

  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Ok i actually looked at your diary... You're most definitely not eating enough fiber... You should be eating around 30g of fiber a day :) Fiber is important for a healthy digestive system and also allows you to feel fuller :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Easy.. Way too many carbs are playing havoc with your blood sugars. You need to decrease carbs, and have plenty of good fats, as well as more protein and fiber. Lots of water to boot. Make sure you have protein and some complex carbs at breakfast. It'll really help!

  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Try to up your fats and proteins, whether you get it from meat or oils (avacado, coconut, olive).
    Yes, less carbohydrate, more fats and proteins.
    Easy.. Way too many carbs are playing havoc with your blood sugars. You need to decrease carbs, and have plenty of good fats, as well as more protein and fiber.
    As Zara mentioned, with the amount of carbohydrate eat - especially since you're fairly sedentary - you're experiencing huge spikes and drops in both glucose and insulin. We know from several scientific studies that these spikes/drops do trigger hunger cravings in many, many people, in order to get things balanced.

    The "low-fat" diet simply isn't healthy unless you've got serious gall-bladder problems.

    Personally, for a sedentary person I'd suggest a ratio of 40% carbohydrate or less, certainly not 60% or more likely your diary shows... If you're still experiencing hunger cravings, you can adjust carbohydrate lower and fat up. There is nothing wrong with healthy dietary fats - they're more satiating than carbs and are essential to maintaining hormonal balances.

    Some of us here eat 50, 60, 70 even 75% of our calories from fat.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Decrease your carbs and increase your fat. Eat things like avocado, olives & olive oil, real butter, coconut (flakes, oil, milk) and nuts to increase your fat. Fat will keep you full longer and help you absorb nutrients from veggies...etc. Excessive sugar/carbs will only make you hungry in a short time (your body burns it very fast).
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    Quitting smoking is probably a high contributing factor.

    Try eating more complex carbohydrates. I eat a good amount of carbs, but I've had success controlling my hunger. One way is that I don't eat many refined carbohydrates, except occasionally at dinner I'll have a white bread roll but I also eat a large amount of protein with it and that seems to hold the hunger off.

    I've definitely noticed a problem with eating refined carbs by themselves, even a little as a snack. For example the other day I burned mega calories and treated myself to scoop of icecream. Well immediately after that I was hungry all day no matter what I ate. Needless to say I won't be doing that again.

    In the past I've occasionally had entire weeks when I was starving, and if that happens I used to have a cheat day and resume my normal diet the next day and I usually I would no longer experience the problems with hunger. It does seem likely that what was happening there was that I ate some nutrient I was missing during my cheat day. Hard to say.