Lower Back Tattoos



  • Hawkeye_74
    Hawkeye_74 Posts: 205 Member
    I LOVE them. :love: I think they are very cool and identify with the person wearing it. All in all, I love tattoos as a whole. I just think they are down right sexy. I don't think a lower back tattoos, so called "Tramp Stamp", are demeaning to the wearer. As earlier stated, everyone has their story to their tattoo.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I have one tattoo and it is in the infamous "tramp stamp" area. Guess I'm trashy! Yay me!
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    To each her own.

    Just be aware though that some doctors won't give an epidural though a tattoo,so if you plan to have kids in the future you may want to think about that.

    (And yes, I know some docs will)
  • mercedesbenz5979
    mercedesbenz5979 Posts: 132 Member
    OK I under stand everyones opinions about tattoos, BUT!!! If there is a forum about tattoos, why would you come to bash them?

    Anyway, what do people think about a SPINE tattoo? From the top to the bottom. Its my last name so it is meaningful not some stupid thing (before people start bashing)
  • mercedesbenz5979
    mercedesbenz5979 Posts: 132 Member
    Also every doctor in my city has no problem with epidurals, it must all depend on the doctor
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    OK I under stand everyones opinions about tattoos, BUT!!! If there is a forum about tattoos, why would you come to bash them?

    Because the OP asked for opinions?
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I don't necessarily find placement trashy. I think if a person is just getting a tattoo out of a book of designs that 3000 other people have the same tattoo, in the same spot, with no real meaning because it's just cute, and just to get one, then that's trashy to me. I can't tell you how many of my friends have the same butterfly tattoo...

    All of my tattoos mean something to me. You won't find mine plastered anywhere on pinterest or on a wall at a tattoo shop because mine have been custom designed by me.

    But, I do have a lower back tattoo. It's quite large, so I don't know if it still constitutes a "tramp stamp." I also had an epidural with no problem.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    i guess i should say that i like tattoos (tramp stamps included for the sake of the original question) and don't think they are trashy for the most part, i did once see a tramp stamp of bicycle handlebars. now even though thats a little bit epic it and i personally think it's awesome most wouldn't think it stops it from the "trashy" but it all depends on her attitude about it, if she got it because of how funny she thought it would be i think that changes things. i think personality says alot more than a tattoo ever will - tramp stamp or otherwise. i tend to get to know people before passing judgement on what type of person they are based off physical apperance
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I am a huge fan of tattoos period. I don't care where they are so long as they are well done and have some meaning.

    This times a million. Besides, ask me whose opinion I asked for when I got each and every one of MY tats? Yeah, no ones. They are MY art and I don't give a flying fig what others think about them.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    no it depends on the tattoo... and the person.. some guys love it some guys hate them.. so.. in my opinion who the heck cares lol... :) do what makes you happy..
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Tattoos are art. Not all art is phenomenal, and neither all tattoos.

    However, if someone doesn't have the fortitude to sit for the pain, they don't have a position with which to opine with any relevance.

    Tattoos are art. 'Nuff said.
  • jahzbuttafly
    jahzbuttafly Posts: 175 Member
    I have one and I like it.... that's all that really matters..... you should get your tattoo for you.... not for anyone else.

    ^^^^Second^^^^ Just as piercings are generally viewed by others as "different" and described using select adjectives, so are tattoos described by others. Regardless of the locale or the design, it is a personal choice and it should not matter what anyone else thinks about it. Just my HO.
  • mercedesbenz5979
    mercedesbenz5979 Posts: 132 Member
    OK I under stand everyones opinions about tattoos, BUT!!! If there is a forum about tattoos, why would you come to bash them?

    Because the OP asked for opinions?

    Actually, they asked about Lower back tattoos not all
  • PrimalSiren
    PrimalSiren Posts: 144
    I have a lower back tattoo and I don't care if its "trashy" or not. The term tramp stamp never bothered me, it makes me laugh that someone actually thinks their opinion of something personal of mine even matters to me. I also have a wrist tattoo and am in the process of getting a tattoo that starts at one hip, reaches across my tummy to the other hip. I love the way the body looks tattooed and pierced. My tattoos are personal and were designed by me for me.
  • PrimalSiren
    PrimalSiren Posts: 144
    I LOVE THIS ahahahaha. <3 you are my new favorite.
    according to some of you I am trashy and have no class at all!

    sweet jesus pass me another beer *burps*

  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    anyone who thinks a "tramp stamp" is not classy is probably someone who's easily offended or outraged.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    OK I under stand everyones opinions about tattoos, BUT!!! If there is a forum about tattoos, why would you come to bash them?

    Because the OP asked for opinions?

    Actually, they asked about Lower back tattoos not all

    Yeah,OK I missed that.

    But it doesn't seem to bother you that people that like tattoos are giving their opinion about ones other than lower back tattoos.

    (btw have had a tattoo over 30 years)
  • crazyjlyn
    crazyjlyn Posts: 225 Member
    I think all tattoos are eyesores. They make attractive people look kind of trashy. Just my humble opinion.

    I am forever trashy.

    Dont worry dude, apparently I am too.

    Wanna open a trailor park and crush some beer cans on our foreheads later?
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    tattoos are sexy on guys---always ...girls however need to have a certain look to pull it off I think
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    I got one 14 years ago. I still think it looks great & never once have I thought it was trashy or has anyone else said it was.