Excuse me... there's a rock in my food.



  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    One time I had an opened bag of jelly beans sitting out over night, then next day I poured some in my hand and started to put them in my mouth when I noticed a brown color out of the corner of my eye so I look in my hand and weighed under the jelly beans was a HUGE CENTIPEDE!!! I freaked out and dropped the jelly beans and the little bugger ran away. I ALMOST ATE A CENTIPEDE ughghghghhghg.

    Another time I was helping my mom cook dinner and she asked me to get the rice out. So I pulled it out and was waiting for the water to come to a boil while I just sat looking at the rice. It seemed....different, it was sticking to the paper and it just didn't look right. I told my mom and she looked and said, No, it's fine. I kept looking at it and after a while I realized IT WAS MOVING! Mom! The rice is moving!!!! She comes over again and say's, Oh, that's because there are maggots in there. If I wouldn't have been there we would have been eating maggots for dinner! They looked EXACTLY like the rice. So Gross!

    Centipede: Yeah dude. I was kicked back and chillin and all of a sudden this gal grabbed me and tried to put me in her mouth! She was trippin, I was trying to calm her down but she kept screaming "UGHUGHUGH" and when she threw me down I decided it was time to shake a 100 legs outta there....
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    One time I had an opened bag of jelly beans sitting out over night, then next day I poured some in my hand and started to put them in my mouth when I noticed a brown color out of the corner of my eye so I look in my hand and weighed under the jelly beans was a HUGE CENTIPEDE!!! I freaked out and dropped the jelly beans and the little bugger ran away. I ALMOST ATE A CENTIPEDE ughghghghhghg.

    Another time I was helping my mom cook dinner and she asked me to get the rice out. So I pulled it out and was waiting for the water to come to a boil while I just sat looking at the rice. It seemed....different, it was sticking to the paper and it just didn't look right. I told my mom and she looked and said, No, it's fine. I kept looking at it and after a while I realized IT WAS MOVING! Mom! The rice is moving!!!! She comes over again and say's, Oh, that's because there are maggots in there. If I wouldn't have been there we would have been eating maggots for dinner! They looked EXACTLY like the rice. So Gross!

    Centipede: Yeah dude. I was kicked back and chillin and all of a sudden this gal grabbed me and tried to put me in her mouth! She was trippin, I was trying to calm her down but she kept screaming "UGHUGHUGH" and when she threw me down I decided it was time to shake a 100 legs outta there....

  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Besides a bug or two in salad/berries, or a hair in my fast food, the most disgusting thing I found was a whole fly baked into my tater tots. That was about 5 years ago, I still can't eat them without checking the outside of each one and cutting them in half to make sure there are no more flies lol.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    One time I had chicken fingers at Chili's and there was a dead fly in my food. I didn't complain though, I just stopped eating there!

    I also have stories of LACK of food. One time my mom got a cheeseburger at McDonald's. There was lettuce cheese, everything a normal burger would have. But no meat.

    Had the same thing happen at Wendy's. When she went up to the counter to complain, some random guy started yelling "WHERE'S THE BEEF?" Haha

    I ordered a Bacon and egg McMuffin once and got home, opened the bag and inside was an english muffin with only bacon - and it was like half of a half of a bacon. More like a bacon bit. lol
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    Yep. Not hungry for dinner anymore. Thanks for the help on that front!! YUCK

    to add to stories. I bit into a chicken sandwich from mcdonalds a few years back, and right into a puss filled/fluid filled sack. I about tossed my cookies. seeing as how it's mechanically processed food, I'd really no idea what it was. NASTY. We figured it was a tumor of some kind in the meat.

    Yeah. Definitely NOT hungry anymore. :sick:
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    When I was a kid, somehow, my mom cooked spinach that was from a bag and we started eating it and it was full of bees and hair. I'm still confused.

    One time my mother was eating chicken fingers and there was a giant cockroach that had been battered and fried.

    LMAO! this made my day!

    OMG that almost made me vomit not the bees but the hair it freaks me the heck out when I find a hair in my food even if its mine
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    A friend of mine once found a dead mouse in one of his beers when he opened it fresh from the case. It must have found its way in there and drowned in the factory before the bottles were closed.

    Was it .. Elsinore beer?

    Hey we found a dead mouse in our beer eh. That means you owe us a free case.

    Yeah. OK, well, uh, we found, uh, this mouse in a bottle of YOUR BEER, eh. Like, we was at a party and, uh, a friend of ours - a COP - had some, and HE PUKED. And he said, uh, come here and get free beer or, uh, he'll press charges.

