Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    I think I completly blew off the first Man Thread, so I'll join this one. The Estrogen Fest in these forums keeps me away sometimes.

    I was doing really well last fall and winter, and then in March got bronchitis...and since then I have never really regained the dedication to nutrition and *kitten* kicking workouts I did in Aug-Feb. I didn't completely fall off the wagon, a run there, some weights here, and to hell with logging my food.

    So, I have to give back 7 lbs from 272, which is my lowest weight since HS.

    However, I feel I'm back in that good place mentally where I log everything, and no amount of weather will keep me from my run...except hail, that would be counter productive to the whole health thing.

    Dinner tonight is grilled chicken, rice, and broccoli. Wife has a graduation to go to, so maybe i'll wrestle with the kids and count it as excersise.
    glad to see you back in the swing!! congrats on the weight also!!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I don't know how many of you read Men's Health. I was given a copy that contained this article, and while I've never been a cynic this article below motivated me this week. Not just in my work outs, but in all aspects of my life. And while I enjoyed the magazine I'm hesitent to subscribe to anything that try's to sell me $200 t-shirts.
    FAKECED Posts: 61
    Checkin in brothers, hope all is well
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Well, I too want to join in on the thread. I had my body fat measured in July of '09 at 24.3%. It really hit me hard. January 8th, I joined MFP and committed to getting into shape. I started alternating days between weight training and running. The running was really hard for me, but after I quit watching the clock, it got much easier. I'm now going a little over 4 miles in around 38 minutes. I've dropped 19-20 lbs and my body fat is now 15.3%.
    We're taking a little trip this weekend to Dallas as my son and I are going to a Jimmy Buffett concert. It's going to be hard to keep going but I'm sure going to give it my best effort. Wish me luck.
    MFP has been exactly what I needed to get to where I want to be. I have 15 days left before I turn 50 and I know the 2nd 50 years is going to be better than the first. Who knows about the 3rd 50 years. LOL.
    Anyway, thanks for all of the support.

    Dont forget to log in that cheeseburger in paradise.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Any one interested in settin a goal for the Forth of July and posting every Friday until then. I would love to be Fly by the 4th of July.
    (would have to change my name from Forkdown to Miracle Worker).
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Any one interested in settin a goal for the Forth of July and posting every Friday until then. I would love to be Fly by the 4th of July.
    (would have to change my name from Forkdown to Miracle Worker).

    I'd be up for this... I'm assuming we'll start this Friday?
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I don't know how many of you read Men's Health. I was given a copy that contained this article, and while I've never been a cynic this article below motivated me this week. Not just in my work outs, but in all aspects of my life. And while I enjoyed the magazine I'm hesitent to subscribe to anything that try's to sell me $200 t-shirts.
    "Cynics love to put their finger on disease before they put it on health. It's the easy way to go. Play the blame game: 'I got screwed, that should've been mine.' They're all dead-end answers. For me, 'Just keep livin',' as a creed and a compass, is about making the evolving choice, the forward-moving, life-giving choice."

    Matthew McConaughey

    Great article. I started attending a wierd hippie church a couple years ago, and this anti-cynicism thing is pretty much their (our?) credo. I gotta say it's made a difference in my life, I'm happier, more loving, more decent and generous and kind, and it's a good thing.

    Don't sweat the $200 shirts,,, MH is basically written for 29year old single attourneys with 28" waists, the rest of us just read it for the tips.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Any one interested in settin a goal for the Forth of July and posting every Friday until then. I would love to be Fly by the 4th of July.
    (would have to change my name from Forkdown to Miracle Worker).

    I'd be up for this... I'm assuming we'll start this Friday?
    In for this as well. I need a little added motivation/accountability to get me going again.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Don't sweat the $200 shirts,,, MH is basically written for 29year old single attourneys with 28" waists, the rest of us just read it for the tips.

    Six figure salaries wouldn't hurt either
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Any one interested in settin a goal for the Forth of July and posting every Friday until then. I would love to be Fly by the 4th of July.
    (would have to change my name from Forkdown to Miracle Worker).

    I'd be up for this... I'm assuming we'll start this Friday?
    In for this as well. I need a little added motivation/accountability to get me going again.
    what kinds of goal are we setting? exercise / weight loss? i'm in for this too but would like to know what we are trying to achieve...........
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Any one interested in settin a goal for the Forth of July and posting every Friday until then. I would love to be Fly by the 4th of July.
    (would have to change my name from Forkdown to Miracle Worker).

    I'd be up for this... I'm assuming we'll start this Friday?
    In for this as well. I need a little added motivation/accountability to get me going again.
    what kinds of goal are we setting? exercise / weight loss? i'm in for this too but would like to know what we are trying to achieve...........
    Weight loss seems the easiest to track, and set a long term goal for. If you're a little behind one week, you can pick it up the next. I'm not sure the same can be done with exercise (not for me with my schedule anyway). But I'm up for anything.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Any one interested in settin a goal for the Forth of July and posting every Friday until then. I would love to be Fly by the 4th of July.
    (would have to change my name from Forkdown to Miracle Worker).

    I'd be up for this... I'm assuming we'll start this Friday?

  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    okay cool - can we add in some exercise goals as well - running / cardio / cal's burned / distance - stuff like that?
  • Rev_no_Boosh
    Rev_no_Boosh Posts: 239
    Any one interested in settin a goal for the Forth of July and posting every Friday until then. I would love to be Fly by the 4th of July.
    (would have to change my name from Forkdown to Miracle Worker).

    I'd be up for this... I'm assuming we'll start this Friday?


    Cool. I'm in.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I just came across this thread,looks like something I would like to be a part of if you'll have me,also the challenge sounds like a good idea,I'd be game!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    okay cool - can we add in some exercise goals as well - running / cardio / cal's burned / distance - stuff like that?

    Absolutely. I would love to run 4 miles by then.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Ok, I'm in.

    Today's weight - 203 pounds. Goal weight by July 4,,, 199 lbs. I don't really want to get much smaller than that.

    Let's state one more, today's waist - 34", by July 4, 32".

    And by July 4th I will ride my bicycle to work at least one day. It's a 53 mile round trip.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Seems like we are going to start having a weekly weigh-in on Fridays. I will reveal my weight tomorrow :noway:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm in. Current weight 255 lbs, target weight 245.
    I will walk/hike/jog/ride my bicycle for a combined distance > 120 miles.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    current weight 173.5 and that's been maintained for a while now - really only want to lose a couple more pounds if any -want to have a maintained weight of 170 by July

    Gym / Exercise / Training - 15 miles / week now - goal - 20 / week - extra hour in gym every week