Brides to be, where are you?!?1



  • Lmullaney79
    Lmullaney79 Posts: 21 Member
    November 30th!! Basically have until September to lose around 50 lbs (of the overall amount i want to lose). invested in myself by hiring a personal trainer which i go to once a week, it's been great. I've only shed 9 lbs the past 4 wks, but i'm shedding inches great, not on any extreme diet, and building muscle as well... so i'm doing it the RIGHT way :)
  • septbride2
    septbride2 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm getting married Sept 1st. I'd like to lose about 2-3% body fat by my bachelorette party (first weekend in August), 3 months! Exercise is the easy part for me. I workout 6 days a week and also instruct classes. Hard part for me is food - especially w/ lots of fun summer events and vacations coming up! Hoping I can keep it in check!
  • pink2lady
    pink2lady Posts: 111 Member
    August 23rd bride here
  • goforkissy
    goforkissy Posts: 157 Member
    Hey! Am also getting married soon, on 3rd of August. I've only a few pounds left to go. I've been losing weight by counting calories religiously, everything I put in my mouth I record. I've been exercising for half an hour most days. Either a brisk walk or a workout from an app I downloaded. I really see results. I'm not just looking at the scales now, I'm hopin to tone up too. Have a wedding dress fitting in a week. So excited

    August 3rd for me too! I am looking to get the last 10 pounds off.
  • I'm getting married Sept 1st. I'd like to lose about 2-3% body fat by my bachelorette party (first weekend in August), 3 months! Exercise is the easy part for me. I workout 6 days a week and also instruct classes. Hard part for me is food - especially w/ lots of fun summer events and vacations coming up! Hoping I can keep it in check!

    if that's you in your photo and it's current then you have nothing to lose sweetness!
  • Schmidt722
    Schmidt722 Posts: 35 Member
    Mine is September 21st! Would LOVE to get some nice muscle tone and shed a few wine lbs.
  • I'm getting married August 10, 2013 and would like to lose 60 lbs.
  • I'm getting so weight isn't budging at all. I might start aiming for a few sky high deficits a week I order to shift a few pounds before the big day...we shall see.
  • TRI3338
    TRI3338 Posts: 3
    I am getting married May 2014! 2nd wedding, and Im sure...."1st marriage!" ;) Ive lost 20lbs and have 75 more to go!! Boy, typing that just took my breath away!!! Im hoping to go gown shopping in October! Would go sooner but need more time to lose as much as I can!!!!! Would love to share this journey other brides to be!!!!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I'm getting married Jan 2014 and want to lose 30lb by then. But I haven't been losing anything for months so not really hopeful lol
  • LeKittycat
    LeKittycat Posts: 20 Member
    I'm getting married on september 7th and I'd love to have lost 40lbs by then, but I'll be happy with any progress:)
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    September 7th bride here :)
  • Hello Ladies!

    Congrats on your engagements! I am also a bride-to-be. My fiance and I will be walking down the aisle on September 28th, and I will be having family members throughout the world fly in to the US to take part in my wedding. I am so nervous that I will not meet my goal to lose 50 lbs by then. In the past month, I have lost 6 lbs, but I feel like it's taking too long! Ugh, much support is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • MrsDouglas2U
    MrsDouglas2U Posts: 38 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Congrats on your engagements! I am also a bride-to-be. My fiance and I will be walking down the aisle on September 28th, and I will be having family members throughout the world fly in to the US to take part in my wedding. I am so nervous that I will not meet my goal to lose 50 lbs by then. In the past month, I have lost 6 lbs, but I feel like it's taking too long! Ugh, much support is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    i have an idea , dont pay attention to the scale.. as long as you look like you lost 50 lbs that's all that matters. so if you lost 35-40 or even 50 lbs i'm sure it'll look like you've lost more.. i know i didnt lose much in my first month 8 lbs ( could've been more but i struggle on the weekends haha)

    ... I know we as women INCLUDING myself as a bride to be 07/27/2013 my goal is to lose 30 lbs but as long as i look like i've lost that much that's fine with me... b/c in the end we are worried about what we look like on the big day....

    hope that helps
  • ECos81
    ECos81 Posts: 25 Member
    Getting married October 19th this year! Hoping to be down another 14 lbs by then! I'm doing hot yoga a couple time a week, taking an ab class twice per week, spin once a week, and cardio in between, eating about 1200 calories per day ;)
  • Mrsfitgoals
    Mrsfitgoals Posts: 15
    August 10 bride and i am not where i thought i'd be by now :( i thought i'd have lost already like 10 lbs but im only now really starting on my weight loss journey with mfp and gym...hoping to get down 10 lbs and i would be very very happy good luck ladies!!!
  • tishlane83
    tishlane83 Posts: 2
    I'm getting married in October and I am not happy with myself at all. I was doing really well for a while and lost 9 lbs pretty quickly, but for some reason my motivation has just plummeted. My original goal was to lose about 30 lbs before my wedding, but now I'm changing it to 25. I've got 16 more to go and I am just hoping that the summer sun will help flip that switch in my brain and get me back on track.
  • sarrylove
    sarrylove Posts: 88
    Getting married August 2014!! Want to be at goal weight by January when I go to try on dresses! Still have about 57 lbs. I would like to lose!!!

    Add me if you wanna be accountability partners :)
  • belatedly
    belatedly Posts: 11
    Hey ladies,

    I need some motivation! I'm getting married in two months and it'd down to the wire. I'd like to lose somewhere between 5-10lbs between now and June 22nd. I'm down 4lbs already. I just need some extra help, tips, motivation, and support from fellow brides trying to look their best in their wedding dress! Pictures are forreverrr

    Congratulations! I am getting married in a year so I have much longer to meet my of luck and I'm sure you'll look beautiful! :)
  • seawolf86
    seawolf86 Posts: 55
    Im getting married May 17, 2014! Less then a year... Want to be in superb shape