    Haha! I think you have to be of a certain age and or Canadian to get your joke. KoooooRookookoo KooRookookoo!!

    ^ likely right^ lmao - Bob and Doug!!
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    Before I went veg I got a chicken sandwich at Wendy's - bit into it - raw chicken! gag! That was shortly before my switch!
  • spaghetti93
    spaghetti93 Posts: 140 Member
    finding a rotini in a box of farfalle is always exciting.

    when i was a waitress multiple customers would find things in their food that the kitchen staff would leave there. Once someone found an aluminum seal to a salad dressing container. another found some tin foil and saran wrap. Someone with celiac found a single crouton at the bottom of her salad (which she made clear to me, NO croutons...) and that was after she ate almost all of it. I hope she didn't get sick... But the most horrifying incident was when a cook broke a plate over a salad then after digging through most of it said "i think i got it all" and expected me to serve it... (I refused of course.) ah yes.... good old food service...
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    bump..i love this!
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    BUMPing for when I feel the urge to binge. Although now I don't feel like eating at all. :noway:
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    Ooo just remembered another one!

    One time I was eating out at Zizzi's (Italian place), when I ordered a ricotta and found a strand of hair in it. I get that it happens sometimes, but the waitress actually had the audacity to say to me that if she take the hair out, I can still eat my meal.

    WTF! I said no (politely :)) and ordered something completely different.

    Still had to pay for my meal, those stingy *kitten*!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Uh... I am eating a smart ones at my desk in my office when I crunch down on something hard. I spit it out to find a pebble. A 4mm x 3mm pebble (not quite 1/4 inch x 1/8 inch). And yes - I measured it. LOL. I'm not so much disgusted as I am appauled. How the hell does a rock get into a frozen meal???

    I DID call the Smart Ones/Heinz North America customer services number on the box and they were apologetic, and they took some info and want me to mail it into them. They are sending me a postage paid envelope and coupons for "free" products to try to make it up to me

    So - I'm wondering what strange things have you found in your food? And what happened when/if you addressed it?

    Did you take a photo of it, I hope so.

    I had this happen, silly me sent the item off and it just disappeared along with all correspondence.
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    Uh... I am eating a smart ones at my desk in my office when I crunch down on something hard. I spit it out to find a pebble. A 4mm x 3mm pebble (not quite 1/4 inch x 1/8 inch). And yes - I measured it. LOL. I'm not so much disgusted as I am appauled. How the hell does a rock get into a frozen meal???

    I DID call the Smart Ones/Heinz North America customer services number on the box and they were apologetic, and they took some info and want me to mail it into them. They are sending me a postage paid envelope and coupons for "free" products to try to make it up to me

    So - I'm wondering what strange things have you found in your food? And what happened when/if you addressed it?

    We had a pizza from Little Caesars .. pepperoni and Mushroom .. it also had a fair sized 'rock' in it .. when we called they said it came from the mushrooms .. they are usually cleaned and separated , but sometimes little pebbles get in there ..
    not sure of your meal had mushrooms , but if it did then that could be the HOW of it all .. otherwise . .it is kinda wired ..
    We got 6 free Pizza's .. big whoop ! lol ..
  • halips
    halips Posts: 134 Member
    pizza...first bite was into an eyeglass screw. Not sure how that got there. They offered me free pizza, like I would be willing to try it again...
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Ooooo... I read a few posts here and had to stop.

    Definitely found things in food that didn't belong but nothing like some of the things I've read... just like parts of plants that didn't belong in cans of food (like bean vine in green beans) and ends of carrots... and these were in Del Monte and Freshlike!
  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member
    Like some of the stories before, went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch with work-friends. One of them was the lucky winner and found part of the steel wool scrubby-bit in his burrito. We've not been back since.
  • donnareadman7
    donnareadman7 Posts: 56 Member
    Several years ago, I was eating dinner at a restaurant/bakery that is famous locally for its desserts. I ordered a piece of dessert to go so I could enjoy it later. That evening I pulled out the boxed dessert and discovered that they had put the dessert on a plate and the plate and dessert into the to go box

    I don't get what is bad about this one....anyone else???
  • Caligirl_92
    Caligirl_92 Posts: 53 Member
    The top ramen maggot story ew. well if i needed another reason not to eat top ramen, you gave me the ultimate. I feel so sick to my stomach now :sick: lol
  • sarahwilson12
    sarahwilson12 Posts: 70 Member
    When I was a kid, I bit into an apple - right into a worm :sick:

    It almost turned me off apples completely! :ohwell: