Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    It's Friday check in for the July 4th Challenge and I have progress to report!

    Height 5'10"
    SW May 21, 255.4
    Goal: 245
    May 28 - 253.8.
    June 4 - 251.0

    Moving ahead on C25K - tomorrow is week 6 day 2.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Friday check in for the July 4th Challenge !

    Height 6'3"
    SW May 21, 255.0 Goal Weight : 245
    May 28 - 253.5
    June 4 - 251.5
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Friday check in for the July 4th Challenge

    Height 5'8"
    SW May 21, 203 Goal Weight : 199
    May 28 - 203
    June 4 - 203

    Other goals:
    Waist measurement May 21 - 34"
    Goal - 32"
    June 4 - 34"

    I'm up against the hipbones, not sure I can get there, I may just be a bigger guy than that. Hmmm..
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Friday morning check-in:

    Starting weight (5/21): 174.5
    5/28: 174
    6/4: 175.5
    7/4 Goal: 165

    Went backwards this week. I think I pretty much can say I'm not doing anything at this point until I can get back in the exercise groove. I tweaked my back a couple of weekends ago putting in our window air conditioner units. I finally have not felt anything there for a few days, so I'm hoping I can get back in the swing this weekend. I'm going to shoot for doing my own personal Insanity/P90X hybrid a few days a week at least. I simply cannot eat as little as I am supposed to to lose weight without exercising.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    July 4th check in

    May 17: 279.4
    May 24: 280
    May 29: 277.4
    June 4: 278.4
    June 13:
    June 20:
    June 27:
    July 4: 265

    So, after 4 weeks I've netted 1 lb. Not exactly what I was looking for. However, as I posted yesterday I did get back to my previous pants size.

    I'm going camping this weekend so i won't be logging any food. However, I've never not lost weight after a camping weekend.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Friday check in for July 4th.

    I weighed in on a different scale then I have used in the past today,the different scale said 210,but I think that is just wishful thinking so I'm only going to claim 212 just to be on the safe side.

    Age:43 Hieght :5'8

    start : 238
    Current : 212
    week loss :1lb.
    total loss : 26 lbs.
    start waist/pant size:42 tight
    waist/pant size 36 and getting more comfortable
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Looks like I did something right this week. The scale finally started moving again.

    May 22 - 181.5 SW
    May 30 - 180.8
    June 4 - 178. 6
    July 4 - 170 GW

    I am going to see if I can keep this up and get down to the 170 range by the 4th. I use the Wii FitPlus to track my weight and I cannot wait for it go from obese to overweight, I am so close to that now.

    Iplay, when I went camping 3 weeks ago, my wife and I set our goals to maintain and still managed to lose a little bit over the course of the week. We were able to get out for walks and bike rides with the kids which really helped and we also did not eat all of the junk that we would normally eat while camping. Sure missed those peanuts and pistachios though.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Forgot to mention: My initial target for this 6 week challenge was to will walk/hike/jog/ride for a combined distance of 120 miles.
    The first two weeks I've covered 60 miles already, so I'm a little ahead.

    My next mini goal is to go hiking this weekend. You can see the route at
    (This is a free site where you can download your GPS data or plot your routes by hand, add comments and make them public).
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Wonder what's gotten in to us? I'm going backpacking on North Manitou Island off the west coast of Lake Michigan on Wednesday. Looking forward to 3 days 2 nights in the wilderness. Happy hiking everyone!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Out sick friday, 250.8lbs. Just cant seem to break the 250 barrier. :mad:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Weekend outta town, taught a moto class & then wife & grandkid & I did some stuff. Ate a little bad, up a couple but probably water, we'll see. Worth it, great weekend. :-)
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Completed C25K Wk 6 Day 3 - 25 minute run - this morning. Felt great! :bigsmile:

    Eating was off this weekend. Ate really tasty food, but too much of it. Guess you only turn 39 once, right?

    Forkdown - I know the feeling, but at this point that's mostly my fault :wink:
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I have been really sick so that is the reason for my absent around here. I am going to take it easy for a while but you men keep up the hard work. I am proud of you for all of he progress that you guys are making. Keep it up!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Busy wierd week. Broken down equipment, so lots'a wrenching. Wife not feeling well. Got everything running, will mow tonight. No motorcycle class this weekend, so time to catch up on stuff. Hope to get grandkid's room remodel done.

    Planning to bike to work again tomorrow. Schedule is set up, preps are made, bike is prepped. Can't wait, always feel amazing when I do that. Hope to have it done and showered and bike put away 'fore wife gets home.

    Anybody else experience this? I find that I don't really get hungry anymore, and my stomach rarely growls. I can feel when I need to eat,,, feel the low blood sugar and just general - - - hard to describe, I just know when I need to eat. But real hunger pangs? Almost never. Hmmmm,,,
  • jesse134
    jesse134 Posts: 4
    Whats going on my fellow dudes. Just started this myfitness pal stuff and glad to see Im not the only guy on it haha. My goal weight to be at is 200 from 290 by the end of the summer. I use to play football so It should be kind've easy to lose it :glasses: my biggest problem is my addiction to chocolate :laugh:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    You want to lose 90 pounds by the end of summer? That's just over 100 days. Wow,,,

    I lost my first 50 in about 6 months, did it right and have kept it off. After that it get harder. Good luck, be careful.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Hey Guys,

    I have been really sick so that is the reason for my absent around here. I am going to take it easy for a while but you men keep up the hard work. I am proud of you for all of he progress that you guys are making. Keep it up!!

    Get better soon and stay and post anyway.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Rode bike to work again this morning. 25.5 miles in 1hr 36min. No troubles this time, cool & comfy, getting the hang of this. Now I know some little tricks - like "Eat a Clif bar when you get to the power plant" :smile: If you wait 'til you're feeling it, you're too late and you're gonna bonk out for a while. Eat early.

    Swam in the river last night a little after dusk, that was fun. Heavy rain a couple days ago so the current is swift. I just swam out 20 feet from the bank, turned upstream and freestyled upstream at a pretty good pace for 100 strokes and never moved an inch. Kind'a like one of them endless pool thingies. Dogs just sat on the bank and stared. They think I'm crazy, and they're probably right.

    Weighed in 203 this morning, not bad. Pretty happy right now,,, still want the waist smaller. Let it be so.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Whats going on my fellow dudes. Just started this myfitness pal stuff and glad to see Im not the only guy on it haha. My goal weight to be at is 200 from 290 by the end of the summer. I use to play football so It should be kind've easy to lose it :glasses: my biggest problem is my addiction to chocolate :laugh:

    I know it's nice to have high goals, but 90 lbs in 3 months I think is a little agressive. Just remember, it's 80% Diet. I've worked out my entire adult life, and it wasn't until I started counting calories that I had any success losing weight.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    May 17: 279.4
    May 24: 280
    May 29: 277.4
    June 11: 281.1
    June 20:
    June 27:
    July 4: 265

    So, with the wife and kids out of town this week you would think it would be a good opportunity to go on some nasty long Bike rides, or sleep in, and work out at night. But no, I didn't do any of that. While I did play golf Monday. It was $1 beer night at the ballpark on Tuesday. Wednesday I did some work on my car....but I had a 3/4 of a pizza before that. I did get about half of my work outs in. The scale definatly reflects the deviation from the plan.

    Except....I did something to my wrist while working on the car. It's one of those things that didn't hurt at the time, but 36 hours later my wrist is swollen and it hurts to do just about anything except keep it still. I have a DR appointment later today. Hopefully it's just a deep bruise and not broke. That would put a crimp in how I roll.

    Back to the weight thing. I've lost about an inch off my waist since my resurgence, but the scale is fleeting. I'm going to re-evualate my nutrition and look for things to change. I know the scale is not the end all, be all. But looking at my self, and prodding myself there is still quite a bit of fat has to come off sometime..right?