Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • mkwade7380
    mkwade7380 Posts: 37
    I am in on the challenge. Even though it is Saturday.

    Starting weight: 248
    Goal Weight: 238

    Other goal: Complete the first phase of Insanity.

    Good luck to all you guys.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I'm in but I will be weighing in on Saturdays. I am 39 and 5'4. I started MFP in January at 210, my goal then was to lose 50 pounds. As of this morning I am at 181.4 and seem to have hit a plateau, I have been at this weight for 3 weeks now. I don't get any weight training in because I don't have a gym membership, but I do ride my bike to work and try to get out for a walk on my lunches. Other exercixe for me is all cardio. Any ideas on how to jump over this plateau?

    Are you taking any measurements other than weight? Do your clothes fit better? I've had a few periods where my weight didn't change, but my body did.

    If you are concerned about a lack of strength training, consider doing body weight exercises like push ups, pull ups, etc. Or go in the woods and find a log to move around :happy: (I'm only partly kidding...)
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    I did do measurements after I posted this morning. I have lost inches everywhere, the most being the waist where I lost 2 inches.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I will weigh in Monday Morning. I'm visiting the inlaws this weekend and just don't feel right asking where their scale is. I know they have one. Both of them are members, one of them might even read this. But anyway.

    I'm still pretty focused. I did have some M&M's on the way over here, but didn't go crazy...and I just did the cardio workout I blew off yesterday morning. Feels good to have that out of the way on a Saturday.
  • NNE16
    NNE16 Posts: 21
    Hi guys thought I would introduce myself

    I have been losing weight and putting it back on for years. I starting thinking, I am in my twenties, I should not be wrestling with this if I am not happy I should do something so I decided to do this properly this time. A friend recommended this site and it seems really good. I am more the type of person who would lurk so I thought since I am really doing this this time I would say hi and get myself involved.

    Starting weight 220. No particular goal weight decided on at this point as I was not sure what to set it to. I want to lose weight and be healthier, look the way I feel and how I want to look.

    Heres to our cause, and heres to the world seeing us the way we know we can be seen.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hi guys thought I would introduce myself

    I have been losing weight and putting it back on for years. I starting thinking, I am in my twenties, I should not be wrestling with this if I am not happy I should do something so I decided to do this properly this time. A friend recommended this site and it seems really good. I am more the type of person who would lurk so I thought since I am really doing this this time I would say hi and get myself involved.

    Starting weight 220. No particular goal weight decided on at this point as I was not sure what to set it to. I want to lose weight and be healthier, look the way I feel and how I want to look.

    Heres to our cause, and heres to the world seeing us the way we know we can be seen.

    Great attitude my friend!! Welcome to the Man to Man Forum!!
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Hey guys!!! Have a great week!!! Wishing you all the best meeting those goals!:heart:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I weighed in this morning at 280. Not exactly what I was looking for, but I'm far from starting the omnipresent "OMG I've been working out and eating 1200 calories for a week and I gained weight!" Thread.

    My belt is one notch smaller than last week, and most of all I feel like I'm in a better place. Eventually the weight will follow. And if it doesn' just means I'll be a SOLID 280.

    May 17: 279.4
    May 24: 280
    May 30:
    June 6:
    June 13:
    June 20:
    June 27:
    July 4: 265
  • mkwade7380
    mkwade7380 Posts: 37
    WEll the wife and I started Insanity today. Talk about a butt kicking. Anybody out there using this program? What are your results and advice?
    AFLABRAT04 Posts: 15
    MKWADE, My wife and I just finished our 1st round of Insanity and let me tell you, it certainly is a true butt kicking! As for advice,

    #1 Keep each other motivated and inspired! It is so much easier to do with someone else! (accountability)
    #2 Follow a nutrition plan-it doesn't HAVE to be Beachbody's plan. I'm lazy so I'm not about to waste my insanity calories earned by devouring a cheeseburger!
    #3 Listen to your body! If you truly have pain (ie joints, etc.) modify the exercise and keep moving!
    #4 Be honest with yourself! Can you really "dig deeper"? If so, do it!! If you tire out, rest until the burn goes away, then jump right back in and keep digging!

    You will see results! Stay with it, and most of all, HAVE FUN!
    Good luck to you both!

  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    So, how long have you all been using MFP to monitor your food, activity, etc.? I'm curious if you've noticed phases to your progress. I've been here since early March. I seem to lose weight in spurts and then plateau and then lose... I feel pretty comfortable "falling off the wagon" and getting right back on at the next meal or on the next day. Some weeks, like last week, it takes a bit longer, but it happens and I can manage it.

    For those of you who are at or near your goal weight - what has changed since you transitioned from weight loss mode to maintenance mode?

    I won't ask if it's worth it, I know it is. I have 60 or so pounds to go. I've already lost close to 30 in the last 3 months. I'm not in a hurry - I'm on the slow wagon - I picture this conestoga wagon heading west. Someday I'll see the ocean. I understand there are mountains between here and there. I'm ready for the climb and will crawl the last 100 miles if that's what it takes.

    I am looking ahead to the day that I change from weight loss to maintenance mode! :laugh:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    So, how long have you all been using MFP to monitor your food, activity, etc.?
    <<almost 1-1/2 year>>
    I'm curious if you've noticed phases to your progress
    <<Yep, spurts & stops, a little backslide at Xmastime. Once you get down into teens for bodyfat it gets harder to reduce>>

    For those of you who are at or near your goal weight - what has changed since you transitioned from weight loss mode to maintenance mode? <<Just more relaxed, less tension. I'm more interested in fitness now than pure weight loss>>

    I won't ask if it's worth it, I know it is....<<In my case MFP world has just become a way of life. I sweat the cals a little less, but there's no 'end'. Now I just instinctively do it right most of the time. It gets easier, and you get better at it>>.

