why are girls competitive at the gym?



  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Why are there women in the gym? They should be in the kitchen making sammiches.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    OMG! I'm not the only one who notices! Lol, I'm overweight myself, and I see these skinny, prissy chicks who try to compete with me all the time! "Like, hello?! You have a smokin' bod & I'm the big one over here! Lay off!" -thoughts-

    And I out-do them on the elliptical, hahaha. I end up on it before them and I stay on after they leave :P

    I try to zone people out more. I used to be super self-conscious at the gym but now, I don't give a f***. When I'm the one drenched in sweat & looking gross from a killer workout while losing weight & other women are just a waste of space, texting & lightly walking, I'm the one laughing.

    Here's what I find interesting about this comment, you look at these "skinny, prissy chicks" but you know nothing about them. For instance, there are these "skinny, prissy chicks" (according to my wife) at our gym, one of them it seems, is a member on here, has been for 2 yrs, busts her butt at the gym, and has lost 74 lbs so far and is now strength training and maintaining. She is awesome!! Kicks butt and deserves the skinny part of the comment, but not the prissy part.

    So..ummm....yeah, there's that.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Why are there women in the gym? They should be in the kitchen making sammiches.

  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Actually i AM competitive.

    with myself.

    that's what makes me better...I don't give a crap what anyone else is doing.

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Why are there women in the gym? They should be in the kitchen making sammiches.


  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    Why are there women in the gym? They should be in the kitchen making sammiches.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Why are there women in the gym? They should be in the kitchen making sammiches.

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Honestly, I think this is an affliction of the cardio girls more so than the heavy lifters. When I see a woman lifting more weight than I do, I am humbled and inspired and likely plotting how to corner her and ask her about her macros and her training protocol. Back when I was doing the treadmill thing, I was all about outrunning the skinny blonde chick next to me, though.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Why are there women in the gym? They should be in the kitchen making sammiches.



    Sister wives.
  • MelissaVoci
    MelissaVoci Posts: 69 Member
    LOL, I think it's just human nature. It just motivates me to work harder, and it makes me happy that I am motivating them as well :)
  • jinelle5
    jinelle5 Posts: 7
    I take a bootcamp class and I look at other girls becuase I dont know if I'm doing the moves right. I look to them for guidance. In general women are really competitive just like men. Men stare at themselves in mirrors at the gym and look over to the side to see how big the next guy is. We are all competitive to a point.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    It's primal. Women are territorial. A lot of women ignore that primal instinct for competition, a lot of women don't. It's just life. It's like that outside the gym too. Women are critical and judgmental of each other in all situations because we're territorial. Our worst critic is ourselves though, so don't worry too much about what other girls are thinking of you at the gym and focus on making yourself happy there, by achieving your personal goals. :)
  • darleyschroeder
    That's women, isn't it? It's not the gym, it's just women.

    Truth.Most women want to be the top dog of the females.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've done sports most of my life. I can't help being a little competitive, but it's only about being stronger/faster/having better form, ultimately so I'll be better than I was. It doesn't mean that I don't admire and respect other women.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    That's women, isn't it? It's not the gym, it's just women.

    This is true. Have you heard about girls threatening other girls on social sites for prom dresses. It's everywhere! I got no problem with a little friendly competition but threats are going a little too far!
  • we797
    we797 Posts: 8
    I love competition. I think competition helps you to improve. It only becomes a problem when envy and jealousy creep in.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I take a bootcamp class and I look at other girls becuase I dont know if I'm doing the moves right.

    There's that too. I might be staring at someone because I think she's doing it right.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    I see plenty of men eyeballing each others' weights when they're lifting as well. We're competitive by nature, I suppose. Myself, I'm still heavy, so I feel totally uncomfortable making eye contact or checking ANYONE out! I keep my head down and do my thing.

    This right here, most people at gyms working out are competitive they want to see what other people are doing and this might be something people are doing to get themselves motivated to take it to the next level. If you're not wanting to be one of the best at something then there really is no point at all of doing it.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I'll admit it, I do check out what everyone else is doing. But, what the heck else are you going to do in between sets?

    However, my thought process is not "I lift heavier than that, neener neener", it's more like "good for them for lifting!" or just getting ideas for new spiffy lifting moves.

    I suspect that's what most people are doing, I don't think that they are all being competitive. Chill.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    This is why I go to the gym at 0300 each morning. Me, one or two "regulars", and that's about it. Love it.