Rant - Read at your own risk



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Now we are back to the fact that it is calories in - calories burned = weight loss!!!! :drinker:

    Not necessarily. if your entire daily caloric intake consisted of ice cream, I almost guarantee you won't lose weight. You still have to watch sugar, carbs, and fat.

    Like many people here, I lost ten pounds eating crap. I can almost guarantee you will lose weight. Though it's definitely not the healthy way to go, and I'd highly endorse a vegetable or two.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    OP - no offense but you don't know what you're talking about.

    Now rather than get defensive, you should spend a few hours getting informed
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    Now we are back to the fact that it is calories in - calories burned = weight loss!!!! :drinker:

    Not necessarily. if your entire daily caloric intake consisted of ice cream, I almost guarantee you won't lose weight. You still have to watch sugar, carbs, and fat.

    I'd love bet a substantial amount of money on this. I 100% guarantee i can lose weight eating nothing but ice cream.
  • likepepsicola
    likepepsicola Posts: 117 Member
    Now we are back to the fact that it is calories in - calories burned = weight loss!!!! :drinker:

    Not necessarily. if your entire daily caloric intake consisted of ice cream, I almost guarantee you won't lose weight. You still have to watch sugar, carbs, and fat.



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    The coconut oil users were the only ones to lose waist circumference of .005% (that's HALF of a percentage point)
    0.005% is not half a percentage point. It's five thousandths of a percentage point. Perchance do you work for Verizon?
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Thank you! Thinking back, I probably should have used other examples and left out the coconut oil one, but that's really beside the point. I guess that the point was that if you distill it all down, it really has more to do with metabolism than with calories in, although it isn't good to eat too many calories, even if they are healthy (and your body and lifestyle will determine what "too many" is for you). That, and the fact that eating healthy makes it easier to stick with a diet because I believe (based on experience) that cravings are the body crying for something, but we are not always in tune enough to know what and so misinterpret the signal.

    Anyhow, I had to smile about some of the posts. I refuse to be drawn into arguments. If I hadn't been ranting, maybe I would have spent more thought on it and really written something worthwhile. But I do appreciate the votes of confidence I got, few though they may have been. :)

    I think the fact that the one example you used being incorrect IS the point. It says that you can be just as wrong as anyone else. So before you get back on your soap box ranting after nine hours on here, relax. We can all get along with different view points.

    For example, some studies show that even whole wheat has been genetically modified, so how much better is whole wheat pasta vs. white pasta, when many Italians (who are not fat) proclaim is not bad for you at all in normal sized amounts? You're going to come across a lot of view points here because everyone has had a different journey than you. Keto, vegetarians, etc.

    You should probably make sure you are 100% on point with all view points covered before ranting like you're an expert.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Now we are back to the fact that it is calories in - calories burned = weight loss!!!! :drinker:

    Not necessarily. if your entire daily caloric intake consisted of ice cream, I almost guarantee you won't lose weight. You still have to watch sugar, carbs, and fat.

    Like many people here, I lost ten pounds eating crap. I can almost guarantee you will lose weight. Though it's definitely not the healthy way to go, and I'd highly endorse a vegetable or two.

    Do you suffer from diabetes? or any pancreatic problems by any chance?
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hey newbie, welcome to the shark tank.

    Swim at your own risk.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Now we are back to the fact that it is calories in - calories burned = weight loss!!!! :drinker:

    Not necessarily. if your entire daily caloric intake consisted of ice cream, I almost guarantee you won't lose weight. You still have to watch sugar, carbs, and fat.

    Do any of you even read?


    If what you just said was true, that would never have been possible.

    Edit ~ And just because I know most of you DON'T READ...here's the first couple paragraphs:
    For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream of Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Haub munched on Doritos chips, sugary cereals and Oreos, too.

    His premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most -- not the nutritional value of the food.

    The premise held up: On his "convenience store diet," he shed 27 pounds in two months.

