Older or younger?



  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    I'm 61 - younger - I purposely died my beard grey to stop the annoying ID checks at bars, liquor and beer stores:wink:
  • feelbetternaked
    used to be way younger, but i think my hair is starting to give me away
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I've looked 40 since I was 21. I'm hoping that means that once I actually am 40 (five years yet) I'll continue to look 40 for a couple more decades.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    You tell me........I always think I look younger than 54 but most people think they look younger than other see them. I know some people I know my age that look reallllllllllly old.
  • MamaTop
    MamaTop Posts: 24
    I am 30 .. but people always guess younger, around 25. But I have 5 children which makes people guess I am older then I am .. or a baby sitter!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    People tend to guess I'm around 22-25, even with the beard.

    I'm almost 32.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    Younger BUT I have noticed the difference between the age they guess and my actual age is steadily shrinking. Poop. :grumble:
  • LeeshLove
    LeeshLove Posts: 197
    more often than not people think I'm 27- 28. and I'm 32 so I'll take it
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 24.

    I usually get 22.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I am always told I look younger, but to be honest I dont get it or see it. But its happy to hear! :)
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I am 65 and most people think I am in my late 50's. Maybe it also has to do with the fact that I am active and friendly and work almost exclusively with people under 40.....:o).
  • Penny_Lane_
    Penny_Lane_ Posts: 163
    Always younger
  • emzmc
    emzmc Posts: 85 Member
  • starryvagabond
    starryvagabond Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 24 but people tend to think I'm younger. I had one lady ask me once if I was old enough to drive a car.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    When I was fatter, older. As I get thinner, younger
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    it depends on the person. xD I've been told i look like a 12 year old. But other people think i'm 25.. I don't know. Maybe it's my height. ahah.
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    People tend to think I am much younger. I once had to speak at a conference after my weight loss and they mistook me for an 18 or 19 year old. I'm almost 27.
  • hockeyfan87
    hockeyfan87 Posts: 206 Member
    Younger for sure.
    I'm 23 and I'm constantly being asked if I'm 16 :/
    Hoping losing this weight will make me look more mature haha
  • SexyDexie
    SexyDexie Posts: 48 Member
    I get both depending on the person
  • ThisOtherGirl
    ThisOtherGirl Posts: 56 Member
    I used to always get high school kids hitting on me and it wasn't fun any more I was almost 24 and too desperate for that bull****! Hahaha I'm 30 now!