get home....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh yeahhhh good thing I caught up on Deadliest Catch, Glee and BL already! GOod tv night. Have the Deadliest Catch producers found new ways to make the show super intense this year or what? Jebus. Part of it is knowing Captain Phil dies, but still...yeesh.

    Results for yesterday:
    1710 cals consumed, under by 110, no exercise.

    I got home last night, made dinner and parked it on the couch where I barely stayed awake until 9. I don't remember my head hitting the pillow.

    Kristina -Congrats on the condo!!! Woohoo! Decorating and painting is fun!

    Good job on redoing c25k Kendall!

    Deb I hope the headache goes away.

    Victoria you are the running queen!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Glee is usually online, but Neil Patrick Harris is on this week's episode, so I can't miss that! Need to watch it as it airs. I'll even miss part of BL for it. I'll watch the beginning of BL though.

    I'm exhausted today. I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day. If only I could nap here. Perhaps that elliptical yesterday and not enough sleep caught up. Still planning on getting the exercise in anyhow. It's crappy outside today. Argh.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    My feet are killing me! I've been running my 3 miles, and then walking another three on top of it with hubby and the new dog.......which is great exercise wise...but..
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thank goodness my last client wasn't feeling good. 8 in a day is rough. The next 3 are all new evals that means extra paperwork tonight (sighs). At least it looks like I'll be home in time for dance class but then have a 6:30 client. No dinner until 8. Oh well, only 3 days left until I leave for Phoenix - my friend has promised my lots of margaritas!!!! I'll need it in the 90 heat.

    Kendal - for some reason, I think BL has 2 more episodes. You may want to double check. I thought next week was tv sweeps week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Carolyn - how old are your shoes? Look at the bottoms and see if you have any wear. If you have another pair, try them and see if it makes a difference. Since you are serious about running, I would suggest going to a store that specializes in running and have them watch you walk/run. Most women pronate their feet - shoes with built up insoles keep feet in better alignment so you have less pain. Not cheap but well worth the cost. Look up exercises to stretch feet for plantar fascitis - this may also help. Good luck!!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal - for some reason, I think BL has 2 more episodes. You may want to double check. I thought next week was tv sweeps week.

    I'm probably getting ahead of myself...I think this is the second to last episode...but still....Glee can be watched online later (and with less commercials)....

    but man I love me some Neil Patrick Harris....(he has such a great name)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yeah 2 more episodes for BL. This is the first season I've ever watched and I like it.

    I'm really really looking forward to SO You Think You Can Dance to start this summer. And True Blood.

    1820 cals to lose .5 lbs per week/1764 scheduled to be eaten/no exercise.

    For this week I will be happy to just track cals and concentrate on recovering from that trip.

    I love to cook and try new things so next week is the week where I decided that everything I prepare to eat must be something I've not made before. I'm getting lots of really great cooking ideas to try on Sunday. I want to get back into making most of my meals for the week on Sundays again. It makes it easier to both plan and during the week when I go to the gym. Food Network magazine this month has this watermelon cucumber salad that I started drooling over immediately. And I found a ricotta cookie recipe I want to try too.

    The 1764 cals includes two gluten free choco chip cookies I am making with Gracie tonight. She keeps asking for cookies and so I told her we'd bake them when we got home. Now the chore is to NOT eat any more than 2. I can do it. I can!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - for some reason, I think BL has 2 more episodes. You may want to double check. I thought next week was tv sweeps week.

    I'm probably getting ahead of myself...I think this is the second to last episode...but still....Glee can be watched online later (and with less commercials)....

    but man I love me some Neil Patrick Harris....(he has such a great name)
    I watched a preview for Glee on perezhilton.com (yes it is my dirty little secret at work when I need a break from numbers!) and the episode looks awesome!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE So You Think You Can Dance. Definitely looking forward to it, even though the last season was meh, and I don't know if I'm feeling the idea of them being paired up with alumni as their partners this season. It seems too Dancing With the Stars-ish, which I will not watch.

    Definitely looking forward to Glee. In addition to NPH, Idina Menzel (one of my fav broadway actresses) will be singing in this ep. Yes!

    Enjoying BL so far. Will have to miss the second half.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Okay ladies I'm back. i just burnt 700 cal. on the bike and still have about 1000 cals to eat but not sure i'mma eat them all. It's been a wahile how is everyone?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My day went to pieces.((((ugh))))) one of the evals took forever so I couldn't get home for dance class:( I was kinda stressed and the arch was right there and then the car pulled right. 700 cal later I'm wondering if mcdonalds was worth it. Overall got in 60 min exercise (20 min stretches and 40 min light weight lifting). Consumed 1562 in cal and under by 217. It just wasn't the clean eating that I wanted!!

    Welcome back jadegem!!!

    Kendal - my dryer only ever shrinks clothes so you must be losing inches!!! Great job.

    Lacey - now I'm hungry again. Your food sounds great.

    Kristina - WOW on the elliptical cal burn...

    BL was such an inspiration to keep running!!!! Well gotta go catch some zzzzzzs.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    BL was definitely a running inspiration!

    Here's my check in for the day:
    2426 cal needed to maintain
    1885 eaten/809 burned/-1350 day/-5489 week

    65 minutes of the elliptical. 5.59 miles. went easier, but it seemed especially so after crosscountry setting. don't enjoy that setting cause it's so hard, but I think I need to keep doing it occasionally, because it makes the manual setting easier. Sort of like running hills, eh? haha.

    tired. going to bed.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Check in 70 minutes total exercise, 10 minute warm up on elliptical, 60 minute kickboxing

    calories allowed 1698/calories eaten 1767/ in the red by -69 calories...

    Darn that son of mine...he's such a little baker...he made chocolate chip cookies when we got home from the ball park tonight.... , I had two of them...they were so yummy, they were whole wheat...but 2, really? I'm so tired tonight, concession really wore me out...that and the cold rainy weather!