    I am looking ahead to the day that I change from weight loss to maintenance mode! :laugh:
    <<It's no biggie. You're changed now, there's no going back, and that's Ok.>>
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    So, how long have you all been using MFP to monitor your food, activity, etc.? I'm curious if you've noticed phases to your progress. I've been here since early March. I seem to lose weight in spurts and then plateau and then lose... I feel pretty comfortable "falling off the wagon" and getting right back on at the next meal or on the next day. Some weeks, like last week, it takes a bit longer, but it happens and I can manage it.

    For those of you who are at or near your goal weight - what has changed since you transitioned from weight loss mode to maintenance mode?

    I won't ask if it's worth it, I know it is. I have 60 or so pounds to go. I've already lost close to 30 in the last 3 months. I'm not in a hurry - I'm on the slow wagon - I picture this conestoga wagon heading west. Someday I'll see the ocean. I understand there are mountains between here and there. I'm ready for the climb and will crawl the last 100 miles if that's what it takes.

    I am looking ahead to the day that I change from weight loss to maintenance mode! :laugh:

    I've been using MFP since September of last year (I think). I was doing great at first - lost about 30 lbs from Sept 2009 - early January 2010, but then I let life get in the way and I've regained about half of that. I'm finally back on track and dedicated to making this a permanent lifestyle change.

    In general I'm okay with "falling off the wagon" for a day (or a weekend) every now and then, but this last spring I completely fell off (so to say) and didn't get back on till recently, but I know it won't happen again because there were circumstances that are no longer an issue.

    I, too, look forward to maintenance-mode, but it'll take awhile to get there. I'd love to be about 75% to my goal by year end, which would be losing about 2 lbs a week for the rest of this year.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I've been on MFP since August 09. I started making lifestyle changes in January of 2009. MFP by far has been the best weight loss tool I've ran across.

    I kind of fell off the wagon between March and the first part of May. But I'm back with a vengance. I would really like to be at my goal weight of 230 by Janurary. And I agree with Casper I can't ever see not being in a fitness lifestyle. Not after being where I was, and realizing what I was missing, and knowing the cost of being obese later in life.

    But in the event I do go out to eat, or fall off the wagon for a day or two I'm not going to sweat it. If I have more good days than bad, and get my work in I will eventually get there.

    I did my weights last night before I went to bed, and then rolled out of the rack and ran this morning. My muscles have that delightfully exhuasted thing going on.

    But, I have an important, personal question I need to ask the guys here....Have any of you every air guitared between sets at the gym?
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I've only been using MFP since April 1,this year but I have used a calorie counter in the past and it was a failure for me.The difference in MFP is that it for the most part calculates correctly and the foods are easy to find,the fact that it determines your *kitten* time,exercise and tells you how many cals you have left is huge.
    I also know that in the past once I'd loose around what I have now I'd begin to get comfortable and fall off the wagon.This time however I want to loose another 35 lbs and I finally realize that I am going to have to do this the rest of my life,just like exercising it is just going to have to be part of my routine.

    With all of that being said there is absolutely no doubt MFP is and will continue to be a big part of my success.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I don't air guitar,,, I real guitar, and never when exercising. The toys get enough sweat and muck on them when playing on a warm day.

    I tend to get a little wierd when lifting. The warrior mentality comes out. Once I get going it's all about rage-ego-pain-control-domination-hatred-anger-fear,,, I get a little spastic and my eyes get big, some stomping and some flexing. I love it. Haven't done it in a while. Makes the ol' lady pretty uncomfortable and she just leaves the room, which is probably for the best.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. I like that we have a group of people here who have been using MFP for 9+ months and some relative noobs (which includes me, so please don't be offended by the term!). Not to mention guys who are at or near their goal weight and others (again like me!) who have a long way to go.

    MFP has been a total game changer for me. The ease of use, the iPhone app, and the community all combine to make MFP so much more than a simple food diary ever could be.

    Hope everyone is doing well on the July 4th challenge.
  • rolyprince
    rolyprince Posts: 53 Member
    This is great. I was thinking this morning that I just need some extra motivation as I was starting to lose faith. So glad a I found this forum.
    I found MFP for about 3 months ago and the weight's been coming off slowly. Which I'm pleased about. I've always got up earlier to do my exercise before work. Then I know it's done for the day. But recently I've been finding more and more excuses to not get out of bed and hit the snooze button. I have a feeling that knowing that you all are watching me will make get going tomorrow.

    If it's not to late I'd like to join in your July 4th challenge.

    I'm 5' 11
    SW 239
    GW 230

    Keep me honest guys.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    Hi Guys--can i join in?

    İ am a seven year cycle dieter-some people get the 7 year itch i get the diet bug every 7 years and then fall off the waggon-- My aim is to start wearing medium sized shirts and 32 waist trousers! im at large shirts and 36inch trousers now after 6 weeks dieting and crash exercising--still 12lbs to go and a stubborn gut ! its 6 months since i had my last beer and that is a first in my adult life!
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36

    Not going to post it as my weight yet, as I want a few days for it to settle, but have just weighed in at 188.8, my lowest for, well, a while! As my previous weigh in was 193, I'm hoping it will settle around the 190 mark :happy:

    Anyhows, keep going fellas