    For a class project, Haub limited himself to less than 1,800 calories a day. A man of Haub's pre-dieting size usually consumes about 2,600 calories daily. So he followed a basic principle of weight loss: He consumed significantly fewer calories than he burned.

    His body mass index went from 28.8, considered overweight, to 24.9, which is normal. He now weighs 174 pounds.

    But you might expect other indicators of health would have suffered. Not so.

    Haub's "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, dropped 20 percent and his "good" cholesterol, or HDL, increased by 20 percent. He reduced the level of triglycerides, which are a form of fat, by 39 percent.
  • fatguydiary
    fatguydiary Posts: 18 Member
    You are getting weight loss confused with nutrition.

    Weight loss is a calorie deficit.... Period

    Nutrition is a different thing all together. Without nutrients our body doesn't function properly. There are people that can eat junk food in moderation lose weight and there are people who can lose weight entirely on junk as long as they burn more then the eat. Most people, won't get full off junk food so will over eat it, and most people get addicted to it, so for most people it's best to eat whole, fiber rich, minimally processed food, because its non addictive, more filling, and more satisfying.

    A lot of people on here care solely about losing weight. Everyone should do what works for them. As for me, I try to eat calories at deficit to lose weight, and I try to eat those calories with the most amount of nutrients and the least amount of processing, but that is a personal preference.
    Well stated. TheFatGuyTheFitGuyTheBEAST
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member


    I listen to this guy...........


    Now I'm not saying that you should go out right now and slam back 2 whole pizzas and a can of coke just because it fits your daily macros. You should still base your diet around good healthy nutritious foods! (like I always do!) however if you want to eat that cream donut or double scoop ice cream because you have been "craving it" and it fits your daily macros, then you can eat that donut or double scoop ice cream and it won't effect your body composition at all. Food choices are irrelevant! - Meeting your daily macros and calorie requirements is what equals results!

    IIFYM is not a diet, it's not a lifestyle - Its just a philosophy thats intended to make your life easier.

    IIFYM does not mean you can eat however much of whatever you want. It means you can maintain your sanity by eating like a regular human being from time to time. Just use common sense and keep it all in moderation, you should always base your diet mostly around good healthy nutritious foods (which the IIFYM principle still applies to). This will help you get in your micronutrients such as fiber, omega's vitamins and minerals!


    Meal frequency and nutrient timing is irrelevant for improving body composition, just hit your daily macronutrient targets and calorie requirements for the day, however and whenever."
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    And now I have to go take a walk to make up for that potluck lunch I had today. I was tired when I got home from being awakened too early this morning, but now I've caught up on sleep (a rare thing for a mom of 3!), so I'm going to take the kids for a walk. Between carrying one and pushing another of the two in the stroller, it should be fun!

    I hope you enjoyed your walk. It was great exercise for me when my kids were in stollers. I got a double stroller for $35 dollars that I only used for walks and I would take them to the park, but they thought it was a very long walk to get there because I would walk up all the hills, pushing the heavy stroller. And I would do it again on the way home from the park. It was great for my glutes and my whole body really. Carrying your baby is good too.
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    And now I have to go take a walk to make up for that potluck lunch I had today. I was tired when I got home from being awakened too early this morning, but now I've caught up on sleep (a rare thing for a mom of 3!), so I'm going to take the kids for a walk. Between carrying one and pushing another of the two in the stroller, it should be fun!

    I hope you enjoyed your walk. It was great exercise for me when my kids were in stollers. I got a double stroller for $35 dollars that I only used for walks and I would take them to the park, but they thought it was a very long walk to get there because I would walk up all the hills, pushing the heavy stroller. And I would do it again on the way home from the park. It was great for my glutes and my whole body really. Carrying your baby is good too.

    I did enjoy the walk. My husband came too, and he ended up pushing the stroller, but we had a nice walk. I went again today, walked almost the same distance, but faster, on my own, before breakfast. It was great! I don't get to walk as much as I like, living in Oregon, but when I can, I go!